U c ? I n> m m Pk- Coi+hoh'C I¿r\ K t s A m e r i c a , Suprz/^e, _ C o v / A C i ' I . S y V e r V i e , s - e c r ^ - t u r y . B f e n n f a J n p t i l ^ A ^ > 2 - 9 5 0 3 l O l i f T O D • T E N T H BIENNIAL REPORT —OF THTC——' SUPREME SECRETARY - O F . T H E - S U P R E M E C O U N C I L Ì 1 H T S + W I L L I A M s . O ' R O U R K E , Supreme Secretary, POR T E R M LNDING APRIL 2 0 , 1895 . , TOLEDO, OHIO: . A N D R E W S & BUSSE, P R I N T E R S A N D - B I N D E R S . 1895. : I TENTH BIENNIAL REPORT O F T H E S U P R E M E S E C R E T A R Y OF- T H E Supreme Council Catholic Knights of America. lo the ¡Supreme Officers and Delegates of the: Tenth Supreme Council Catholic Knights of America. BROTHERS: In compliance with the laws of our Order, I submit for your examination my biennial report, as Supreme Secretary, for the term commencing April 23rd, 1893, and terminating April 20th, 1895. Notwithstanding the general financial depression that has existed, we have had many accessions to our ranks; our death rate has been large, but all claims have been paid as promptly as our laws will admit. We certainly should pay all death claims within sixty days from date of filing, but under our laws it is impossible to do so, as Branches do not remit promptly enough. The statement of our finances shows we are in the best possible co.n. dition financially, and with our laws adjusted to suit the times our Order will be second to none. Our laws must be modernized in order to com- pete successfully with rival organizations. We all desire to see the Order grow so that the expense may be reduced to the lowest possible amount to the members, and that our obligations may be honestly and promptly met. Promptness will create confidence and a larger membership, and consequently a reduction in the cost to the individual. Our records are not in the condition the size of the Order demands, and a change should be made as soon as possible. The membership has been variously given for years past, but the fact is the exact membership cannot be given and will never be definitely known if subordinate Branches will not make the proper reports required. In the fall of 1894 I presented a plan to my brother supreme officers for making a new register of members. It was approved and the work started, but owing to the failure of Branches to make the semi-annual report as provided by law, I have not been able to entirely complete the work, and the membership stated in this report does not contain the number of members such Branches have. 2 It is impossible for the Supreme Council to have correct records if subordinate Branches will not make proper returns. Your attention is respectfully called to a very important matter, namely, the relation the member, the Branch and the Supreme Council bear towards each other. The object of presenting this question arises r from litigatiom now pending in St. Louis and prospective litigation in New Orleans. The question is one that should have serious attention. Re-issuing benefit certificates is a considerable task, of vital impor- tance and loosely done under our laws. We cannot be too careful in changing a contract once entered into with our members and our laws certainly require adjustment in this respect. Another important matter is the preservation of our books and records. In eighteen years we have accumulated a vast amount of very important papers and records and the only protection we have against fire is that afforded by one small safe. A building with a large well con- structed, fire-proof vault seems almost an absolute necessity for our pro- tection. The amount of money disbursed, given belo\^, under head of " On account of General Expense," is $23,656.91. In this sum is included $6,163,89 paid on account of the O'Brien litigation. The Ninth Supreme Council ordered the payment of $1,850.00 to Mary L. Moore, which sum was taken from the General Fnnd. Under the resolution appropriating $5,000.00 for increasing our membership, the sum of $1,090.20 has been paid, with a small amount yet unpaid. The cost of making the new record of members has amounted to $450.00 for clerk hire and $52.00 for books. The amount paid Branch 60, as directed by the Ninth Supreme Council, was $2,171.73, also included in the above sum of $23,656.91, so that the actual amount of general expenses is about $10,000.00. The postage bill for this office is enormous, amounting to $1,381.40 from July 1st, 1893.to April 20th, 1895. The cost of mailing assessments and notices of delinquency causes more than half of said expense. With an increase in Branches will come an increase in postage. To obviate this the assessments should be published in the Bulletin, which should be Cil issued weekly or semi-monthly. The cost of the Bulletin would be increased, but if issued weekly enough advertising could be procured to offset the added expense, but as it is now, comparatively little is given us. By publishing assessments in the Bulletin and discontinuing notices of jl delinquency, the Order can save at least $40.00 per month. The actual cost of printing and mailing the Bulletin for the term is $990.50. With more frequent issues and proper attention the Bulletin could be made self-sustaining; as it is now, it never can be. The balance as shown by the last biennial report could not be collected, but I am pleased to state 3 that for nearly two years the subscription has been paid in advance and we have no outstanding accounts due the Bulletin. Knowing that few are so gifted that they make no mistakes, and being aware of the fact that I am not one of the few, I desire to express my thanks, to those of my Brother Supreme officers and the members throughout the Order, with whom I have had dealings, for the kind treatment accorded me, I am confident that while a kindly feeling exists between officers and members there need be no fear of the prosperity of ours, the greatest fraternal organization that exists in the grandest coun- try God's bright sun ever shone upon. Fraternally Yours, WILLIAM S. O'ROURKE, S. S. 4 G E N E R A L F U N D A C C O U N T . RECEIPTS. Cash Balance April ¡22,1893.... • .$14,530 09 To cash received for six months ending Oct. 31, 1893... 14,953 30 To cash received for six months ending April 30,1894. 10,705 12 To cash received for six months ending Oct. 31,1894.... 3,560 41 To cash received for six months ending April 20, 1895 . 20,678 37 Total receipts for term ending April 20, 1895, in- cluding balance April 22, 1893 $64,427 29 EXPENDITURES. For six months ending Oct. 31, 1893 $22,164.85 For six months ending April 30, 1894. 10>798 5 3 For six months ending Oct. 31,1894 6,702 89 For six months ending April 20,1895 6 ' 7 3 8 1 1 Total expenditures for term ending April 20, 1895 . $46,404 38 Cash balance April 20, 1895 18>022 9 1 T o t a ] $64,427 29 $64,427 29 General Fund Balance $18,022 91 The General Fund Receipts were derived from the following sources : From Per Capita tax $44,209 53 From Supplies and Benefit Certificates 4,287 16 From Bulletin I 9 3 4 2 1 From Directory 00 From Charter Fees '320 00 From Fines 4 3 " Total receipts $49,897 20 Expended as follows : On account of Bulletin $ 1>103 2 0 On account of premium on new members 1.090 12 On account of Salar ies . . . , 1 3>2 0 0 0 0 On account of Mileage and Per Diem 6,084 40 On account of general supplies i . 