TEEN TALK On Dress T by N O R M A D E P R E Z ALL aboard! You're on the right track for the Teentimer Special Excursion. It's only a train of thought but you can't afford to miss it. In case you neglected to notice our destination; there's a sign on Engine No. 49 that reads "Modern Dress "Limited." Why hesitate? Let's tease our tympanic membranes with some chatter on this matter. . FIRST STOP First, stop and let's make with some solid facts on clothes. We will agree that they are essential but perhaps we differ a little in our reasoning. Correct Collette proclaims that one of the primary reasons for wearing togs is to protect us from the elements. She's got something there, don't you agree? When Old Man December blows a bit of his icy breath our way, a Ibng skirt and stockings feel toasty; or when July brings things to the boiling, a crisp cotton dress shields us'from some ultra violet heat rays. But what's this? Susie Smoothie doesn't share the same opinion. Sue stubbornly contends that the protection issue is passé. It seems this modern Miss thinks clothes serve best to attract attention. Sue is off the beam and there are too many like hen Teen- sters, here's our chance to introduce the countless smoothie Susies to the correct Collettes and get modern dress back on the beam. INDECENCY —THERE WE COME! The latest thing in women's clothing —or should we say practically out of women's clothing is teen- agers. Did I hear you mutter those nasty words, "old-fashioned, narrow-minded"? Well, if you have- n't been suffering from a severe case of astigmatism for the past few years, you'll have to admit you noticed the increased daring, or to be candid, the downright indecency that has crept into feminine fashions, They're designed for a double S.A. — Sales appeal and sex appeal. If you think styles aren't run- ning a downward course, then ponder over this. Did Grannie or even Mom wear strapless gowns, bare midriffs or plunging necklines? COMFORT AND STYLE If you're a typical teenager you've got it.̂ (Aban- don the'perplexity — it's not contagious.) I'll wager you too have that ever-present desire to be com- fortable yet find some twentieth century togs that won't permit. Why not dare to be different? You may be one of those gals who can't do justice to a swan dive in a' two-piece bathing suit or you may find it difficult to anchor a short skirt at a respec- table length when pivoting to a solid--sending T.D. disc. If you have any spunk (and what tfeen-ager hasn't), you'll go back to the comfort of the conven- tional one-piece swim suit or lengthen your skirt a bit. Comfort comes, and .becomes you in the ability to act as your own sweet self. 4 NOTE TO YOU Teensters — Here's a secret- to style sensation! Wear fashions that flatter the figure. If you're one of the more generously proportioned set, two-piece bathing suits, halters, and bare midriffs are taboo for you. You must admit that your "Spare Tire" miraculously disappears when you establish your beachhead in the graceful lines of a one-piece bath- ing suit. If you replace those tight sweaters, and pleated or dirndl skirts with a trinjly-cut tailored frock, you'll be amazed at the results. Lengthen your skirts to give you height and choose a formal with a new smooth sleeveline. You'll be banishing bulges, and, what is more important, giving decency a push in its rightful direction. With this revised edition of your wardrobe, there's a guarantee that you'll be a Miss who's a hit. Here are spme hints to be heeded by the gals who come in the long economy size. If you believe you resemble the Eiffel Tower with arms and legs, let's give camouflage a try. If formals have you in a quandry, shed your worries. Your height enables you to successfully saunter across the ballroom in a dusty pink dream dress with a gathered neckline and the latest push up sleeves; — too, its full skirt will do away with that1 "skeleton look." If you've been wistfully viewing those strapless numbers, abandon all such desires. You know your- self you'd resemble an octopus (all arms) and there wouldn't be any soft lines to hide the bony shoul- ders you've been complaining about. Your common sense and the mirror's reflections would agree that that sort of dress resembled something you outgrew. Mix modesty with modernity for your fashion fore- cast and you'll enjoy a reign of popularity with the stag line. 5 D.p.J. You may not look like the devil but you could be doubling for him. Latch on to this as reason num- ber one. Some o£ today's fashions can be placed in the colorful category "Occasion of sin." The boys may call that slinky jersey frock with the steep neck- line "whisde bait" — but there's a better word for it — temptation. Be it a beach party, Junior Prom or an