. C - ^ + h . ¡ m H / s . A . — 2 > X OR THREE CENTURIES the political elements of Sectarianism have been harassing and' assailing the Catholic church in America, upon the species pretext of "Papal interference in Ameri- can Politics," based upon such charges as. these : - Catholics are trying to get Control of America; - The Pope seeks temporal power in the United' States; - Catholics' "Allegiance to Rome" is un-American; - The Hierarchy is in Politics; - Catholics of America favor a union of church and state. By a loud and long use of. "stop thief' methods have the real culprits diverted attention from themselves and transferred the stigma of their own incessant political maneuvers upon the Catholic church. FROM JULY 4th, 1776 TO THE PRESENT DAY, WHEN AND WHERE WERE THE CATHOLICS OF THE UNITED STATES EVER WANTING IN PATRI- OTIC LOYALTY? WHAT BANEFUL EFFECTS OF THE SO-CALLED "ALLEGIANCE TO ROME" DO THE TRUTHFUL RECORDS of These 151 YEARS SHOW? Are Catholics Trying To Get Control of America? If they are trying to get control, they have been very slow ta get - started, for as yet they have not even begun. Catholics have been in America since Coiumbus arrived in 1492, or if the Norsemen be accounted the discoverers of the Western Continent, they too were children of the Catholic Church, their voyages having antedated Protestant- ism by five-hundred years; after Columbus—cams Catholic explorers and missionaries, who named so many lakes, rivers, cities of the Western Continent. The Catholic Cabots erected the. cross on Cape Cod 120 years before the Pilgrims touched Plymouth Rock; Catholic Balboa discovered the Pacific; Father Marquette explored the Mississippi, La Salle navi- gated the Great Lakes; Catholic missionaries, such as Father De Smet and others, brought Christianity to the Rocky Mountain tribes. And so, though they have EXCELLED in countless ways, Catholics in the United States have never dominated or predominated in anything except in various wars, where Catholic fighting men far exceeded their re- lative percentage of the total population. IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION at the battle of Yorktown, the final crisis of the war, more than one-half the fighting men were undeniably Catholics. Moreover, it was Catholic France which had sent 10,000 men and generals like La Fayette, La Grass, Rocliambeau, besides $3,000,000, at that time a fabulous sum. Catholic Poland had furnished Pulaski and Kosiusko; Ireland supplied numerous generals and thousands of soldiers, many of whom were Gatholie. Catholic Spain, besides troops, contributed 3000 barrels of gunpowder and 1,000,000 francs. IN THE CIVIL WAR the famous 69th regiment, all Catholics- the Irish Brigade under Meagher; the Irish Legion, commanded by Corcoran; Catholic generals like Sheridan, Rosecrans, Buell, Mulligan, Shields, all furnish their striking testimony of Catholic loyalty to the Union. If some also fought for the con- federacy, this was but another proof, of loyalty to duty as each saw it. The statement that the Pope acknowledged the independence of the South—is a 100 per centr falsehood. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Spain was a Catholic country, but that did not prevent our boys from enlisting with their usual alacrity. Spain might be Catholic, but Spain was then our country's foe. That was enough. IN THE LATE WORLD WAR the first American officer killed in France, Lieutenant W. F. Fitzsimmons, was a Catholic. The last American killed, Rev. W. F. Davitt, chaplain, was a Catholic; the last hero to be burisd in Portland, Sergeant Schaffer, was a Catholic; various VOLUNTEER REGIMENTS which rendered the most striking services like those in the Rainbow Division, were from 50 to 60 per cent Catholic. H E N C E T H O U G H C A T H O L I C S D I S C O V E R E D A M E R I C A N , C O N - T R I B U T E D V A S T L Y T O I T S E X P L O R A T I O N , F U R N I S H E D M O S T O F T H E M E N A N D M O N E Y T H A T (SAVED T H E C O L O N I E S I N T H E B L A C K E S T H O U R O F T H E R E V O L U T I O N , A N D IN E V E R Y C R I S I S . R E N D E R E D IOO P E R C E N T P A T R I O T I C S E R V I C E » T H E Y H A V E N E V E R • • C O N T R O L L E D " A N Y T H I N G E X C E P T T H E S U P P L Y O F H U M A N F O D D E R F O R C A N N O N A N D M A C H I N E G U N S I N T I M E S O F W A R . What About Catholic "Allegiance" to the Pope ? HERE ARE THE FACTS: The spiritual allegiance or obedience of Catholics to the Church and Pope teaches them scrupulous fulfillment of the Ten Commandments, and strict ob- servance of the'Golden Rule, which accounts for the uniform DoBCMRsd patience of Catholics under the avalanche of calumny heaped upoii them. Their spiritual obedience to Church and Pope teaches' them to obey the laws of their country and if necessary, to die for it. Who was more loyal