"Pray like that!.. Prayers Before and After Holy Communion Chanoine J. Bouchat OUR SUNDAY VISITOR LIBRARY HUNTINGTON, INDIANA Translated and adapted from the French by J. ROBERT CHARETTE Windsor, Ontario "Nihil Obstat" Dec. 13, 1935 M. J. Grupa Cens. Libr. Imprimatur 12-23-35 )>£l Michael J. Gallagher, Bishop of Detroit "Nihil Obstat" (Revised Edition) W. T. Flannery Cens. Libr. June 4, 1948 Imprimatur John T. Kidd, Bishop of London June 4, 1948 Printed in U.S.A. by OUR SUNDAY VISITOR Huntington, Indiana Deasfdüfed céggn^ Copyright, 1948 by J. Robert Charette Note: Asterisk * indicates Fatima passages. This little book contains Communion pray- ers for every day of the week with a special intention for each day. On Sunday, we re- ceive to console the good Jesus; on Monday, to avoid sin; on Tuesday to correct our faults; on Wednesday, for our parents; on Thurs- day, for our neighbor; on Friday, for sin- ners; on Saturday, for the souls in Purgatory. "Pray like tha t !" is placed under the spe- cial protection of Saint Michael, the Arch- angel. May he, by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, obtain from the Most Blessed Trinity that the chil- dren of the whole world use this book. Armed with the prayers of little souls, may he through the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 0 Jesus, my Savior and My Redeemer, Son of the Living God, behold us here kneel- ing at Your feet. We acknowledge having offended You and we wish to make reparation for all the blasphemies uttered against Your Holy Name, for all the acts of irreverence committed against You in the Blessed Sacra- ment, for all the outrages committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for all the * false accusations and the abuses to which is subjected Your Spouse, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. 0 Jesus, You Who have said: "Whatever you shall ask the Father in My Name, that will I do," we pray and we beseech You for all who are in danger of sinning; preserve them from the enticement of the world which would cause them to renounce the true fa i th ; save those who are already on the brink of the abyss; give to all the light and the knowledge of truth, the courage and the strength to fight evil, perseverance in the fa i th and an active charity. That is why, 0 good Jesus, we pray in Your Name, God the Father with Whom You reign in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY AT THE BEGINNING OF DAY 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Mother, I offer you my day and all the days of my life, and I ask you to bless each and every moment of this day that it may be well spent, each and every one of my actions that they may be holy and according to the Will of God, each and every one of my words that they may be blameless—all within the limits of charity, of t ruth and of humility; all my intentions that they may have but God in view. Bless also, 0 beloved Mother, all my relatives, friends, benefactors, enemies and especially the moment of my death which I wish to pass in your embrace on your Immaculate Heart. Sweet Heart of Mary be my salvation. Prayers for the Communion of Little Souls SUNDAY (Day of the Holy Trinity) I come to Communion especially to console * my good Jesus. BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are m the Holy Eucharist. It is not Your image, nor Your picture, but it is Yourself. The Cross of my beads, the statue of the Sacred Heart, these are Your image; but the Host is Yourself. Before the consecration, it was bread; but the priest has said: "This is My Body." And now, 0 good Jesus, it is You Who are here present. I will often say to You : My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love * You! I beg pardon for those who. do not be- lieve, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You. My good Jesus, I believe that You wish very much to come into my heart. I am told that You have instituted the Blessed Sacra- ment just for that. I . a m told that You do Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me? good to Your little children most when You have given Yourself to them. My good Jesus, I come to receive You. I am so glad! Come, Come. Act of Faith Yes, my Divine Jesus, I believe that it is Yourself I shall receive in the Sacra- ment of the Eucharist; Yourself Who, all glorious that You are in Heaven, yet are present beneath these adorable species. I be- lieve it, my God and my Redeemer, because You have said it. I submit my reason and my senses to Your word, and I want to live and die in this belief. 2.—My good Jesus, I beg Your pardon for my bad conduct in church. I paid more at- tention to other people than to You, my dear Jesus. I forgot that You are here, in the Tabernacle, and tha t You are looking at me. My good Jesus, I do not know why You want to come into my heart. I have often offended You! Forgive me all my sins, O my dear Jesus! And grant that I may accept * and bear humbly the sufferings You wish to send me in order to do penance for my sins and for the sins of others. Act of Humility Who am I, O God of glory and of majesty ? Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! Who am I, that You should come to me ? I, a sinner, to approach so holy a God! to eat the bread of angels! Lord I do not deserve it, and I confess with humble sincerity that I am very unworthy that You should abide in me. 3.