informal gathering, make modesty your motto. Let's go to work on your wardrobe for the elimi- nation of temptation. First, let's do away with that "eye catching — devil's delight." It's the black dress with the low-cut neckline. (Remember plunging necklines belong only tp third-rate dives.) Confess now, that frock with its skimpy skirt and tenacious lines was always downright uncomfortable, wasn't it? Bid farewell to that skin-tight sweater. It may earn you a tide as a "Curvacious Cutie" but a good reputation will be much more satisfactory. If you're debating with yourself whether or not to toss away that bathing suit, hesitate not another minute. There really isri't enough subject matter for discus- sion. Those two flimsy pieces held together with two buttons and a prayer aren't for you, the all- Christian, ail-American girl. You bought it in haste, wore it in shame, and now donate it with delight to' Mom for a dust rag. Here's something new! We present a unique vari- ety of D.D.T. that was discovered by good Christian living. This type kills those pesty, little temptations on ipimediate contact. If the femmes and fellows are off to a picnic, beach party, or jive jamboree, make this D.D.T. part of each gal's equipment — DON DECENT TOGS! SOPHISTICATION Grab your trim brim because the Teentimer Special Excursion is scheduled for a stop. Accord- 6 ing to our timetable, we're pulling into the station dubbed Sophistication. Let's not linger; this is a track for facts. Sophistication is comparable to á contagious dis- ease. Every gal gets a touch o£ it at least once in a life time, yet when one recovers (and some don't), one is immune to it. T h e epidemic deals its toughest blow to teenagers, and its only proven medication is naturalness, and an active interest in others. Take carel Here are the symptoms. After seeing the latest movie, or gathering a glimpse at an up- to-the-minute fashion magazine, a jivester has a head filled with exotic frocks with daring necklines, evening dresses that are backless and practically frontless, upswept and windswept hair 'do's' and heavy makeup. If, after hours of effort, teentimers achieve that "Hollywood look," they consider them- selves the essence of sophistication. Beware of be- coming a Sophia Sophisticated because the results prove harmful. Life will become so filled with arti- ficiality that you won't notice the zest and vitality of your youth slipping away. You'll be enraged when you discover the barrels of laughter, boogie woogie, football games and soda shop socials you missed while your sole .concentration was on sophistication. Now is the timé to wear bright colors, attractive plaid sport suits, flattering frills and full skirts. Your collegiate clothes will jive perfectly with your current Casanova, whether he be the school's cheer leader, football or basketball star. Dress your age, act your age and you'll enjoy your age. INTO THE SWIM OF THINGS Advertisers may call them bathing suits but those reconverted dust cloths could be more aptly de- 7 scribed as invitations to temptation. Come on, teen- sters, let's sit on the sands of reality and get a bath- ing suit "Briefing." When you dash down to the shore for a dip in the drink, your suit should be quite within the limits of good Christian fashion. No, that doesn't mean it must come below the knees or be fashioned with puffed sleeves and worn with black stockings; it merely infers that your suit must adequately cover you, allowing enough yardage for modesty and com- fort. Parisienne stylists who boast of making a swim suit out of one yard of material are turning a won- derful work of God into an occasion of sin. Follow these few frank facts when there are boys in the beach gathering. Two-piece, strapless, or other such revealing suit styles are out. What? Do I hear a grusome gremlin yelling "old-fashioned" and "narrow-minded" again? Just tuck this away in your medulla oblongata. Occasion of sin is as up to date as the beach fashions. Stay within the safety zones in an adequately styled one-piece bathing suit and you won't have the boys between the devil and the deep blue sea. If you still don't agree, let's look at modern bath- ing suits with only an eye for their beauty and practicality. Do you truly see anything lovely in a gal's bare abdomen? Did you ever attempt to swim a race in a strapless suit? If you thir\k you've heard a little too much about the immodesty of today's bathing suits, remember there's much too little to them. STRICTLY FEMININE Are you off to a bike hike or sleigh ride or is it the homely task of window washing that will -keep you occupied? Well, those slacks or dungarees you 8 are wearing are very apropos. But, hesitate a split second; let's not over do it. Remember, you!re