2 ^ 95 On account of general expense . . . , 23,656 91 Refunded to Branch 90 1 6 8 0 Refunded to Branch 142 TjW Total $46,404 38 5 Widows' and Orphans' Benefit Fund Account. RECEIPTS. Balance April 22, J893, $159.48 (less amount of I protested check, $75.85) $ 83 63 To cash received for six months ending Oct. 31,1893. 378,872 21 To cash received fo» six months ending April 30,1894 318,056 93 To cash received for six months ending Oct. 31,1894 . 293,264 85 To cash received for six months ending April 20,1895 276,219 24 Total receipts for term ending April 20, 1895, in- cluding balance April 22,1893 . . . . . . $1,266,496 86 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Beneficiaries for six months ending Oct. 31, 1893 $ 358,666 67 Amount of warrants drawn in favor, of Beneficiaries for six months ending April 30, 1894 302,733 33 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Beneficiaries for six. months ending Oct. 31, 1894 -278,100 00 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Beneficiaries for six months ending April 20, 1895 . . . . . . . . . . . 263,300 00 Amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners for six months ending Oct. 31, 1893. 18,943 60 Amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners for six months ending April 30, 1894 . . . . . . . . . . . 15,902 84 Amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners for six months ending Oct. 31, 1894 14,663 25 Amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners for six months ending April 20, 1895 13,810 96 Total amount of warrants drawn in favor of Beneficiaries and amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners from April 22,1893, to April 20, 1895 $1,266,120 65 Balance in Treasury not drawn ¡against 376 21 Total $1,266,496 86 $1,266,496 86 Cash Balance, W. & O. B. Fund $376 21 6 S T A T E M E N T O F A S S E T S A N D L I A B I L I T I E S ASSETS. Cash on hand $ 18,399 12 Amount due from Benefit Certificates 131 00 Amount due from Per Capita Tax 1,492 00 Supplies on hand 79151 Furniture in Supreme Offices 1,000 00 .Due on Assessments called . 113,960 68 Total Assets . .•. $135,774 31 LIABILITIES. Amount due Beneficiaries for which assessments have been called "$102,116 67 Surplus over,;Liabilities $ 33,657 64 Liabilities on 31 deaths for which no assessments have been called $. 53,500 00 P R O F I T S F R O M S U P P L I E S . Cash received from Supplies and Benefit Certificates, $4,287 16 Amount due from Benefit Certificates : 131 00— $4,418 16 By cash paid for Supplies ; . 1.245 95 Supplies on hand 791 51 Profits 2,380 70— 4,418 16 STATEMENT SHOWING CONDITION OF BULLETIN ACCOUNT. Cash received for term $ 934 21 Mailing List and Supplies on hand 92 45 Amount paid for publishing Bulletin $ 990 50 Amount paid for Mailing List and Supplies 92 45 Amount paid for Postage and Drayage 20 25 Loss on Bulletin for term ending April 20, 1895 . 76 54 Total $1,103 20 $1,103 20 Received from Supreme Initiation Fees $3,669 00 Received from Toledo Banks Interest on daily balances 1,172 64 7 Statement showing Receipts from O'Brien's Sureties and Real Estate transferred to the Order from the same source. Net amount of cash received $16,894 76 Value of Real Estate 20,000 00 Cash received for rent 'on Real Estate 297 92 Amount paid to Sinking Fund Commissioners $17,192 68 Real Estate on hand 20,000 00 Total $37,192 68 $37,192 68 R E C A P I T U L A T I O N . Balance credit General Fund April 22, 1893 $ 14,530 09 Balance credit W. & O. B. Fund April 22, 1893, $159.48 (less amount of protested check, $75.85). 83 63 Total receipts, General Fund. . . . . 49,897 20 Total receipts, W. & O. B. Fund 1,266,413 23 Cash received from O'Brien's sureties 16,894 76 Cash received for Rent 297 92 Interest on daily balances from Toledo Banks 1,172 64 Supreme Initiation Fees .