CL qtI" CK* » -• c!3 th i^x /i6‘ilSC’^ A|6|/, Z / TO ALL PATRIOTIC AND LIBERTY LOVING AMERICAN CITIZENS PUBLISHED FOR ROBT. G. WULF LOUISVILLE, KY. Are You A Patriot? This is a message to patriotic citizens of all denominations. If you are a patriot you will be interested in the contents of this message; if you are not, please give it to one that is. You know the Catholic Church next to our govern- ment is the biggest institution in this country, and this message is to tell you the truth about her and her people. If you are a Methodist, read what several Methodist ministers have to say. If you are a Congregationalist, a Bap- tist, an Episcopalian, or member of some other Protestant church, you will find the views of your own ministers expressed in these pages. Even if you are not a church member, you want to know the truth about the biggest re- ligious organization in the world. (JI., of Pontiac, 111. He never was a priest. 2S 24 A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTY-LOVING. REV. JOHN F. RANNIE claimed he was an ex-priest who eloped with a nun; even his name was an assumed one; he was arrested for swindling in 1896; committed suicide at WiL liamsport, Pa., a few years ago. REV. F. F. DeLONG was a Baptist preacher, had trouble’* at Wolcottville, Ind., was committed to an insane asylum in - Custer County, Nebraska; he is now a rabid anti-Catholic and- sometimes represents himself as an ex-priest. REV. J. D. WILLIAMS was never a Catholic; he waS^ an A. P. A. agitator in West Virginia; deserted his wife, livedi with other women in several different towns—^^then began to» lecture against Rome. REV. J. H. DOBBYN advertises himself as an ex-Roman Catholic priest; but this representation is false. C. V. FRADRYSSA, who writes for the “Menace,” whose new book the “Menace” and some denominational papers are advertising, is an assumed name; under the name of Orts y Gonzales, he had a bad record. OTIS L. SPURGEON of Des Moines, Iowa, an anti-Cath- olic lecturer, who gained considerable sympathy by the “mob- bing” which he did his best to provoke for advertising sake. Spurgeon comes from a family which is prominent on the court records. BILLY PARKER, who knew Black was not an ex-priest, associated himself with the latter, and even thought of ex- ploiting Sadie Allison, whom Black adopted. This Miss Alli- son had been in a peformatory as an incorrigible girl. SIDNEY D. PIERCE, editor of “The Danger Signal” (Anti-Catholic), had a bad record for fraud and dishonesty before he turned anti-'Catholic. (Inquire of business men at Albany, Minn.). W. A. MYLWARCZYK, of Cleveland, Ohio, recently ar- rested on most serious charges, represented himself as a Cath- olic priest, but falsely. REV. KOLODZEJECI K, who paraded as an ex-priest, ad- mitted in court that he had never been a Roman Catholic priest. A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTt-LOVING. 2ST JOHN J. HAYES, who masqueraded in Denver, Colo., and in Syracuse, N. Y., a few years ago as a priest, was recently arrested in New York for forgery, and sentenced to one year in Sing Sing prison. MARGARET SHEPHERD, MARIA MONK, MARGARET SLATTERY, EDITH O'GORMAN, HELEN JACKSON and MABEL MoCLISH, who are represented as e;j^-nuns, were never nuns or Sisters in the Catholic Church. ANNA LOWRY, a real ex-nun, has been dropped by the antis because she denies that there exists immorality of any kind in convents. . The Monroe, Wis.,' “Daily Journal" tells (Aug. 10, 1915) how happy Monroe people are that W. L. BRANDON, editor of the “Sentinel of Liberty" and anti-Catholic lecturer, has moved away from their town. Says this secular newspaper: “Brandon was in wrong to start with and got in worse in this community by his cowardly, uncalled for and shameful attacks upon reputable individuals." THE PATRIOTIC (?) LECTURERS get most of their ammunition from MARIA MONK and CHINIQUY. Consult an encyclopedia (for instance “The Americana") and learn what kind of fraud Maria Monk was. Chiniquy was put out of the Catholic Church, and later repudiated by a Protestant synod of Chicago for fraud and gross swindling. Later he was taken in by the Presbyterians, only to be rejected soon after. Then he became a Patriotic (?) lecturer and writer, INVENT- ED THE WORDS Lincoln is supposed to have uttered deroga- tory to Catholics, etc. Real the “DEFAMERS OF THE CHURCH," published by OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, Huntington, Ind., and see what kind of men are the ex-priests Seguin, Slattery, Presenborg, Crow- ley, Fradryssa. These men are still alive, yet OUR SUNDAY VISITOR has never been sued by any of them for libel, though said pamphlet has gone through twelve editions. Are YouOneWho Believes Any of These Charges? ARE YOU ONE WHO BELIEVES That the Catholic Churfch is a menace to American institu- tions? That the Catholic Church seeks to destroy our public schools? That the Catholic Church refuses to recognize the marriages of Protestants as valid? That the Catholic Church forbids her people to read the Bible? That Catholics adore or pray to images and