still a femme fa tale and can't afford to lose any of that girlish graciousness. It isn't the faded blue knees of dungarees or a sloppy joe sweat shirt but rather the swish of a taffeta skirt' or the flattering color and lines of a dress that causes your Beau Brummel's heart an extra flutter. When girls step out in brother's clothes, too often they tend to take on a masculine manner. Beware gals; that's, where the danger lurks. If we dress too frequently as the fel- lows, we acquire their habits (and not the good ones). Zippo, before we can say Ishca Bibble, we're stepping off our pedestals and down to equal footing with the men. Boys treat us as their equals; they lose their respect for us as women, and after that their interest. Take it from Joes, Toms, Bills and Bobs, they still prefer gating the strictly feminine type. Give brother back his clothes and give your femininity a chance. GOING FORMAL? The night is made for music and here you are dancing to a swoony tune with that broad-shoul- dered (hubba-hubba) adonis. It's the Senior Ball arid you're dressed to perfection. That shade of blue becomes you and that soft ruffle that covers your shoulders and frames your face makes you appear as a vision from cloud light (and don't think your escort hasn't noticed it.) Let's stroll around the ballroom and view some of the fashions. Pull your eyeballs back in; your elastic sockets are showing. Yes, I saw that girl waltz by in (or half out of) that dress. Perhaps that strapless gown is all the rage but, judging from her unnat- 9 ural stiffness and the look on her countenance, her chief worry is its "up keep." If you'll notice, she's sitting out all the fast numbers — that dress wasn't designed for action, just reaction. Mmm, did you notice that creation? It looks like the moths got it. I hate to be cynical, but that dress is sirt-a-cal. The bare midriff has that "pardon me but your stomach is showing" look. It has an equally unsound effect on the boys that doesn't incite inno- cent ideas. . Let's put the spotlight on you and the girls dressed in similar fashions. That "covered look" is so becoming and so like the every ideal of Chris- tianity. You're lovely to look at, delightful to be with. When you're choosing your next formal, make sure all the material isn't in the skirt. PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT YOU Don't look now, teenager' but people.are noticing you. It's because you're wearing, a school uniform, a frat or a club jacket or a frosh hat. You're only one of a larger organization but you're bearing its dis- tinguishing mark that requires delicate care. Ah—ah—Resist that cigarette in the sweet shoppe after school because each drag will be dragging down the reputation of your "Seat of Learning." Hey, keep your conversation down to a college yell on the bus or subway. Your energetic vocal chords and frosh cap may lead people to believe you are from a reform school instead of a real school. Be proud to wear your school or club colors, but be an eager beaver about behavior when sporting them. Your school club is depending upon you to defend its good name. Don't let it down. TAKE CARE Hang it up —shake it out —give it the brush — 10 hit the H2O — please the pleats with a press. Latest jive tune? Tobacco auctioneer? Broken record? No — it's merely your Mom's echo on the painful subject of clothes care. Let's make with a minute's meditation on the matter. It's sort of "doing what comes naturally" to discard that sweater and skirt on a chair or toss your jacket, blouse, sox and cap on the bed if to- night's dream man i s ' calling for you in twenty minutes. There will be time when you get home you say, as you fling your curlers, shoes and stockings abdut. But oh —when you drag your weary bones home at the wee hours after the school dance, who wants to dig into domesticity to give your room a workout. Your bed is a bedlam, your chair is miss- ing in action and you are stranded without your beauty aids. Well, Star Eyes, love may have taken you by storm but it appears as though a hurricane hit your room. Pile your wardrobe on the chair and, sweet dreams! It's the following morning you see the nightmare. It's happened to all of us arid the solution is as simple as an elementary Algebra equation. As you shed your costume for the day, introduce it to a hanger and your closet. Give the dark blues and blacks the brush off and, presto — change-o,' everything is tip-top instead of topsy- turvy. Break it to mother gently so she won't think you've gone completely off your rocker. Amongst the Sinatra pictures, pennants and dance bids, you might try tacking up a large sign that reads, "CTean- liness is next to Godliness." SKIRT ALERT Gals, when skirts are shorter, they