• 3,669 00 Amount of warrants drawn on General Fund $ 46,404 38 Amount of warrants drawn on W. & O. B. Fund 1,202,800 00 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Sinking Fund Commissioners (5^> of W. & O. B.) 63,320 65 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Sinking Fund Commissioners for cash received from O'Brien's sureties 16,894 76 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Sinking Fund Commissioners for cash received for rent 297 92 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Sinking Fund Commissioners for interest on daily ba lances . . . . 1,172 64 Supreme Initiation Fees credited to Sinking Fund . . 3,669 00 Total amount of cash in Supreme Treasurer's hands not drawn against, April 20, 1895. 18,399 12 Total $1,352,958 47 $1,352,958 47 8 Since the foundation of the Order 739 Branches have been organized, 198 have suspended or dissolved, leaving 541 Branches in good standing, to date. The death roll shows 514 full, 120 half and 6 quarter rate members, mak- ing a total of 640, having died during the term, for which 73 assessments have been called. There are 31 deaths reported for which no assessments have been called, making a total of 671 deaths. The total amount paid into the Widow's and Orphan's Fund from April 2?, 1893, to April 20, 1895, is $1,202,810.00. The total amount paid Widows and Orphans from date of organization to April 20, 1895, is $6,023,413.33. Branches chartered during the term, 32. New business written :33{g Total issues 4587 Less re-issues 1158 Net . . . .3429 1485 full rate 1571 half rate 362 quarter rate 8 half to full r a t e . . . 3 quarter ' to full rate 3429 Total. ....$4,734,500 00 I N V O I C E O F S U P P L I E S . 287 Charters - $ 5 1 6 6 181 Uniform Dispensation Blanks 3 62 867 Dues and Assessment Books. 160 38 451 Roll Books 94 71 184 Bonds 1 1 7 3680 Benefit Certificates 55 20 389 Blotter Books 79 64 836 Treasurer's Account Books 58 52 583 Death Proof Blanks 3 62 824 Member's Account Books. 28 84 467 Treasurer's Receipt Books 18 06 448 Treasurer's Order Books 17 40 961 Form 10 128 13 312 Form 12 32 76 1442 Notification of Assessment (Postals) 15 86 1304 Application Blanks 4 65 3980 Medical Examination Blanks 17 91 542 Withdrawal Cards 1 35 450 Final Cards , . • : . „ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 447 Clearance Cards 4 47 725 Traveling Cards 9 06 Total $791 51 $2,970,000 00 j 1,571,000 00 181,000 00 8,000 00 4,500 00 9 M e m b e r s h i p b y S t a t e s . ALABAMA. o >1 : P . p »37 73 *302 389 445 448 •524 Location. Mobile Selma Wistler Mobile Cullman Montgomery Birmingham . . . Total Member- ship in Sta te . . . . 73 11 28 121 14 11 76 19 29 135 ARKANSAS. 79 Little Rock 54 11 65 102 Fort Smith 91 4 Q 0 98 190 Helena ' 4 4 1 9 202 Pine Bluff 15 1 16 476 Pocahontas 5 14 n 22 «629 Little Rock 652 Fort Smith J4 5 19 Total for State 183 39 7 229 CALIFORNIA. 197 San Francisco . . 37 5 42 292 North Temescal. 60 12 72 316 San Francisco . . 14 14 326 San Francisco . . 333 San Francisco . . 15 1 16 345 San Frani'.isco... 16 16 397 Los Ange le s . . . . 11 6 1 18 422 Sacramento 47 12 1 60 437 San Francisco . . 28 4 32 485 Oakland 27 4 3 34 504 Oakland 33 18 8 59 619 San Jose 638 Los A n g e l e s . . . . . 16 1 19 •651 San Diego 702 Oakland 1 I 6 15 736 Berkley 3 3 3 9 Total for State 308 • 76 22 406 COLORADO. CONNECTICUT. 323 Central C i t y . . . . 16 364 Georgetown . . . . 14 6 366 Denver 35 414 Pueblo 20 5 1 433 Coloradu Springs 9 536 Leadvitle 76 4 Total for State 170 17 1 1 16 20 37 26 9 80 B ran ch N o .... \ Location. 