Defi1A¿esrf faro*/* ß had taken place. Russia was a Re-public. Under the leadership of Karensky, that great nation was headed for recovery. The peasants had been set free. Then came Lenin and Communism. Russia, its government, its people, its wealth, and everything in it was stolen by Communism, just as Communism stole the Spanish government, and as it will steal the American gov-ernment if it gets a chance. The Russian people are suffering the enslavement of a tyranny be-fore which tha t of the Czars fades into insignificance. The masses of Russia do not want Communism, but only a comparative few know anything else. They suffer des-perate agony under its ruthless-ness, but they are helpless. They are kept in absolute ignorance of what goes on in other countries and are not allowed to leave their own. One Great Prison Russia is one great prison! When returning from Europe not long ago, I conversed with an Italian-American, who said to me, "One thing I do not understand—if Rus-sia is such a wonderful country as we are told it is, why then are not the Russian people allowed to leave it, that they might come and tell us about i t? I don't call it liberty to be shut up in a country." WORLD WAR ON GOD 11 Those Russians who remember better days have been destroyed or exiled by the thousands. It is rep-resented to the Russian people that theirs is the most privileged nation in the world, and that it is the peo-ple in the capitalistic nations which are to be pitied. How shocked, how appalled and amazed would be the Russian people if they were to know the t ruth about America and that the people of this great Coun-try, blessed beyond the Russian's wildest dreams, are flirting with this monstrous enemy, Commun-ism! Millions of our fellow Chris-tians in Russia, whether Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, or Pro-testant, have been tortured, frozen, starved, allowed to be devoured by vermin and by worms, beaten to death, and otherwise "liquidated"—> just because they were Believers in God and in His Christ! Commu-nism has also caused the slaughter of Christians by the thousands in Spain and Mexico. In Russia the full fu ry of Communism is out-poured first upon Believers, then upon intellectuals, then upon poli-tical prisoners, then upon peas-ants, and lastly upon criminals. This in itself is sufficient to indi-cate the-spirit of Communism. Communism in Action The countries of Europe have WORLD WAR ON GOD 12 been wrestling with this arch-enemy of God and of Christianity for a number of years? They have had before their eyes continually the blasphemous, horrible, insane and inhuman illustration of Com-munism in action, which Russia afforded. Germany rebelled against Com-munism, which resulted in the Hit-ler dictatorship. France will be destroyed spiri-tually, morally and politically by Communism, unless it soon shakes itself f ree from its strangling clutches. The people of Portugal have f rom the beginning attached the full responsibility of the war in Spain to the Marxists, and have declared that had it not been for the uprising of the Nationalists in Spain, that Country was doomed to inevitable material, moral and spiritual ruin. The so-called Rebels in Spain are the true loyalists. Horrible as is the civil war, now raging in Spain, let us not forget tha t the Rebels are fighting to keep Spain for the Spaniard—they are fighting to save their country from the tyranny of Moscow—they are fight-ing for their religion, for their sac-red traditions, for their homes, for their churches, for their very soul's life. WORLD WAR ON GOD 13 America remembering its birth-throes when seeking relief f rom . British despotism, should certain-ly sympathize with Spain in its upheaval to overthrow the tyranny of an alien system. One of the many evidences tha t - Moscow in-spired, directed and financed the Communist activities in Spain which caused the civil war, is tha t the Reds followed exactly the same methods in that country that they followed in Russia, namely, the defilement and destruction of all sacred buildings, midnight raids into private homes, arbi t rary ar-rests, torture, executions without trial, and the ruthless slaughter of thousands of innocent Christian men and women. Attacks Church Firs t I t has been evident from the beginning that the war in Spain was fundamentally a religious one a —Communists in Columbus in New York openly boast^of this fact. Wherever Communism has been given a foothold, its first at-tack has been on the Church. Everyone knows of the f r igh t fu l persecution of Christians in Mexico and of the destruction there of re-ligious freedom and privileges. In South