—Yet, my good Jesus, I am not afraid to come very near You; I am not afraid to go and receive You. You were so good io the little children of Jerusalem! You always called them near You! You blessed them, You took them i. Your arms and You kissed them. You wish very much to come into my heart. It is not to scold nor to punish me that You come. It is to tell me that You love me so much. It is to bring me Your graces. That is why I come to you with confidence. Act of Hope You C07H6 to wie, Divine So/vioT of souls! What may I not hope of You, Who are giving Yourself entirely to me! Therefore I come to You with all the confidence which Your infinite goodness inspires in me. I hope that You will heal me, that You will change me, and that You will live in me and I in You, now and always. 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. — 9 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! I love You because You are infinitely good and amiable. You possess all the qualities, all the virtues. I love You because You are the One Who loves me most. For me You came into this world; for me You died on the Cross. For me You instituted the Holy Eucharist. Oh! how good You are! Oh! How I love You! I will * never commit sin. I. will pray and sacrifice myself for sinners by fulfilling my duties in life. I will make a good Communion. Act of Love You are really in the Eucharist, 0 my Jesus, and You are there to prove to me how much You love me. Such a love deserves all my heart. I give it to You, 0 my God; re- •'e it, and grant that it may love only You, that it may love nothing but You, that it may love You without ever ceasing to love You. 5.—Therefore, my good Jesus, I come to Communion that I may please You. I am told that You want very much to come into the hearts of Your little children. Oh! come, come into mine! I am told that You are so good, so gener- ous, and that You never come empty-handed. Oh! come, come and bring me your graces. — 10 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! I am told that the wicked offend You in the Eucharist, that they blaspheme and receive You in their hearts soiled by sin. Oh! I want to console You. Come into my hear t ; it is * very pure and it loves You very much. Act of Desire 0 God of Goodness, is it true that You are coming to me and that You are coming with an infinite desire to unite Yourself to me? Come, Most-Beloved of my heart, come Lamb of God, Adorable Flesh, Precious Blood of my Savior, come to nourish my soul. I am not worthy to receive You; but only say the word and I shall be purified. Come, Lord Jesus, come without delay. 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Communion Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle! 0 Most Blessed Trinity, I adore You! My God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed * Sacrament! — 11 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! AFTER COMMUNION For a little while, fold your hands, close your eyes and talk with Jesus, Who is in your heart. 1.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart : how good You are and how glad I am! You have given me Your body, Your blood, Your soul, Your heart, Your divinity. I adore You! I adore You as did Mary and Joseph, as did the Shepherds and the Wise Men. I also give myself entirely to You. I give You my body; I give You my soul; I give You my heart ; I give You all my life. My good Jesus, I will never offend You. Act of Adoration Adorable Majesty of my God, before Whom Heaven and earth are unworthy to appear, what can I do before You but adore You most profoundly. Suffer that I may render You my most humble homage. Glory, honor, sal-vation and benediction to the One Who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed be the Son of the Most-High, Who deigns today to unite Himself so intimately to me and to take pos-session of my heart. — 12 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! 2.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart : how good You are and how glad I am! I thank You with all my heart. You made me Your child at Baptism and You forgave me my sins at confession. You have come down into my soul and You have brought me Your best graces. Oh! how good You are! I thank You with all my heart. You came into the world for me. You suffered and You died on The Cross to open the doors of Para- dise to me. You have instituted the Euchar- ist and You have come into my heart. Oh! how good You are! Thank You, my good Jesus, thank You! I will never commit sin! I will often say to You: My God, I love You because of the graces You have' granted me. * Act of Thanksgiving What thanksgiving, 0 my God, could equal the favor that You have just done me? You have not only died for me, but You have come to me to live in me and to make me live in You. O my soul, glorify the Lord your God; realize his kindness, exalt His generosity and praise His mercy eternally. 3.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart; how good You are and how glad I am! — 13 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. I love You more than all things; more than my parents, more than my life. And I will never offend You. One who would sin again af ter having gone to Communion, would have to be very ungrateful. I want to love You still more. I would like to love you like the angels in Heaven, like the Blessed Virgin Mary. I love You especially in Your Eucharist. