Ciit Catholic Cfturci) tn tije mniteti States of America HER PAST — H E R P R E S E N T — HER FUTURE Sy-'-. / w - r - y - jtv -Mmm . — I " Upon our beloved children, collaborators in the History of the Catholic Church in America, with a prayer for a happy issue of their interesting work, with all our hearts we bestow the Apostolic Benediction." 2olh November, igio. PIUS. PP. X. CI)e Catholic Cimrcf) tn ti)t mntteïi States of America HER PAST — H E R P R E S E N T — HER F U T U R E THE FIRST COMPLETE AND AUTHORITATIVE COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC RECORDS PRESENTING THE INTIMATE HISTORY OF CATHOLICISM IN AMERICA FROM THE DAYS OF HER EARLIEST MISSIONARIES DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME TOGETHER WITH AN ANALYSIS BY PROMINENT CHURCHMEN OF PRESENT CONDITIONS WHICH ARE LIKELY TO INFLUENCE AMERICAN CATHOLICISM IN THE FUTURE Published by The Catholic Editing Company 1 West 34th Street New York PARTIAL LIST Rt. Rev. Henry Gabriels, D.D., Bishop of Ogdensburg. Rt. Rev. Henry Granjon, D.D., Bishop of Tucson. Rt. Rev. James Trobec, D.D., Bishop of St. Cloud. Rt. Rev. Vincent Wehrle, O.S.B., Abbot-Bishop of Bismarck, St. Benedict's Abbey, Ore. Rt. Rev. Charles H. Mohr, O.S.B., D.D., Abbot of St. Leo's Abbey, Fla. Rt. Rev. M. Bernard Murphy, O.S.B., Sacred Heart Abbey, Okla. Rt. Rev. M. Edward Obrecht, O.C.R., Abbot of Gethsemani Abbey, Ky. Rt. Rev. Joseph Raphael Crimont, S.J., Prefect Apostolic of Alaska. Rt. Rev. John B. Murray, V.G., Pro-thonotaryApostolic, Cincinnati, O. Very Rev. John J. Hughes, C.S.P., Superior General, New York. Very Rev. Dr. Jerome Zazzara, T.O.R, Minister Provincial, Loretto, Pa. Very Rev. B. Heil, O.S.M., Pro-vincial, Chicago. Brother Bernard Kleppel, Provin-cial, Alexian Brothers, Chicago. Very Rev. Thomas J. Campbell, S.J., Editor of America, New York. Very Rev. Mgr. J. M. Lucey, V.G., Pine Bluff, Ark. Very Rev. Edw. S. Weber, Chan-cellor, Wheeling, W.Va. Very Rev. Mgr. Felix Hintemeyer, O.S.B., D.D., V.G., Belmont, N.C. Very Rev. Urban de Hasque, D.D. , Chancellor and V.G., Oklahoma. Very Rev. Joseph A Marks, Chan-cellor and Secretary, Green Bay. Very Rev. Martin Kenel, O.S.B., Chancellor, Bismarck, N.D. Very Rev. Mgr. A. Ph. Kremer, V.G., Genoa, Wis. Very Rev. James J. Shannon, V.G., Peoria, III. Very Rev. Joseph J. Powers, Chancellor, Trenton. Very Rev. D. Kiely, Vic. Gen., Salt Lake City. Very Rev. F. Jos. Magri, D.D., Secretary, Richmond. Very Rev. Mgr. Lynch, S.S.M., S.T.D., Utica, N.Y. Very Rev. A. J. Klein, V.G., Brain-ard, Neb. Very Rev. Remi Stephen Keyzer, Chancellor, Boise, Idaho. Very Rev. Wm. C. Miller, Secre-tary, Fort Wayne, Ind. Very Rev. J. A. Pilon, Secretary, Superior, Wis. Very Rev. J. J. Flanagan, Secretary, Rockford, 111. Very Rev. Wm. C. Miller, Secre-tary, Fort Wayne, Ind. James J. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., New York. Andrew J. Shipman, Esq., New York. Very Rev. John Talbot Smith, LL.D., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Very Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D., Fall River, Mass.,, Very Rev. P. L. Thiffy, S.T.D., LL.D., Charleston, S.C. Very Rev. Thomas A. Donohue, D.D., M.R., Buffalo, N.Y. Very Rev. Francis J. Schaefer, D.D., St. Paul, Minn. A N D O V E R T E N T H O U S A ] CONTRIBUTORS Very Rev. F. X. Zabel, D.D., Bunker Hill, 111. Very Rev. C. Oliver, D.D., Jack-son, Miss. Very Rev. John O'Connell, LL.D., Cathedral, Toledo, Ohio. Very Rev. T. H. Revermann, D.C.L., Louisville, Ky. Very Rev. James W. Malone, J.C.D., Cathedral, Scranton, Pa. Francis A. Stace, Esq., Grand Rapids, Mich. Very Rev. James McDonough, Pro-fessor, St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio. M. J. Brennan, Esq., Devil's Lake, N. Dak. Very Rev. A. Antoine, O.M.I., Ph.D., D.D., Rector and Pro-fessor of Homiletics and Pas-toral Theology, Theological Seminary, San Antonio, Tex. Very Rev. Joseph Costa, O.C., Vice-Provincial, Galesburg, 111. Very Rev. Felix Fellner, O.S.B., St. Vincent Archabbey, Beatty, Pennsylvania. Very Rev. A. Frische, S.M., Presi-dent of Chaminade College, Clayton, Mo. Very Rev. Luke Gruwe, O.S.B., Prior, St. Meinrad, Indiana. Very Rev. James R. Newell, O.P., Sub-Prior, Monastery of St. Dominic, San Francisco, Cal. Very Rev. Juvenal Schnorbus, O.F.M., Guardian, Mt. Airy, Ohio. Very Rev. Didacus Brackmann, C.PP.S., Professor at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio. Very Rev. Joseph Butsch, S.S.J., Rector of St. Joseph Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Very Rev. Ernest Coppo, S.S.F.S., Superior, New York, N.Y. Very Rev. N. J. Corley, O. Prem., Professor at St. Norbert College, West de Pere, Wisconsin. Very Rev. E. J. Cornell, O.M.I., Professor at Holy Angels Apos-tolic School, Buffalo, New York. Very