America revolutions have been deliberately created by the Communists and there have been attacks on all religion and on WORLD WAR ON GOD 14 the churches. The South American States have acted quickly in their efforts to check Communism in their midst because they have realized its serious destructive un-derground operations. Canada has been permeated with the destructive doctrines of Athe-istic Communism, and has greatly suffered spiritually and morally as a consequence. Serratei^ColSeland h a p r e v e a l e d tha t Commfmism is tWe main cause oi the disturbances mow taking plaie in Palestine. In fact , every^Biition in the world is 'being lafeftfrassed by thi§>ysworn enewryof^God and>e#-^fian7 Communi§nr-t§really politically organized atheism and is synony-mous with anti-Godism. Atheism today no longer means just in-dividual disbelief in God—it is a powerfully organized movement to f ree human beings from all loyal-ties, all morals, all inhibitions, as a step toward their acceptance of a purely materialistic mode of thinking and living, to the end tha t they might attach themselves to the class struggle. "Congress of the Godless" That is the clever policy of Com-munism. In February, 1936 in the city of Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, an important "Con-gress of the Godless" took place. At this Congress the two international WORLD WAR ON GOD IB organizations of the Atheists, called "Free Thinkers"—Commun-ists and non-Communist—were offi-cially united. A new Internationale of Free Thinkers was organized to pursue more systematically than ever the world war on all religion. Delegates f rom every leading na-tion of Europe, except Italy, were present. Prague officially spon-sored the Congress and put its municipal palace at its disposal. Deputies and senators came to ~ openly declare their attachment to , the cause of the Godless. iiO^eneaj-— thenPres ident of Czechoslovakia, personally sponsored this Con-gress and received the foreign delegates in private audience. This gesture of M. Benes makes the Prague Congress a bold act of de-fianpe on the par t of the enemies of God. I t was a challenge thrown in the face of Christendom. Quoting f rom the April issue of "Le Sans Dieu" ("The. Godless'"—Moscow), the closing remarks of the report on this Congress are as follows: "This new Internationale of the Godless has before it the largest program: (and note this) the So-viet Godless shall be in the first ranks and will reinforce the Uni-ted Front of the Internationale of the Godless." This Congress in Prague was under the direct supervision of the 16 WOHLD WAE ON GOD Militant Godless of the U. S. S. R. Again quoting f rom the paper, "Le Sans Dieu," "One of the first tasks of this new Union of the Militant Godless is the establish-ment of contacts with all the or-gans of Free Thinkers and with the leading personalities in the anti-religious movements in other lands to the end tha t there might be help-ful exchange of experience." In other words, this Congress was the inauguration of a world mission-ary movement of the Godless, hav-ing for its objective the systematic destruction in every country of all fai th, and the making of converts to atheism. How does it appeal to the Christians of our Land to have the leaders of this Godless Move-ment here in America "exchange experiences" with those in other countries ? Christians Must Fight Back It seems to me tha t it is high time, in fact it has become an ur-gent necessity, tha t representatives of Christians of every name throughout the world assemble in solemn Congress in defense of the .< Fai th and to decide on ways and means of combating and repulsing, this black army of unbelief. The next Congress of the new Iptfir—^ nationale of the Godless ia~sched-uled for Paris in 1938. WORLD WAR ON GOD 17 However, though Russia is the instigator of the world war on re-ligion, let it be understood that every totalitarian state is in its very nature; anti-God, for it sub-stitutes thffl worship of a dictator for the woaship of God, bondage of spirit for (freedom of conscience, the authority of the State for the authority o i God's laws and of man's conscience. In Germany, a totalitarian State, 500,000\Christians are suffer-ing persecution, and Paganism is being forcibly substituted for Christianity. Any nation that en-t rus ts the keeping of its soul to one man will siiffer the loss of that soul. Let America remember in this crucial hous that we have in-scribed on our qpinage the words, "In God We Trust."" Notwithstanding the many fac-tions, parties and differing forms of government, t i e world today is really divided intq but two warring camps—on