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may love You more and more. Act of Love Yes, I love Y.ou, 0 God of my heart! I love You with all my soul, I love You above all things. I love You for the love of You and with a firm resolution of loving none but You always. Yes, my adorable Jesus, I want to love You always; but, 0 my God, strengthen this resolution in my heart, which is present- ly Yours. 4.—My good Jesus, You are so kind as to tell me that You will hear all my prayers. So I want to ask You many things. My good Jesus, first I pray to You for Yourself and I say: "Hallowed be Thy Name; — 14 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." My good Jesus, I pray to You for our good Pope; comfort him, enlighten him, keep him a long time for his loving children. My good Jesus, bless our bishops and our priests— grant that we may always obey them. I know, my dear Jesus, that You love people who * follow the advice of their pastor. My good Jesus, bless my parents and my superiors, convert the sinners, deliver the souls in Purgatory. My good Jesus, grant me the grace of never committing any big sin and of correcting my * faults. My good Jesus, grant that I may fulfill all my duties today and that I may perform all my actions in a spirit of penance. Grant that I may always make a good Communion. 0 my God, I ask you all these graces through * the mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Act of Petition You are in me, inexhaustible source of all good; and You are here full of kindness for me. Think of Your power, see my needs. Take from me the faults which displease You, give me the virtues which can make me pleasing to You; make me share the merits of Your life and of Your death; grant that I may — 15 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me? learn of You, that I may live in You and always for You. 5.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart : how good You are and how glad I am! I promise never to offend You. I will say my Rosary with devotion today * for the peace of the world and the conversion of sinners. I will be obedient and kind. I will do my best in everything. I will keep the promise that I made when I last went to Con- fession. I will sacrifice myself for sinners and say to You: 0 Jesus, it is for love of You, for the Holy Father, and in reparation for the offen- * ses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, help me to profit by my Communion and to be very dutiful during the day. Act of Firm Resolution And so, 0 my God, no more thoughts, no more desires, no more words nor actions against kindness or purity; no more impa-tience, no more blasphemy nor lying, no more omissions of my duties, no more love for the world nor for my passions. Rather to die, 0 my God! Rather to expire here in front of You than ever to displease You. Confirm these resolutions by the Adorable Sacrament which I have just received. — 16 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! Kneeling down before a Crucifix, say the following prayer. " 0 GOOD AND GENTLE JESUS" For the Gaining of a Plenary Indulgence Always take the time to say the prayer below, glancing at the crucifix several times during the recital. Then for one minute medi- tate on the wounds of Jesus. Make a special application of the Indulgences each time. Behold, 0 kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself on my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively senti- <§ ments of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, while with I deep affection and grief of H soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious wounds having before my eyes that which David spake of Thee in Pro- phecy: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all my bones. Then say once the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father for the Pope's Intentions. — 17 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me? By this prayer you gain a plenary indul- gence if you regret your sins very much. Gain indulgences that you may avoid Purgatory. Then say the following prayers for every day. 0 Virgin Mary O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament,. who are the glory of the Chris- tian people, the joy of the Universal Church, and the salvation of the world, pray for us, and awaken in all the fa i thful devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist, that they may render themselves worthy to receive every day. (Indulgence of 300 days, each time). Sweet Heart of Mary be my salvation. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH Unto thee, 0 blessed Joseph, do we fly in our tribulation and having implored the help of thy holy Spouse, we now also confidently seek thy protection. By that affection which united thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by thy fatherly love for the Child Jesus, we humbly beg thee to look down with compassion on the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and in our need to help us by thy powerful inter- cession. Do thou, 0 prudent guardian of the Holy — 18 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! Family, watch over the chosen people of Jesus Christ. Keep us, 0 loving father, safe f rom all error and corruption. 