HOW TO MAKE A NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA There is no hard and fast rule as to the method to be followed in making this novena. The only thing that is essential is to say at least five decades of the Rosary every day for nine days in succession. If you say five decades I each day, then on the first day you should I meditate on the Joyful Mysteries, on the second J day the Sorrowful Mysteries/ and on the third £ day the Glorious Mysteries. Then for the next three days of the novena, repeat in the same s order, and again, on the last three days. In I this manner you will have said the whole Rosary | (fifteen decades) three times in making the I novena. In other pages of this booklet will be found | meditations on each and all of the fifteen mys- I teries. It would be well to follow these thoughts I for your meditation on the mysteries, unless | you have other meditations that you prefer. All who can do so should go to Holy Com- munion frequently, daily if possible, when making the novenas. Make spiritual Communions every day, for spiritual Communions are a great means of keeping the soul lovingly united to God. The indulgence for making a novena in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary is an indulgence of five years once each day for nine days and a plenary indulgence when the novena is com- pleted. Every time you recite five decades of | the Rosary in the presence of the Blessed Sac- i rament exposed on the altar or reserved in the | tabernacle, you gain a plenary indulgence. This = indulgence can be gained by all the faithful | on the usual conditions of making confession | and receiving Holy Communion. The confession = may be made within eight days before or after j the Rosary visits, and c o n f e s s i o n every two • weeks may suffice for the obligation of confes- sion. Holy Communion may be received the • day before or eight days after the visits. d e d i c a t i o n HIS EMINENCE Francis Cardinal Spellman i For the many \indly acts of courtesy, and friendship, this little brochure is dedicated to a devoted friend, writer, boet soldier, Archbishop — our be- loved FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN- ocrx) U E OLtat: . Q-ofin JH. cA.&zaiú, S. D. Ú.L.HÍ.OZ ^Hiijioxiihi örnfiximatui: Cli CaJ} inaL •Jriakùii^ofi of <ßle.vj ^ÌJotil i (KTX) Deactd î î î ed \ TABLE OF CONTENTS The Place and the Participants . 1 Angelic Preparation .'.. 1 Second Angelic Apparition ...— : 3 Third Angelic Apparition .._ '• 3 The Apparitions of Our Lady oi Fatima First Apparition ... 6 Second Apparition —-i......... 7 Third Apparition .... .—i-j 8 » The Frustrated Apparition . . 10 The Fourth Apparition < 11 The Fifth Apparition i j ?• ' ' 'i" ; ~ ~-12 The Sixth Apparition ..— ~~—-r! i>'.. 12 The Gredt Miracle - The Solar Prodigy .. — 1 3 The Multiple Vision ....... —•—... —......—15 Recapitulation .....C— —.'. .......16 The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.,17 The Great Promise J ........17 Conditions for Making the Five First Saturdays .13 What Are You Doing About Fatima? 19 Now Let us Consecrate Ourselves to Our Blessed Mother 1/. ..J...— 19 Commentary ....—I — ... -20 The Message of Penance ...<_ i 21 The Message of the Hosary _..._ 22 Popes and the Rosary ,- .f1 ,-'• .' , .—••——.——23 Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 24 Let Us Do Penance r 27 Let Us Reeite the Rosary Every Day .—.... 29 Reparation to Mary's Immaculate Heart 32 Lour Treasure - The Rosary ....... — 35 Meditations of the Mysteries of the Rosary...38-44 Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary 33-44 The Holy Father Speaks .„..„.—.-._ — 46 The Holy Father Speaks Again — i .47 (Continued on the next page) Table of Contents - continued New Mass of the Immaculate Heart 49-51 Fatima in the Eternal City _ _ . . ; . . . _ 52.54 The Crowds at Fatima 55 The Wonderful Cures „ 56 Portugal Crowns Our Lady of Fatima 57 Mary's Great Promise at Fatima 58 Promoter ; ' 59 Do You Know v g0 Spiritual Benefits S S gl Spiritual Bouquet ! 62 Now Is the Hour • , £ . $3 Now Is. The Time To Pray for Peace 1 64-65 Prayer - for Boys in the Service * .66 The Fatima Story 1 \ 57 Perpetual Novena .... ( ..... 68 Intention Slip - j 69 Fatima and Reparation » 70-71 The Block Rosary , 32-73 Act of Consecration , ; [ 74 Pledge of Reparation 75 Water From Fatima i 76 Do Not Hesitate ;._....77 Promoters Are Urgently Needed 1 78 How To Make a Novena to tbe Immaculate H e a r t — - — Back Inside Cover Other Works on Fatima Back Cover REPORT ALL FAVORS RECEIVED THRU THE INTERCESSION OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Introducing Our New Book "The Story of Fotimo" Dear Friend in Our Lady of Fatima: Another and Important phase of the Message of Fatima is being brought to you, in this compilation, that of the devo- tion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I have spent many long months on this compilation, that nothing but the best for the Immaculate Heart would be brought to you. This has entailed severe and numerous Inconveniences and sacrifices, which are humbly offered in reparation to thelmmaculate Heart of Mary—Our Lady of Fatima. For your convenience, this compila-, tion contains exercises for public and private use, as* well as many suitable prayers for the devotion. Short medita- tions on the Mysteries of the Rosary are given to better enable you to make the First Saturdays. Please pray for the success of my humble work. Sincerely yours In the Immaculate Heart, Rev. Joseph Cacella. P R A Y T H E R O S A R Y Pleat*, Report all favors received through Our Lady of Fatima THE STOPY OF FATIMA PLACE: Fatinia, Portugal. PARTICIPANTS: An Angel. Lucy, and her cousins, Francis and Jafcinta. It is 1916. and the world „ . . • r-.- is in the throes of World Udf.fUt.*« War I. it was a war .of devastation, -destruction and death. The sins of a modern world had become too great and had provoked Divine Justice. But Mary, Our Mother, moved with pity, interceded with her Divine Son. Sjhe deigned to visit this war- stricken world, to admonish and warn it that it must return to God. ANGELIC PREPARATION Ever solicitous for the welfare of her earth- ly children, Mary wished to prepare the way for her apparitions by sending an Angel to the scene that she had electfed to visit. The intended scene of her visitations was Fatlma. By R e v e r e n d l o s e p h C a c e l l a The beginning of the won- derful story of Fatima goes back to the second year uf World War I (1914-19181. And these wondrous events to be related herein occur- red in a place adjacent to the village of Fatima in the diocese of Leirià, Portugal, about 60 miles distant from Lisbon. Here lived three little children: Lucy, and her cousins Francisco and iJacinta, the future Seers of Fatima. 1 Thus, In the second year oi the first World War, the future Seers of Fatima were attend- ing to the sheep of their parents on a nearby hill called Cabeço. They could neither read nor write, i u t they knew their, prayers through the constant teachings of truly Christian parents. 