S K O t a l l - p o O S c Q ^ e n X L . • i - T K e iAf»o>r a n ( J j g b g ; b u t o n l y t h r o u g h ality belies the promise. What ^ g p e d a l h d p o f G o d > t h r o u g h a i d s would we not give to secure our pos- a r e t h e m s e l v e s s u p e r n a t u r a l session of that mirage of happiness & n d p r o p o r t i o n a t e t o s u c h a n which seemed to glide for a fleet- a c h i e v e m e n t . B e f o r e s t a t i n g w h a t ing instant within our grasp! Ah, t h e y & r e > l e t u g | M j j f a c t we will have,to win heaven to.re- w h i c h ^ firgt s i g h t w o u l d s e e m t o alize that perfect beatitude. There m a k e ^ c a g e ^ w o r g e > t h e f a c t is no created object capable of o f 0 r i g i n a l W giving it, but only God Himself. Creation hints at it, in order to Let no one think of Original Sin draw us to the knowledge and love as merely a dogma written in a of the Creator. It is good to re- book, or an ancient legend incap-| alize this. When I hear a wood able of verification. We must think thrush sing at evening, or listen to of it as what it is—a hard façt, the honking of wild geese above literally true, revealed by God, and the wail of thé November wind, containing the key to the ills of the when I inhale the breath of the world. Adam was our representa- spring woods -or the dawn breeze tive, the custodian of our super- from a lake, when I see lovers natural heritage. When he sur- strolling in the moonlight or chil- rendered to the , enemy of God and dren playing in the- sunlight, I re- man, he lost the friendship of God member that God, who made all this and the supernatural favors which beauty, made it for men, and to accompanied it; not for himself draw the souls of men to the one alone but for the race. Adam, by source of eternal happiness. One his surrender, gave the enemy a might say I am dreaming. I am; foothold on our earth; and since but I am dreaming of a reality, that day we dwell, in a certain How do I know that such happiness sense, in an "enemy-occupied coun- THE SUPERNATURAL ORDER l i try." Immediately after the fall, God promised a Liberator; and in the fullness of time He came. Our liberator landed as it were in dis- guise. He was and is truly God in person; yet He came- as a lit- tle human child, born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, hounded by persecu- tion, -maturing in poverty and ob- scurity, dying on a cross of shame, discredited by His people and the world. His sacrificial death wrought salvation for those who will join His cause; but there is little prospect of deliverance for the "appeaser," the compromiser, or the man who thinks it doesn't make any difference. There is one way out of the depths of misery and dis- grace in which the whole human race is plunged; but there is only one—that is organic union with Christ. Yes, organic union! Christ is not merely a model of perfect manhood, a perfect teacher and example of the observance of the Moral Law. He did not merely show the way, teach'the truth, -promise the life. He is the way, the truth, and the life. "I am the vine," He said, "you1 are the branches. With- out me you can do nothing" (John 15: 5). - Even the great Apostle Saint Paul felt the difficulty of the com- bat to make reason and grace tri-, umph over fallen nature. "For," he tells us, "I am delighted with the law of God, according to the inward man: but I see another law in my members, fighting against the law of my mind, and captivat- ing me in the law of sin, that is in my members. Unhappy man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? The grace of God, by Jesus Christ our Lord" {Romans7:22-25). Yes, the grace of God is what every man needs in order to observe consistently the Moral Law. And the grace of God comes to humanity, only "hy Jesus Christ our Lord." It is true that the Moral Law is reasonable; but it is a tragic mis- take to imagine that resources- merely of reason and goodness are enough to secure its observance. We can never afford to forget this: we are in territory occupied by a crafty and cruel foe. A divine Liberator is at hand; none other is equal to the task. But we must declare our allegiance now. Natural religion is good as far as it goes; it is the normal preparation for the higher gifts of God. But history proves that nations which, after having accepted Christianity, have tried to revert to merely natural religion, have suffered the gravest moral decay. A shrinking birth rate, disappearance of family life, divorce, suicide, shocking increase of juvenile delinquency and crime 12 THE MORAL LAW —these are the marks of the plague. Is our beloved country, the land of George Washington, free from these evils today? Perhaps we shall find the answer next Sunday. In 1 the meantime I think we must subscribe to the declaration of that great American: "national morality cannot be maintained without religion." THE HEARTHSTONE OF THE MORAL LIFE Address delivered on When one undertakes to tal.k about theVMoral Law he will soon- er or later find himself face to face with the problem of the sex in- stinct, its purpose, and its proper functioning, which means of course its