F A T I M A W A T E R WATER FROM THE MIRACULOUS SPRING OF FATIMA The water now available from Our Mission, hag been imported direct from the Seminary of Fatima. To this water are attributed innumer- able wonderful cures. The origin of the Spring itself is miraculous. The nature of the soil of Cova da Iria was so porous that no amount of water could give rise to even the veriest trickle of spring water there. Hundreds of thou- sands of Pilgrims were thus inconvenienced. The Bishop of Leiria decided to build a concrete cistern to hold rain water for the use of the Pilgrims. As ground was broken for this event, the purest of drinking water bubbled up in a crystalline stream. For over twenty years a copious supply of excellent water has never failed to flow from this spring. This is some of the same water that flows by the monument of the Sacred Heart in the Sanc- tuary of Fatima, at the very spot where Our Lady deigned to appear to the three Seers of Fatima. This is the same water that has been the instrument of wonderful cures. Recently, a case well known to us, despaired of by many eminent physicians, sipped some of this very same water every day for nine weeks and now thanks to the intercession of Our Lady of Fa- tima, is well on the road to recovery. And this is only one of the many cases, who, having used the water from the Miraculous Spring of Fatima, attribute their recovery to Our Lady of Fatima. x Address your request to: H * *«; I . ° , S E P H C A C E L L A St. Anthony's Welfare Center 4 « E. 135th St. - New York 54. N . Y. Telephone MOtt Haven 9-2922 POPE PIUS XII IMPARTS SPECIAL APOSTOLIC BENEDICTION TO PROMOTERS OF THE CAUSE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Vatican City, May 30, 1947 SEGRETERIA DI STATO DI SUA SANTITA No. 155174 Dear Father Cacella: It is my pleasing duty to ack- nowledge the receipt of the two copies of the book "Our Lady of Fatima" and of the February number of "Saint An- thony's Visitor" which you so kindly forwarded recently for the Holy Father's acceptance. His Holiness deeply appreciate the sentiments of loyal filial attachment to His August Person which prompted you to place these interesting volumes • at His disposal* and He would have me assure you of His paternal .gratitude for your thoughtful gesture. Praying that Almighty God may continue to bless the zealous efforts you are making to spread devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, the Sovereign Pontiff lovingly imparts to you and to your collaborators at St. Anthony's Welfare Center his Special Apostolic Benediction. Gladly availing myself of this ocasion to as- sure you of my high esteem and regard, I re- main. Sincerely yours in Christ, J. B. MONTINI, Subst. Rev. JOSEPH CACELLA, St. Anthony's Welfare Center 443 East 135th Street, New York 54, N. Y. * BORN March 11, 1910 Visited by Our Lady of Fatima May to October 1917 DIED in the odor of Sanctity on February 20, 1920 Pray _ for her beatification PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY To obtain the Beatification of Jacinta Marto O Mary, who in thy maternal love hast chosen little Jacinta to be the confidante of thy Im- maculate Heart so grieved by the sins of man- kind, thou who didst inspire her with a great spirit of penance, an ardent zeal for the conver- sion of sinners, and an intense desire to atone for the blasphemies against thy Immaculate Con- ception, vouchsafe we humbly beseech thee, to obtain from the most merciful Heart of Jesus the grace of elevation to the honor of the Altar, of the saintly little girl, Jacinta, the object of thy predilection whom thou hast given us as a model of apostolate and reparation. Amen. f i I j \ f I I J i I ! j I I Ì j i j I I I j I ! N O W I S T H E H O U R IN THIS, the world's most tragic hour . . . Our Lady oi Fatima calls out to each one oi us, urging us to develop, each in his own way, our resources of spirit- ual good . . . doing our share by way oi penance, prayer, lasting, good deeds, almsgiving . . . in keep- ing with her Message oi Fatima. Let us heed her call . . . every day . . . every hour, in doing so, we help to lessen the scars oi war . . . we help to speed the only peace which will endure . . . the peace oi her Divine Son. Fatima and the Rosary . . . Keep repeating tho Message oi Fatima to everyone. In the six apparitions oi Fatima . . . the "Beautiiul Lady" held the rosary in her hands. To Lucy's ques- tion . . . "Who are you and what do you want?" There was this reply: " I am the Lady oi the Rosary, I have come to warn the iaithiul to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord Who already is so deeply offended. They must say the Rosary." The Rosary is a "must" in Our Lady's peace planl Remember . . . we are at war against the most powerful menace which has ever confront- ed the Christian world! But our greatest danger is not Russia and its satelite armies . . . it is ourselves . . . our growing disxegard oi the principles that have made us, and will keep us, a iree people! . . . We can overcome all dangers . . . but, iirst . . . reform within . . . the desire to coniorm to the Law oi God. NOW IS THE TIME TO PRAY FOR PEACE OUR HOLY FATHER says: "The sands of time are run- ning out as mankind faces its moment of decision — self-destruction or survival." Now is the hour, therefore« to pray for peace. Peace for ourselves, for our coun- try, and for the world. These are the principal objectives of our appeal: "Penance, Prayer, and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." % SILENT TOO LONG The story of Fatima — the greatest event of our cen- tury up to the time of the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of Our Lady into heaven — is now being told the world over. Too long have ALL TOO MANY been silent. We must now intensify our ef- forts to publicize Mary's commands at Fatima and do our best to fulfill them. Perhaps you have some urgent request to place before Our Ladyl You may have some perplexing problem, worry, ailment, etc. Why not, then, seek the intercession of Our Blessed Mother — Our Lady of Fatima? She is tender and kind. She will answer your request if you seek her aid in the right manner, with the proper disposition. Remember her GREAT PROMISE to Lucy, the Seer of Fatima — the promise of the graces needed at the time of death, to all who practice the devotion of the Five First Saturdays. "Our Lady of the Rosary of Fati- ma, pray for us." ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O Immaculate Heart of Mary / Queen oi Heav- en and Earth« and tender Mother of men, / in accordance with thy ardent wish made known at Fatima. I consecrate to thee myself / my brethren, / my country, / and the whole human race. • Reign over us / and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus / reign and triumph in us and around us, / as it has reigned and triumphed in thee! Reign over us, dearest Mother / that we may be thine in prosperity and in adversity, / in joy and*in sorrow, / in health and in sickness, / in life and in deathl O most compassionate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins / watch over our minds and hearts, / and preserve them from the deluge of impur- ity, / which thou didst lament so sorrowfully at Fatima. We want to be pure like thee. We want to atone for the many crimes committed against Jesus and thee. We want to call down upon our country and the whole world / the peace of God in justice and charityl Therefore / we now promise to imitate thy virtues / by the practice of a Christian life without regard to human respect. We resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Sat- urday of every month / and to offer thee five decades of the Rosary each day, / together with our sacrifices, in the spirit of reparation and penance. / Amen. HOW TO MAKE A NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA There is no hard and fast rule as to the method to be followed in making this novena. The only thing that is essential is to say at least five decades of the Rosary every day for nine days in succession. If you say five decades each day, then on the first day you should meditate on the Joyful Mysteries/ on the second ^day the Sorrowful Mysteries and on the third day the Glorious Mysteries. Then for the next three days of the novena, repeat in the same order, and again, on the last three days. In this manner you will have said the whole Ro- sary (fifteen decades) three times in making the novena. In other pages of this booklet will be found meditations on each and all of the fifteen mys- teries. It would be well to follow these thoughts for your meditation on the mysteries, unless you have other meditations that you prefer. All who can do so^ should go to Holy Com- munion frequently, daily if possible when mak- ing the novena. Make a spiritual Communion every day, for spiritual Communions are a great means of keeping the soul lovingly united to God. The indulgences for making a novena in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary is an indulgence of five years once each day for nine days and a plenary indulgence when the novena is com- pleted. Every time you recite five decades of the Rosary in the presence of the Blessed Sac- rament exposed on the altar or reserved in the tabernacle, you gain a plenary indulgence. This indulgence can be gained by all the faithful on the usual conditions of making confession and receiving Holy Communion. The confession may be made within eight days before pr after the Rosary visits, and confession every two weeks may suffice for the obligation of confes- sion. Holy Communion may be received the day before or eight days' after the visit. SHORT ACT OF CONSECRATION j TO THE BLESSED MOTHER ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE ' j BLESSED MOTHER My Queen and my Mother to thee do I of- I for myself without any reserve and to give thee ! a mark of my devotion I consecrate to thee dur- | ing this day my «yes. my ears, my mouth my j heart, my whole person. I i IN TEMPTATION SAY IMMEDIATELY My Queen and my Mother, remember that I j belong to thee; preserve and defend me as thy ! property and possession. j AN INDULGENCE OF 500 DAYS A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions. 1 if this act of oblation is repeated every day for j a month. 5 (S.C. Ind., Aug. 8, 1851; S.P. Ap.. Nov. 21, 1936) j . ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART O Sacred Heart of Jesus, filled with infinite j love, broken by my ingratitude and pierced by | my sins and yet loving me still, accept the con- ' secration that I make to thee of all that I am j and all that I have. Take every faculty of my 1 soul and body and draw me day by day near- J er and nearer to thy sacred side, and there. | as I can bear the lesson, teach me thy blessed 1 way. O Sacred Heart of lesus. once in agony, have I pity on the dying. THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA WE NEED PROMOTERS TO HELP TO SPREAD THE FATIMA MESSAGE FAR AND WIDE For information writs to Rt. Rev. Msgr. JOSEPH CACELLA <43 East 135th Street - New York 54. N. Y. Telephone MOtt Haven 9-2922 Ht. HOT. Msgr. Joseph Cocolla «cor t i Hi» Excollency Dom Joeó Carraia da Silva, Bish- op ot Leina. f.vom the Chapel ol the Appari- «o the Blessing of the Sick, on May . , h * ocecwion beino the SECOND NATIONAL A M E H I C A N PILGRIMAGE TO Mr. Marto and his wile, father and moth- er of Francisco and Jaclnta whose cause for canonization was started in 1950. PHOTOS TAKEN BY FATHER CACELLA Maria a Gongalves Froca, 13 year of age —• stricken with a grave illness for five years« she looked like a corpse. With the use of the water of Fatima she was completely cured. She came to Fatima to thank Our Blessed Lady. Maria Isabel Roseira, of Lardosa, poses with I Msgr. Cacella and one of the Servite Sis- | ters a few minutes after she was miraculously cured of paralysis and tuberculosis of thcj f spine, at the Shrine of Our I.ady of Fatima. j P R A Y E R FOR RECITATION BY ALL MOTHERS WITH BOYS^IN THE SERVICE It May Help to bring Comfort to All Mothers w£o Recite it Devoutly " O MARY, Queen of Martyrs, look after that boy of mine wherever he may be. Walk in upon him. Talk with him dur- ing the silent watches of the night and spur him to bravery when he faces t h e cruel foe. Transfer my prayer to his heart. Keep my boy inspired by a never- dying faith in his God. Throughout all the long days of hopeful victory, wherever his duty takes him, keep his spirit high and his purpose un- wavering. Make him a loyal friend. Nourish him with the love that I gave him at birth and satisfy the hunger of his soul with the knowl- edge of my daily _ prayer. "He is my choicest treasure. Take care of him. O Mother of God! Keep him in health and sustain him under every possible circumstance. I once warmed him under my heart, you warm him in his shelter under the stars. Touch him with mya smile of cheer and comfort, and my full coniidence in his every brave pursuit. Fau him not and may he not fail his God — his country nor the mother who bore him." P i U ¡ P a i s mmm IMP I k l a W i Mothers throughout the world . . . can bring peace to the whole world if they fulfill the re- quests of Our Lady of Fatima. This was revealed by the Mother of Christ . . . Our l ady of F a t ima . . . in the apparitions of Fatima in Portugal . . . away back in 1917. While there is still time . . . before time runs out . . . start putting her recommendations into action! HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS XII SPEAKS ON FATIMA IMPARTS APOSTOLIC BENEDICTION TO PROMOTERS On another page you will read the letter from Christ's Vicar on earth. The Vicar of Christ speaks for Christ. Hence his words to us carry the message of Christ. The message of the Sovereign Pontiff carries with it the divine approval of the work in which we are engaged. We know that we are doing something holy and salutary. "His Holiness imparts to all of you — priests, religious, and laity — his Special Apostolic Benediction, if you are engaged in the work of promoting the cause of Our Lady of Fat ima." Hence, all who are promoting the spread of thea devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, through their association with Saint Anthony's Welfare Center, receive this "Special Apostolic Benedic- tion" which is the sojul of approval from the Holy See, that our work is pleasing not only to Christ's Vicar but to Chnst Himself. In view of all this, won't you redouble your efforts as a Promoter or the cause of Christ's Mother, Our Lady of Fatima, who we may rest assured, was the means of obtaining this un- reserved assurance from her divine ¡son's Vicar that our Work is most pleasing, not only to Christ's Vicar, but to Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Promoters are needed urgently for the Sodal- itv of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for Fatima Clubs, whose work has been endorsed by Our Holy Father. Do not hesitate to write for literature on Our Lady of Fatima. The enemies of Christ waste not a second. Become a Promoter today! For literature on Our Lady of Fatima write to: Rt Rev. Msgr. JOSEPH CACELLA 443 East 135th Street - New York 54, N. Y. Telephone: MOtt Haven 9-2922 LITANY TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA (FOB PRIVATE USE ONLY) Our Lady of Fatima, pray for our dear country. Our Lady of Fatima, sanctify our Clergy, Our Lady of Fatima, make our Catholics more fervent. Our Lady of Fatima, guide and inspire those who govern us. Our Lady of Fatima, cure the sick who confide in you. Our Lady of Fatima, help those who invoke your Our Lady of Fatima, deliver us from all dangers. Our Lady of Fatima,' help us to resist tempta- tion. * Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us all we lov- ingly ask of you. Our Lady of Fatima, help those who are dear to us. Our Lady of Fatima, bring back to the right road our erring brothers. Our Lady of Fatima, give us back our ancient iervor. Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us pardon of our manifold sins and oifences. Our Lady of Fatima, bring all men to the feet of your Divine Child. Our Lady of Fatima, obtain peace for the World. L E T U S P B A Y O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in ybur dear Mother, whom we invoke under the title of Our Lady of the Hosary of Fatima, and grant us by her most powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. LISBON, 1928. + ANTONIO Cardinal Patriarch PRAYERS TAUGHT TO THE SHEP- HERD CHILDREN OF FATIMA BY OUR LADY AND THE ANGEL The following prayer should be recited after every decade of the Rosary« as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. "My Jesus forgive our sins! Save us from the fire of hell! Lead all souls to Heaven« Help especially those who are in most need." " O most Holy Trinity« I adore Thee! My Godl My God! I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sac- rament." (The three Seers of Fatima were inspired to say this prayer during the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.) " O my Jesus, it is for Thy love for the con- version of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." "My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee. Pardon those who believe not, adore not, hope not, and love Thee not." (This prayer, to be recited three times, was taught to the Children by the Angel.) "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I offer to Thee, as I adore Them, the most precious Body, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles oi the world, in reparation for the outrages by which He Himself is offended. By the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart and through the in- tercession of the Immaculate HeagL~of Mary. I beg of Thee the conversion of sinners." (Tho Angel instructed the Children to say this prayer kneeling« with their heads bowed to the gremnd.) TABLE OF CONTENTS History of the Wonders o{ Fatima 1 The Three Little Children. . .... g Fatima and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. " 8 The Devotion of the Five First Saturdays 9 Days on Which the Mysteries are Recited... 12 Meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary..,, 12 Rosary Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.... _ 17 Indulgenced Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima. 18 Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. 19 Immaculate Heart Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima 20 Act of Consecration - By Pope Pius XII 21 Novena of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 23 Consoling Words of Our Lady of Fatima I 30 Invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I 31 The Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Mother.. 32 Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Suitable for Private Use) ! 36 Novena to the Immaculate Heart of M a r (Suitable for Public Use) 38 Chaplet of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 42 FRONT PAGE: Pope Pius XII Imparts Special Apostolic Benediction, lacinta Marto. Now is the Hour, Now is the Time to Pray for Peace, Act of Consecration, How to Make a Novena to Our Lady of Fatima. Short Act of Consecration to the Blessed Mother, The Message of Fatima. His Holiness Pope Pius XII Speaks on Fatima. Litany to Our Lady of Fatima. Prayer Taught to the Shepherd Children of Fatima by Our Lady and the Angel, CONCLUDING PAGES) The Prayer of the Angel, The Holy Father Speaks Again. Our Only Hope, How to Make a Novena to the Immac- ulate Heart of Mary, FATIMA AND THE ROSARY A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WONDERS OF FATIMA, PORTUGAL By Rt. Rev. Msgr. JOSEPH CACELLA I n the third year of the War of 1914-1918, Pope Benedict XV issued an earnest appeal, on the fifth of May, for a world crusade of prayer to Our Lady Mediatrix of Grace for the purpose of ending the havoc which threatened to destroy •modern civilization. Heaven heard and answered these prayers in a truly wonderful way. Eight days later, on the thirteenth of May, the Blessed Virgin appeared to three little shepherds at Fa- tima, a Portuguese village sixty miles north of Lisbon. Jacinta, aged 7, Francisco, aged 9, and Lucia, aged 10, were peacefully pasturing their sheep on a plateau outside the village at Cova da Iria when suddenly in the wake of a flash of light they beheld a Lady of incomparable beauty and freshness standing on a bright cloud over a 'small oak tree. Her vesture was pure white, and a mantle edged with gold covered her head and flowed round her body. A golden cord ending in a tassel hung around her neck. Her hands were piously joined before her breast, and from her right hand hung a white Rosary of pearly beads. With a smile of maternal tenderness, but some- what sad, she gently beckoned the children to approach, saying: "Have no fear, I will do you no harm. I comS from heaven, I want you child- ren to come here on the thirteenth of each month, •until October. Then I will tell you who I am." FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 2 "You come from heavenl Shall I go there asked Lucy. "Yes, replied the Lady, "but you must say-the Rosary, and say it properly." The news spread about Fatima, but the child- ren were not believed by the villagers; in fact, they were severely reprimanded. Nevertheless some 60 or 70 people accompanied the little shep- herds to the plateau on the thirteenth of June. Again the beautiful Lady from heaven appeared and recommended the frequent recitation of the Rosary to the children, teaching them an ejacula- tion to be said after the Gloria of each decade: O my lesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell, bring ajl souls to Heaven, help especially those who a re most in need. 100 Days Indulgence each time - Bichop of Leiria. The Lady also urged upon the children the practice of mortification, saying: Pray, pray much and make sacrifice for sin- ners. Many souls go to Hell because there are none to make sacrifices and to pray for them. When the Lady came again on the thirteenth of July, she urged the recitation of the Rosary for the ending of the war, since SHE ALONE COULD BRING IT ABOUT. Some 5,000 people were present on this occasion, and they were inform- ed by the , children of a great miracle to be worked at the site of the apparitions in October the month of the Rosary. During the apparition. Our Lady showed to the children the fires of hell, and then spoke1 these prophetic words: "You have seen the inferno where the souls of sinners end. To save souls, the Lord desires FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 3 that devotion to my Immaculate Heart be estab- lished in the world. If what I tell you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will end but if hien do not cease to offend the Lord, not much time will elapse before another and more terrible one will com- mence: it will occur precisely during the next Pontificate. When a night illuminated by an un- known light is seen, know that it is the signal which God gives you that the castigation of the world for its many transgressions is at hand, through wars, famine and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this I ask the consecration of Russia to my Immac- ulate Heart, and Communion in Reparation on the first Saturday of each month. "If my requests are heard, Russia will be con- verted and there will be peace. Otherwise, great errors will be spread throughout the world, giv- ing rise to wars and persecutions of the Church; the good will suffer martyrdom, and the Holy Father will have to suffer much; different nations will be destroyed; but, in the end, my Immac- ulate Heart will triumph. "The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me. It will be converted, and an era of peace will be conceded to humanity." The Bishop of Leiria, in his Pastoral Letter on the apparition, states that thousands of people whose truthfulness he could not doubt saw a light cloud filling the air as it were with an iridescent dust which surrounded the tree and the children at the time of this prophecy. The Portuguese press,, dominated by a revo- lutionary government which had dethroned the King in 1910 and was seeking to dethrone God from the"hearts of the peaple, caused a violent persecution of the children and a campaign of slander and contempt against the apparitions. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 4 The little shepherds were beginning their sor- rowful journey to Calvary. Devout Portuguese Catholics were not docile, however, to the lash of antirclericalism. The thirteenth of August found more than 15,000 people at' the Cova da Iria. What was their wrath and disappointment upon discovering that the saintly children had been kidnapped and imprisoned by the anti-clerical mayor of Vila Nova de Ourem, Fatima! Nevertheless, the beautiful Lady came_ to her three little cham- pions a, few days later, and manifested her desire for the erection of a new church in her honor. More than 30,000 people gathered, at' the Cova da Iria on the 13th of September, partly perhaps as a protest against the unfairness-and partisan- ship of the local government. Once more the Blessed Virgin came from heaven and bade the children say the Rosary for the ending of the war. A luminous globe coming from east to west in the clear sky was seen by many wit- nesses, and what appeared to be flakes of snow or rose petals fell in great quantity, disappear- ing before they touched the barren soil. This extraordinary phenomenon w a s actually nhotographed by a chance visitor to Fatima. Senhor Antonio Robelo Martins, Vice-Consul to the United States. On the thirteenth of October, despite incessant rain, an enormous crowd of more than 70,000 assembled from all corners of Portugal and even from distant countries .of Europe. It was the great day appointed by the Queen of Heaven and foretold, by her youthful prophets. The beautiful Lady appeared to the children for the last time, more radiant than ever. "Her face was brighter than the sun," said Francisco who was" dazzled but unable to withdraw his gaze. Lucia asked the usual question at the sug- FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 5 gestion of the authorities "Who are you and what do you want?" I AM THE LADY OF THE ROSARY, replied the heavenly visitor, AND I HAVE COME TO WARN THE FAITHFUL TO AMEND THEIR LIVES AND ASK PARDON FOR THEIR SINS, THEY MUST NOT CONTINUE TO OFFEND OUR LORD WHO HAS BFF.N SO DEEPLY OFFENDED THEY MUST SAY THE ROSARY. She also declared (hat she wished a church to be built in the Cpva da Iria in honor of the Lady of the Rosary, and that if people amend their lives the war would end soon. The children were favored on this, occasion with three remarkable visions: Our Lady and St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus in his arms; Our Lord, clothed in red, blessing the people, and Our Lady as the Mother of Sorrows and finally Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Suddenly an extraordinary event took place. The heavy rain ceased and the sun, resembling an eclipse emerged from the-sky and revolved three times within ten minutes casting off great shafts o! colored light which flashed and fell upon sky and earth. In the- formal Decree of 1930 drawn up by the Ecclesiastical Commission, the Bishop of Leliria wrote these words among others: "This phenomenon, which was not registered ' in any astronomical observatory — a fact which shows that it was not natural — was seen by persons of every class and grade of society, by believers and sceptics, by journalists represent- ing the principal Portuguese newspapers and even by persons miles away. "This destroys any explanation based on col- lective illusion." The Communistic revolution which was launch- ed̂ in Russia in that same month, October of 1917, soon made its impact felt in far-away Por- FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 6 tuga]. Furious opposition was demonstrated by the anti-God forces both publicly and in secret session against the apparitions at Fatima. They even placed live bombs in the modest chapel built on the site of the apparitions, destroying the last remnarits of the little oak upon which Our Lady had stood. The dynamite outrage occurred on the sixth of March, 1922. Instead of doing real, harm, it only served to popularize the causer Religion thrives on persecution. Immense * pilgrimages of protest and repara- tion began to find their way to Fatima, and to- day a basilica, containing fifteen Rosary chapels and surrounded by charitable institutions marks thei hallowed spot. It was not until October, 1930, however, that the apparitions were de- clared by ecclesiastical authority as worthy of belief, and devotion to Our Lady of Fatima was authorized. The full title is Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. During the thirteen-year in- terval, millions o{ pilgrims had visited the site and in one five-year period 215 miraculous cures were claimed. Fatima is fast becoming a world center of Mary's wonders of mercy and inter- cession. Thé soul-stirring hymns of the hundreds of thousands of Fatima pilgrims, broadcast from Portugal on the thirteenth of October inspired devout Catholics in all nations. THE THREE LITTLE CHILDREN When Lucia asked the beautiful Lady on thè thirteenth of May, J917, to be taken to heaven, Mary replied: "I shall soon take Jacinta and Fran- cisco, but you must remain here for some time. Jesus wants you to be the means of making me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart." FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 7 True to her word, Our Lady soon came to take the two younger shepherds to their eternal re- ward. Francisco, who had been warned to say many Rosaries for a happy death, died holily on the fourth of April 1919, after a short life of apostolic activity. ' During the two years after the apparitions he had recited the Rosary several times daily with great confidence in Our Lady. His sister, little Jacinta, received the news of his death bfavely, Her courage had almost fail- ed her for an instant when the anti-clericals threatened to torture her in the dungeon two years previously, yet she had stoutly refused to reveal to them the secrets entrusted to her by the beautiful Lady. Now she had attained a high degree of union with God. Suffering no longer frightened her; it only quenched her thirst for self-sacrifice and enkindled in her innocent heart the desire to save sinners. Three years after the apparition she was taken to the hospital where she underwent an opera- tion and where Our Lady appeared several times to console her. One day upon seeing several visitors and nurses dressed in a fashion offensive to modesty, she uttered these remark- able words: "What is the good of it all? If people only knew what eternity meansl The Blessed Virgin has said to me that luxurious liv- ing must be avoided, and that people must do penance and repent of their sins." the Blessed Virgin may have manifested signs of grief when she spoke to her, for Jacinta added: "Oh! I am sorry for Our Lady! I am sorry!" Jacinta was not quite ten years of age when she died in the odor of sanctity on the twentieth of February, 1920, three years after the appari- tions. She was buried in the cemetery of Fa- tima beside her brother Francisco Many con- versions and graces have been obtained through FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 8 the intercession of the little apostle of the Ro- sary and the Immaculate Heart and her cause for canonization is now under investigation. FATIMA A N D THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY "Shall I remain here alone?" Lucia inquired sadly when the Blessed Virgin apprised her of the early death of her two young cousins. "No, my child," answered Mary, "I will never abandon you. MY IMMACULATE HEART shall be your refuge and the WAY THAT WILL LEAD YOU TO GOD." Lucia entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Dorothy some years after the death of her childhood companions. She was received in their novitiate at Tuy, Spain, where she made her religious profession on the third of October, 1928. Those who see her affirm that she lives a retired and saintly life and that her eyes have a luminous and spiritual depth in them that is seldom >seen in this world. She is how Sister Mary of the Immaculate Heart, a member of the Carmelite Order, in Coimbra, Portugal. The first phase of tKe life of Lucia resembles that of Bernadette of Lourdes, and is intimately connected with the apostolate of the Holy Rosary, while the second phase suggests a modern re- newal of the role of St. Margaret Mary, apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On one occasion, Lucia, sole survivor of the Seers of Fatima, beheld in vision Our Lady with a brilliant light shining from her Immaculate Heart, and the Infant Jesus upon a small white cloud, pointing to the thorn-pierced Heart of His Mother, and asking Lucia to offer consola- tion and reparation. The most important vision, however, seems to be that in which the Blessed FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 9 Virgin assigned to her great mission of .inaug- urating the devotion of the First Saturdays, making a promise that will undoubtedly elicit- ioy and devotion in the Catholic World. THE DEVOTION OF THE FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS The purpose of this devotion and the mag- nificent promise connected therewith were re- vealed by the Blessed Virgin on December 10, 1925, in these remarkable words recorded by Lucy: MY CHILD, BEHOLD MY HEART SURROUND- ED WITH THE THORNS WHICH UNGRATEFUL MEN PLACE THEREIN AT EVERY MOMENT BY THEIR BLASPHEMIES AND INGRATITUDE. YOU AT LEAST, TRY TO CONSOLE ME AND TELL THEM THAT I PROMISE TO HELP AT THE HOUR OF DEATH WITH THE GRACES NEEDED FOR SALVATION, WHOEVER. ON THE FIRST SAT- URDAY OF FIVE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS. SHALL CONFESS AND RECEIVE HOLY COM- MUNION, RECITE FIVE DECADES OF THE RO- SARY AND KEEP ME COMPANY FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES WHILE MEDITATING ON THE FIF- TEEN MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY. WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING REPARATION TO ME. The confession asked by Our Lady in the five Saturdays devotion may be made eight days PRECEDING or FOLLOWING the feast provided that Holy Communion is received in the state of grace. The First Friday confession, for example, or that of thè preceding Sunday, would suffice. What the Blessed Virgin insisted on at Fatima was that people "change their lives." The meditation and Rosary are SEPARATE FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 10 REQUIREMENTS and need not be united. They may be accomplished in any convenient manner on the First Saturday. A sermon preach- ed for the occasion will satisfy for the medita- tion and such is actually the practice in some churches. Some parishes in the United States simply repeat the First Friday evening devotions with changes appropriate to the First Saturday requirements. Keeping Mary company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of thé Rosary may be accomplished in any convenient manner, such as pausing to reflect devoutly for about three minutes immediately before or af- ter reciting a decade of the beads, or simply taking twice as long to recite the mysteries with leisure and affectionate meditation. All the exercises, however, should be perform- ed with the INTENTION OF CONSOLING THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, grieved by the coldness and ingratitude of men, in a spirit of humility, atonement and love. Our Lady reveal- ed to Lucy that souls who practice the devo- tion would be dear to God and would