9 On this spring day as the noon-day Angelas bell tolled, they knelt, as was their custom, and recited the Rosary. A violent gust of wind caused them to raise their heads, and they beheM: a beautiful white cloud approach- ing. Suddenly it assumed a human form, re- sembling a statue of snow, which the sun made transparent, like crystal. As the form drew nearer, the children recognized it to be a young man of superhuman beauty. It was the Angel of Peace — the advance guard of Our Blessed Mother's apparitions with her Message to the world. Thé Angel calmed^ the frightened children, telling them not to be afraid: "I am the Angel of Peace", he said, "Pray with me." Then kneeling, he placed his forehead on the ground, repeating the following prayer three times: "MY GOD, I BELIEVE, I HOPE, I LOVE THEE. I ASK PARDON FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE, NOR ADORE, NOR HOPE, NOR LOVE THEE. -Rising the Angel said: "PRAY THUS. THE MOST HOLY HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY WILL ' ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE TOUCHED BY YOUR PRAYERS." The An- gel then disappeared Subjected to a supernatural impulse, the children imitated the Angel, and repeated the words that they had heard him say. So im- pressed were they, that they remained pros- trated in prayer for many hours. This appari- tion was kept a strict secret by the chil- 2 dren. It remained a secret until it was reveal- ed by Sister Lucy a few years ago. SECOND ANGELIC APPARITION In July or August of 1916, as the three shep- herd children were playing ne$u- the well in Lucy's Garden, the Angel suddenly appeared to them, saying; "WHAT ABE YOU DOING HEBE? PRAY, PRAY MUCH! THE HOLY HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY HAVE DESIGNS OF MERCY ON YOU.. , CONTIN- UALLY OFFER UP PRAYERS AND SAC- RIFICES TO THE LORD." Lucy then asked the Angel how they would make sacrifices, to which he replied: "YOU CAN MAKE SACRIFICES OF ALL THINGS. I OFFER THEM IN REPARATION FOR ALL THE SINS THAT OFFEND GOD, AND BEG OF HIM THE CONVEBSION OF SINNEBS. IN THIS WAY, TBY TO DBAW DOWN PEACE UPON YOUB COUNTBY. I AM i r s GUARDIAN ANGEL, THE ANGEL OF POR- TUGAL. ABOVE ALL, ACCEPT AND BEAR ALL THE SUFFERINGS WHICH THE T,ORD WILL WISH TO SEND TO YOU." The Angel then disappeared. From that moment, Lucy, Francis and Jacinta under- took to offer to the Lord all that they could suffer for His sake. Their favorite penance was to remain prostrated for hours, repeating the Prayer of the Angel. THIRD ANGELIC APPARITION A few months later, probably about the end of September or the beginning of October, the three shepherds were tending their flock at the foot of the Cabego hiU. Having par- taken of a modest lunch, they started to say the Rosary and repeat the Angel's prayer. Suddenly, they found themselves surrounded S by a wonderful brightness, and the Angel ap- peared to them for the third time. The Angel held In his hand a Chalice, above which was a Host. Prom the Host drops of blood were flowing. Leaving the Chalice and Host mysteriously suspended in the air, the Angel knelt beside the children and made them re- peat the following prayer three times: "MOST HOLY TRINITY, ^FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST, I ADORE YOU PRO- FOUNDLY! I OFFER YOU THE MOST PRECIOUS BODY AND BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, PRESENT IN ALL TABERNACLES OF THE WORLD, IN REPARATION FOR ALL THE OUTRAGES WHEREWITH HE HIMSELF IS OFFENDED. THROUGH THE INFINITE MERITS OF HIS SACRED HEART, AND THE INTERCESSION OF T H E IMMAC- ULATE HEART OF MARY, GRANT ME THE CONVERSION OF SINNERS." Rising, the Angel gave the Host to Lucy, and the contents of the Chalice he divided be- tween Francis and Jacinta, saying: "RECEIVE THE BODY AND B L O O D OF J E S u l CHRIST, CRUELLY OUTRAGED BY UN- GRATEFUL MEN. ATONE FOR THEIR CRIMES AND CONSOLE YOUR GOD." Prostrating himself on the ground, the An- gel repeated the prayer: "MOST HOLY TRINITY. ETC."' The children remained pros- trated, the Angel having disappeared and continued to repeat over and over again the Angel's prayer. It was Francis that first re- covered from this ecstasy. Realizing that evening was fast approaching, the children decided to return^iome. And deep in their hearts they kept these events a sacred secret It is evident that these angelic apparitions were but an orientation and preparation for 4 the great and wondrous- events that were to follow in the apparitions of Our Lady of Patima in 1917. Assuredly they directed the three children in prayer against future as- saults of that impious modernistic movement — communism — which professes "not to believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love." Sw**i Heart of Maty, be my Salvation (300 dor* Indulgence) 13 THE APPARITIONS OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA PLACE: Fatima, Portugal. PARTICIPANTS: A Beautiful Lady from Heaven, Lucy and her cousins, Francis and Jacinta. T H E F A C T S The events just related occurred during th° second year of World War I. As the wcfr^d struggled through a third year of devastation destruction and death. His Holiness Pops Benedict XV issued an earnest appeal for a world crusade of prayer to Our Blessed Moth- er. This appeal -vas, issued on May 5, 1917 Heaven heard and answered this appeal in a truly wonderful manner, just eight days after It was issued. F I R S T A P P A R I T I O N It is noonday, May 13, 1917. The three sheoherd children, Lucy, Francis and Jacinta, were tending their parents' flocks, at the Cova da Iria, Fatima, and had j u s t - completed reciting their Rosary, as was their daily c u s t o m , learned through the teaching and training of truly Chria- tiaii parents, when sudden flashes of lightning gave indications of a storm. The children prepared to shelter the ~ sheep in a nearby cave. Suddenly, another flash of lightning, brighter than the first; brought them to a standstill, frightened and trembling. On the foliage of an evergreen 6 oak tree there appeared a "Beautiful Lady," all luminous and more resplendant than the sun. With a gesture of motherly kindness she assured: "FEAR NOT, I COME FROM HEAVEN. COME HERE ON THE 13TH OF EACH MONTH.. IN OCTOBER I WILL TELL YOU WHO I AM AND WHAT I WANT. CONTINUE TO SAY YOUR ROSARY DE- VOUTLY AS YOU HAVE JUST DONE." The "Beautiful Lady" — Our Blessed Moth- er — Our Lady of Fatima, insisted on the rec- itation of the Rosary. She even instructed the three shepherd children on how to say tne Rosary properly. The Rosary is very dear to the Heart of Mary. S E C O N D A P P A R I T I O N JUNE 13, 1817. — The Beautiful Lady again ap- peared to the children as she h a d promised. She asked them to return on July 13, and again insisted on the recitation of the Rosary every day. She revealed that ishe would soon take Francis and Ja- cinta, but that Lucy would have to remain longer on earth and God would use her to establish the devotion to the Immac- ulate Heart of Mary throughout the world. As before, the Heavenly Lady extended her hands and brilliant rays shone forth from them. In front of her, to the right, the chil- dren saw a heart surrounded with thorns, and they understood that the Immaculate Heart of Mary was demanding penance and repara- tion. The apparition lasted about ten min- utes, when the Lady disappeared. 7 T H I R D A P P A R I T I O N JULY 13, 1917. — The Heavenly Vision appeared for the third time to the children, at the appointed time and place. Again for the third .time she insisted on the recitation of the Ro- sary every day, saying: 'YOU MUST R E C I T E THE R O S A R Y EVERY DAY." "CONTINUE TO COME EVERY MONTH, IN OCTOBER I WILD TELL I S S T^L? * A M A N D WHAT I WANT. FI®®1 PERFORM A GREAT MIR- JL? T H A T THE WHOLE WORLD MAY BELIEVE YOU." Our Lady then" confided a secret to them, a part of which Lucy, now a Carmelite Nun has revealed, and which concerns the devo- tion to the immaculate Heart of Mary. Con- tinuing, the Beautiful Lady said: "WHEN RAKING SACRIFICES YOU MUST SAY, •OIL JESUS, IT IS FOR LOVE OF YOU FOR T H E CONVERSION BF SINNERS,' AND IN REPARATION FOR THE OFFEN- SES COMMITTED AGAINST THE IMMAC- ULATE HEART OF MARY.' » The Lady from Heaven then opened her hands and a great ray of light seemed to pierce the ground. The children'beheld a p e a t fire, in which were plunged black and burning demons and souls in human form resembling live, transparent coals. Lifted up Into the a j r by the flames, the demons and souls fell back on all sides, like sparks in a conflagration, with neither weight nor bal- ance. The children could hear their ecreains or pain and despair, which made them shud- der. The devils were distinguished from hu- man beings by their forms of horrifying and disgusting animals. The three children were terrified by the vision of hell, and they would have probably died of horror had they not already been as- sured by the Lady that they were going to heaven. After