functioning under the control of reason. In principle there is no real difficulty. It is perfectly evident that the sex instinct exists" in man as it does in all animals, and that its purpose for him as for them is the propagation of the species. Of course there is a dif- ference. Human nature is rational and subject to the Moral-Law. The due order which God has estab- lished in human nature, with rea- son and free will in control of man's conscious life, requires that man regulate this function by a consci- ous control, using it, not at ran- dom and according to mere instinct, but according to reason and for the purpose for which it was given. That is a plain dictate of the Mor- al Law. But in practice- there is probably no human function which is subject to such grave disorders. The difficulty is from two sources. The first and fundamental, one is that our rational control over our acts has been weakened as a con- sequence of the historical fact of September 17, 1944. Original Sin. The absolute sov- ereignty of the will guided by rea- son has in some mysterious way been impaired, not destroyed. We still have some control, but far from absolute control. Even Saint Paul felt the difficulty; and all men feel it. Now the function of sex, precisely because it is intended to serve the supremely important pur- pose of providing for the propaga- tion of the race, is accompanied normally by a pleasure which is very keen, far keener for example than the pleasure attendant on the act of eating for the nourishment of the individual. That is the first reason why sex is difficult to con- trol. It would be reasonable to recognize this obvious fact. God's grace is sufficient and can be ef- ficacious for victory in any moral combat. But instead of acknow- ledging our weakness and courage- ously asking for the grace of God, the modern pagan world has gone to the opposite extreame; and that is the second reason for the dis- orders of sex. There are too many false teach- ers on the subject, who have been blaring the most blatant falsehoods aibout sex for at least the last twen- ty years. Some of them are in 14 THE MORAL LAW schools and universities. They are experts in some narrow specialty, but ignorant of this most funda- mental fact in human life; they ignore the very existence of moral obligation as the Christian world has always conceived it. The pub- lic often forgets that these men have absolutely no authority out- side their little special field. We find them teaching moral indiffer- entism or moral corruption; and their teaching, unfortunately, is sometimes defended in the name of "academic freedom," while any positive instruction in religion and morality by recognized experts in those fields is excluded from the curriculum. In the meantime, while restraints are let down by false teaching, the violence of nat- ural temptations is heightened by false stimulation. A portion of the press and the screen glorify not merely sex but sex disorders, giv- ing the impression that morality, or any control of appetite by rea- son, is but an antiquated custom "more honored in the breach than in the observance" by the modern mind. Even some newspapers which are received in decent homes occasionally feature lust as news, or as a diversion on the comic page, or as a spicy allurement in the advertisements of public amuse- ments. Obscene literature- is dis- tributed to boys and girls of high school age at a thousand corner drug stores. During the depres- sion, "the pornographic magazines had increased in number and cir- culation to such an extiht that it was necessary in 1938 for the Bis- hops of the United States to. or- ganize a movement to combat them. This Episcopal Committee found more than two hundred, with suf- ficient circulation to reach every .family in the nation, which spe- cialized in featuring illicit love and marital infidelity . . . Scores of them were too filthy to entitle the publishers to the second class mail privilege . . . Cartoons and illus- trations contained in these were directly intended to excite lewd thoughts and to make light of lewd behavior. Many of them carried advertisements designed to arouse the curiosity of youth, and to lead them to purchase nude pictures, im- moral comic strips, and articles which they would not dare purchase openly . . . Fully one hundred mag- azines published in the United States had been denied entrance into Catfada, and even into Eng- land and Australia" (Christ Los- ing His World, by Lon Francis, pp 40-41). Any attempt to check the flood of filth always results in a hubbub about the "freedom of the press." THE HEARTHSTONE OF THE MORAL LIFE 15 But the press has no more sacred right to poison the minds of our boys and girls than, distributors of food have to poison their bodies. The common good imposes certain limits upon so-called "freedom." The press and the screen should be constructive forces for civilization and morality. Their function is to build, not to destroy. People are surprised and shocked at the wave of delinquency and crime ; they are alarmed- at the mounting flood of venereal disease ; every pos- sible remedy is suggested, except the only one which can be