make the men look longer, and that's definitely taboo for you, my good Christian friends. A seemingly small item as a short skirt or low-cut dress can put us behind the 11 proverbial eight-ball in Christianity and chalk up a high score for paganism. Overly exposed arms, shoul- ders, legs and abdomen do not incite in ourselves or others wholesome, decent thoughts. Now is the time to share our views on the long and short of skirts. According to the latest fashion magazines, a wonderful thing has happened to skirts; they're longer and more graceful. Girls, give a cheer because whether your limbs are stout or slender, they are safe now in the fullness and grace- ful folds of longer skirts. Let's give a little glance to stockings. Whether you realize it or not, they spell flattery in summer and warmth for your winters. EASILY INFLUENCED? Heads up! It's all around you. What? The influ- ence of movies and advertising upon our lives. This process of twisting our ideals and causing a slump in our morals is gradual; sometimes so gradual We fail to notice the change. For example, you might be among the million who" contended that strapless or bare midriff gowns were the height of indecency. T h e first time a star of the silver screen appeared in such a costume, you made with a muffled moan of disgust at such immodesty. The second or third time you gazed upon such a creation on the screen, in a magazine or a store window, your disgust turtjed to tolerance. The next step found you step- ping out to the Christmas Dance or Spring Hop in similar attire. The constant repetition of designed and designing dresses makes them an integral part of our lives. We no longer look upon such revealing fashions with disgust but now merely as part of twentieth century living. Don't be swept away by the tide of influence from 12 cheap advertising and movies, but put to use your priceless Christian stamina. FAD MAD Maybe you've succumbed to at least one of the . numerous fads of past years. It might have been dirty saddle shoes, little boys' caps, plaid skirts, dun- garees, friendship rings or straight hair. Fads, when kept within rational limits, are Roger. Only when they advocate indecency are they harmful. Here's a tip for all hepcats who have daring and a desire for decency in dress. Start your own fad — it might be longer skirts, stockings, curly hair, rayon blouses in place of sweaters or sweat shirts, or such like. Com- mence by discussing your idea at lunch table, or club meeting. Carry it out in school, on dates or at parties. Your satisfaction will come when you see decency digging in. BEAUTY AIDS Is your particular pulchritude causing you anxiety? Here are some first aids for beauty to soothe your mind. With your peaches and cream complexion, heavy pancake or base creams are out. Don't cover that vibrant young skin with additional layers of powder or creams. It hides your naturalness and converts your sweet sixteen face into a. crack proof mask. Take care that your lipstick is ar youthful shade and does not border on the sinister black reds. Here's an eye-que to beauty. There is only one aid to eye loveliness that is guaranteed fool-proof. It's not mascara or eyebrow pencil — just eight or more hours of sleep nightly. When choosing a "hair-do" remember these "hair- don'ts." Soft curls around the face avoid that cocker 13 spaniel look. High pompadours, upsweeps and stiff rolls cannot replace the youthful elegance of a feather cut or trim long bob. Let your make-up, dress, and hairstyle jive with your age and innocence. MALE DEPARTMENT Calling all girls! Here's a special delivery from the male department. According to this communique we gather these helpful facts. Nice boys prefer the girl with the sweet sixteen look in preference to severe sophistication. We also learn that the men in our lives abhor bandanas and sloppy loafers but enjoy dating the gal who completes her costume with hat and gloves. In large print, the Beau Brummels of today announced that strapless or midriff gowns and bathing suits create an uncomfortable and unwhole- some atmosphere. They much prefer the "com- fortable covered look" for their girls' formal wear. And that's straight from the boys' big broad shoul- ders. It's useful info for decency and date-bait. COULD YOU? It won't require any geometry to find the right place to draw the line between the right and wrong clothes. Here's how. Everytime you don your togs, just ask yourself this question, "Could I walk in the Company of Christ or His Mother dressed like this?" We've reached the end of the line for the Teen- timer Special Excursion, so now it's 'all-out' for decency in dress for you. 14 Published by C. I. S. 214 West 31st St , New York 1, N. Y. (OPPOSITE PENN TERMINAL)