Rev. Patrick Cummins, O.S.B., DD., Master of Novices, Conception, Mo. Very Rev. Thomas Darbois, A.A., Superior, New York, N.Y. Very Rev. James De Potter, S.J., College of Immaculate Concep-tion, New Orleans, La. Very Rev. Ferreol Girardey, C.SS.R., Professor of St. Joseph Preparatory College, Kansas City, Missouri. Very Rev. John Griffin, C.S.Sp., Director of College of the Holy Ghost, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Very Rev. M. Guttin, S.S.E., Pro-fessor at St. Michael Classical College, Winooski Park, Ver-mont. Very Rev. Joseph C. Hild, C.SS.R., Professor at Mt. St. Alphonsus College, Esopus, New York. Very Rev. Alexius Hoffman, O.S.B., Professor and Librarian, Col-legeville, Minnesota. Very Rev. Lawrence J. Kenny, S.J., Professor at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri. Very Rev. Cyprian McGarvey, Rector of Passionist Monastery, Scranton, Pa. ) O T H E R C O N T R I B U T O R S O e a e W s d %t)t Catholic Cijurcf) in tfje Mniteti fetategs is the first comprehensive attempt to collect in one work full information concerning the beginnings, the develop- ment and the present status of Catholicism in every corner of the American Fold. For every exertion of her bishops; for every priva- tion and labor of her secular and regular clergy; for every soul rescued from heresy or unbelief, or kept from straying from the True Fold; for every church, school or other institution built, renovated or beauti- fied; for every work of piety or charity performed by the faithful, the Church should be given credit. The denial to the Church of the credit due her has had numberless undesirable and serious consequences. Her actual accomplishments have been slighted or misrepresented by every writer on American history. Her influence on the social life of the country has been consistently ignored. Her religious communities have been the target for every imaginable libel and sus- picion. Far from receiving public commendation, the schools, which only the great liberality and willing sacrifices of her children have enabled her to erect and maintain, are too frequently declared a public menace. Every claim made as to the number of her children, the extent of her ministration and her charitable activity, is received with suspicion or scorn. Unfortunately, while Catholics show so little interest in producing an authoritative work proving that their Church is (as they claim) the greatest religious and beneficent agency in America, this attitude of out- siders is neither strange nor even unreasonable. Those who have little knowledge of, and far less interest in, the Church and her aims, may argue with a certain show of justice that it is unthinkable that an institution of the magnitude claimed for the Catholic Church in America should be so long in laying before every inquirer an authoritative statement of her history, her aims and her actual status. Nor is such an authoritative statement necessary only as a weapon of defense — to end once and for all the consistent ignoring and misrepresentation of the Church by prejudiced outsiders. It is still more necessary as a means of extending a more just knowl- edge of her spirit and activity among well-intentioned inquirers, as a means of inspiring in Catholics an in- crease of pride in their Church and her past achieve- ments, and as a means of spurring them to renewed efforts to emulate and surpass the exertions of their fathers. In Volume I, H\)C CrttljoItC CljUtCf) tit tfje fiUnited !o>tatP0 has given full information regarding the history, activity, institutions and membership of all the Religious Orders of Men laboring in the service of the Church in the United States. In Volume II the Religious Orders of Women have been given similar treatment. As all the histories were written by the Superiors of the Orders concerned, or under their supervision, these two volumes possess an authority and accuracy never surpassed, and seldom equaled in works brought out under Catholic auspices in any land. The remaining six volumes deal in detail with the history of each diocese and its constituent parishes in the United States. Volume III treats of all the Dioceses in the Provinces of New York and Baltimore. The succeeding four volumes treat the other provinces. The history of each Archdiocese and Diocese is divided into two sections: I. A general history of the territory comprising the Archdiocese or Diocese from the earliest missionary days down to the present time. This article is always written by an historian appointed or approved by the Ordinary; II. A short history of each parish, giving its origin, all the important facts of parochial history, and statis- tics showing the present conditions of Catholicism. The data for these articles are supplied by