1 F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter T o ta l.. »453 »500 508 *516 New Haven Bridgeport Portland South ing ton . . . . . Total for State 14 14 13 13 27 27 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 170 Washington. . : . . 97 14 1 112 19« Washington 41 5 1 47 212 Washington . . . . 3H 6 42 224 Washington 31 2 33 419 Washington 56 22 78 587 Washington 20 18 m 39 *591 A n a c o s t i a . . . . . . . 621 Washington 22 6 28 712 Washington 17 7 2 26 Total for District 320 80 5 405 FLORIDA. 210 Pensacola.. 35 GEORGIA. 188 20 Atlanta m 5 1 61 38 Savannah 132 2 134 62 A u g u s t a . . . . . . . . . 88 4 92 66 Augusta 34 1 35 75 Macon 26 26 458 Albany 10 10 681 Savannah 10 8 13 Total for State 355 15 1 371 IDAHO. 492 Boise City 3 . 4 11 ILLINOIS. 50 Trenton 21 12 33 113 16 2 18 «117 Chicago 123 East St. Lou i s . . . 12 1 13 125 Belleville 38 13 51 138 5 10 15 14!) VIt. S te r l ing . . . . . 6 3 9 -[12 Chicago 16 2 18 173 Olm-y 8 1 2 11 174 Effingham 30 23 53 »178 Mattoon 179 Centralia . 8 • 3 11 No Report from this Branch, 10 MEMBERSHIP BY" STATES.—Continued. ILLINOIS.-Continued. B ranch N o Location. F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter T o ta l.. 191 Newton •10 3 13 220 Danville 39 29 3 71 222 Quincy 20 6 26 238 Cairo 31 24 3 58 242 Marshall . . . . . . . 10 4 14 266 Red Bud 49 16 1 66 273 Highland 21 5 26 279 Peru 13 IV 30 281 Sainte Marie 6 10 283 Prairie du Rocher 8 jT if 15 294 Springfield 26 t f d 27 310 Chicago 14 6 19 313 DuQuoin 5 9 14 -314 Chicago 317 South Chicago.. 19 30 1 50 327 Germantown . . . 27 4 31 «386 Mt. Carmel 390 Sterling 10 23 33 391 Chicago 25 50 76 392 Paris 6 1 12 443 Chicago 20 6 26 452 Hardin 14 6 20 »464 Decatur 479 Chicago 18 14 32 482 Chicago . . . . . . . . 16 10 1 27 487 Chicago 16 4 20 515 Chicago 8 15 23 525 Pana 6 6 538 Mound City 12 1 .li 14 544 Collinsville 3 19 2 24 592 Chicago 8 30 9 47 614 Blooniington.... 16 4 20 670 Teutopolis 4 9 13 679 Chicago . . . . . . . . 3 15 5 23 699 Cairo 14 12 5 31 710 Chicago 1 5 1 7 714 Clinton '•ifi 6 12 »725 Gibson C i t y . . . . 726 Melvin 1 8 4 13 727 Farmer C i ty . . . . 5 3 1 9 734 Chicago 1 6 5 12 735 Chicago 6 2 8 Total for State 663 493 54 1210 INDIANA. 7 9 22 42 New Albany . . . New Albany . . . Indianapolis . . . . Peru 48 3 51 52 5 57 103 11 114 44 31 i 82 INDIANA—Cantiuued. B ran ch N o .... Location. j F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter T o ta l.. 46 Evans ville 93 15 1 109 54 Jeffersonville.. . 71 12 83 55 Mt. Vernon 28 28 63 Loogootee 23 •M 24 65 Wabash 16 1 17 69 Madison 3 4 14 48 77 Evansville 54 18 72 80 Indianapolis 31 85 3 119 103 Fort Wayne 153 9 1 163 111 Terre H a u t e . . . . 31 9 40 119 Jasper 29 25 4 58 158 Covington 6 10 16 164 Columbus 23 23 206 Wash ing ton . . . . 21 7 28 256 Vincennes 31 16 50 '96 A villa 13 20 8 4 37 339 New Haven . . . . 26 20 8 34 408 South Bend . . . . 20 17 5 42 413 Columbia City. . 10 6 24 496 Mishawaka 15 20 1 36 503 Logansport 38 16 10 64 511 Evansvi l le . . . . . . 40 22 2 64 519 Cannelton 5 21 6 32 523 Lawrenceberg . . 12 13 25 527 La Fayette 21 21 42 533 Vincennes 25 27 2 54 534 Huntingburg . . . 12 12 24 554 Evansville 36 35 71 557 Tell City 1 41 3 45 563 Indianapolis 16 10 26 566 Fort Wayne 36 8 44 574 Connersville . . . ' 8 17 3 28 580 Garrett 14 14 3 31 587 Schnellville . . . . 5 8 1 14 588 Ferdinand 10 49 8 67 607 Madison 5 15 •--J 21 627 Troy 3 7 10 630 Terre H a u t e . . . . 9 5 2 16 634 Richmond 3 16 2 91 643 Madison 15 2 3 20 646 Anderson 22 6 28 648 Winamack 7 18 10 35 671 Evansville 22 6 28 693 Oldenburg 13 19 1 33 701 South Bend 5 21 5 31 713 H a u b s t a d t . . . . . . 9 9 18 715 Fort Wayne 14 27 15 56 719 St. Joseph 3 5 1 9 723 St. Wendell . . . . 9 9 18 724 Liberty 1 7 23 31 737 Foi;t Wayne 4 3 8 * No report from this Branch. 