0 great protector, from thy place in heaven, graciously help us in our fight against the powers of dark- ness. And as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the danger of death, so now defend God's holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Extend to each one of us thy continual protection, that led on by thine example and strengthened by thine aid, we may live and die in holiness, and obtain everlasting happiness in heaven. Amen. PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS In union with You, 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, I begin this day as a day in Heaven. The elect have no more than I ; except that they possess eternal life while I return to the fight. I have told Your Sacred Heart that I desire to love You and to possess You; grant me also the desire to suffer everything which You judge good to send me. This suffering which my human nature rejects is my great- est good. I accept it with gratitude in re- paration for the numberless sins which offend Your Divine Majesty, to obtain the conver- * — 19 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! sions of sinners, to repair the blasphemies as * well as all the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Jesus, Lord, finish my act of thanksgiving and prepare me for my next communion which will lead me to Heaven. Grant that I may not be attached to anything, that I may not wish for anything, nor regret anything. Grant that I may ever ascend toward You and that I may die when I am too near You to remain on earth. Amen. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and the snares of the devil. Restrain him, 0 God, we humbly beseech Thee; and do thou, 0 Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seek- ing the ruin of souls. ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY* 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, and tender Mother of men, in accordance with thy ardent wish made * This Consecration is taken from the last page of Rt. Rev. Wm. C. McGrath's Fatima: Hope of the World. — 20 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! at Fatima, I consecrate to thee myself, my brethren, my country, and the whole human race. Reign over us and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus reign and triumph in us, and around us, as it has reigned and triumphed in thee. Reign over us, dearest Mother, that we may be thine in prosperity and in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sick- ness, in life and in death. 0 most compassion^ ate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins, watch over our minds and hearts and preserve them from the deluge of impurity which thou didst lament so sorrowfully at Fatima. We want to be pure like thee. We want to atone for the many crimes committed against Jesus and thee. We want to call down upon our country and the whole world the peace of God in jus- tice and charity. Therefore, we now promise to imitate thy virtues by the practice of a Christian life without regard to human re- spect. We resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month, and to offer thee five decades of the rosary each day together with our sacrifices, in the spirit of reparation and penance. Amen. 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to fulfill my daily duties. I offer you all the sac- * — 21 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! * rifices I must make to fulfill my duties in life for the conversion of sinners. Goodbye, my good Jesus; once again, I thank You with all my heart. I will come back soon very near You. I will come back soon to receive You in my heart. MONDAY (Day of the Holy Ghost) I come to Communion especially to avoid sin BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are truly, and in person, in the Sacred Host that I will receive. You are there, just as truly as in the Manger of Bethlehem, just as truly as on the Cross of Calvary. You are there, just as truly as in Heaven, where You sit at the right hand of God the Father. I do not see You in the Sacred Host, because You are hidden beneath a white veil. But I believe that You are there, because You have said it, and because You are Truth Itself, Who cannot deceive nor be deceived. My good Jesus, I believe also that the great- est of all evil is sin, and especially mortal sin. It is too bad to become sick, to lose one's father or mother: but it is yet worse to com- mit a sin. It is sin that made You die, 0 good Jesus, af ter having caused You so much suf- fering. So I detest it, and I come to ask You through the mediation of the Immacu- * late Heart of Mary the grace of never com- mitting any. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I would like never to have committed sin. How happy are the chil- — 23 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! dren who have never offended You! That is why I am so sad for having done wrong; I sincerely beg Your forgiveness. My good Jesus, cleanse my soul, make it very beautiful and very pure. Do not permit me to offend You again af ter my Commun- ion. I also beg Your forgiveness for all the wicked who commit many sins. Poor sinners! They are on the road to hell! I want to pray * and to make sacrifices for them by fulfilling my duties in life and observing Your Taw. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—I come to Communion this morning, 0 my good Jesus, to ask You through the medi- * ation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary the grace of never offending You again. I am told that Holy Communion keeps chil- dren from committing sin. Oh! how glad I am! I expect this grace from Your kindness, 0 dear little Jesus. I ask it of the Blessed Virgin every morning and every night; and right now I implore You for i t : 0 Jesus, keep me from mortal sin during all my life. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. Mortal sin kills in my soul the love that I should have for You. Those who commit — 24 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iiiy salvation! mortal sin do not love You anymore. I will never commit it, my good Jesus; no, not I. I love You too much for tha t ! I want to love You much more, and I will try to avoid also the little sins that I commit so often. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may love You more and more! Sweet Heart of Mary, show me how to love my Jesus. (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—In a few minutes, 0 my good Jesus, You will come into my heart. Bring me the grace of detesting sin, espe- cially the big sins, the ugly sins—the sins of impurity which throw most souls into hell. * Bring me the grace of never committing any big sins during all my life. And I also ask You this grace for my par- ents, my brothers and sisters, for all the children of the world. My good Jesus, come into my heart. I shall be so glad to receive You! (Act of Desire, page 11). 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Com- munion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. — 2R - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. 0 Most Blessed Trinity, I adore You! My * God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament! AFTER COMMUNION For a little while, fold your hands, close your eyes and talk with the good Jesus Who is in your heart. 1.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart : how good You are and how glad I am! 1 am told that there are angels around the Tabernacle: they adore You night and day as You are adored in Heaven. At this moment, no doubt there are angels around my heart too, and they adore You. Holy Angels, I adore Jesus with you! He is very good to have come down into my soul! Holy angels, I hope never to commit sin and to go to Heaven with you to adore Jesus for ever and ever. (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2.—My good Jesus, how I thank You! You have been very good to me! To forgive my sins, You have come into the world, and You have died on the Cross. To forgive my sins, You have instituted confession. I tell my sins, I am sorry for them, the priest gives — 26 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! me absolution and it is done. My soul is cleansed in Your Blood! You have been very good to me. You are here in my heart. And you are here because you want me never to offend you during my whole life. You bring me Your graces. Thank You, my good Jesus, thank You. I thank You also for all the little children who have never committed big sins. How happy they must be! I thank You also for having invited all the little children to receive Holy Communion: You want us never to commit sin! 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, say thank You to the good Jesus with me: "Thank You, thank You very much, my good Jesus." (Act of Thanksgiving, page 13).. 3.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. To offend You, to commit sin! Oh! never in my life. I love You too much for that! A Father Who promises us such a nice reward in Heaven should not be offended. I want to go there, that I may love You very much during all eternity! 0 Jesus, may all the little children, may my parents and my superiors love You very — 27 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have iriei-cy on me! much and never offend You! (Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart, and it is to give me Your graces that You have come. Give me the grace to under- stand that the greatest of all evil is sin, and especially all big sins. Give me the grace of detesting sin, of avoiding it more than death. Give me the grace of never committing any. No, my good Jesus, never, never any big sin. Never, never any ugly sin. With the help of Your grace, Your little child wishes to remain always very pure. Through the mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary grant that I * may avoid all indecent fashions and all sins of impurity. Grant this grace to my parents and to my superiors and also to the little chil- dren of the whole world. (Act of Petition, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I am going to leave You; but I want to promise You that I will never do wrong! Never will I commit mortal sin! I do not want to go to hell! I will also try very hard today to be more dutiful; more obedient, more pleasing, more pious. My good Jesus, I will say my rosary * today and every day of my life. Help me to — 28 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iiiy salvation! say it with devotion in honor of our Mother to obtain peace for the world and the conversion of sinners. After each decade I will say to You: 0 my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls to * Heaven, especially those who most need your mercy. 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, help me to keep this promise. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16). Kneeling before a Crucifix, say the prayer: " 0 Good and Gentle Jesus," page 17. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary," and other prayers for every day. TUESDAY (Day of the Holy Angels) * I come to Communion especially to correct my faults. BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are really present beneath the white veil of the Host! You are still smaller than You were in the manger: why, 0 good Jesus, have You made Yourself so little? I know: it is that You may come into my heart! Oh! how good You are! And You hide Yourself beneath a white veil: why, 0 good Jesus? I would like so much to see You! I know why: it is that I may not be afraid to come and receive You! Oh! how good You are! My good Jesus, I believe too that I must correct my faults, now that I am little. I must not let them grow: it would then be too hard to get rid of them and they would make me commit many sins! And too, they might lead me into hell! So today, I come to Communion especially to correct my faults. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I admit and I whisper — 30 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! softly in Your ear, that I have many little faults. I am proud; I think that I am better than others; I cannot stand to be corrected nor to be punished, even when I very well deserve it. I am disobedient; the same thing has to be repeated to me very often; I refuse to listen to my father and mother and to my superiors. Sometimes, I sulk and murmur. I am lazy: it takes me so long to rise in the morning; I do not do my work well, and I do not learn my lessons as I should. I am jealous: I always want the things which belong to my brothers and sisters or to my friends. And I sometimes argue. Good Jesus, how ashamed I am to be so bad! No, I do not deserve to receive You: You were so dutiful; You had no faults; but I come to ask You the grace of correcting my- self. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—My good Jesus, today I want to ask You through the mediation of the Immacu- * late Heart of Mary the grace of correcting my faults. I expect this grace from my Communion. It is Your Vicar on earth, the Pope, who tells me so. He assures me that by receiving, I will avoid sin and. correct my faults. He — 31 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! assures me that Holy Communion is a remedy that cures all the ailments of our souls. I expect this grace from my Communion. I am told of many children, who had faults like I have, and who have corrected themselves by going to Holy Communion often. You will not refuse this grace to me, 0 good Jesus. I expect it of Your kindness. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength because of the *graces You have given me. I want to correct my faults to prove to You how much I love You. I know that these faults are not pleasing to You: You want me to be an amiable and charming child, just as You were Yourself at Nazareth. My good Jesus, I do not want to displease You anymore by my disobedience, my glut- tony, my laziness, my anger, my pride. All this will disappear f rom my heart and then I will be able to say to You: "My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart." (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—My good Jesus, I come to Communion today, especially to correct my faults. They are weeds that grow in my heart. You will help me to pull them out. — 32 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! They are diseases for my soul. You will cure me. I know that I could not correct my faults if You do not give me Your grace. Oh! come and bring it to me! My good Jesus, I want to imitate You and to be like You, very duti- ful and very good. (Act of Desire, page 11). 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Com- munion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle. 0 most Blessed Trinity I adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed * Sacrament. AFTER COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, You have come into my heart : how good You are! 1 adore You! You are the Son of God—the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. You are God, just as truly as God the Father and God the Holy Ghost. I adore You! You have always existed and You will never die. I will go and see You in Heaven and adore You always. — 33 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! I adore You! One day, You took a body like mine and You came into the world at Beth- lehem-. And now this morning You have been so kind as to come down into my heart. Oh! how good You are! I give You all I have. Especially, I give You my heart and I give it to You for always. (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2.—My good Jesus, I want to thank You very, very much! You come to help me to correct my faults. You come to make of me a good and dutiful child; a child amiable and charming. Oh! how good You are! You would like to see all the little children just like You: pure, obedient and kind, meek and patient. And it is for this that You come into their hearts! And I thank You again, my good Jesus, for having made Pius X say that little children must be permitted to go to Holy Communion. But for this, I would have had to wait much longer before receiving You. And now, my good Jesus, I have already re- ceived You many times. (Act of Thanksgiv- ing, page 13). 3.