statues? That the Catholic people owe temporal allegiance to the Pope? That the Catholic Hierarchy or the priesthood dictates the politics of Catholics? That Catholic Sisters are other than the purest women? That young ladies are ever forced into the Sisterhoods, or kept there against their wills? That the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic organi- zation takes a treasonable oath? That the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic organi- zation has assessed its members to wage a fight against anti-Catholic propaganda? That the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic organi- zation ever receives secret suggestions from Rome? That the Papal Delegate meddles in the slightest degree in governmental affairs? That the Jesuits ever busy themselves with American politics? That any Catholic building in the country is stored with ammunition? That any Catholic society drills its members for a possible fight against the Church's opponents? IF SO, THEN YOU HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN. 26 The Bogus K. of C. Oath Big sums of money have frequently been offered as a re- ward for proof that a single Knight of Columbus has ever taken the oath, which their enemies accuse them of. The so- called patriotic lecturers still circ^alate this bogus K. of C. oath, as the obligation taken by Fourth Degree members, though every one of them knows that it is a fabrication, pure and simple. A committee appointed by Congress said of it: '‘The committee cannot condemn too strongly the publication of the false and libelous article referred to in the paper of Mr. Bonniwell and which was the spurious Knights of Columbus Oath, a copy of which is appended to the paper.” The supreme officers of the K. of C. handed their whole ritual to a com- mittee of four Past Grand Masters Masons for examination toward the end of 1914, and here is their signed verdict: “The ceremonials of the order teach a high and noble patriotism, instill a love of country, inculcate a reverence for law and order, urge the conscientious and unselfish perfor- mance of civic duty, and hold up the Constitution of our coun- try as the richest and most precious possession of a knight of the order. We can find nothing in the entire ceremonials of the order that to our minds could be objected to by any person.” MOTLEY HEWES FLINT, Thirty-third Degree Past Grand Master of Masons of California, now Vice President of the Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank. DANA REID WEIAiER, Thirty-second Degree Past Grand Master of Masons of California, Los Angeles, 401 Union League Building. WM. RHODES HERVBY, Thirty-third Degree Past Grand Master of Masons of Scottish Rite Lodge, Judge Superior Court, Los Angeles. SAMUEL E. BURKE, Thirty-third Degree Past Grand Master and In- spector of Masonic District, dentist, 1404 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 27 28 A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTY-LOVING. The Real Obligation of the Fourth Degree swear to support the Constitution of the United States. “I pledge myself, as a Catholic citizen and a Knight of Columbus, to enlighten myself fully upon imy duties as a citi- zen and to conscientiously perform such duties entirely in the interest of my country smd regardless of all personal con- sequences. I pledge myself to do all in my power to preserve the integrity and purity of the ballot and to promote obedi- ence and respect for law and order. I promise to practice my religion openly and consistently, but without ostentation, and to so conduct myself in public affairsi and in the exercise of public virtue as to reflect nothing but credit upon our Holy Church, to the end that she may flourish and our country prosper to the greater honor and glory of God.” What If Catholics Started a Menace “I try to put myself in the places of my Catholic neigh- bors and to think how I should feel if they were largely in the majority and were publishing newspapers in which the same kind of things were said about Protestant ministers, and the wives and mothers of our Protestant homes, a» are being said or insinuated about Catholics by these anti-Catholic news- papers. I have seen a pamphlet published, by a Catholic gen- tleman in Toledo, addressed to a judge of that city, in which he puts some searching questions: “ 'Do you suppose, for instance, that if we were vile enough to have a Menace; if we were low enough to employ pandering lecturers ,* if we were so lost to shame as to slander your ministers, that even you with your judicial poise could restrain your natural human passions? If I were so contemp- tible a cur as to impugn the purity of your homes, to insult by inference your mother, do you think that even you could re- main calm?' “I am persuaded that if the same kind of campaign of destruction and viliflcation, and innuendo, which is now waged by the anti-Catholic propaganda against the Catholics, were urged by Catholics against Protestants, THERE WOULD BE TROUBLE IN OUR STREETS.”