11 MEMBERSHIP BY" STATES.—Continued. INDIANA.—Continued. SW • p : e 739 Location. Mariah Hill . Total for State 1393 849 1392381 12 12 IOWA. 59 Keokuk a 6 82 Davenport 24 234 Council Bluffs. . 13 305 Des Moines . . . . 20 387 Lawler 3 517 Creston Total for State 96 m 16 39 4 KANSAS. KENTUCKY. 39 33 25 23 19 139 130 L e a v e n w o r t h . . . 22 26 2 50 207 Atchison 19 1 20 370 Osage Mission . . 5 5 10 429 Leavenwor th . . . 4 6 10 543 Kansas City . . . . 5 2 7 *584 Pit tsburg '662 Wichita Total for State 55 ' 40 2 97 4 Louisville 222 2 224 5 Louisville 134 34 168 6 Louisville 119 90 209 10 Louisville 44 5 49 14 Louisville 47 4 1 52 15 Louisville 23 1 24 16 Bowling Green . 33 1 34 18 Owensboro 79 9 88 21 Louisville 165 25 1 191 24 Louisville 54 4 58 25 Louisville 40 10 1 51 27 Newport 51 •. 6 57 29 lex ing ton 51 1 52 »31 Bardstown 32 Louisville 58 39 97 36 Louisville 62 12 74 39 Springfield . . . . 15 £ 18 44 Louisville . . . . • 43 i 51 45 Louisville 78 14 92 47 Lebanon 65 4 69 49 Henderson 51 57 61 New Haven 17 1 18 83 Frankfort 33 33 101 St. Mary's 19 1 20 127 Waverly 129 Covington 203 18 221 KENTUCKY.—Continued. hrt M 1 ß H O 1 : S° Location. g. e SO p . o CT" a> Hi 132 Cynthiana 14 1 15 154 Covington 86 27 113 262 Louisville 39 24 63 332 Louisville . . . . . . 23 4 27 377 Flemingsburg . . 4 4 8 494 New Hope 6 1 7 626 Newport 37 10 47 »642 Louisville 644 Middlesborough 6 1 7 664 Ludlow 10 1 11 709 Covington 12 7 19 716 C o v i n g t o n . . . . . . 23 10 33 Total for State 1966 388 3 2357 LOUISIANA. 181 Monroe 15 15 271 New. Orleans . . . 55 3 58 278 New Orleans . . . ' 82 21 103 289 Shreveport 10 10 291 New Orleans . . . 7 13 20 311 New Orleans . . . 46 46 322 Plaquemine ' 18 5 23 336 Thibodeaux . . . . 44 13 1 58 340 Donaldson ville . 32 1 33 342 Baton Rouge . . . f f 3 15 343 New Orleans . . . 38 1 39 352 New Orleans . . . 26 2 28 356 New Orleans . . . 18 18 367 New Roads 26 15 1 42 394 New Orleans . . . 23 2 25 416 New Orleans . . . 17 19 3 39 441 Houma. . . : £¡¿¡1 10 24 463 Donaldsonville . 10 2 12 467 New Orleans . . . 20 20 506 New Orleans . . . 1 15 16 "571 St. Martinsville. "594 New Iberia 597 Abbeville 13 6 8 27 683 Lake Charles . . . '687 Nepolianvi l le . . . 718 Alexandria 2 6 1 9 730 Frankl in 3 9 5 17 Total ior State 532 146 19 697 MARYLAND. 33 C u m b e r l a n d . . . . 48 28 5 81 * No report from this Branch. 12 MEMBERSHIP BY" STATES.—Continued. riASSACHUSETTS. B ran ch N o Location. F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter j T o ta l.. 288 Florence 6 22 1 29 379 North Attleboro 18 11 29 402 Fall River 15 7 22 603 Millville 4 15 19 Total for State 43 55 1 99 niCHIOAN. 17 23 «51 160 577 Niles. . Benton Harbor . Menominee . . . . Opechee L Anse Total for State 18 17 6 Ì M ' IB® 10 2 50 24 niNNESOTA. 18 23 21 12 74 MISSOURI.—Continued. p 1 a 138 Kochester 217 Minneapo l i s . . . . 20 9 29 230 Shakopee 22 22 44 263 Winona 36 7 43 383 New P r a g u e . . . . 22 8 30 528 Waterville 4 4 8 •559 Chaska '610 Minneapolis 666 Minneapol i s . . . . 2b 3i 9 6b 731 Long Prairie 6 8 14 Total for State 129 87 17 233 MISSISSIPPI. 58 McComb City . . 12 14 26 72 Jackson 40 2 1 43 87 Vicksbiurg 80 4 84 88 Natchez 69 2 71 89 Canton: 11 11 105 Meridan 29 29 175 Yazoo 32 2 34 198 Holly Springs . . 10 7 17 245 Columbus 6 3 8 486 Bay St. Lou i s . . . 8 5 13 493 Greenville 12 4 16 576 Scran ton Tntol for State 308 43 1 352 MISSOURI. St. Louis 80 14 94 81 St. Louis 46 •2i 69 84 Sedalia. 