the vision of hell, the Lady revealed to the children a secret, a part of which is as follows: "YOU HAVE SEEN HELL WHERE SOULS OF POOR SINNERS GO. TO SAVE SINNERS, OUR LORD WISH- SES TO ESTABLISH IN THE WORLD DE- VOTION TO MY IMMACULATE HEART. IF THEY DO WHAT I TELL YOU, MANY SOULS WILL BE SAVED AND THERE WILL BE PEACE." Then the Lady from Heaven continued: "THE WAR IS ALMOST OVER (World War I.), BUT IF PEOPLE DO NOT STOP OF- FENDING GOD, ANOTHER WAR, FAR WORSE THAN THIS ONE, WILL OCCUR DURING THE NEXT PONTIFICATE. "WHEN YOU SEE A NIGHT LIGHTED UP BY A BRILLIANT UNKNOWN LIGHT, YOU WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS THE SIGN THAT GOD WILL GIVE THAT THE PUNISHMENT OF THE WORLD BY WAR, FAMINE, AND PERSECUTIONS AGAINST THE CHURCH AND THE HOLY FATHER IS AT HAND. "TO PREVENT THIS, I SHALL COME TO ASK, FIRST, FOR THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA TO MY IMMACULATE HEART, AND, SECOND, TO ASK FOR HOLY COM- MUNION ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH IN REPARATION FOR SIN. "IF THE WORLD WILL LISTEN TO MY REQUESTS, RUSSIA WILL BE CONVERTED AND THERE WILL BE PEACE. IF NOT,, 9 ERRORS WILL BE DISSEMINATED OVER ™ WORLD, CAUSING WARS AND PER- SECUTIONS AGAINST T H E CHURCH MANY(K)OD PEOPLE WILL BECOME MARTYRS; THE HOLY FATHER WILL HAVE MUCH TO SUFFER; SEVERAL NA- TIONS WILL BE WIPED OUT. "BUT, FINALLY MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH, RUSSIA WILL BE CONVERTED AND AN ERA OF PEACE WILL BE CONCEDED TO HUMANITY." She cautioned the children to keep these matters a secret, and said: "WHEN YOU RECITE THE ROSARY, SAY AT THE END OF EACH DECADE: O MY JESUS FORGIVE US OUR SINS, PRESERVE US FROM. THE FIRE OF HELL, AND BRING ALL SOULS TO HEAVEN, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHICH MOST NEED YOUR HELP." (1) Then the Heavenly Lady disappeared. (1) This 'post-decade' prayer has been indul- gence by the Bishop of Leiria, for his diocese, one hundred days each tjime. THE FRUSTRATED APPARITION The news of these heav- enly visits to the chil- dren was being spoken of publicly. T h e Civil Ad- ministrator of Our6m def- initely anti-clerical, caus- ed the three children to be kidnapped, and kept them imprisoned until after the date set for the next ap- parition — August 13. Even under the threat of torture and death in boiling oil, the chil- dren refused to reveal the secrets confided to them by the Lady from Heaven. Meanwhile, an assemblage of people, estim- 1 0 ated at eighteen thousand, had gathered at Cova da Iria, the scene of the expected ap- parition. While there, their attention was drawn to a white cloud usually seen at the other apparitions. It waited a little while and then disappeared. The assemblage, hear- ing of the kidnapping and imprisonment, was indignant. Defeated in his purpose, the Ad- ministrator was forced to release the chil- dren. T H E F O U R T H A P P A R I T I O N The little Seers did not expect to see the Lady from Heaven until the following month. They were sad and disappointed not to have been able to keep their ap- pointment. They returned to tending their flock. On Sunday, August 19, 1917, they were caring for the sheep at Valinhos. Sudden- ly She appeared to them, and complained of the action of the civil authorities, stating that the miracle planned for October 13 would be leas spectacular on that account. She exhort- ed the children to recite the Rosary every day and to keep their appointments for the following month«. Continuing to u r g e the children to practice prayer and penance, the Beautiful Lady said: "PRAT, PRAT VERT MUCH, MAKE SACRIFICES FOR SINNERS, RE- MEMBER THAT MANT SOULS ARE LOST BECAUSE THERE IS NOBODT TO PRAT AND MAKE SACRIFICES FOR THEM." 1 1 T H E F I F T H A P P A R I T I O N » *> September 13, 1917. Again the Lady from Heaven in- sisted on the daily recita- tion of the Rosary. She renewed h e r promise to work a great miracle on October 13. She said that St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus would be there too, and that Our Lord would bless the world. The Lady from Heaven added that the Blessed Mother would also appear as Our Lady of the Dolors and Our Lady of Mt. Car- mel. This was the shortest conversation held during the apparitions. The Lady, having com- pleted her, mission, departed. A Vicar General was present incognito at this apparition. He saw the white cloud that heralded the arrival of the Lady from Heav- en; also the miracle in the form of a show- er »of white flowers, which, on coming near the earth, vanished without touching it. A repetition of this miracle at a later date was seen by the Bishop of Leiria. T H E S I X T H A P P A R I T I O N As was to be expected, news of the miracle announced for the sixth and final apparition of Our Lady on October 13, 1917, caused a flurry of excitement all over Portugal. For days before, all roads and byways were thronged with people using all modes of con- veyance, while crowds of people traveled on foot. Over 70,000 persons were gathered at Fatima on October 13, 1917, to see the ful- fillment of the Beautiful Lady's promise to work a stupendous miracle. The great day 1 2 THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA Revealed by Our Blessed Mother at Fatima in 1917 PENANCE — THE ROSARY — DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PENANCE — "Men must amend their lives, a n d ask pardon for their sins." "Men must no longer offend Our Lord, Who is a l ready too much offended." ROSARY — I am the LADY OF THE ROSARY." "You must recite the Rosary every day." DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY — "Our Lord wishes that the devotion to my Immaculate Heart b e established in the world." "See, my child, this Heart oi mine surrounded with thorns with which men transfix it a t every moment by their b lasphemy a n d ingratitude. Do you, at least, try to console me, and announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salva- tion all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to . confession a n d re- ceive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary,^with the intention of making reparation to me." "I shall ask for the consecration of the world to my Immaculate Heartl" HELP RETURN THE WORLD TO JESUS THROUGH MARY. PLEDGE OF REPARATION SODALITY OF REPARATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Dear Father Cacella: I do. solemnly pledge to recite the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin daily in common with the other members of my family, ana to do so as long as God gives me strength and life. If Married, Check Here • I do solemnly pledge to recite the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin daily as long as God gives me strength and lite. If Single, Check Here Q NAME. ADDRESS CITY ZONE STATE KINDLY NOTE: This pledge does not bind under sin. In case of illness, or where undue hardship may be experienced it may be omitted for that particular occasion. G O L D E N B O O K • Your name will be inscribed in the GOLDEN BOOK kept at the main altar of "Our Lady of the Rosary ot Fatima" | | S l b e t t e r known as THE GOLDEN BOOK. Write for Leaflets and Booklets of "Our Lady of Fatima" to S T . A N T H O N Y ' S W E L F A R E C E N T E H 443 East 135th Street - New York 54, N. Y. Telephone MOtt Haven 9-2922 dawned disappointingly. It was raining. The day was cold and dismal. Yet, the assembled crowd was not to be dismayed. The Rosary w a s continually recited. There was an attitude of sacrifice and piety. Shortly before noon the children arrived, dressed in their b e s t clothing No- ticing that the crowd was using umbrellas, Lucy cried out: "Put down your um- brellas." Why she said this, to this day, she does not know. Looking up to tha sky she said: "She is com- ing." For the sixth and final time at Fatima, the Beautiful Lady appeared to the three shepherd children. "I AM THE LADY OF THE ROSARY" As soon as the Beautiful Lady appeared, Lucy asked her whom she was and what did she want: "I AM THE LADY OF THE