the pastors, with whose valuable co-operation CtttfioltC Côurcï) in tôt Mntteb S t a t e s win not only be the first comprehensive history of American Catholi- cism as a whole, but will also serve as the first ex- haustive Catholic Census of the United States. All the matter dealing with his diocese is submitted to the Ordinary for his final revision and approval. Volume VIII will contain a searching analysis of the chief problems which confront American Catholicism, and whose solution cannot be long delayed without peril to the Church. Many of the Hierarchy have already undertaken articles for this volume. A special feature of CatfioItC C J u r c f i i n tfie 21lnite6 S t a t e s is its wealth of illustration. Every notable member of its early missionaries; the Catholic Hierarchy past and present; every important institution; all the important parish churches and rectories, and Churchmen of prominence, are repre- sented by their pictures. The history will thus be one of the most elaborate and beautiful works of any kind ever undertaken in America, and, however casually one may turn over the pages, one cannot help being astounded at the huge accomplishment represented by the thousands of glorious institutions seen in these volumes. To enable them to make their work complete and accurate, the editors of )£ CatfioIlC CfjtttCl) i n tfie flllnttetl s t a t e s urgently appeal to the Pastors to co-operate with them in their tremendous and responsible task. The completeness and accuracy of the remaining volumes depend ultimately on the Pastors, who alone are in a position to furnish the highly important data and statistics for their corner of the Fold. The Editors quite realize how overburdened with work the average Pastor is; but, if they awaited a time when all the Pastors had leisure, the Annals of American Catholicism would never be written. Every Pastor must realize how essential a complete collection of Catholic records is. The Catholic history of our country as a whole is at present inaccessible not only to Catholics in general (every one of whom should take a deep interest and pride in the history of his Church), but even to scholars. For, even if one were to secure the vast library of books dealing with Catholic history in the various lo- calities, these works are written from such various aspects, and the standards aimed at by the authors differ so greatly, that an accurate conception of Ameri- can Catholic history cannot be gained by this means. Again, these works leave quite untouched vast por- tions of our huge Republic, and but a negligible pro- portion of them are up-to-date. And, in not a single instance, has there been a well-planned and scholarly attempt made to compile detailed Catholic statistics for the entire country. This collection of Catholic historical sources cannot be undertaken too soon, because pioneer Catholics are daily carrying to their graves information of price- less value and interest regarding the beginnings of the Church in their own localities. By supplying the Editors with accurate data con- cerning the history and present status of Catholicism in his parish, each Pastor is doing his share toward producing the most glorious monument to the progress and achievements of the Church. The Editors feel confident that no Pastor will deny to the Church the glory for the progress of Catholicism — all the more glorious when made in the face of grave obstacles — in his parish. And they feel all the more justified in this confidence in view of the careful and detailed information already sent them by the great majority of the pastors. S T A T P I ^ ' 1 t w l u r ^ ° J THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED 8 i J h e P™mPt 311(1 elegant edition of the first two volumes, that have already aroused the deepest sympathy and approval on the part of the Episcopacy of America, does honor indeed to the eager activity and to the exquisite art of the collabora- tors, to whom is owed the wealth of the documents produced, and of the artistic illustrations. His Holiness expresses to you through me his sovereign pleasure and congratulations " Secretary of State to His Holiness Apostolic Delegate I herewith wish to express my sincere thanks for the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which you have so kindly presented to me. It is indeed a beautiful volume. I most gladly congratulate you on the success that you have already reached in your work, and I hope that the same and even greater success will accompany you in the publication of the suc- cessive volumes of the work." _ " f e ffTa1£ming VoL 1 the work entitled. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I find that U is gotten up in the best possible style, and that as a compendium of the events narrated, it bears the stamp of authenticity, so, considered in that light, it will be of inestimable value to historians and to all the Catholics. Hoping thai your work will receive the attention and patronage which it deserves." — Most Rev. J. B. PITAVAL, Archbishop of Santa Fe. El °f Volume one of THE CATHOLIC OilUKOtl I IN I HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. After a cursory examination of the work, I have no hesitation in adding my recommendation to those of your own Archbishop and of the many members of the Hierarchy who have spoken favorably of it. I hope it will find its way into very many Catholic homes."— Most Rev. HENRY MOELLER, Archbishop of Cincin- nati. "His Grace, Most Rev. Archbishop Keone, directs me to acknowledge h B H | volumes o /THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and express to you his most cordial thanks. He cheerfully adds his approbation to the work, and warmly recommends you to the courtesy of the Reverend Clergy and the Superiors of the Religious Communities of the Archdiocese." — JOHN J. HEHIR, Secretary to the Archbishop of Dubuque. 9 " The popular edition of your most valuable publication. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, will, I am sure, receive the deserved attention of the American public for both its authoritative character and the great wealth of illustrations, which gives a full view of the progress of the Church in this country. The important testimonials and recommendations which your work has received from His Holiness Pope Pius the Tenth and from the Hierarchy, will, no doubt, make it all the more popular. With it at hand Catholics will better know themselves and non-Catholics Catholics. The new edition in eight volumes should appeal to all Catholics who can afford to secure a copy of it, and I warmly recommend it to them." Archbishop of Baltimore I take pleasure in adding my commendation of the work you are under- taking in bringing out THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AMERICA. It will undoubtedly assist in bringing our people a vast and varied mass of inter- esting and valuable information concerning the growth of the Church in this country. I wish you every success in the prosecution of your work." — Most Rev. A. CHRISTIE, Archbishop of Oregon. "To the Rev. Clergy and the Superiors of Catholic Institutions of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee: By these presents I bespeak your hearty coopera- tion with the editors of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a magnificent work on the history, growth and present condition of the Church in our country. The work is to be published in eight large folio volumes, richly illustrated, by the Catholic Editing Company of New York. It has already obtained the approbation of many members of the American Hierarchy." — Most Rev. S. G. MESSMER, Archbishop of Milwaukee. "I very gladly associate myself in the expressions of good will and of commendation that have reached you from his Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons and other Archbishops. So much work remains to be done in this Diocese that I have not had time to give your work the attention it deserves. You have undertaken a large and important work which if it is to succeed, as it deserves, should have the support of the Clergy and Catholic people of this country. 1 10 therefore assure you the courtesy of the Reverend Clergy and the Superiors of I the Religious Communities in this Diocese, all of whom wiU be very glad to | furnish you information necessary for your work." — Most Rev. P. W. I RIORDAN, Archbishop of San Francisco. " The first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which you have been so kind as to send me, gives ;promise of a monumental work on a subject that ought to be dear to the heart of every Catholic. It is to be hoped that the same standard of excellence may characterize the remaining volumes. Please to send me a proof of your article on the Diocese of Toledo for revision and correction." — Right Rev. JOSEPH SCHREMBS, Bishop of Toledo. " I have received the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It offers to be a work of great merit, and useful information. Not only to Catholics, but to non-Catholics it should be welcome, as showing-what a great religious body is doing for the true interests I of the country. The publication is opportune and I wish it a full measure of success." — Right Rev. THOMAS GRACE, Bishop of Sacramento. "I am in receipt of the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which treats mainly of the Reli- gious Orders, the history of which with its abundance of illustrations is valuable 11 (Copyright by Anna Frances Levins) " I am very much pleased with the