—Dr. Gladden (Prot.) In Sep- tember (1914) Harper's Weekly. A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTY-LOVING. 29 **As if we did not already have enough strife among re- ligious denominations this inflammable sheet only stirs up more. It points out bad instances of Catholic life. Some of them may be true, we do not know. But if the Catholic folks should start an Anti-Menace they, too, could point out a few bad things in Protestant life. Let us be sensible and admit it. Let’s not imagine the beam to be only in our neighbor’s eye.” —Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph Herald, April 26, 1914. ‘Tf any one were to scan the news sheets of the world to secure accusations and dirty tales about members of any par- ticular. branch of the Christian religion, they could fill pages with rottenness that would appeal to the depraved minds of some members of rival churches.” — Henryetta (Okla.) Stand- ard, July 23, 1914. Count on the Patriotism of Catholics “To the average American Catholic, the Stars and Stripes, the American flag, is next in sacredness to the Cross of Christ. There is not a battlefield over which that flag has ever waved its sacred silken folds on which Catholic blood has not been poured out as copiously as any other blood. That blood was shed with equal freedom on both sides in the Civil War; and when the Stars and Bars were furled never to be unfurled again, no heart gave forth a sadder wail than that which came from the almost broken heart of the poet priest. Father Ryan. “If American institutions are ever destroyed, if the Stars and Stripes bhall ever meet the fate of the Stars and Bars, there will be no hearts more sincerely sad when that awful catastrophe takes place than Catholic hearts; and in that dark hour, if a requiem to the flag must be written, some other Father Ryan will touch with untold tenderness the strings of some harp, and the world will receive another heart song like ‘The Conquered Banner.’ “If American institutions were as sacred in the hands of those who, in books and newspapers, seek to arouse Prot- estant prejudice against Catholicism as they are in the hands of the American Catholics, but little harm would befall the nfost sacred safeguards which our fathers threw around the religious and political liberties which we enjoy.” — Editorial in “Texas Democrat,” (Tyler, Texas), April 14, 1914. 30 A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTY-LOVING. ‘It is our duty to address public thanks to our Catholic brethren, as to them we are indebted for every late success over the common enemy in Canada.”—George Washington, November 5, 1775 (in a letter addressed to Boston citizens). “I presume your -fellow citizens will not forget the pat- riotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their resolution and the establishment of their government, or the important assistance which they received from a nation in which the Roman Catholic faith is professed.”—George Wash- ington, March 12, 1790. The Patriotism of the Knights of Columbus In an article on “Patriotism,” which the Hon. Joseph E. Randsdell, United States Senator from Louisiana, contributes to the July, 1914, issue of “The Columbiad,” the monthly organ of the Knights of Columbus, which is published at Hoboken, iNew Jersey, he writes: “Permit me to remind you, my brothers, that Knights of Columbus are forbidden to use the society in any way in politics. We cannot without violating both the letter and spirit of our rules meddle in elections, or participate in organ- ized effort to advance the political fortunes of any man or set of men.< We have no right as a society to interfere with politics and should let it alone. Each individual Knight must have entire freedom of action in all political matters. This is a wise rule which should be followed strictly.” A MESSAGE TO THE LIBERTY-EOVING. 31 The Senator is a Knight of Columbus. He is addressing the Knights of Columbus in their own publication. He re- minds them that the order is not to be used in partisan politics and urges that’ the rule be strictly enforced. *T am not a KnowiNothing, that is certain. * * When the Know-Nothings get control it will read: ‘All men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.* When it -comes to this, I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty— • where despotism can be taken, pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.’* — “Recollections of Abraham Lincoln," Lamon. Concerning the bogus quotation from Lincoln, which the anti-Catholics have been circulating, Robert Lincoln, son of the martyred President, wrote as follows to Anthony Matrd, Secretary American Federation of Catholic Societies: “Manchester, Vt, Nov. 4, 1912. “Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry respecting the authenticity of an alleged quotation of my father in an anti- Catholic circular enclosed by you, I never before heard of it or anything like it. An examination of indexes to his papers and letters disclose no authority for it, and I have no doubt that it is a simple invention from beginning to end. , “Yours very truly, “ROBERT LINCOLN.** 5 j