RO- SARY," she answered. And again, as in the other apparitions, she insisted on, the daily recitation of the Rosary. Giving the Message of Penance, the "LADY OF THE ROSARY"^ said: "MEN M U S T AMEND THEIR LIVES, AND ASK PARDON FOR THEIR SINS. MEN MUST NO LONG- ER OFFEND OUR LORD, WHO IS AL- READY TOO MUCH OFFENDED." The Lady of the Rosary indicated her desire that a Chapel be built in her honor at Fatima. THE GREAT MIRACLE - THE SOLAR PRODIGY October 13, 1917. As the apparition' was 23 about to end, Our Lady of the flosary pointed to the heavens. Lucy cried out: "Look at the sum." Seventy thousand pilgrims raised their eyes to look at the sky. As if by magic, the rain ceased and the sky became clear and blue. The sun shone forth in all its brilliance, dazzling the perplexed pilgrims. Our Lady of Fatima was about to fulfill her promise. The SOLAR PRODIGY was on. The sun trembles, shakes, makes abrupt movements and then starts to spin giddily on its axis, like a wheel of fire. As the sun spun on its axis, huge shafts of multi-colored rays of light — blue, red, green, violet — beamed on the upturned faces of the multitude, and on the rocks and trees, giving a fantastic tint to the surround- ings. The spectacular feat, which lasted four min- utes, held the assemblage spellbound. It ceased as suddenly as it had begun, as if t© give the crowd a rest. Again for a second and third time the sun repeated this extraordin- ary performance, which was also witnessed by persons located as far as twenty-five miles distant. This wonderful miracle had disposed £he hearts of those who had witnessed it to greater fervor and devotion. Yet, the miracle was far from over — the culminating point of this great spectacle was about to come. In the midst of this fantastic and spectac- ular dance of light and color, the sun left its place in the firmament, tumbled from side to side, and plummeted towards the earth and the assembled pilgrims, emitting increasing rays of heat. Finally it stopped short in its fall and climbed back to its place in the sky, zig- zagging, as when it had descended, and re- sumed its normal brilliance. 14 Cries of faith and repentance jrere heard on every side, as the terrified throng thought that the end of the world was nigh. .Cries of : "GOD, MY GOD, HAVE MERCY ON ME!" were heard, while others on bended knees implored God for forgiveness of their sins. THE MULTIPLE VISION Meanwhile, as the pilgrims were being en- tranced by the great miracle of the Solar Prod- igy, the three shepherd children, Lucy, Fran- cis and Jacinta, were witnessing a multiple vision. This multiple vision took place near the sun, as it was performing its spectacular feat, a feat which was not recorded in any observatory and was not therefore of the natural order. The first of these visions witnessed by the children of Fatima was a distinct representa- tion of the Holy Family. Our Lady was garb- ed in white with a mantle of blue; St. Joseph in white, held the Child Jesus, dressed In bright red, on his arm. Lucy alone saw the next vision of Our Lady of Sorrows without the sword in her breadt, and beside her stood her Divine Son. With a look of pity on His Countenance, He raised His hand to bless the world. Next, Our Lady appeared as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, crowned as Queen of Heaven. On her knee was the Infant Jesus. Here we might ask the question: Why did Our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of the Rosary, appear under these aspects in the multiple vision? We may answer that she wished to impress more deeply on the minds of toe faithful the mysteries of the Rosary. The scene of the Holy Family recalls the Joyful Mvsteries. The scene of Our Lady of Sorrows represents the Sorrowful Mysteries, whereas 1 5 Our Lady of Mount Carmel reminds us of the ixiorious Mysteries. R E C A P I T U L A T I O N T£e Beautiful Lady _ Our Blessed Mother ~ ° u / . ^ady of the Rosary of Fatima, had fulftlled her promise. She had returned on mply with these demands, Our Lady of Fa- tuna promises us the cessation of the war the return of Russia to Catholic Unity, and the beginning of a new era of apostolate and conquest for the Catholic Church." In the following chapters we shall set forth 2 0 the triple MESSAGE OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY OF FATIMA: PENANCE, DAILY ROSARY, AND DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. Let us study it fervently, lovingly and de- voutly, and by -faithfully practicing it, and spreading it around us, we will more effica- ciously draw down the blessing of God on our- selves, our families, our country and the world. T H E M E S S A G E O F P E N A N C E AS WE have seen in the Angelic Preparation of the three children, the Angel asked for prayers and sacrifices in reparation for the sins of the world, and to pbtain the conversion of sinners. T h e insistent, ever-recurring content of each apparition empha- sized PENANCE. Our Blessed Mother emphasized the importance qnd the necessity of an amendment of life. She said: "MEN MUST AMEND THEIR LIVES, AND ASK PARDON FOR THEIR SINS." And again In a more sorrowful tone she added: "MEN MUST NO LONGER OFFEND OUR LORD, W H O IS ALREADY OFFENDED TOO MUCH." This shows that we must not only repent of our sins and expiate them faith- fully, but we must seek to change our lives for the future and break completely with Bin, which grieves God and draws down on us His castigation and punishment. This repeated demand for penance by Our Lady made a deep impression on the chil- dren. So great was this impression that they entered an era of penance far beyond their years. Lucy, the sole surviving member of the three Seers of Fatima, says: "That which 2 1 j^renruMned most deeply Imprinted on my neart Is the request of our Heavenly Mother »egging us to no longer offend God Who Is already offended too much." Even Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children of Fatima, says: "Oh, If men only knew what eternity is, how they would make efforts to amend their lives." Continuing, Jacinta added: "The sins of the world are too great The sins which lead most men to hell are the sins of the flesh. Oh men must do penance! If they amend their lives, Our Lord will still pardon the world; rmT t h e y d o n o t > t h e chastisement will come." The avoidance of sin, which presupposes a great and everlasting sacrifice at every mo- the day, is to be a part of our daily duty. These sacrifices we must offer up for the conversion of sinners. Thus, those of us, religious or laity, who shif t our duties, are to that degree retarding the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary hajs told the world that the triumph of her Immaculate Heart would be a sign of the conversion of Russia, and of world peace. To accomplish that triumph a sufficient num- ber must make sacrifice and fulfill her de- .mands. PENANCE is one of her requests Let us do penance. THp MESSAGE OF THE ROSARY In each of the apparitions at Fatima, six In all, Our Lady was insistent upon the daily recitation of the Rosary. She made her ap- pearance with a Rosary hanging from her hand. On the occasion of the Solar Prodigy, she was pleased to designate herself as- "I AM THE LADY OF THE ROSARY." Over and over again she insisted on the daily rec- itation of the Rosary, saving: "YOU MUST RECITE THE ROSARY EVERY DAY." 2 2 In the days of ydre, the Rosary was used to advantage In times of peril that threatened civilization. Again, Mary has come to Fatima to warn mankind of impending evil — and to help us to avoid this evil she recommends the daily Rosary. She has asked us to add an ejaculation at the end of each decade of the Rosary. It is sometimes referred to as the "Post-decade prayer." This ejaculation is: "O my Jesus forgive us our trespasses, save us from the fire of hell, and bring ail souls to heaven, especially those which most need your help." , - • • The FAMILY ROSARY is a very effective means of uniting the family. "Where there are two or three gathered together for My sake, there am I In the midst of them." The FAMILY ROSARY raises the family unit to a supernatural level. It unites the parents and children in devout prayer. It is the prac- tical way to unite and strengthen the family life weakened by the modern way of living. I t is an anti-dote to the godless ideology that is sweeping the world. POPES AND THE ROSARY From the voice of the Sovereign Pontiffs has come much praise in favor of the daily recitation of the Rosary. Since the time of St. Dominic more than fifty Popes have rais- ed their voice on behalf of the Rosary. Pope Leo XIII above all has repeatedly explained to the Church the supreme importance of the Rosary, with an insistence so pressing that he has been styled "THE POPE OF THE ROSARY." ^ It is unique in the annals of the Church to see the same Pope speaking to the faith- ful on one single subject — THE ROSARY In twelve encyclicals and almost as many decrees and apostolic constitutions. 