smaller edition of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You deserve every encouragement, and I sin- cerely trust that the work will meet with a wide circulation. Wishing you every success in this very worthy undertaking." " I have received the first volume of your new edition of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which appears to be filled with very interesting information. Judging from the list of contributors, the work should be a reliable and trustworthy account of the progress of the Faith in our country. The make-up of the book is excellent, and I look forward with great interest to the arrival of the succeeding volumes." and very interesting reading. I gladly recommend the work to clergy, religious institutions and others who can afford to secure the same." — Right Rev. JOSEPH J. FOX, Bishop of Green Bay. " Allow me to congratulate you on the first volume of your great work T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA just issued from the press. It contains a vast amount of useful information on what the Religious Communities of Men have accomplished for the upbuild- ing of religion in Su,r great country, besides being enriched with copious illus- trations. If the succeeding volumes reach the high standard set by this first volume, the success of your work is assured." — Right Rev. PATRICK A. McGOVERN, Bishop of Cheyenne. "I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I congratulate 1 I f l l l . ff/n.n. Il'tili»? /l nt/io 4i«in« fTinn 77«. 77 1 : 3 JT • _ you and your associates upon this beautifully printed, well bound effort on a subject_ matter most interesting and indeed very well presented. I hope thai you will be able to carry to successful completion this work, which should be of greatest interest to the Catholic people of this country." — Right Rev. J O S . P. LYNCH, Bishop of Dallas. am much pleased with the initial volume of your popular edition of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES, and I wish 12 " It is with delight and gratitude that I have received the first two volumes of this most important publication, and though, indeed, after the blessings and encouragements of the Holy Father and of illustrious American prelates, my congratulations must needs appear of small moment, never- theless I wish to give them expression in a spirit of sincere praise, with my best wishes that, thanks to generous co- operation, the subsequent volumes announced for publication will appear without delay, and that those well deserving should reap a full tribute of praise for their apostolic labors, of which it has pleased and pleases the Divine Providence to avail itself in order to make fruitful the American field. I pray to God that He bless the work in course of publication." Prefect of the Apostolic Segnatura to congratulate you on its contents and general make-up. It is hoped that the remaining seven volumes will be in keeping with the first volume and that the sale of this timely work will be commensurate with -its valuable information to the general public." — Bight Rev. MATHIAS C. LENIHAN, Bishop of Great Falls. " The first volume of THE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a credit to the Catholic Editing Company; especially the illustrations are perfect. This most impor- tant work should find a place of honor in every library." — Right Rev. JAMES TROBEC, Bishop of St. Cloud. " I wish to acknowledge receipt of the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which has just reached me. I am exceedingly pleased with it and I sincerely congratulate you upon its general appearance. The illustrations are indeed in, keeping with the general character of the history and certainly give promise of the success such a publication deserves. I look forward with great interest to the volumes thai are in •preparation and feel thai when the history is completed we will have something to be proud of. I sincerely wish that you may have the greatest possible success and I sincerely recommend this work to all who can afford to obtain a copy of Right Rev. THOMAS J. CONATY, Bishop of Los Angeles. 