resemble "flowers placed by me before the throne of God." Not only First Saturdays, but all Saturdays of the year, have been dedicated^ to Mary by Catholic practice from time immemorial. Since Jesus and Mary were associated in the divine work of Redemption, it seems fitting that Friday, dedicated to the passion of Our Saviour, should be followed by a day dedicated to the co-re- demptress of mankind Confession, Communion, devout recitation of the Rosary, fasting and other pious practices have always characterized the spirituality of Mary's faithful imitators. Our Lady requested of Lucy and the faithful not only Communions of reparation, but like- wise the homage of a consecration to her Im- maculate Heart. Monsignor Pacelli was con- FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 11 secrated a bishop as the Angelus was ringing at noon on tht 13th of May 1917, the very daY and hour of Our Lady's first apparition at Fa- tima. It was the same bishop, now Pope Pius XII, who consecrated the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the 25th an- niversary of the apparitions of Fatima. The practice of consecration to the Immaculate Heart is rapidly spreading among Catholic in- dividuals and nations, for it was associated by Mary herself with WORLD PEACE IN OUR DAY AND THE CONVERSION OF RUSSIA Our Lady has given to Sister Lucy a specific method for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. She desires that the Holy Father, together with all the Bishops of the world, shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on a specific day. Devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima has been indulgenced and approved by Papal authority. The growth of the Rosary and Im- maculate Heart Crusade, now, sweeping the United States will hasten the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart and sanctify our country. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 12 DAYS ON WHICH THE MYSTERIES ARE RECITED Monday S B The Joyful Mysteries Tuesday The Sorrowful Mysteries Wednesday The Glorious Mysteries Thursday The Joyful Mysteries Friday The Sorrowful Mysteries Saturday The Glorious Mysteries Sunday The Glorious Mysteries (Sundays in Advent, the Joyful MysteriesS in Lent, the Sorrowful Mysteries Meditation on the Mysteries Meditation on the Mysteries is the most import- ant part of the Rosary. Put yourself in the place of Jesus or Mary and live the mysteries with them. Meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES The First Mystery - The Annunciation THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the Angel Gabriel saluted Our Blesed Lady iiyith the title d Full of Grace, and declared unto her the Incarnation of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Then say. Our Father, once. Hail Mary, ten times. Glory be to the Father, and ejaculation after each decade. Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins. save us from the fire of Hell, bring all souls to Heaven. help especially those who are most in need r FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 13 The Second Mystery - The Visitation THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery how the Blessed Virgin Mary, understanding from the An- gel that her cousin St. Elizabeth, had conceived, went with haste into the mountains of Judea to visit her, and remained with her three months The Third Mystery - The Nativity THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in | this mystery,' how the- Blessed Virgin Mary, when the time of her deliv- ery was come, brought forth Our Redeemer Christ Jesus, at midnight, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for Him in the inn at Bethlehem. The Fourth Mystery - The Presentation THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery how the most Blessed Virgin Mary, on the day of her purification, presented the Child Jesus in the temple,, where holy Simeon, giving thanks to God with great devotion, received Him into his arms. The Fifth Mystery - The Presentation THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the Blessed Virgin Mary, having lost her beloved Son in Jerusalem, sought Him for the space of three days, and at length found Him the third day in the temple, in the midst of the doctors, disputing with them, being then but twelve years old. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 14 THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES The First Mystery - The Prayer and Bloody Sweat of Our Blessed Savioar in the Garden THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ was so afflicted for us in the garden of Gethsemani, that His body was bath- ed in a bloody sweat, which ran trickling down in great drops to the ground. Then say, Our Father once. Hail Mary, ten times. Glory be to the Father, and ejaculation alter each decade. Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell, bring all souls to Heaven, Help especially those who are most in need. The Second Mystery - The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this inystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ was most cruelly scourged in Pilate's house, the number, of stripes they gave Him being- above five thousand, as it was revel- ed to Saint Bridget. The Third Mystery - The Crowning oi Jesus with Thorns THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery how those cruel ministers of Satan plaited a crown of sharp thorns, and most cruelly pressed it on the most sacred head of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Fourth Mystery - Jesus Carrying the Cross THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ (being sentenced to death) FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 15 bore with great patience the Cross which was laid upon Him for His greater torment and ig- nominy. The Fifth Mystery - The Crucifixion THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery how Our Lord Jesus Christ having come to Mount Calvary was stripped of His clothing, and His hands and ieet most cruelly nailed to the Cross, in the presence of His afflicted Mother. THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES The First Mystery - The Resurrection THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery how Our Lord Jesus Christ, triumphed gloriously over death, rose again the third day, immortal and impassible. Then say. Our Father once. Hail Mary, ten times. Glory bo to the Father, and ejaculation alter each decade. i Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell, bring all souls to Heaven. Help especially those who are most in need. The Second Mystery - The Ascension THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after His resurrect tion, ascended into heaven, attended by angels, in sight of His most Holy Mother and his Apost- les and Disciples, to the great admiration of all. The Third Mystery - The Descent of the Holy Ghost THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how Our Lord Jesus Christ, being seated at the right FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 16 hand of God, sent (as he had promised) the Holy Ghost upon His apostles who, after He ascended, returning to Jerusalem, continued in prayer and supplication with the Blessed Virgin Mary, ex- pecting the fulfillment of His promise. The Fourth Mystery - The Assumption THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin Mary, twelve years after the resurrection of her Son, passed out of this world unto Him, and was by Him assumed into heav- en accompanied by the noly angels. The Fifth Mystery - The Crowning of The Blessed Virgin THE MEDITATION Let us contemplate in this mystery, ho-vy the glorious Virgin Mary, was with great jubilee and exultation of the whole court of heaven, and the particular glory of all the Saints, crowned by her Son with thé brightest diadem of glory — Queen of Heaven. Salve Regina Hail holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our Life, our Sweetness, and our Hope to thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears; turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of merçy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 17 Rosary Devotions to Our Lady of Fatima The Promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan 1. To all those who shall recite my Rosary de- voutly, I promise my special protection and very great graces, 2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some signal grace. 3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy. 4. The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies, it will substitute in hearts love of God for love of the world, and elevate them to desire, heavenly and eternal good. Would that souls would sanctify them- selves by this means! 5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish. 6. Those who shall recite the Rosary, piously, considering its mysteries, will not be over- whelmed by misfortune, nor die a bad death. The sinner will be converted; the just will grow in grace and become worthy of eter- nal life. 7. Those truly devoted to my Rosary will not die without the consolation of the Church, or without grace. 8. Those who shall recite my Ro3ary will find during their life and at their death the light of God, the fullness of His grace, and will share in the merits of the blessed. 9. I will deliver very promptly from purgatory the souls devoted to my Rosary. 10. The true children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in heaven. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 18 11. What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain. 12. Those who propagate my Rosary will obtain through me aid in all their necessities. 13. I have obtained from my Son that all the confrères of the Rosary shall have for their brethren in life and death the saints of heav- en. 14. Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are all my beloved children, the brothers and sisters of lesus Christ. 15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predilection. From the writings of Blessed Alan de la Roche. O. P. * Indulgenced Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima - O Virgin Mary, grant that the recitation of thy Rosary may be for me each day, in the midst of my manifold duties, a bond of unity in my ac- tions, a tribute of filial piety, a sweet refresh- ment, and encouragement to walk joyfully along the path of duty. Grant, above all, O Virgin Mary, that the study of thy fifteen mysteries may form in my soul, little by little, a luminous atmosphere, pure, strengthening and fragrant, which may penetrate my understanding, my will, my heart, my memory, my imagination, my whole being. So shall I acquire the habit of praying while I work, without the aid of for- mal prayers, by inferior acts of admiration and supplication or by aspirations of love. I ask this of thee. O Queen of the Holy Rosary, through St. Dominic, thy son of predilection, the renowned preacher of thy mysteries and the faithful imitator of thy virtues. Amen FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 19 Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosarj of Fatima Immaculate Virgin, who through the Holy Ro- sary destroyed the nefarious heresy of the Al- bigenses, liberated Christendom from the peril of the Mohammedan, and strengthened the piety of the faithful deliver us from the evils which endanger our faith by inspiring us with greater devotion to thee and to the Holy Rosary. Preserve us from the spiritual and material dangers which threaten the purity of our lives. Increase in our hearts the spirit of piety so that we may be more truly Christian, more deeply religious, and ever devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Show unto us O loving Mother the same ten- der affection of which yob gave such striking proof in your apparitions to the devoted people of Fatima. Look down with pity upon usi your children that we may rejoice ever more in the strong protection of your loving and material Heart. Bless our country. Most Holy and Im- maculate Virgin, and convert the hearts of sin- ners by opening to them the riches of your love, reveal unto them the tender mysteries of your Immaculate Heart. Make of us the chosen instruments of your maternal love that we may praise you with filial affection in this life and share ¡your glory forever in heaven. Amen. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 20 O U R O N L Y H O P E Our Lady laid down a clear, concise and sim- ple condition for the conversion of Russia and the Peace of the World. "If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace." If not, Russia's impious propaganda is going to swamp every country in the world. It is terrible! But there it is and it is in our hands! It is a clear-cut choice. More than that. Our Lady told Lucy that "As soon as a sufficient number of people are fulfill- ing her requests the result will cornel" It is a ter- rible responsibility that Our Lady has laid upon our shoulders. The conversion of Russia and the peace of the world are in her hands! There, then, is a very simple and clearly-laid- down condition for peace and happiness if only- men will show that they really believe that Our Lady is the Mother of the Eternal Truth and that Our Lady does not lie! Up till now some have shown little inclination to believe Our Lady or to rouse themselves to the little effort which is going to save them and their wives, babies, sweethearts, mothers and fathers from the most hellish suffering that diabolic agency can inventl It may be per- haps that up till now men have not known and the message has been hidden. Now, however, there is absolutely no excuse; the message is known, and the message is as clear as day- light. Americans pride themselves on their logic and their good common sense, let that logic and good common sense come forward now, for it was never more needed than it is today —- for. now it is SELF DESTRUCTION OR SUR- VIVAL! FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 21 ACT OF CONSECRATION Of the Human Race to the Immaculate Heart o f Mary By POPE PIUS XII The Holy Father urges all Catholics to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to recite frequently- this Act oi Consecration, to which he has attached rich indulgences. - QUEEN of the Most Holy Rosary, Refuge of the human race. Victress in all God's battles we humbly prostraie ourselves before thy throne, confident that we shall receive mercy, grace and bountiful assistance and protection in the" present calamity not through our own inadequate merits, but solely through the great goodness of thy Maternal Heart. To thee, to thy Immaculate Heart, in this hu- manity's tragic hour,.we consign and consecrate ourselves in union not only the Mystical Body of thy Son, Holy Mother Church, now in such suffering and agony in so many places and sorely tried in so many ways but also with the entire world, torn by fierce strife, consumed in a fire of hate, victim of its own wickedness. May the sight of the widespread material and moral destruction, of the sorrows and an- guish of countless fathers and mothers, hus- band and wives, brothers and sisters, and in- nocent children, of the great number of lives cut off in the flower of youth, of "the bodies, mangled in horrible slaughter, and of the tor- tured and agonized souls in danger of being lost eternally, move thee to compassionl • O Mother of Mercy, obtain peace for us from God, ar.d above all procure for us those graces which prepare, establish and assure peace. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 22 Queen of Peace, pray for us and give to the world now at war the peace for which ¿1 peoples are longing, peace in the truth, justice and charity of Christ. Give peace to the war- ring nations and to the souls of men, that in tranquillity of order the Kingdom of God may prevail! Extend thy protection to the infidels and to all those still in the shadow of death; give them peace and grant that on them, too, may shine the sun of truth, that they may unite with us proclaiming before the one and only Saviour of the world, "Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will." I Give peace to the peoples separated by error or by discord, and especially to those who pro- fess such singular devotion to thee and in whose homes an honored place was ever ac- corded thy venerated icon (today perhaps often kept hidden to await better days); bring them back to the one fold, of Christ under the one' true Shepherd. Obtain peace and complete freedom for the Holy Church of God; stay the spreading flood of modem paganism; enkindle in the faithful the love of purity, the practice of Christian life and an apostolic zeal, so that the servants of God may increase in merit and in number. Lastly, as the Church and the entire human race were consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that in reposing all hope in Him He might become for them the sign and pledge of victory and salvation, so we in like manner consecrate ourselves forever also to thee and to thy Immaculate H«art, our Mother and Queen, that thy love and patronage may hasten the triumph of the Kingdom of God and that all nations, at peace with one another and with God, may proclaim thee blessed and with thee may raise their voices to resound from pole to FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 23 pole in the chant of the everlasting Magnificat of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Je- sus, where alone they can find truth and peace. Novena of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary F I R S T D A Y INTENTION Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Our Lady of Fatima, inspire me to grieve sin- cerely for the sins that weigh heavily upon the souls of men. Sorrowfully I recall the bitter and harsh punishments heaped upon thy Divine Son, when He was cruelly scourges! at the pillar, unmercifully crowned with thorns. I recall His sad journey to Calvary, His Crucifixion, and ignominious death on the cross. Yet, they were but the instruments of pain. It was my sins that really caused His Precious Blood to be shed. His excessive love willed that He should suf- fer for my salvation. Thus, I will give my little love to make amends and atone for a thought- less and iinappreciative world. Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who suf- fered, and shared with Him each pain caused and inflicted by ®ur sins, intercede for us that we may be privileged to unite our hearts with yours in an effort to make reparation for our sins, and the sins of ungrateful mankind Amen. Our Lady of Fatima, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 24 S E C O N D D A Y INTENTION Greater love and appreciation ior the Rosary Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the most holy Rosary, teach us to love those little beads. In every trial, tribulation etnd sorrow they have been a source of comfort to all who trust in you. We are happy in the possession of our Ro- saries. May your Rosary, O Immaculate Heart of Mary, ever strengthen us in all our weakness- es, be our peace in time of affliction, comfort in all matters of doubt, courage in time of tempta- tion, and a source of consolation throughout all our days on this earth. May it be a strong in- fluence on us in success or in failure. 'In all things, may we live in peaceful union with thee through the medium of thy Rosary. Amen. Our Lady ol Fatima, Queen of the Rosary, inflame our hearts with the love of reparation. T H I R D D A Y INTENTION The True Peace of Christ Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, we pray that the hope and promise made by you at Fatima will soon be, realized. Our kith and kin made the supreme sacrifice, and our loved ones languished in the horror and hardship that came upon a world at war We know it is your ardent wish and desire that there be peace in the world; and it is only through Reparation to your Immaculate Heart that such can be accomplished. You FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 25 have told us your wish in the Message of Fa- tima: Reparation through the Rosary and the practice of the first Saturdays. We beg of you, Oh Mary Immaculate, that through your plead- ings, our prayers and example may show the world the road to the true peace which the world itself cannot give. Bless, we beseeni thee, our country, and inspire us and cur lead- ers to receive, understand, and promote that glorious Message delivered by you at Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Peace, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation. F O U R T H D A Y INTENTION Relief for the Souls in Purgatory Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother most merciful, to thee do we plead the cause of the poor suffering souls in purgatory, especially those most aban- doned. In obedience to thy request at Fatima, we beg for their relief. Oh Mother most merciful, we ask thee to lessen their toll of ex- piation. Deign to accept our humble prayers and sacrifices in reparation and payment for the pun- ishment that is due from.them. We pray that through the treasure of your Divine Son, your own special merits and those of the saints, that God may be mindful of our prayers on behalf of the suffering souls in purgatory, and bring them into His Kingdom to love and serve Him forever. Amen. Our Lady of Fatima, Mother most merciful, inflame our hearts with ths lov» of Reparation. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 26 f i f t h D A Y INTENTION Salvation of Souls Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin mo-t powerful we know that the vision of the terrible 2 L l i ^ 1 You showed to the three little shepherd children at Fatima, was really meant for us. We beseech thee, Oh Mother Mary to spare us the fate of a. judgment that ordains such a punishment. Grant unto us a faith so strong that we may ever realize that the evil of sin will be justly repaid with eternal punishment I anH^t ' r 1 1 . e ( I nr f i n i t e JrUl t i ce o f t h e o n e W God P?r ^ e J r n h n i t e L o v e of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We pray and beseech thee that through your intercession we may be given the grace to live so worthy a life on earth, as to enjoy the reward of eternal happiness in the kingdom of thy Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus. Christ Amen. Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most pov^rful, mil am e our hearts with the love of Reparation. S I X T H D A Y INTENTION Purity of Body and Soul Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin most pure, have compassion on those who are prone to the allurements of impurity. Give ¡us, we be- seech thee, strength to overcome our weaknesses and courage in the struggle against sin We' know it is your ardent wish that we renew our pledge of holy purity. Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate to thee here and now without reserve, our eyes, ears, tongue, hearts' j « our whole being. We promise thcrt, with thy FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 27 help, we shall be steady in our purpose to serve thee with undefiled chastity. Give us the cour- age to resist all^ temptations, and to avoid all things that may^be the occasion of sin. Our Lady oi Fatima, Virgin most pure, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation. S E V E N T H D A Y INTENTION Forgiveness of Sin Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of Sin- neTS, to whom else will we turn in our sorrow for sin, if not to thee. From whom shall we find comfort and consolation, in the shame of our 'sins, except from thee? Ledd us back, dear Mother of Love, to the path of righteousness that leads to the Sacred Heart of thy Divine Son. We have sinned often, Oh dear Mpther, and the remembrance of the errors of our ways troubles us. It shall be no more. We know that thy protecting'care will find peace and hope for us, and the remission of our sins. We know too that as with-Mary Magdalene of old, thy Son shall welcome us with a loving smile, be- cause you always pleaded' for us. Amen. Our Lady of Fatima. Refuge of sinners, inflame our hearts with the lbve of Reparation. E I G H T H D A Y INTENTION Conversion of Russia Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of the human race, you have given unto us the means of destroying the menace of atheism and god- FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 28 less communism. Your Promise of conversion for those unfortunate victims of those false be- liefs, has instilled joy and hope into the nations of The earth. We grieve for those war-torn, homeless and persecuted people who are victims u s u c J? i _ : m u n d a n e ideology. Grant, we beseech thee, Oh Mother, that peace may come to those separated from thy Son by error and discord. We fail, if we heed not thy Message of Fatima. We know thy wishes, and therefore we promise to make Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart through the Rosary and the Five First Saturdays t that Russia again may hear the word of God and keep it. Our Lady of Fatima, refuge oi the human race, lnilame our hearts with the love of Reparation. n i n t h D A Y INTENTION The Spiritual Welfare of our Children Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Infant Babe of Bethlehem, and Our Mother, en- kindle in our hearts the spark oi youthful in- nocence. We know of thy great love for little children. It was to innocent children theft you deigned to appear, revealing the Message of Fatima, and charging them with ifs propaga- tion We know no better way to show our re- 1 gard for th?m, dear Mother, than to offer our prayers for all children everywhere. Therefore, O Mother dear, we ask thee to watch over all children in pll parts of the world to guard and protect their homes, to preserve the schdols wherein they learn, and to keep- them from being tainted with godless .education. Direct them in their play and in all their works that thev may grow in age; wisdom, and the' love FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 29 of God. Grant too, Blessed Mother, that the pray- ers of our children may hasten the end of all wars of carnage and devastation and grant un- to the world an era of just and lasting peace. is. pray that the world may return to Jesus thy Son, through Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart.; SWEET LADY OF FATIMA MOTHER Mary, Sweet Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Universe, in humble reverence and with contrite soul, I place my sinful life within thy keeping I beg to rest my sin-stained heart. May we all, through the precious graces pouring forth from thine own Immaculate Heart, have sense enough to know what Fa- tima means to us. Amen. May the voice of Our Lady go forth into all lands. May her command, issued at Cova da Ma through the little shep- herd children, to renew devotion to Our Heavenly Mother's Rosary;- ring out over all the- earth. May it save a poor distracted world from the consequences of its own folly; and bring all hearts to the feet of Jesus, through love for Mary, His Immaculate Mother, the Queen and Mother of us all. Amen. PLEASE REPORT all favors received through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 30 C O N S O L I N G W O R D S Spoken by Our Lady to the three children at Fatima, in 1917 I am the Lady of the Rosary, I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives. They must say the Rosary You must say the Rosctry every day and say it properly. It is my- Son's wish that the world be conse- crated to my Immaculate Heart, He wishes the faithful to receive holy Communion on the First Saturday, as on the First Friday, of each month' for the triumph of truth and the conversion of Russia. When my Immaculate Heart triumphs, the world will have peace. To save souls, God desires that devotion to my Immaculate Heart be established in the world. In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace will be conceded to human- ity. Pray, pray much, and make sacrifice for sin- ners. Many souls go to hell because there are none to make sacrifices and to pray for them. Ohi 'my Jesus, forgive us our sins. save us irom the fire of Hell, bring all souls to Heaven. Help especially those who are most in need. (Version approved by Sister Lucy). 100 Days indul- gence each time. Bishop of Leiria, 1-1-1945. I promise to help at the hour of death with the graces needed for salvation, whoever, on the .first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mys- teries of the Rosary, with the intention of mak- ing reparation to me. FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 31 INVOCATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 1. I honor thee, O most amiable Heart of Mary and I entreat thee, most loving Mother, to inflame my lukewarm heart with the fires of thine own burning. One Hail Mary, One -Gloria be. 2. I honor thee, O most pure Heart of Mary, in which grows the beautiful lily of virginal purity; and I entreat thee, my Immaculate Mother, to purify my heart, infusing into it thine own virtues of purity and chastity. One Hail Mary, One Gloria be. 3. I honor thee, most afflicted Heart of Mary, pierced by the sword of sorrow by reason of the passion and death of thy beloved Son, Jesus, and the offenses committed against His Divine Majesty; deign my sorrowful, grief-stricken Moth- er to soften and pierce my stony heart with a deepening sorrow for my sins and with the bit- terest -lamentations for the outrage and insults which the Heart of my adorable Redeemer receives from ungrateful sinners. One Hail Mary, One Gloria be. PLEASE REPORT all favors |received through the intercession of Our Lady tof Fatima. 32 FATlMA AND THE ROSARY THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O U R M O T H E R ONE of the last words of Jesus, before giving up His Soul on •he Cross, was spoken to St. John: "Son, behold thy moth- er," and turning' to His Bless- ed Mother He said: "Behold thy son," and here she was charged with our care. She was OUR MOTHER. How great indeed must the HEART OF MARY be, that Je- sus did not think it too small for so many children! "And it was the HEART that suffered so many sacrifices — even thfe greatest of all sacrifices, the sacrifice of her only SON for the happiness of all mankind. That is the same HEART that is so full and so great to sufficiently give maternal care to all the children of our first parents. And after the death of Our Saviour, we find His Blessed Mother ,—Ou r Mother, surrounded by His Apostles and Disciples. She it was who consoled them, and exhorted them to carry on with confidence the great mission entrusted to them by her divine Son. She was always ready and willing to give of her counsel and help to strengthen them in the fulfillment of their sublime office as Preachers of the Gospel. M E D I A T R I X After her holy death, she was assumed body and soul into Heaven, where she is Queen. Her Immaculate and motherly Heart is full of love and mercy for us. Sitting beside her Divine FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 33 Son she pleads our cause before the Throne of God, exerting all her energy for the interest of her earthly children. We must, therefore, pay honor to the Immac- ulate Heart of our Heavenly Mother with all the love and reverence which we possess; that Heart of the Mother of Jesus, gifted with so many graces and privileges, both natural and super- natural, that Heart of Mary which ardently longs to be honored by us, so that those heavenly graces and blessings will follow to us. The great love and care that the Immaculate Heart of Mary has for all of us, was shown in the fullest sense of the word, by the Appari- tions at Fatima. Six times did she deign to ap- pear at Fatima to the three shepherd children — Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco •— to convey to them her great concern for the spiritual wel- fare of mankind. So IMPORTANT did she con- sider the MESSAGE, that she delivered it her- self PERSONALLY. In other works you will find the historical recounting of Our Lady of Fati- ma, and her MESSAGE to the world. In brief it was to request that ungrateful mankind stop offending Jesus, and the means to do it was set forth by blessed Mother as one of REPARATION TO HER IMMACULATE HEART through the DAILY ROSARY, especially the FAMILY RO- SARY, and the devotion of the FIRST SATUR- DAYS. This is not a new devotion, but rather, one especially chosen by our Mother as the best and most potent means of making REP- ARATION TO HER IMMACULATE HEART. IMMACULATE HEART On July 13th, 1917, Blessed Mother told Lucia: "Our Lord wishes that devotion to my Immac- ulate Heart be established in the world." In 1925 Blessed Mother made the GREAT PROMISE 34 FATIMA AND THE ¡ROSARY to those that would practice the devotion of the FIRST SATURDAYS in Reparation to her IMMAC- ULATE HEART. The GREAT PROMISE is found in these words: "MY CHILD, BEHOLD MY HEART SURROUNDED WITH THE THORNS WHICH UNGRATEFUL MEN PLACE THERE- i L A I „ i L V E R Y FOMENT, BY THEIR BLASPHEM- IES AND INGRATITUDE. T YOU AT LEAST TRY TO CONSOLE ME AND TtLL THEM THAT I PROMISE TO HELP AT THE HOUR OF DEATH WITH THE GRACES NEEDED FOR SALVATION, WHOEVER, ON THE ™ S T SATURDAY OF FIVE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS SHALL CONFESS AND RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION, RECITE FIVE DECADES OF THE ROSARY AND KEEP ME COMPANY FOR FIF- TEEN MINUTES WHILE MEDITATING ON THE FIFTEEN MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING REPARATION TO ME. Surely, this PERSONAL ASSURANCE of Blessed- Mother is far in excess of the return that we are able to give her. Yet it is an in- centive for us to increase our devotion to her IMMACULATE HEART to its fullest strength. CONSECRATION Again Blessed Mother has asked that the u r * nn . b e c o n s e c r a t e d to her IMMACULATE HEART. Was it through the maternal solicita- tion of Mary, regarding the details of Divine Providence that Monsignor Pacelli was con- secrated a Bishop on the 13th of May 1917, the actual date of her first appearance at Fatima? It was the self same Bishop, now gloriously reigning as Pope Pius XII, that consecrated the world to the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima. To show that this was not a mo re passing prayer, but a permanent FATTMA AMD THE ftOSAHY 35 dedication and a pledge of innumerable bless- ings. Pope Pius XII ordered the Pastors of his own diocese of Rome to perform the same sacred act in their own parishes on December 8th, 1942 — Feast of the Immaculate Concep- tion. Contemplating the Immaculate Heart of Mary we find the great attribute of love. Even the great saints of the church admit their inability to adequately describe the magnitude of Mary's love. . She is the Queen of love. She stands right at the Throne of God -T she is the near- est to Him — she loves Him the most fervent of all. Another prominent virtue inherent in the Heart of Mary is humility. Her humility is sur- passed only by that of her Divine Son, Who humbled Himself unto the death on the Cross for our salvation. St. Bernard says that it is humility which merited her the honor of becom- ing the Mother of God. Her Heart is full of love and humility, and is the most pure of all hearts. There are innumerable virtues adorning the Im- maculate Heart of Mary, but the most pronounc- ed are those of love, humility and chastity. These great virtues show us how worthy she is of our attachment and reverence to her IMMAC- ULATE HEART." This little booklet is written solely for the purpose of animating the devotion to the Im- maculate Heart of Mary, that Heart which shall ever and always be a Mother's Heart to us; that Heart free from all sin. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. SWEET HEART OF MARY, BE MY SALVA- TION. (300 days indulgence each time. Pius IX.) 6 FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 36 NOVENA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (SUITABLE FOB PRIVATE USE) Come, O Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love/ V. Send forth Thy Spirit and the? shall be created. H. And Thou shall renew the lace oi the earth. LET US PRAY O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. (5 years Indulgence, Pius IX 12-12-'32). We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities but ever deliver us from all dangers. O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. (5 years Indulgence. Pius IX 12-12-'32 Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy in- tercession, was left unaided. O Virgin of Vir- gins, my mother; to thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful (here make your re- quests.) O Mother of the, Word Incarnate, de- spise not my petitions; but in thy clemency, hear and answer me. Amen. (3 years Indulgence. Pius XI, 9-9-'35). Heart of Mary, Mother of God our Mother, Heart most amiable, on which the Adorable Trinity doth ever gaze with complacency, worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of angels and of men; Heart most like the Heart of Jesus, Whose most perfect image thou art: Heart full FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 37 of goodness, ever compassionate towards our miseries—vouchsafe to soften our icy hearts, that they may be wholly changed to the likeness of the Heart of Jesus. Infuse into them-, the love of thy virtues, in- flame them with the blesesd fire with which thou dost ever burn. In thee let the Holy Church find safe shelter; protect it and be its sweet asylum, its tower of strength, impregnable against every assault of its enemies. Be thou our road lead- ing to Jesus, be thou the channel whereby we receive all graces needful for our salvation. Be thou our help in need, our comfort in trouble, our strength in temptation, our refuge in perse- cution, our aid in all dangers; but especially in the last struggle of our life, at the moment of our death, when all Hell shall be unchain- ed against us to snatch away our souls; in that dread moment, that hour so terrible, wherein our eternity depends, ah, then most tender Vir- gin, make us feel how great is the tenderness of thy Mother's Heart, and how mighty thy pow- er with tHe Heart of Jesus opening to us a safe refuge in the very fount of mercy itself, that so we too may join thee in Paradise in blessing that same Heart of Jesus for ever and ever. Amen. (500 days Indulgence, Pius XI.9-15-'34 Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation. (300 days Indulgence, Pius IX. 9-30-'S2). Alirtighty and everlasting God, Who in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, didst prepare for the Holy Ghost a worthy dwelling-place; t° us who devoutly keep a feast day in honor of that same pure Heart, vouchsafe, we be- seech Thee, the grace to order our lives ac- cording to Thine Own Heart. N. B. - The above prayers may be used efficaciously at any time during the year, when making a Novena to the Immaculate Heart oi Mary as well as during the devotions oi the month of August, (Note that the Feast oi the Immaculate Heart oi Mary occurs on August 22nd), FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 38 NOVENA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (Suitable for Public Use) In the name of the Father, and ol the Son and ol the Holy Ghost. Amen. P R A Y E R Heart _ of Mary, Mother of God, / delight ol the ever-adorablo Trinity, / and worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of angels and of men / Heart most like the Heart of Jesus, / whose most perfect image Thou art: / Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate towards our miseries, / vouchsafe to thaw our icy hearts, / and change them-to the likeness of the Heart of Jesus. / Iinfuse ipto them the 'love of Thy virtues, / inflame them with that blessed fire with which Thou dost burn. / In Thee let the Holy Church find safe shelter; / be Thou its guardian and ever sweet asylum, / its tower of strength, impregnable against the assaults of its enemies. / Be Thou the road leading to Jesus; / be Thou the channel whereby we receive all graces needed for our salvation. / Be Thou our help in need, our comfort in trouble, / our strength in temptation, our aid in danger; / but especially in the last struggle of our life, at the moment of our death, / when all hell shall be unchained against us to snatch away our souls, / in that dread moment that hour so ter- rible, / on which depends our eternity, ah! Thou most tender Virgin, / do Thou make us feel how great is the sweetness of Thy Mother's Heart, 7 how great Thy power with the Heart of Jesus / opening to us, in thef very fount pf mercy it- self, a safe refuge, /that so, one day we may FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 39 join with Thee in Paradise / in praising the Heart of Jesus for ever and ever, / Amen. An Indulgence of 100 days each time.) Salutation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I honor Thee, most amiable Heart of Mary- / always burning with the flame of divine love, / and I entreat thee, most amiable Mother, to in- flame my lukewarm heart with the fire of thine own burning. Hail Mary.... and Glory be to the Father.... "I honor thee, O most pure Heart of Mary, / in which grows the beautiful lily of virginal purity; / and I entreat thee, my Immaculate Mother, to-- purify my heart infusing into it thine own virtue and chastity. Hail Mary.... and Glory be to the Father.... I honor thee, most afflicted Heart of Mary, / pierced by the sword of sorrow /-by reason of the Passion and death of thy beloved Son Je- sus / ' and. the offenses committed against His Divine Majesty, / deign, my sorrowful, grief- stricken Mother, / ¿0 soften and pierce my stony heart with a deepening sorrow for my sins, / and with bitter lamar.;ation for the outrages and insults from ur..,'. iteful sinner Hail Mary.... and Glory be to the Father.... Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, / that never was it known, / that anyone who fled to thy protection, / implored thy help, / and sought thy intercession / was left unaided, / Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, / O Virgin of virgins, my Mother, / To thee I come; / before thee I stand sinful and sorrowful. / . (Pause, and (.ray for your mte.fion)... O Mother of the Word-Iii< arnate, ,' despise not my peti- FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 40 tions, / but ia thy mercy hear c.rid answer me. A m e n - (300 days Indulgence each time.) Invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Heart of Mary, Pray for us. Heart of Mary, according to the Heart of Jesus, Heart of Mary, united to the Heart of Jesus, Heart of Mary, instrument of the Holy Ghost, Heart of Mary, sanctuary of the Divinity Heart of Mary, tabernacle of God Incarnate, • Heart of Mary, always exempt from sin. Heart of Mary, always full of grace, Heart of Mary, blessed among all hearts, f Heart of Mary, illustrious throne of glory. Heart of Mary, abyss and prodigy of humility, Heart of Mary, glorious holocaust of divine love. Heart of Mary, nailed to the cross of Jesus, _ Heart of Mary, comfort of the afflicted, Heart of Mary, refuge of sinners. Heart of Mary, hope of the agonizing. Heart of Mary, seat of mercy. , V. Pray lor us, O holy Mother of God. of Chris?' W e m a Y h ° m < l d e w o r , k y of the promises LET US PRAY Almighty and eternal God, Who didst prepare a worthy dwelling-place for the Holy Spirit in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, vouch- safe, we beseech Thee, to grant unto us who devoutly keep this commemoration in honor of the same most pure Heart, the grace to order our lives according to thine own Heart. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary O Heart of Mary, / I honor Thee as the Heart most pleasing to Our Lord / and most intimately united to Him. / I love Thas as the Heart of the FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 41 best of mothers / a n d I rejoice in Thy glorious prerogatives. / Prostrate before Thee, O Heart of Mary, / I make Thee this humble act of repara- tion / for a i r the outrages Thou hast received / from me and all mankind / I humbly confess that I have been guilty of the greatest ingratitude towards Thee / but seeing that through Thee, / the divine mercy has so often had regard unto me, / I venture even- yet to hope / that Thou wilt not abandon me. / In this sweet confidence I am animated by a most earnest desire / to be more faithful and more devoted to Thee. / I pray Thee to accept all the good / that hence- forth I am resolved to do, / to present it to Thy dear Son Jesus, ./ so that, through Thee, / my most loving Saviour may pour down His ben- ediction / more and more on me and on all who are dear unto me. / Amen. Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary O Heart of Mary I offer, I consecrate to Thee my heart; / Thou shalt ever be the object of my veneration, love and confidence; / I will offer Thee my devotion every day; / I will celebrate Thy feasts with joy, •/ I will proclaim Thy great- ness and goodness without ceasing: / I will ne- glect no means of obtaining for Thee the honor and the homage which are due Thee; / I'll bring all the thoughts and affections of my heart / into conformity with Thee; / and will make it my duty / to imitate Thy virtues, especially Thy purity and Tl)y humility. Vouchsafe, O Mary, / to open to me Thy Heart and to receive me therein,. / in union with all Thy dear and faithful children. / Obtain for me the grace I need to imitate Thee as Thou hast imitat- ed Jesus Christ / succor me in all dangers; / con- sole me in all afflictions / and teach me how to make a holy use of ¿ill the goods and ills of life. Amen. FATIMfl AND THE ROSARY 42 CHAPLET OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. V. Incline unto my aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the -Father, etc. 1. . O Immaculate Virgin, who, conceived with- out sin didst direct every movement of thy pure Heart to God, ever the object of thy love, thou who wast ever most submissive to His Will, ob- tain for me the grace to hate sin with my whole heart, and to learn of thee to live in perfect res- ignation to the will of God. (One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys.) 2. O Mary, I marvel at thy deep humility when thy blessed Heart was troubled at the gracious message brought thee by Gabriel the Archangel—how that thou wast chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God- Most High—and didst still proclaim thyself His most humble handmaid; in great confusion at my pride, I ask thee for the grace- of a contrite and humble -heart; that, knowing my own'misery, I may-ob- tain that crown of glory promised to those who are truly humble of heart. (One Our Father; Seven Hail Marys.) O blessed Virgin, who in thy most pure Heart; didst keep the words of Jesus whilst thou didst ponder on the high mysteries which thou didst hear from the lips of thy Son, and whereby thou didst learn to live for God alone; how does the coldness of my heart confound mel Dearest Mother, obtain for me grace so to meditate with- in my heart upon the holy law of God, that I may strive to follow thee in the fervent prac- tice of every Christian virtue, (On» Our Father; Seven Hail Marys.) FATIMA AND THE ROSARY 43 4. O Glorious Queen of Martyrs, whose sao red Heart was cruelly transfixed in the bitter Pas- sion of thy Son by the sword foretold by the holy man, Simeon, obtain for my heart true courage and a holy patience to bear well the troubles and adversities of this miserable life, and by crucifying my flesh with its desires, "in follow- ing the mortificatidns of the Gross, to show my- self truly >hy son. (One Our Father; Seven Hail Marys.) 