2 3 And other Popes have since preached the necessity; of the Rosary. Pope Pius X has said: "The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich ill graces of all prayers, it is the prayer that touchés the Heart of the Moth- er ofa God. . . and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the Family Rosary." And in support of the weighty authority of the voice of the Popes come the wondrous events of Fatima. Consider the apparitions of Fatima with their .words and prodigies. Recall the great day — October 13, 1917 — When Our Blessed Mother was pleased to reveal herself and designate herself as "I AM THE LADY OF THE ROSARY,"in proof of which she 'caused the incomparable Solar Prodigy. May we heed the Message of Fatima and practice the daily recitation of the Rosary. Wherever possible may we practice the Fam- ily Rosary, the second condition laid down by Our Blessed Mother for bringing this world out of the chaos in which it is struggling. DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY On the occasion of the third apparition — July 13, 1917 — an occasion that may well, go down in history as an epoch-making event, Our Lady said to Lucy: " "OUR LORD WISHES THAT DEVOTION TO MY IMMACULATE HEART BE ESTAB- LISHED IN THE WORLD." A reading of the account of the third appari- tion, completed by that of the secret of Fa- tima, will quickly show that the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary holds an im- portant place in the Message of Fatima. Re- call, in the third apparition, the occasion of the terrifying vision of hell, that Our Lady 2 4 said: "YOU HAVE JUST SEEN HELL WHERE POOR SINNERS GO. TO SAVE SOULS OUR LORD WISHES TO ESTAB- LISH IN THE WORLD DEVOTION TO MY IMMACULATE HEART. IF PEOPLE DO WHAT I tfELL YOU, MANY SOULS WILL BE SAVED AND THERE WILL BE PEACE." She added " . I SHALL ASK FOR THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA TO MY IM- MACULATE HEART, AS WELL AS A COM- MUNION OF REPARATION ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH. IF MY RE- QUESTS A R E HEEDED RUSSIA WILL BE CONVERTED AND THERE WILL BE PEACE, OTHERWISE AN IMPIOUS PROP- AGANDA W I L L SPREAD ITS ERRORS THROUGH T H E WORLD, RAISING UP WAKS A N D PERSECUTIONS AGAINST THE CHURCH. MANY WILL BE MARTYR- ED THE HOLY FATHER WILL HAVE TO SUFFER MUCH, SEVERAL NATIONS WILL BE WIPED OUT . . . BUT IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH." Our Lady has asked for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. She has speoified the manner of this consecration, in that it is to be made by the Holy Father to- gether- with all the Bishops of the world on a specified date. In the meantime the Mess- age of Fatima must be spread to everyone, everywhere, so that a sufficient number of the faithful will be able to partake in this solemn ceremonial with intelligence and de- votion. We must participate in this devotion by consecrating ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Consecration means one's desire to honor Mary, to belong to her and to obey her. A simple ejaculation would suffice: 25 'Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate my- self, to thee." . „ T h e practice of the devotion of the FIRST SATURDAYS consists of the following exer- cises, performed with the intentiqn of con- soling the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and making reparation to It for the outrages and blasphemies of which it is the object%n the part of ungrateful mankind: 1. COMMUNION OF REPARATION on the FIRST SATUR- DAY OF THE MONTH. 2. THE ROSARY: S. REPARATORY PRAYERS; SOME SAC- RIFICES FOR THE SAME INTENTION. Associated with the devotion to the Immac- ulate Heart of Mary is the devotion of the FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS. This beautiful and efficacious devotion is outlined in detail on another page. Thus, we exhort you to spend your time in practicing and spreading this beautiful de- votion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Mary's other Fatima requests, because the peace a n d salvation of the world depend u p o n it. Mary's Immaculate Heart will triumph only, as Sister Lucy has told us " W H E N A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE IS FULFILLING OUR LADY'S BE- QUESTS." One of these requests is the es- • tablishment of the DEVOTION TO THE IM- MACULATE HEART OF MARY. SB L E T US DO P E N A N C E > TRUE It is that many ^ i people,« imbued with the (T^'rjL I paganistic ideas of our I^J - J - I times, never g i v e a «a»^ ' I thought to their last end. All they appear to be m- K/ierested in is the material things f y of life. They no longer regard this F life in tlie true Christian manner. • M / in so far at it pertains to etor- ^ H l / nity. And these conditions will '^Of.l steadily grow worse unless we do j^'wl something about them. i'wVj i t was to this end — to awak- •K/Jk • en our dormant sense — that Our Blessed Mother deigned to appear at Fatima, to warn the world of its impending castigation. Tp the three little shepherd children of Fatima she spoke about God, eternity, the salvation of souls, eternal happiness, the terrible consequences of sin in this life and in the hereafter, and the great necessity for prayer and penance, if we desire eternal happiness in' the next life. W© must regard the Message of Penanoe of Our Lady of Fatima as a confirmation of the Churches teaching, which in our own times preaches penance as she has always done throughout the ages. Holy Mother Church cries out in a loud voice: "REPENT! BRING FORTH THEREFORE FRUITS WORTHY OF PENANCE." And again may we quote the words of John the Baptist: "DO PENANOE, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND." (Matt. IV. 17). Penance is a detestation of sin, sorrow for having offended God, and a firm resolution to sin no more. Penance is the means of satis- 2 7 fying for the Injury which sin does to the all- good and just God. Our iLord, by dying on the Cross, paid the debt contracted by all our sins, and has sat- isfied Divine Justice. He offered a sacrifice of infinite value. The pardon of sin which God grants to us when we have true sorrow; for our sins still leaves us with a part of ex- piation which we must supply ourselves. The effect of penance is to detach us from sin and make us more wary and vigilant in the future. It is an efficacious remedy to heal the remains of sin aiid to reform those vicious habits, contracted through an evil life, which are so opposed to the practice of virtue. Christ Himself has told us: "If anyone will come after Me, let him deny himself,. and take up his cfross and follow Me" (Matt XVI, 24). As Christians we cannot relieve ourselves of the obligation of suffering in union with Christ. The crosses and numerous trials and tribulations of life are so many occasions for us to carry the cross and to satisfy for our sins. Too, Divine Justice can be satisfied by our imposing on ourselves voluntary penance and mortifications. Unfortunately, the subject of mortification is but a source of annoyance to