13 " The popular edition of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES will receive a warm welcome from all who are interested tn the history and present condition of Catholicity in the New World. It is a publication of the highest merit as to its contents and as to its material make-up. I strongly recommend it." — Right Rev. H. GABRIELS, Bishop of Ogdens- burg. " This most laudable enterprise ought to receive the most enthusiastic sup- port of the clergy and laity. Every genuine Catholic glories in the noble, God-commissioned work which the Church has and is accomplishing. The record of her achievement in this country is of special interest to us, since it narrates her benign and redeeming influence in our own land and in our own homes. We welcome a history of this character." — Right Rev. JOHN JANSSEN, Bishop of Belleville. " Your undertaking of publishing a monumental work under the title T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AMERICA has been so highly praised by our Holy Father and many Archbishops and Bishops that I feel no hesitation in recommending it. The work seems worthy of encouragement and, no doubt, those whose co-operation you may ask, will give it to the best of their ability. — Right Rev. HENRY JOSEPH, Bishop of Grand Rapids. " The Right Rev. Bishop of Indianapolis directs me to write you saying that he received the copy of the volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and is very grateful to you for same. The work gives promise of being a very useful one, and the Bishop hopes you will be successful in your efforts. With best wishes for the success of your work." — A. J. SMITH. " This work is highly commended by eminent ecclesiastics who know its merits, but, to deserve the high place it aims to reach, requires universal co- operation on the part of all the clergy." — Right Rev. AUSTIN DOWLING, Bishop of Des Moines. "Rev. Dear Father: We earnestly request you to co-operate with the Catholic Editing Company and to furnish them as promptly as possible the historical data relative to your parish. You should be interested in having preserved for future generations the names of the heroic priests who labored to establish the outposts of the Faith and to maintain them or in having permanently recorded edifying or noteworthy incidents connected therewith. Yours in Dmno." — PAUL J. NUSSBAUM, C.P., Bishop of Corpus Christi. "As I am interested in the compilation of your work, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OE AMERfCA, and would like to see in it as complete a sketch as is possible of the different parishes of this new Diocese, I will feel thankful to the Cleray for giving you whatever informa- ton Mm/ »»«1/ possess, in regard to these matters?' —Right Rev. E . A GARVEY, Bishop of Altoona. "I hope the priests of this Diocese will give you all the information you seek, and I cheerfully recommend your undertaking to them." — Right Rev. JOHN E. FITZ MAURICE, Bishop of Erie. "It gives me great pleasure to add my commendation to the many that you have already received. The activities of the Catholic Church in America have been and jure productive of such enormous and far-reaching results that it is eminently proper that their history should be fittingly recorded. You are making a splendid effort to accomplish this work. Accept my best wishes." — Right Rev. M. J. HOBAN, Bishop of Seranton. " I will indeed be happy to have all the Priests of the Diocese of Crookston write the h istories of their Parishes and Missions, or at least give you sufficient data to enable you to compile them in your office. Feeling certain that the esteemed Pastors will lend you their co-operation." — Right Rev. TIMOTHY CORBETT, Bishop of Crookston. "I am mailing proof matter of Buffalo Diocese. I heartily commend your great, grand work, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." — Right Rev. CHARLES H. COLTON, Bishop of Buffalo. " Received the second volume of your splendid work. This volume also is most instructive and edifying." — Right Rev. JAMES SCHWEBACH, Bishop of LaCrosse. " The work for which our co-operation is requested is one calculated to produce such vast, far-reaching, solid and lasting results for the glory of Qod, • S a ¿ i f ¿Sr ¿*nd the Oood of souls." — Right Rev. RAPHAEL J. CRlMONT, S. J„ Prefect-Apostolic of Alaska. " The enterprise is in every way praiseworthy. If the succeeding volumes are equal to the two published, you will deserve the thanks of the Church for a greeting information." — Right Rev. THOMAS SEBASTIAN BYRNE, Bishop of Nashville. „ " 7 volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and if all the other volumes will equal this in print, binding and general information, you will deserve the gratitude of the Catholics of America." — Right Rev. P. J. MULDOON. Bishop of Rockford. 