to Belgium than a Cardinal Mercier? To England than a Cardinal Bourne ? To Franee than a Catholic Marshal Foch ? To America than the Catholic Hierarchy who pledged their all in support of the government the moment hostilities were commenced? And yet all the time, these were fighting Catholics of Germany, Catholics of Austria, Catholics among every hostile force and foe. AS A RESULT YOU WOULD THINK THAT THE ANCIENT "COCK and BULL STORY" ABOUT DOUBLE ALLEGIANCE WOULD HAVE BEEN EXPLODED FOREVER. But no—anti-Catholic books must have a sale; anti- Catholic talkers must have material from which to coin prejudice, admission fees, collections; anti-Catholic poli- ticians must have catchy phrases on which to slide into office; anti-Catholic clans apd leagues must have pretexts for initiation fees and regalia charges. And so the ghost of "allegiance to Rome" flaunted by the Know-nothings— which Catholic loyalty during the Civil War exposed as a nightmare of bigotry—resurrected by the A. P. A.'s—upon which Catholic loyalty during the Spanish-American War turned the searchlight of truth—rejuvenated by the Guardians of Bigotry in 1910-13—which Catholic loyalty during the. world war drove back into unholy haunts; this spectre lately found a habitation and a home amid the beauties of this Western Commonwealth, to begrime with its mendacious bigotry and intolerance the. fair name of Oregon. These are the simple facts; persons of intelligence and good-will who are not yet convinced owe it to themselves and to their neighbors tol make an honest investigation. Is the Catholic Hierarchy in Politics ? Of all absurd anti-Catholic ravings, one of the most common is that which hoarsely proclaims that the Catholic hierarchy in the United States is trying to "run the country"; that Catholics are directed by their priests, bishops or (they even say) by the Pope as to how to cast their votes. THE FACT IS THAT THE CATHOLIC CLERGY MIX FAR LESS IN POLITICS THAN ANY OTHER CLASS OF CHURCHMEN. This is a fixed' polity for which the church has suffered much. How could enemies of Catholicity in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, otherwise secure control of their governments? For in these countries anti- Catholics usually constitute an insignificant minority, the bulk of the population being at least in sympathy with the <~hurch; yet the church discourages her children from or- ganizing for political purposes. Very recently the bishops of France and Spain declared against the formation of a Catholic party in these countries. A, few years ago the Vatican secretary of state wrote to all Italian bishops, re- minding them of the established discipline of the church not to participate officially in any celebrations of a political character. In countries where Catholics, as individual citizehs, have formed a political party, it has only been because driven to it by the persecutions of their adversaries. "CATHOLIC POLITICS" IN AMERICA. In our country the bishops never discuss politicsi at any of their meetings; they never petition the president or congress for or against ¿ny political measure. Rarely do individual bishops or priests even know what the other's politics are. Priests would not dare to preach a political sermon from theii} pulpits, for the Catholic people would be the first to resent it. The Knights of Columbus are forbidden to bring politics into the cov/ncil chamber. Even the Jesuits, whose name to many suggests political scheming, are for- bidden by their rule to engage in secular politics. If the Catholic hierarchy in the United States has been in politics, it certaftily has failed miserably, for our enemies have failed utterly to bring proof of any Catholic political control. So instead of facts they substitute fictitious, garbled, forged quotations and other hundred-per-cent mendacities. When analyzed, these fake, distorted "quotations" cir- culated by conspirators against Catholic citizenship—prove nothing affirmatively, while the simple facts demonstrate that no such "machine" exists except in the MINDS of these agitators. Persons prejudiced but. honest, should here show their fairness by personal inquiries or investigation. Select a few "quotations" or what you consider "proofs" and send these to undersigned for reply. Even the most ardent Catholic hater should not refuse to follow this dictate of fairness. Else are they not like a jury, who after hearing the prosecution but refusing to listen to the defense, returns a verdict of'guilty?" WHERE IS THE "CATHOLIC MACHINE"? The Catholic laity iknow nothing of this "political machine" for they are divided into erery shade of political opinion. Even when their most sacred interests are in- volved, as was lately true in Oregon, it is extremely difficult to procure anything like united action amdng them. The priests themselves have never seeen anything of this