many. Even the very mention of voluntary mortification, sacrifice, and austerity seems to make them recoil, let alone the thought of faithfully put- ting them into practice. The problems of the world would be simplified if only all would understand that they have a serious and sol- emn obligation to follow Jesus Christ by carrying the cross. Our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Fati- ma has told us: "MANY SOULS GO TO HELL BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE TO MAKE SACRIFICES FOR THEM." These words 2 8 Imply the unwillingness on the part of some who do not want to suffer, and who do riot want to understand that they have a solemn duty to perform. To remind us of that duty Our Blessed Mother deigned to appear six times at Fatima to the three shepherd chil- dren, Lucy and her cousins Francis and Ja- cinta. All the members of Christ's Mystical Body are united by a wonderful union. t The prayers and sacrifices of all of us would surely have a wonderful response if they were united. There never was a more opportune time than now for the serious consideration of this part of Our Ladv's recommendations: MEN MUST AMEND THEIR LIVES, AND ASK PAR- DON FOR THEIR SINS . . . MEN MU$T NO LONGER OFFEND OUR LORD, WHO IS ALREADY OFFENDED TOO MUCH." These were her words at Fatima. Let us be on guard against sin and cease to offend God. Let us bring about a true conver- sion by sincere penance. This is necessary if we wish to avoid a continued and further chastisement from the hand of God. Will we hearken to the admonition and recommendation of the Mother of God — Our Lady of Fatima? "Now, therefore," saith the Lord, "be con- verted to Me with all your heart, in fasting and In weeping, and In mourning" (Joel, XI, 12). _ LET US RECITE THE ROSARY EVERY DAY History — Church history — reveals to us the efficaciousness of the Rosary. In the con- version of individuals, communities and na- tions, which is brought about by the grace of God, the Rosary plays an important part. The Rosary Is the favorite prayer of Our Blessed Mother, the Mediatrix of aU graces. It is 29 the prayer that the Mother of God recommend- ea on the occasion of every apparition at Fa- tima. Indeed, Our Blessed Mother, on the oc- casion of the sixth and final apparition, was pleased to designate herself "THE LADY OF THE ROSARY". < The extraordinary publicity which she wish- ed given to her apparitions and the wondrou3 prodigies that were performed in confirma- tion of her heavenly Message are proof enough that her. Message was intended for the whole world and not for a chosen few. Her Mess- age of the Daily Rosary was intended tor each and every one of us. We must regard it as a personal message direct from the Blessed Virgin to each of us individually. The Rosary is a prayer which is as simple as it is beautiful. It is a prayer that can be recited every day without inconvenience. It is a prayer that takes but a few minutes to recite. Should you find it too long, or your position or condition does not permit you to recite the five decades at once, you can recite a decade at a time throughout the day. The Rosary may be said at any iime of the day, Please do not wait until it is late at night and you are tired and too sleepy to recite it properly. Many spiritual advantages are lost through the improper recitation of the Rosary. Rather say it early, even alter you get up, or divide it by saying a decade now and again throughout the day, as is con- venient. You can say your Rosary anywhere. There is no specified place in which the Rosary should be recited although more indulgences are gained when it is recited in a church where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed or reserved in the Tabernacle. You can say your Rosary on your way to and back from work. SO God dwells in the very midst of your heart when you are in the state of grace. It is very' easy to say a few Hail Marys on your beads, which you can and^should carry in your pocket. To pray at various times and in different places may seem out of place to you. Yet it- is well to give such a practice very serious thought. You will soon realize that this good practice will bring you much comfort and happiness. You do not need solitude to pray. You can pray even in the busy street if you but put your mind to it. You can and should pray wherever the opportunity affords itself. You -can make your work pray for you. You can recite your Rosary, or a few decades off and on during the day. These short prayers will not retard your work. They will even make your work all the easier and more pleasant. The recitation of the Rosary throughout the day will console you in all your trials and tribulations, renew your store of patience, keep you in good spirit and bring a smile to your lips. Do not feel alarmed at being told to say prayers with your work. If you only knew the good that you can accomplish through such a practice you would not hesitate a mo- ment in putting this into action. While it is recommended that you pray anywhere and everywhere, you are not asked to display an "indiscreet piety; rather, you are urged to con- sider the fact, that prayer should be a part of your very self and life. You are asked to lift up your heart and soul to God at all times and in all places. Is it a waste of effort to ask you to recite the Rosary every day? The daily recitation of the Rosary is one of the recommendations of the Mother of God, Our Mother, Our Lady 3 1 of Fatima. The Roaary must have a very special importance and power, because Our Blessed Mother, the Mother of God, deign- ed to designate herself "THE LADY OF THE ROSARY", and she took the pains to teach the three little children of Fatima hoW t o recite the Rosary properly. Since the days of St. Dominic all the Saints and Holy Mother Church have shown a de- voted love for the Rosary. Our Lady has made the Rosary one of the conditions for the peace of the world. Let us heed her recom- mendation, and as of yore, the Rosary will be the means of bringing peace and serenity to the world, which is now in a state of chaos »'OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY OF FA- TIMA, PRAY FOR US." - (300 days Indul- gence.) R E P A R A T I O N T O M A R Y ' S I M M A C U L A T E H E A R T We know' that the word devotion answers to that of devotedness, p. Vowing of one's self the consecration of one's self. There is no stronger word than that of devotion to in- dicate the disposition of heart which makes one ready to do everything, even to suffer, for the one to whom one is devoted. Just as the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a special devotion to Christ, so the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a special devotion to Our Blessed Mother Our Lady of Fatima. The object of the devo- tion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the entire person of Mary, is called by theologians the total object. It is* distinguished from the direct or proximate object. The direct mater- ial object is the real, physical Heart of Mary — the Heart of flesh. It is the same Heart, the living and loving Heart of Our Blessed Mother; the same Heart that loved us so In- 8 2 tensely during her sojourn on earth; the same Heart that beat in her breast at the moment of the Incarnation; the same Heart that sup- plied the precious blood from which Jesus was formed; the same Heart that was rent with grief and sorrow as she stood at the foot of the Cross; the same Heart that now reigns gloriously in Heaven, lovingly watch- ing over the welfare of her children on earth. There is another object,, called the spiritual object, and this is the ardent and almost in- finite love of the Mother of God, symbol- ized by her Immaculate Heart. Herein lies the reason why, we- honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Being, a symbol of love, it signifies in a special manner Mary's love for mankind. Theologians'tell us that when we venerate Mary's Immaculate Heart, we should not consider it as a