effective, namely, inculcating respect for thè lawf of God by sound education and Constructive cooperation on the part of all the guides of public opinion. Fostered by a vicious propaganda which goes unchecked, these disorders worm their way in- to marriage, into the home and family life—and when they reach that point, they are at the core of the nation's vitality, the canker is at the heart of the fruit. Marriage is God's own remedy for the disorders of sex. Common experience proves this. A young man may have had the misfortune òf allowing passion and appetite to run wild, escaping the control of reason and the Moral Law; his excesses if allowed to continue would end (by killing forever what is Godlike in his immortal soul. It is often the love of a pure wo- man which brings him back to his senses. He "marries and settles down." Why? The reason is simple if one takes God's view of human nature. Teach a boy the right use for a gift which is of great value, and he will cease abus- ing it. The young man who "set- tles down" morally for marriage has not only found the right use for the sex instinct, but he has found something which ' almost completely overshadows it, and that is-—love. Human love is and will ever be potentially one of the near- est approaches to God that can exist upon earth. Love comes from God; if rightly used, it leads to God. The love of man and woman which is exercised in marriage has two elements; one of these is ma- terial, common to man and brute— that is the sex instinct; but the other, incomparably more beautiful, is moral and spiritual, proper Cincinnati WSAI* 1360 kc Cleveland WTAM 1100 kc Lima .-... . . . . .WLOK 1240 kc Oklahoma Tulsa 1 _ K V 0 0 1170 kc Oregon Medford . . . . . : .-iSiKt_. . . : . . . . . . .„ . . . . . . : ._ . , . . . .KMED 1440 kc Portland : . . . KGW* 620 kc Pennsylvania Allentown : . . . . . . . .WSAN 1470 kc Altoona ... . . . . . . . . . . . ; ' . ."^„......v, . . . „ . „ . .WFBG 1340 kc . Johnstown WJAC 1400 kc Lewistown ; . . . . . . . . . WMRF 1490 kc Philadelphia KYW 1060 kc Pittsburgh . . : . . . : „ : . . .KDKA 1020 kc Reading WRAW 1340 kc Wilkes-Barre —. . . . . . . . . . .WBRE 1340 kc Rhode Island Providence . . . : .WJAR 920 kc South Carolina Charleston . . _ . . .WTMA 1250 kc Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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OUR SUNDAY VISITOR is the authorized publisher of all CATHOIJC HOUR addresses in pamphlet fo rm. The addresses published to date, all of which a r e available, a r e listed below. Others will be published as they a r e delivered. Quantity Prices Do Not Include Carriage Charge "The Divine Romance," by R t . Rev. Msgr. Ful ton J . Sheen, 80 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid; 5 or more, 10c each. In quantities, 98.76 per 100. " A Trilogy on P r a y e r , " by Rev. Thomas P . Burke, C.S.P., 82 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c pos tpa id ; 6 or more, 8c each. In quantit ies, $5.50 per 100. "The Philosophy of Catholic Educat ion," by Rev. Dr. Charles l i . O'Donnell, C.S.C., 82 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid ; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.50 per 100. "Chris t iani ty and the Modern Mind," by ReV. John A. McClorey, S.J. , 64 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c pos tpa id ; 5 or more, 10c each. In quantities, $6.60 per 100. "The Moral Law," , by Rev. James M. 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Single copy, 16c pos tpa id ; 6 or more, 10c each. In quantit ies, $7.75 per 100, "Rura l Catholic Act ion," by Rev. Dr. Edgar Schmledeler, O.S.B., 24 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid ; 6 or more, 6c each. In quan-tities $4.00 per 100. "Religion and Human N a t u r e , " by Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Daly, 40 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c pos tpa id ; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantit ies, $6.60 per 100. "The Church and Some Outs tanding Problems of the Day ," by Rev. Jones L Corrigan, S.J. , 72 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c postpaid; 5 or more, 10c each. In quantities. $8.75 per 100. "Conflicting Standards' ," by Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 80 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid; 6 or more, 10c each. In quantities, $8.75 per 100. " T h e Hymn of the Conquered," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. Ful ton J . Sheen, 128 pages and cover. Single copy, 30c postpaid; 6 or more, 26c each. In quantit ies $16.00 per -100. "The Seven Last Words ," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. Ful ton J . 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James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c postpaid; 6 or more, 8c each. In quantit ies, $6.S0 per 100. "The Eternal Galilean," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. Ful ton J . Sheen, 160 pages and cover. Single copy, 36c postpaid; 6 or more, 26c each. In quantities, $17.00 per 100. "The Queen of Seven Swords," by R t . ' R e v . Msgr. Ful ton J . Sheen (prayerbook size), 32 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid; 6 or more, 6c each. In quantities, $3.60 per 100. "The Catholic Teaching on Our Industrial System," by R t . Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan, 32 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid: 6 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.50 per 100. "The Happiness of Fa i th , " by Rev. Daniel A. Lord,' S.J. , 80 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid ; 5 or more, 10c. In quantities, $8.75 per 100. The Salvation of Human Society," by Rev. Peter J . Bergen, C.S.P., 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid, 5 or more, 8c each. In quan-tities, $6.50 per 100. "Catholic Educat ion," , by Rev. Dr. George Johnson, 40 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid: 6 or more, 8c each. In quantit ies, $6.60 per 100. "The Church and Her Missions," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. William Quinn, 82 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid ; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.60" per 100. "The Church and the Depression," by Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 80 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c postpaid; 6 or more, 10e each. In quantities, $8.75 per 100. "The Church and Modern Thought ," by Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P. 80 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c postpaid; 5 or more, 10c each. In quantities, $8.75 per 100. . "Misunderstood Tru ths , " by Most Rev. Duane G. Hunt , 48 pages and covet. Single copy, 15c postpaid ; 6 or more, 8c each. In quantities. $6.60 per 100. * "The Judgment of God and Thé Sense of Duty ," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. William J . Kerby, 16 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c pos tpa id ; 6 or more, 5c each. In quantities, $4.00 per 100. 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Single copy, 10c postpaid ; 6 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $6.00 per loo! "Misunderstanding the Church," by Most Rev. Duane G. H u n t 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid; 5 or more, Sc each. In Quan-tities, $(.50 pe r 100. "The Poetry of Duty ," by Rev. Alfred Duffy, C.P., 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid : 5 or more, 8e each. In quantities, $6.00 per 100° "Characterist ic Christian Ideals," by Rev. Bonaventure Mclntyre O F. M„ 32 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid: 6 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.50 per 100. , "The Catholic Church and Youth," by Rev. John F . O 'Hara , C.S.C. 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 16c postpaid; 5 or more, 8c each In quantit ies, $6.60 pe r 100. " T h ® Spiri t of the Missions," by Rt . Rev. MsgT. Thomas J . McDonnell, 32 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c pos tpa id ; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.50 per 100. "The Li fe of the Soul," by Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 96 pages and cover. Single copy 25c postpaid; 5 or more, 20c each. In quantities, $12.00 $14.00 per 100. " O u r Wounded World ," by Rt . Rev. Msgr. Ful ton J . Sheen, 112 pages and cover. Single copy, 25c postpaid; 5 or more, 20c each. In quantit ies. $14.00 per 100. The first six addresses in this series published separately under the ti t le "Freedom and Democracy: a Stndy of Their Enemies," 56 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid; 6 or more, 10c each. In quantities, $6.50 per 100. "The Banquet of Tr iumph," by Very Rev. J . J . McLarney, O.P., 32 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid; E or more, 8c each. In quan-tities, $5.50 per 100. "Society and the Social Encyclicals—America's Road Out , " by Rev. R. A. McGowan, 32 pages and cover. Single eopy, 10c postpaid; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantities, $5.50 per 100. " p i n 8 XI, Fa ther and Teacher of the Nat ions ," (On His Eightieth Birthday) by His Excellency, Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, 16 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c pos tpa id ; 5 or more, 5c each. In quantities, $3.50 per 100. "The Eastern Catholic Church," by Rev. John Kallok,. 48 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c pos tpa id : 5 or more, 8c each. In quantities. $6.50 per 100. "The 'Lost ' Radiance of the Religion of Jesus , " by Rev. Thomas A. Carney, 40 pages and cover. Single copy, 15c postpaid; 5 o r more, 8c each. In quantit ies, $6.50 per 100. "Some Spiritual Problems of College Students ," by Rev. Dr . Maurice S. Sheehy, 40 pages and cover. Single copy, 10c postpaid; 6 or more. 8c each. In quantit ies, $6.50 pe r 100. " G £ ? a , n d Governments ," by Rev. Wilfr id Parsons, S.J., 48 pages and cover. Single copy, lEc postpaid; 5 or more, 8c each. In quantit ies. $6.50 per 100. "Sa in t s vs. Kings ," by Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 96 pages and cover. Single copy, 25c postpaid; 5 or more, 20c each. In quantities. $12.00 per 100. . " Jus t ice and Chari ty ," by R t . Rev. Msgr. Pul ton J . Sheen. 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