machine. As citizens, they vote, why should they not? But each differently according to personal ideas. The cleric who would "play politics" would invite disaster to himself- Catholics represent so many nationalities, shades of opinion, stations of life, that this is necessarily the case. The Bishops know nothing of this "political machine" except from the conspirators against Catholic citizenship. Until the late war, three-fourths of the American bishops bad never met one-fiourth of theeir episcopal brethren. WELL THEN THE ¡POPE HIMSELF. must be running the "machine". Being the spiritual head of the Catholic Church in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceanica and the remote islands, he cannot have much to do except "interfere in American politics." However, sihce the Pope's only authority is in religion, faith morals—the Catholics in America would in- stantly resent political dictation; the Pope himself has neither army nor navy, only a few guards or policemen aroutad the Vatican grounds; the simple truth is this:— THOSE WHO ORGANIZE TO "HALT T H E EN- CROACHMENTS OF ROME" ARE DOING THE IDEN- TICAL THING THEMSELVES WHICH THEY FALSE- LY ACCUSE CATHOLICS OF DOING. What are the Plain Facts regarding the Temporal Power of the Pope ? The Bishop of Rome (or Pope) does claim the right to rule a small strip of land in and about Rome, but nothing more. However since the Pope is but a spiritual guide or head of the Church, why insist upon even these small territorial rights? The answer is that he may have a NEUTRAL GROUND on which to do his work? WHAT IS and WHY IS The DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA? Is it not a strip of neutral territory set apart to be the seat or capital of the United States government, where president, cabinet and lawmakers may conduct national affairs, independent of the jurisdiction of any one state? Over in Italy such a neutral territory was established 1500 years ago. The people voted for it; the lawful owners gave consent. By them was it entrusted to the Bishop of Rome and his successors forever, that there the Popes might exercise their spiritual functions with neutrality, independ- ence and liberty. Neutrality—not to be allied to any one nation, but on equal terms with all. Independence—not forced to obey the mandate of any one political ruler, and thus to compromise the interests of the universal church. Liberty in communi- cating with his Catholic spiritual children of all nations, especially in time of war. Being spiritual father,, tor he must treat all alike. / WHATEVER TITLES HAVE BEEN APPLIED TO THE POPE, BETOKENING A WORLD-WIDE RULE, REFER TO HIS SPIRITUAL POSITION, ALONE. CATHOLIC "ALLEGIANCE" TO THE POPE IS MERE- LY OUR RECOGNITION OF HIS SPIRITUAL AU- THORITY IN CHRISTIAN FAITH AND MORALS. Catholics in America would be the first to repudiate ecclesiastical pretensions in purely civil matters. The Pope himself claims no political authority, except over himself and his immediate surroundings, as above explained. Do Catholics in America Favor a Union of Church and State? THEY DO NOT. Catholic citizens know what is going on within their spiritual house—the Catholic Church. These millions of loyal Catholics in America emphatically deny that there is any such spectre in their house as attempted "union' of church and state." If the wild phantoms of bigotry were even partly true they would be the first to move out of that house and leave the place, vacant. But the enemy without pretends to know more than those within. Have they not a few ex-priests, ex-nuns, ex-Catholics and 57 varieties of "antis" to paint gruesome pictures for them? And so they accuse the Catholics of America and! their bishops of planning this "union of church and state," and t"o uphold .this falsehood they offer fake and garbled quotations selected or invented during seventy years. At sight most are plainly fictitious; some may appear genuine, but investigation usually classifies them with the fake K. of C. Oath, the fake Jesuit oath, the fake quotation attributed to Lincoln and all the rest. EVEN IF A FEW WERE VERBALLY CORRECT their application is grossly distorted, and in no instance do they warrant conclusions such as our defamers gra- tuitously extract from them. Meanwhile doubting non- Catholics have an irrevocable invitation to investigate for themselves. Our house (i. e.. Catholic teachings, practices, beliefs) is iopen for inspection 24 hours a day, as our churches are open for prayer and worship seven days the week. The only "double allegiance" of American Catholics is the one mentioned by the Founder of Christianity (Mark xii :17) "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and ta God the things that are God's." (Write for further information and FREE literature on any subject to Catholic Truth Society, 304 McKay Building, Portland, Oregon.)