separate, inanimate and insensible part of the body of the Blessed Virgin, but rather as inseparably united with her soul and person. It is not, then, only the Heart of Mary that we honor in this devo- tion, but the entire person of 1 Mary, under the aspect of a most loving Mother. Devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart is not an end in itself. It is the means to an end. Mary does not want our love and our hearts for herself but for Jesus. She wants us to love her only that she may teach us how to love Jesus. The best means of showing love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary is by living a good Catholic life. To love Mary's Immaculate Heart one must refrain from heaping insults upon that, loving Heart. A sinner heaps in- sults upon the Immaculate Heart of Mary when he commits sin. How well the three in- nocent children of Fatima understood this, when in the vision they saW the Immaculate as Heart of Mary surrounded with thorns. They understood that this indeed was the Immac- ulate Heart of Mary, wounded by the sins of ungrateful mankind. Mary's Immaculate Heart demancts repara- tion and atonement. Mary asked for this rep- aration on ,¿several occasions during her "ap- paritions at Fatima. Surely, one can readily understand that if one loves the Immaculate Heart it will pain him to see that Heart so little loved, so often forgotten, reviled and insulted. Consolation is gladly accepted in sorrow and sadness. Such consolation we give to Mary's Immaculate Heart when we make rep- aration for all the injuries' and insults heap- ed upon her by thoughtless and ungrateful mankind. She asked the children to console her; She asked for personal consecration and for Communion of Reparation on the First Saturday of the month. In addition, she made the GREAT PROMISE for those who would practice the devotion of the Five Fin>t Saturdays. Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is another one of the conditions laid down,by Our Blessed Mother — Our Lady of Fatima — for the return of the world to Jesus through her — through her Immaculate Heart. Cardinal Cerejeira, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, speaking on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, said: "We believe that the apparitions of Fatima open a new era, that of the Immac- ulate Heart of Mary. What has taken place to Portugal is of the miraculous order. It is a foreshadowing of what the Immaculate Heart of Mary is preparing for the world." 3 4 YOUR TREASURE - THE ROSARY IN ALL ages of trouble and tribula- tion the Church has turned to Mary for aid and comfort. One of the great and most potent weapons that we have outside of the Holy Sac- rifice of the Mass is Mary's Ro- sary. The Rosary is our treasure. Many do not realize the great treasure they possess in the Rosary. They go through life fingering and praying their beads without ever taking the trouble to dis- cover for themselves the full richness and beauty of this universally beloved devotion to Our Lady. It is to remind the faithful of the efficacy of this great treasure, our Rosary, that we pen these few words. The Rosary as recited in the popularly ac- cepted sense (five decades) is not, strictly speaking, the complete Rosary. It is really one-third of it. However, in order to gain most of the indulgences attached to this beautiful devotion, it is sufficient to recite a one-third part (five decades) of the Rosary. The Rosary can be defined as vocal prayer joined with meditation. It is important to keep this definition in mind, since this for- mula is absolutely necessary for the proper recitation of the Rosary and the gaining of the indulgences attached to it. There are two essential prayers in the Ro- sary: The Our Father and the Hail Mary. The other prayers — the Apostles' Creed, the Glory be to the Father and other prayers are pious and commendable additions, but they are not essential to the conlpleteness of the Rosary. It is well to note that, for the purpose of gain- ing the indulgences, the recitation of the Our 35 Matters and Sail Marys must be of vocal nature, even though inaudible. The prayers must be definitely pronounced, whether aloud or in a whisper. , Only those with organic speech defects are exempted from this rule. The second essential part of the Rosary, without which it is not complete, no matter how many Our Fathers or Hail Marys are said, is the meditation on the mysteries of our Redemption. These mysteries are fifteen in nutober, and they are divided into three groups of five each: The Joyful, the Sor- rowful, and the Glorious Mysteries. In pray- ing the Rosary, we meditate on each of the mysteries in turn as we complete each sec- l i tion of ten Hail Marys. While it is not obligatory to comply with it, the prevailing custom is to recité the Joy- ful Mysteries on Mondays and Thursdays, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays and Fri- days, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednes- days and Saturdays. The mysteries said on Sunday generally vary with the Church Season. The Joyful Mysteries ara recited from the first Sunday of Advent to the last Sun- day of Advent, the Sorrowful Mysteries from the first Sunday of Lent to Easter Sunday (exclusive), while from Easter Sunday to the first Sunday of Advent (exclusive) the Glo- ious Mysteries are recited. Our Lady of Fatima on the occasion of her second apparition to the three shepnerd chil- dren (June 13, 1917) requested that the follow- ing ejaculation be recited after each decade of the Rosary: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fire of hell! . Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who most need your mercy. M The Bishop of Leiria has granted an in- dulgence of one hundred days each time for the recitation of this ejaculation in his diocesè. Holy Mother Church is not severe in her rule about each mystery being meditated upon throughout the actual decade. She realizes that some people find it difficult to concen- trate so long on one subject. Hence she has decreed that it is sufficient to have a loving respect for the mystery under consideration, in order to gain the indulgences. At least the mystery under consideration should be brought to mind at the beginning, during, or at the end of the decade. The Rosary is one of the most richly in- dulgenced devotions of the Church. Space does not permit the enumeration of all thè indulgences attached to the correct and de- vout recitation of the Rosary. Of course it should not be necessary to remind Catholics that they must be in the • state of grace to gain any indulgences attached to the Rosary, or any other devotion. Our Lady of Fatima in her personal appearances at Fatima was Insistent on the daily recitation of the Ro- sary. She was pleased to call herself "THE LADY OF THE ROSARY." Thus, you will realize that your Rosary is your treasure, and you must cherish it and recite it every day, meditating upon the mys- teries of our redemption. ST Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rpsary J O I F U l M Y S T E R I E S 1. The Annunciation LET US contemplate, in this , mystery, how the Angel Ga- briel saluted. Our Blessed Vf ! Lady with the title, full «f I ft grace, and announced to lier i that she was to become the ^ M r S S ^ L •J?' Mother of Our Lord and ^JoNctoWfelf Saviour Jesus Christ. . Let us adore the Son of God hidden within the womb of Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, and beseech of Him the virtue of humility. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation: O my Jesus, forgive us our .trespasses, preserve us from the fire of hell, and bring all souls to heaven, especially those which most need your help. 2. The Visitation Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, understanding from the Angel that her cousin St. Elizabeth had conceived, went in haste to the mountains of Judea to visit her, and remained with her three months. Let us adore the Son of God, inspiring His most Holy Mother to visit her cousin Saint Elizabeth, and beseech Him to grant unto us the virtue of charity to our neighbor. 