the onle side, Christian-ity, freedom, andl democracy, and on the other, godlesstfess, pagan-ism, and dictatorships, whether of the Fascist,' Nazist /or Communist kind. With Amerraa rests the de-cision as to whjchl side will win, and, therefore , / the \ f a t e of Chris-tian democracy and pf our civiliza-tion. Eight years ag® Trotsky said, "Communiam will never conquer WCjRLP-^W^R ON GOD the world until it xirst conquej • America." Propaganda Se re And what of America? Commu-nistic propaganda has filtered into our homes, schools and churches. It has undermined our/ government. There are about seven hundred na-tional Communist organizations in approxi-the United States, mately four schools, and all t l tions are fundamen The Daily Worker, of the Communist and hundred Communist ese organiza-;ally atheistic, official organ Par ty in the ;ed that there United States, boas were enrolled in t t e Communist National Student League over five million, four hun< red thousand high school students, and approxi-mately one million n colleges and universities. The C ommunist Na-tional Student Leag le and the Stu-dent League for Industrial Democ-racy have united, forming the American Student Union, and there is nothing in the name to warn honest Americans tnat this is a Red organization. \ The book, "Crucifying Christ In Our Col-leges," reveals the lppalling de-moralization and spiritual destruc-tion of students in centain colleges and universities throdeh atheistic arid Communistic teacll^ng and in-fluence. There are Communist Sunday WOELD WAR ON GOD Schools in the United States just as there are in Canada, where children are! taught to spit on the picture of (Christ and to trample the Bible uncer their feet. On May Day, 1935,1 witnessed in New York City a Comir unist parade of thous-ands of American men, women and young peopl i. Again and again I saw the sign of Communism—the upraised fist against God and gov-ernment. For the first time in the history of l ew York City, I be-lieve, the cl.urches needed police protection—1 ut police protection will not savi! the churches if the enemy continues boring from with-in their sacreH walls. Preacm Communism Communist: c and socialistic philosophies have replaced in many pulpits the p pel of Christ eaching of the gos-and of the Word of God. The Conmunist Par ty in the United States numbers about one hundred and ior ty thousand mem-bers—relatively, these may not be many, but wh( n we remember tha t every one of tl ose Communists has sworn to agitate in season and out of season » id to propagate the "gospel" of Communism at all times and in all places, then we can realize how g rea t is the power of this army, would to God tha t we Christians werfe not ashamed of our Gospel and tna t we were as 20 WORLD WAR ON GOD 20 fai thful to our convictions/and as passionately concerned about shar-ing them with others, a / are the Communists theirs! No wonder they are advancing and/we are re-treating! / However, the greaff danger to America is not in those who are outright CommunistsZ-rather is it in the tens of thousands who though professing / to be true Americans are turning Communis-tic in their philosophy without knowing it. Let it be understood that in America we wanW neither Naziism, Fascism, Communism, nor any other form of dictatorship or to-talitarian State, which would mean the destruction qtf all liberties, both civil and religious. However, we must keep in fiiind that Naziism and Fascism ate tha logical out-come of the re*ctioijf against Com-munism-^witne Is ljotli Germany and Spain. N Iziisnk And Fascism are, therefore, ! the Vniirect result of Communis« : t h e \ fere for the nations the na ural eg ress ions of the law of se li^preser^tion,. and are really emeiteeri?yTilea§Ures. Doctrine Of Destruction Neither Nazitem no • Fascism however can be &>mpar< d in ruth-less destructivenees to Commun-ism. The doctrine\ of destruction inherent in MarxiaX. Cc mmunism, WORLD ftTAR^&lfGOD ftl is f ea r fu l irrUts potentialities. T h e r e f o r ^ b o t h tfrom the patriotic and spiritual standpoints, it Be- comes nothing les s than the dutjTof eyéry American to see to it t ha t Communism no l inger continuesuts / d e a d l y operations in oljr La id . \ ~5irCEris tenddm is challenged by the suffering a Ad death f o r their fa i th of milliabs as a /result of Communism inr Russia, Mexico and Spain. Are /no t we Christians, who know tha t Communism is the sworn enem£ of God anfi of man, responsible/ to the masses of our fellow-citjeens who are unaware of the spiritual issues confronting Americif today ? The question is, "Will / a the i s t i c Comimmifem in America conqu