5 O Mary, Mystic Rose, whose most lovable Heart burhing with the living fire of charity, ac- cepted us for thy children at the foot of the Cross, whereby thou didst become our most tender Mother; make me feel the sweetness of thy ma- ternal Heart, and thy power with Jesus in all the perils of this life, and especially in the ter- rible hour of death, so that my heart, united •with thine own, may love Jesus now and throughout all ages. Amen. (One Our Father; Seven Hail Marys.) 0 purest Heart of Mary, Virgin most holy, ob- tain for me from Jesus purity and humility of heart. AN ACT OF OBLATION 1 offer up to God, all the thoughts, words, and actions of this day and more particularly all my prayers and devotions, through the Holy and Immaculate Heart of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary and I pray for the conversion of sinners, especially those who have been recommended to my prayers. (300 days indulgences. Benedict XV. 1-13-1922.) A PLENARY indulgence may be gained once a month on the usual conditions, namely, if the Ejaculation has been said at least once a day for the entire month, together with Confession and Holy Communion and prayer lor the intentions oi the Pops. THE PRAYER OF THE ANGEL .Frequently Said by the Children of Fatima MY GOD I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee, and I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, who do not adore who have no hope, and who do not love thee. (Three times) Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore and offer to You the very precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Je- sus Christ present in all the Tabernacles in the world — in reparation for the outrages by which' He is Himself offended. By the Infinite merits of His Sacred Heart and by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of, Mary, I, beg of You "the conversion of sinners. 1 i°l0945aTB I n d u l g e n c e e a c h , ! m e- - Bishop of Leiria. N. B. - The children said this prayer kneeling with their heads bowed touching the ground. An angel taught them this prayer. * THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA IS MEANT FOR YOU Your daily Rosary, your works of Penance, that is fidelity to duty, your Consecration and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart- of Mary, especially on the First Saturday of each month. Will Bring About The conversion of Russia. An era of Peace. The assistance of Our Lady at the hour of death. KINDLY NOTE: Please report all favors received through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima. THE HOLY FATHER SPEAKS AGAIN Pope Pius XII, now gloriously reigning made his customary appeal for prayer to the Blessed Virgin in May ol 1948, and this appeal he made more emphatic by issuing an Encyclical on the subject. To his earnest exhortation to all Christ- ians to "crowd around the altars o{ the Mother oi God" and implore the gift of "mutual fraternal and complete peace among all nations, and the longed-for harmony among all social classes," he ¡oined the admonition that they add to their prayers "resolutions for Christian renewal and salutary works of penance." For, he said, "our prayers are more readily welcomed by the Most Blessed Virgin when they are not merely fleeting and empty words, but the out- pouring of hearts adorned with the required virtues." Calling attention to his dedication of the whole human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 31, 1942, the occasion of the Fatima Jubilee Celebration, he added: "IT IS OUR WISH THAT, WHEREVER T H E OPPORTUNITY SUG- GESTS ITSELF, THIS CONSECRATION BE MADE IN THE VARIOUS DIOCESES AS WELL AS IN EACH OF THE PARISHES AND FAMILIES, AND WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT ABUNDANT BLESS- INGS AND FAVORS FROM HEAVEN WILL SURGE FORTH FROM THIS PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CON- SECRATION." (Auspicia Quaedam, 5-1-48.) The Holy Father has set the example for us by con- secrating his own diocese and the City of Rome to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Surely, w'ith him we are in excellent company. This consecration does not impose new obli- gations on a Christian. It is reparatory and supplicatory like the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a devotional con- ; secration, and in no way affects the title of a I parish or diocese. DIOCESES Have been consecrated in various ways. The consecration brings blessings but entails no canonical effects or ritual. The bishop's in- tention to consecrate will naturally find ex- pression in the public reading of the Act of Consecration. The reading of the Act acquires dignity and authority if performed by the bish- op from his throne during some solemn function such as a Solemn Mass. Circular letters from the Chancery effectively prepare the faithful to share, locally, in these services, with intel- ligence and devotion. PARISHES Should first spread the MESSAGE OF FATIMA. Sermons from the altar and parochial society activities will facilitate this. Booklets or leaf- lets , . such as the one you are reading, should be distributed gratis. Then at a well attended relig ous service the priest may read aloud the Act of Consecration, either alone or together with his flock. FAMILIES May consecrate themselves by reciting the short ejaculation — "Immaculate Heart of Mary we consecrate ourselves to thee," If more for- mality is desired one of the parochial priests may be requested to assist at the consecration. Thus the call from the Holy Father — Pope Pms XII — the Pope of Peace — the Pope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God wishes it — Our Blessed Mother requests it — Our Holy Father asks it. N. B. - Certificates of Consecration of families signed in four colors and suitable for framing, are available from St. Anthony's Welfare Center. OUR ONLY HOPE 'S^C Our Lady laid down a clear, concise and sim- ple condition lor the conversion of Russia and the Peace of the World. "If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace!" If not, Russia's impious propaganda is going to swamp every country in the world. It is terrible! But there it is. and it is in our hands! It is a clear-cut choice. More than that. Our Lady told Lucy that "As soon as a sufficient number of people" are fulfilling her requests the result will come! It is a terrible responsibility that our Lady has laid upon our shoulders. The conversion of Russia and the peace of the world are in her hands! There, then is a very simple and clearly-laid- down condition for peace and happiness if only men will show that they really believe that Our Lady is the Mother of the Eternal Truth and that Our Lady does not lie! Up till now many have shown little inclina- tion to believe Our Lady or to rouse them- selves lo the little effort which is going to save them and their wives, babies, sweethearts, moth- ers and fathers from the most hellish suffer- ing that diabolic agency can invent! It may be perhaps that up till now men have not known and the message has been hidden. Now, how- ever. there is absolutely no excuse; the message is known, and the message is as clear as day- light. Americans pride themselves on their logic and their good common sense; let that logic and good common sense come forward now, •for it was never more needed than it is to-day — for now it » SELF DESTRUCTION OR SUR- VIVAL. HOW TO MAKE A NOVENA TO THE ! IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY A. Recite any prayers (use indulgenced pray- | ers for nine consecutive days in any church, ! or your own home, before a picture or statue I of the Blessed Virgin. B. On each of these days assist at Holy Mass, I if possible. 2 C. Sometime during the Novena. or at the end of it, confess and receive Holy Communion. D. Make every effort to spread the devotion to The Immaculate Heart of Mary. INDULGENCES ATTACHED TO THE DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY A. All the Faithful who say the approved prayers in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and have the intention of con- | tinuing the holy practice for nine con- I secutive days, may gain an indulgence of | five years, once a day. B. A PLENARY Indulgence may be gained af- i ter the Novena is finished on the usual con- ' ditions of confession. Holy Communion and prayers for the intentions of the Holv Fa- ther. (Pius XI. 4-29-'33.) SPECIAL INDULGENCES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST A. All the Faithful who on any day during the month of August, say any approved prayer in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, or assist at any pious exercise in her honor, may gain an indulgence of five years. B. Those of the Faithful who have recited the prayers DAILY or DAILY assisted at some pious exercises with devotion for the entire month, may gain a PLENARY Indulgence on the usual conditions of confession. Holy Communion, and prayers for the intention of the Holy Father. (Pius X. 8-2-'35) 9 CUR l A D ^ OF THE ROSARY OF FATIMA I OUB APOSTOLATE: To spread the Saving New« • oi Fatima. The Message of Fatima: Penance. 1 Daily Rosary, and Devotion to the Immaculate I Heart of Mary. This brochure contains but a synopsis and brief history of the wondrous events of Fatima — the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother to the three shepherd children at Fatima, in 1817. It is a condensation of Father Cacella's original book, entitled OUB LADY OF FATIMA. now en- larged, with up-to-date revelations of Fatima. The second edition of this book is now avail- able from St. Anthony's Press; also the brochure. Realizing the importance and the urgency of the widespread and rapid diffusion of the MESS- AGE OF FATIMA Father Cacella has made this brochure procurable in many languages, includ- 1 n g English. Portuguese. Spanish, German, French, Italian and Polish. We ask your co- operation in making a more determined and vig- orous effort to hasten the triumph of the Im- maculate Heart of Mary, bringing about the sal- vation of souls, the conversion of Russia and peace to this weary world. F I V E F I R S T S A T U R D A Y S £ 4 ° e S £ u ; W S S . ' w i i h T e « J S sary for salvation, all those who will practfce TM. o l t h " , n V E FIRST SATURDAYS Tlus is known as the GREAT PROMISE Try to console the Immaculate Hear! of Marv by prachang^ her specially selected devotion of her GREAT rpBoS?qpa5;!. a n d S a i n , h e fru»® eteerrnafEaaivaPh?onMISE' » • < * « • « * fo, THE GOLDEN BOCK W H A T IS THE G O L D E N BOOK? SOME years ago with ecclesiastical approval, a movement was inaugurated in Portugal whereby families were urged to recite the dally Rosary in common with other mem- bers of the family and send, their names to be inscribed in the book_ kept at the main altar of Our Lady of Fatima — better known as the GOLDEN BOOK. The head of the family signs the pledge giving the address and forwards it to Father Cacella who will cause it to be forwarded to Our Lady's Shrine at Fatima, Portugal. This practice has the approval of His Emi- nence, Cardinal Cerejeira, Patriarch of Lis- bon and all the Bishops of Portugal, France, Belgium and Spain, and is widely propagat- ed in Brazil and all South America. EJACULATION AFTER EACH DECADE In her seconC apparition to the little shep- herds at Fatima, June 13, 1917, Our Lady repeated her recommendation that they recite the Rosary daily to bring the war to an end and taugnt them the following ejaculation to be said after each decade of the beads: (This is the version approved by Sister Lucy) O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Preserve us from the fire of hell. And bring all souls to heaven. Especially those which most need Your help. (100 Days Indulgence each time.) SAINT ANTHONY'S WELFARE CENTER 443 E. 135th St., New York 54, N. Y. Telephone MOtt Haven 9-2922