34 i 37 86 St. Charles 71 2 { 2 101 92 St. Louis 70 8 1 79 93 96 99 108 109 126 134 139 145 s148 156 167 168 169 183 203 214 225 239 240 248 254 257 274 275 282 300 306 307 308 ®309 *315 319 337 34'6 368 369 374 400 405 406 407 425 427 432 434 435 447 454 470 491 Location. Booneville Moberly. . . . . . . . St. Louis Hannibal St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Potosi St. Louis Kansas C i t y . . . . St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis . . . . . . . St. Louis St. Joseph Jefierson City . . Pacific St. Joseph Manchester . . . . St. Louis Millwood St. Louis Cape Girardeau. St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. L o u i s . . . . . . . North Springfi'ld Kansas Ci ty . . St. Louis Bridgetown. . . Normandy . . . Portage DeSioux Edina Florissant St. Louis St. Genevieve. St. Louis Macon C i t y . . . St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis ¡Palmyra St. Louis Washington. . Old Monroe . . Morrison F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter I H o » 26 5 31 8 2 10 80 9 89 20 13 33 53 9 62 83 » 1 94 42 7 49 15 15 54 12 66 65 157 12 234 63 30 93 '25 10 2 37 67 13 80 69 9 78 34 2 36 36 12 48 9 3 1 13 41 2 43 7 11 19 198 240 17 455 15 4 19 19 15 34 14 7 21 9 12 21 46 33 1 80 82 29 111 131 141 8 280 22 6 28 41 12 53 43 6 1 50 39 19 4 62 9 4 13 9 3 12 26 11 37 15 9 24 18 10 28 20 3 23 15 13 28 39 34 3 76 4 4 8 106 71 ¡li 181 17 5 22 28 75 6 109 5 5 10 68 16 84 17 2 19 10 5 JÖ 12 5 2 19 * No report from this Branch. 13 MEMBERSHIP BY" STATES.—Continued. NEW MEXICO HISSOURI.—Cowiwwed. Location Location Las Vegas Santa Fe Albuquerque . . . Total for Ter'y Rothville St. Peters Kansas City . . . St Loxiis St. Louis Kansas Gitv . . . Kansas City . . . St. Louis Kansas C i t y . . . St. Joseph De Soto Webster Grove St. Louis St. Charles St. Paul Kansas C i t y . . . Kirkwood Byrnes ville Arcadia California Fredericktown. St. Louis Montrose St. Louis Monett Springfield St. Louis NEVADA Virginia City Austin Total for State 72 NEW YORK. 8 Flmira] 26 Corning "J 4 Bingham ton . . . . 91 Elmira 124 New Y o r k . . . . . . 184 New York 186 Brooklyn. . 193 Brooklyn 204 Brooklyn 242 Brooklyn 244 Brooklyn 253 Brooklyn 258 New York 270 New York 321 Brooklyn 371 New York •396 Brooklyn 398 New York . 411 New York -415 New York 417 Brooklyn 423 New York 439 New York *473 Astoria 514 Wap'ingers Falls 518 B i n g h a m t o n . . . . 569 New York. . ' 694 Brooklyn 729 Fish-kill-on- Hudson Total for State 2512 MONTANA. H e l e n a . . . . Great Falls Total for State NEBRASKA 267 Columbus 292 Omaha 403 West Point 440North Platte . . . 462 O'Neill 512 Grand Island . . . 668 Monterey 675 Hartington Total for State Total for State 1040 OHIO. Galion NEW JERSEY. 426 Montclair . 12 27 1 40 60 94 100 Cincinnati Cincinnati Lima 395 96 28 19 26 4 414 122 32 * No report from this Branch. 14 MEMBERSHIP BY" STATES.—Continued. OHIO.—Continued ¡3hri fri ¿o o £< : » . e Location. p P o IT*-» • D" it) 106 Hamilton 53 6 59 135 Cincinnati 22 4 26 136 Cincinnati 104 18 % 123 140 Columbus 27 24 51 141 Mansfield 7 1 8 142 Defiance 11 13 24 147 Toledo 22 23 45 182 Cincinnati 69 «V® 78 192 Dayton 20 5 25 194 Toledo 96 29 132 200 Tiffin 14 1 15 215 Sidney 26 5 33 227 Akron 14 1 T5 249 Toledo 37 2 39 290 Fremont 9 26 35 338 Piqua 8 12 j p 21 438 Delphos 25 25 50 4V8 Defiance 4 4 8 553 Carthage 12 5 17 561 Toledo 8 5 1 14 575 Carey 3 7 10 585 Cincinnati 36 32 • 5 73 604 St. Bernard 26 '17 Ç4 44 636 Payne 10 4 14 690 Salem 2 12 14 Total for State 1190 339 18 1547 OREGON. »205 Portland 451 The Dalles 18 1 19 647 Oregon C i t y . . . . 5 6 13 24 Total for State 23 43 PENSYLVANIA. 30 Blossburg 21 7 28 56 Philadelphia . . . 34 7 41 *57 Philadelphia. . . 98 Erie 61 8 69 118 Philadelphia 175 57 6 238 122 Phi lade lphia . . . . 82 26 111 146 Philadelphia 42 9 4 55 226 Oil City 25 1 26 *286 Philadelphia . . . 393 Corry 15 6 21 468 McKeesport 4 5 9 489 Latrobe 13 29 4 46 509 Phi ladelphia . . . . 