14 I wish to offer my sin cere congratulations on the excellence of the work, as well as my thorough appreciation of its merits as a descriptive ana historical monument in honor of Mother Church and Religion. If lam not mistaken, instructive and comforting as the subject is, it had not, thus far, been compre- hensively and authoritatively treated. The credit of the enterprise is all yours. And in return, all encouragement and support is due you. You may count upon mine." — Right Rev. HENRY GRAN JON, Bishop of Tucson. "The volume you sent me on Jan. 2Jtth, has reached me at last. It must have been delayed by the express. Though I have had no time yet to peruse it at leisure, I must say it is a beautiful work, rich in data and illustrations, and I hope it will have a large circulation among our clergy and people." — Right Rev. C . V A N D E Y E N , Bishop of Alexandria. "I have received the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You give to the public a most instruct- ive work regarding the history of the Catholic Church within the United States. No one can read it without admiring the everlasting energy of the Church, bringing forth whole-souled men and women at the proper time to spread the Gospel and to build up the Kingdom of Qod in a new country. I hope every Catholic who can afford it will buy this work, and we all should use our influence to have this work secured for every public library in the country." — Right Rev. VINCENT WEHRLE, Bishop of Bismarck. - J ' 1 ®"liis rece\Pl the firat volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. I am much pleased with this first volume and if all the subsequent volumes will come up to this standard it will prove a magnificent work which ought to have a wide circulation not only among Cattwlics but non-Catholics as well. Before publishing the volume containing the history of the Diocese of Denver, I wish you would submit to me part of Volume VI treating of the Diocese of Denver as I might have a suggestion or two to make." — Right Rev. N. C. MATZ, Bishop of Denver. " I have received the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and I shall be anxious to get the others. The publication is highly recommended as needed, as opportune, as just the thing to encourage Catholic workers, and to enlist others in the great mission of making the Church known and loved in America. Wishing the work every success, and recommending it most highly to all who are interested Catholic development and activity in this country." — Right Rev. JOHN E. GUNN, Bishop of Natchex. The first volume of your valuable publication, has been received, and I am pleased with its appearance ana make-up, and do not hesitate to add my approval to the many weighty and authoritative approbations already owm it. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA does not only furnish reliable and correct Catholic Church History, but also most interesting reading, along with many beautiful photographic illustrations." — Right Rev. N. A. GALLAGHER, Bishop of Galveston. "The first volume of your most valuable publication, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, has been received and I wish to thank you for the same. It really merits the attention of the American public. To Catholics it will be a source of edification and valuable information, to non-Catholics it will show what the Religious Orders have done and are still doing, not only for the advancement of the Catholic Church, but also for the furthering of the best interests of the country. May it meet with the patronage it justly deserves." — Right Rev. JOHN P. CARROLL, Bishop of Helena. " I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which you so kindly sent me. You may place my name on the list of your subscribers and kindly accept my very best wishes for success in the great work you are doina." —Right Rev. JOHN WARD, Bishop of Leavenworth. '' I have through your courtesy received the first volume o /THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES, issued by The Catholic Editing Company, and have glanced over its well-illustrated pages with much pleasure. If carried on in the style of the present volume it will be a monumental work which cannot fail to interest the casual reader as well as the student. Its illustrations and generous data will stimulate study and promote the knowledge of the growth and development of the Church in our country. I highly com- mend the work and wish you success in its accomplishment." — Right R e v . P. J. GARRIGAN, Bishop of Sioux City. I Just received the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which you have kindly sent to us. Please accept my most sincere thanks. It is unquestionably a beautiful volume. Its make-up is most creditable. I have no hesitancy in recommend- ing it to all who can afford to purchase a copy. Hoping that the sale will be a success." —Right Rev. A. J. GLORIEUX, Bishop of Boise. " Your CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES is a most valuable contribution to the Church in this country. It shows its progress by the written accounts of competent and able writers of the secular and religious orders, and the many illustrations accompanying each narrative bring all vividly to mind. This work should be found in the homes of the Clergy, and lay persons would do well to have it in their libraries. I wish it a large circu- lation." — Right Rev. CHARLES H. COLTON, Bishop of Buffalo. 