3 8 Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 3. The Nativity Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, when the time of her delivery was come, brought forth Our Redeemer Jesus Christ, and laid Him in a I manger because there was no room for Him . in the inn at Bethlehem. * Let us adore the Son of God, born in a poor stable, of a Mother whose only treasure ¡51 was her virginal purity, and let us beseech of Him the grace of purity of soul and body. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 4. The Presentation Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how Our Blessed Mother, on the day of her Pur- ification, presented the Child Jesus in the Temple, where holy Simeon, giving thanks to God with great devotion, received Him into his arms. Let us adore the Son of God, presented in the Temple to His heavenly Father by the | hands of Mary, and let us beg that our hearts | be freed from the desire of all earthly things, (l - Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to I the Father. Ejaculation 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple Let us contemplate, in this mystery, now the Blessed Virgin Mary, after having lost, without any fault of hers, her beloved Son in Jerusalem, sought Him for the space of three 3 9 days, and at length found Him the third day In the Temple, in the midst of the doctors, discoursing with them, being then of the age of twelve years. Let us adore the Son of God, who left everi His own most tender Mother, when the glory of His heavenly Father' called Him, and was found by Mary sitting in the midst of the doctors. Let us beg Our Lord for an ardent zeal to instruct ourselves in our holy faith, and to bring others to the knowfedge of it. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. THE FIVE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES 1. The Agony In the Garden Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ was so afflicted for us in the Garden of Gethsemani that His Body was bathed in a sweat of blood, which ran down in great drops upon the ground. Let us adore Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden, accepting all the horrors of His most cruel Passion, whereby the soul of His most tender Mother was so bitterly afflicted, and let us beg that in all things, however painful and hard, we seek only the will of God. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 2. The Scourging at the Pillar Let us contemplate, In this mystery, how Our L o r d Jesus Christ, delivered up by Pilate to the fury "of the Jews, was most cruelly scourged at a pillar. Let us adore Our Lord Jesus Christ, en- during f o r our sake that most cruel scourjr- 40 tng, by every stroke of which the most ten- der Hiar t of Mary was torn. Let us beg of Him the spirit of mortification. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory to be to the Father. Ejaculation. 8. The Crowning with Thorns Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the cruel ministers of .Satan plaited a crown of sharp thorns, and most cruelly pressed it on the sacred head of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us adore Jesus our King, crowned in derision-with a/crown of thorns; the sight of • which increased yet more the grief of Mary. Let us ask the grace to overcome human re- , spect. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory the Father. Ejaculation. 4. Jesus Carries His Cross Let us contemplate, in this ..mystery, now Our Lord Jesus Christ, being sentenced to death, bore with the piost amazing patience the cross which was laid upon Him for His greater torment and ignominy. Let us adore Our Lord Jesus Christ bowed down beneath the burden of His cross in sight of His most tender Mother, resolved to drink with Him the same cup of bitterness. Let us ask of Him the spirit of meekness and patience. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 5. Jesus Dies on the Cross Let us contemplate,' in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ, having come to Mount Calvary, was stripped of His clothing, and His hands and feet were cruelly nailed tq. the cross, on which He died, in the presence of His most afflicted Mother. Let us adore Our Lord Jesus Christ, fin- ishing, by His death on the cross, the great work of our redemption. Let us ask of Him, through the tears of His most sorrowful Moth- er, the spirit of holy compunction. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. THE FIVE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES 1. The Resurrection Let us contemplate, in this mystery, .how Our Lord Jesus Christ, triumphing glorious- ly over death, rose again on the third day, immortal and impassible. Let us adore Our Divine Saviour, the glor- ious Conqueror of death; and let us ask of Mary by the joy which filled her soul at the resur- rection of her Divine Son, to obtain for us the triumph of Jesus, and Mary within our hearts. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 2. The Ascension Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after . His resurrection, ascended into heaven, attended by Angels, in the sight, and to the great ad- miration, of His most holy Mother and His Apostles and Disciples. Let us adore Our 'Divine Saviour, ascend- ing into heaven to prepare a place for us; and let us ask Mary, who followed Jesus in spirit, 4 2 "His" Holy Spirit misunderstood to mean His soul, to obtain for us a great desire, for our heavenly country. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory .be to the Father. Ejaculation. S. The Descent of the Holy Ghost Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ,., being seated at the right hand of God, sent, as He had promised the Holy Ghost upon His Apostles, who aftar the Ascension, returned to Jerusalem, and • continued in prayer and supplication with the Blessed Virgin Mary, expecting the fulfill- ment of His promise. Let us adore Our Divine Saviour, sending from above the Holy Spirit; let us ask of Mary, whom He has appointed to dispense His graces, to obtain for us the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 4. The Assumption Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin after the resurrection' of her Divine Son, passed put of this World unto Him, and was assumed into heaven, accom-- panied by the holy Angels. Let us adore Our Divine Saviour, receiv- ing His gracious Mother into the bosom of His glory, and let us ask her to obtain for us the desire of perfection. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. 5. The Coronation Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how 4 3 the glorious Virgin Mary was, to the great jubiliation and exultation of the whole court of heaven, crowned by her Son with the brightest diadem of glory, and how all the saints rejoice with her in bliss. Let us adore Our Divine Saviour, crown- ing the virtues of-His most holy Mother in Heaven; let us beg her to obtain for us the grace to love and imitate them. Our Father. Ten Hail Marys. Glory be to the Father. Ejaculation. T H E S A L V E R E G I N A Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope; to thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears; turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and, after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus; O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. jR. That we may be made worthy -of the promises of Christ. L E T U S P R A Y O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that, meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may both imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. 4A Litany of Our Lady of Fàtima (For Private use only) Our Lady oi Fdtima, pray for our dear country. Our Lady of Fdtima, sanctify our Clefgy. Our Lady of Fdtima make our Catholics more fervent'. Our Lady of Fdtima, guide and inspire those who gov- ern us. Our Lady of Fdtima, cure