10 4 14 530 Philadelphia 12 10 22 539 Phi ladelphia . . . 8 10 1 19 546 Union City 6 1 7 PENSYLVANIA.—Continued. B ran ch N o Location. F u ll... H a lf... Q u arter T o ta l.. 548 Derry S ta t ion . . . 12 15 ?,7 549 Carbondale 42 47 89 8 555 New Castle 2 5 1 89 8 572 Harrisburg 1 7 2 10 593 G r e e n s b u r g . . . . . 15 10 25 598 Altoona 7 15 13 35 612 Pottsville 3 16 1 20 674 Scranton 1 4 12 17 676 Beatty S ta t ion . . 4 25 1 30 680 Connellsville . . . 6 7 13 706 Bristol 10 4 4 18 720 Philadelphia . . . 5 9 4 18 733 Philadelphia . . . 7 8 1 16 Total for State 623 352 57 1032 RHODE ISLAND. 53 Providence 212 ¿9 4 235 237 Providence 115 32 1 148 265 Central Falls . . . 63 21 3 87 268 Pawtucket 70 18 2 90 330 Providence 66 7 ir'4 74 399 P r o v i d e n c e " . . . 102 22 2 126 472 Central Falls . . . 35 65 2 102 507 Woonsocket. . . . 42 30 6 78 689 Providence 12 17 4 33 698 Providence 9 16 V4 29 721 Pawtucket 4 8 2 14 722 Providence 8 16 4 28 Total for State 738 271 35 1044 SOUTH CAROLINA. 152iCharteston 62 4 66 320 Charleston 3 2 5 535 Charleston 27 27 1 Total for State 92 6 98 SOUTH DAKOTA. 384lMitchell 12 2 1 14 TENNESSEE. 1 Nashville 68 1 69 3 Nashville 73 73 28 Memphis 118 1 119 35 Memphis 62 62 68 East Nashvi l le . . 21 2 23 71 Cha t t anooga . . . . 34 1 35 90 Jackson 28 28 110 Clarksville 9 1 10 112 Knoxville 41 6 42 * No report from this Branch. 15 MEMBERSHIP BY STATE S.—Continued. TENNESSEE—Continued. B ran ch N o Location. hH ej H a lf... Q u arter i T o ta l.. 177 Memphis 25 1 26 459 M e m p h i s . . . . . . . 16 1 16 471 Memphis 39 1 41) 637 Cha t tanooga . . . . 22 1 23 686 Nashville 20 20 Total for State 576 15 591 TEXAS. 70 Dallas 17 17 97 Fort Wor th 29 i 30 107 Jefferson 17 >17 120 Texarkana . . . . , 24 24 166 Galveston 62 1 63 260 Palestine 9 9 269 Dennison 28 1 29 276 Marshall 12 1 13 304 San A n t o n i o . . . . 81 13 3 97 354 Houston 41 4 45 382 Austin 38 16 m 56 522 Galveston 29 5 34 531 Galveston 20 9 29 542 Houston 14 3 ihä 20 545 El Paso . . . . . . . . 10 1 1 12 564 Hai le t t sv i l le . . . . 25 13 3 41 657 Seguin 4 8 2 14 659 Gainsville 13 1 14 669 Taylor 10 12 2 24 678 Dallas 4 1 1 6 691 Corpus Christi . 6 8 12 26 697 Cuero 9 2 2 13 709 Schulenberg 12 24 2 38 738 Laredo 9 9 Total for State 523 124 33 680 VIRGINIA. UTAH. 420 Ogden. 14 1 711 Salt L a k e . . . . . . . 7 16 2 Total for Ter- ritory 21 17 2 ShJ 1 TI à H O -f . ® Location. E. c Po o p" • B- , ¿ r l C e ^ p - ' «-Nevada . . . . New York . Ohio*. Oregon . Pennsylvania Rhode Island . South Carolina '. South Dakota . . . Tennessee . V — • \ • ^ V ^ — . Texas . I H i - " V W ^ Utah . Virginia . . . . . . Washington . . . West Virginia . . N WlBBUusm Wyoming Total Full. Half. Quarter. Total. 121 14 — 135 . 183 39 7 229 808 76 22 406 . 170 17. 1 188 14 13 — . 27 . 320 80 5 405 35 ;— — 35 . 355 15 S f a 371 3 4 4 11 . 663 493 54 1210 1393 849 139 2381 . 96 39 4 139 55 40 2 97 . 1966 388 3 2357 532 146 19 697 . -48 28 • 5 81 43 55 1 99 . 50 24 74 129 87 17 233 . 308 43 1 352 2512 1535 1 QQ loo 4180 . 60 10 5 75 101 92 11 204 . 12 27 1 40 28 3 — 31 . 72 '• — — .< 72 1040 405 34 1479 . 1190 339 18 1547 23 7 13 43 . 623 352 57 1032 738 271 35 1044 . 92 6 — • 98 12 2 14 . 576 15 591 523 124 Q9 OO 680 . 21 17 2 40 165 24 1 190 . 60 15 7 82 53 1 54 . 34 7 "41 14 7 21 14,741 5709 635 21,086 ^^f.V^f^ V' - —V•• { ' ' ' ' wm^^m^ W Ä S ® I S l f S P I - ^fför*-'' v'V-r -A" / "V* 1 8 : g I i 1 I •-.'••«s/.Ì V- ÉP* • tSMMW^j ISSASI " •V.";/.'- ' - • ?;•;•. • v'V. " ' Í / " 'V - > i" "*-V • q f f * » ^ c -«Vf Iffj^JIÉ Ig^gí Ä ' §l§lftífi ìHll TIgfl^lIf S " ¡ ? iiWÌKn '̂ - - , - - - •> ..'.-- • • V.- •finifít" 1 : <•.'•- " ' • . ..-.i-