15 u Frequent absence from home prevented me from acknowledging before now the receipt of the first volume of T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA. After a careful examination and perusal of the initial volume I feel convinced thai the work will not only be most interesting but at the same time a source of valuable information to Catholics as well as non-Catholics at home and abroad• I enclose check in full payment for the work. Before inserting anything concerning the Diocese of Seattle I will be obliged to you for submitting it to me for examination. Wishing you and your great undertaking the success it so well deserves." — Right Rev. EDWARD J. O'DEA, Bishop of Seattle. " The work, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U N I T E D STATES which is in course of publication and of which the first volume has been pub- lished recently, has already received my approval and commendation. I wish to renew the hope that you will be able to carry out successfully your worthy undertaking and meet with the encouragement and co-operation needed to that effect." — Right Rev. THEO. MEERSCHAERT, Bishop of Oklahoma. " I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the first volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN T H E U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA, and to con- gratulate you and your Company upon the fine beginning thai you have made in bringing out a history that will show the American public and our own people in particular the important rdle the Catholic Church has played in Christianizing and civilizing our country. Wishing you continued success in your undertaking." — Right Rev. J. W. SHAW, Bishop of San Antonio. I "I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of Volumes I and II of T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH I N THE U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA." I am very happy to be able to say, after careful examination, that it will be a very valuable work for our Catholic people as a book of reference, and also as a work which will show the wonderful development of the Church in the United States for the last fifty years. It will be a source of great pride to our Catholic people to see the wonderful strides the Church has made, as manifested by the different institutions that have been erected, mostly with the pennies of the poor, during the last half century, and an inspiration to those who are now living to go on with the great work, so happily begun by their ancestors. I should like to see it in every Catholic home. Please send me complete set." — Most Rev P. W. RIORDAN, Archbishop of San Francisco. " The second volume of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH I N THE U N I T E D STATES " giving the history of the many religious Communities of Sisters, is a highly interesting and very instructive book. It is well that the people know more about the life and work of the Catholic Sisterhoods which have wonderfully helped to spread the Faith and give now stability and strength to the Church of God in this country. I hope this volume will help much to foster vocations for the religious life and to arouse inall readers a holy desire for Christian perfection."—Right Rev. VINCENT WEHRLE, O.S.B., Bishop of Bismark. " The second volume of the great work, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA, is at hand. This volume deals with the Religious Orders of Women in the United States. We all know what the different sister communities do for the Church in the United States, but this beautiful volume shows as in a panorama what great works they have accomplished."^sRight Rev. JAMES TROBEC, Bishop of St. Cloud. " I am much pleased with your recently published second volume of T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA. It completes that shining galaxy of religious orders which contribute so much by their teaching and their ministering to the sufferers of all kinds and classes, to the manifestation of the truth and of the charity that are found in the Church of God. I wish you all success in the spreading of the book among our people." — Right Rev. H. GABRIELS, Bishop of Ogdensburg, k Hbe Cat&olic Cfiutcfi in t&e Mniteb fetatisi 0t America is issued in eight large Royal Quarto Volumes (11x8 1-2 inches) and three editions: (1) Cloth Edition, $46.00; (2) Cardinal Edition, three- quarter Levant, $72.00; (3) Full Morocco, beauti- fully stamped, $96.00. A special discount of 10% is allowed to all the clergy who co-operate with the Editors in the collection of historical data. The Catholic Editing Company 1 West 34th Street New York