—Good Jesus, if You knew how much I love You! Oh! with all my heart! With all my strength! — 34 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! I will correct my faults; I will become au amiable child. It is to please my father and mother and my superiors; but, especially, it is to please You, my good Jesus! It is that my heart may be very pleasing to You! I t is that You may be always glad to enter it in Holy Communion! Good Jesus, take my heart and grant that it may love You always! (Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, You promise me all I ask of You. Therefore, I ask You to help me to correct my faults. Make me obedient to my parents and su- periors, and kind to my brothers and sisters and to my companions. Grant that I may be neither gluttonous, nor lazy, nor angry. Make my heart very meek and very humble like Yours. My good Jesus, I ask You especially to correct in me the fault for which my parents and superiors always blame me. That is the one which • makes me commit the most sins. Help me to fight it, 0 good Jesus. Grant, 0 good Jesus, that all men may correct their faults and ask pardon for their sins, in order that they no longer offend You Who are al- * — 37 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! ready too much offended! I ask You this * grace through the mediation of the Immacu- late Heart of Mary. Grant that I may say my rosary with de- * votion every day. Good Jesus, bless my family, convert the sinners, deliver the souls in Purgatory. Bless * our Bishops, our priests, and our religious. And especially bless our Holy Father. (Act of Petition, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I will rise promptly in the morning, kiss my scapular and say to You, as I make the sign of the Cross: With humil- ity and gratitude, I report for duty. My good Jesus, I promise You that I will t ry to correct my faults. I will correct first the one for which I am blamed most often and which brings me most punishment. I will be very careful; I will watch over myself very closely. All day, I will try not to weaken once, and when I return near You, 0 dear Jesus, I shall be totally changed. Bless my promise, 0 good Jesus; help me, hold me by the hand—for without You I shall be as bad as yesterday. 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, do not forget that I — 36 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! am Your child! Help me and correct me. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16). Kneel down before a Crucifix and say the prayer: "O good and Gentle Jesus," page 17. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary," and the other prayers for every day. WEDNESDAY (Day of Saint Joseph) I come to Communion especially for my parents. BEFORE COMMUNION 1—My good Jesus, I believe that You are really in the Holy Tabernacle, in the little Host that I shall receive. Yes, it is Yourself! You stayed 33 years on earth. Then You went back to Heaven, near Your Father. But You would not leave us all alone and You instituted the Eucharist! How good You are! Yes, it is Yourself, true God and true Man! As God, You are everywhere. As man, You are not everywhere: You are in Heaven at the right hand of God the Father and in the Blessed Sacrament. And in a little while You will come into my heart. My good Jesus, it is You who have given me good parents. You command me to love them, to respect them, to obey them and to assist them. I come to pray to You for them and to promise You that I will obey them always. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I have often neglected my duties towards my parents. I have hurt them; I have disobeyed them; I have not — 38 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! prayed enough for them. Have I perhaps made them cry ? Really, I have been very bad; my parents are so good to me. Pardon me, my good Jesus! I come to make amends for all this. This morning I will receive for my parents; for those who are still living and for those who are al- ready dead. I will be more obedient and more respectful in the future. I also beg Your forgiveness for all the little children who cause sorrow to their parents. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—My good Jesus, You were so obedient to your Mother and to Your foster-Father Saint Joseph. Never did You hurt them. Never did You refuse to obey them. Never were they obliged to repeat the same thing to You over and over again. Many were the little services that You rendered them. You showed them much affection. You were their happiness. And so I hope that You will hear my prayers today: I come to pray for my parents. I come to ask You the grace of loving them very much and of obeying them very well always. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.-lgMy good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength in return for * all the graces You have granted me. You — 39 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! are so good to me. I want to love You al- ways, and always more and more. My good Jesus, You command me to love my parents. I want to obey You. They de- serve it so much. They work for me; they try to bring me up well; they correct my faults; they feed and clothe me and lead me very near to You. Thank You, my good Jesus, for having given them to me. Grant that I may love them as You loved Your Holy Mother and Your foster-Father. (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—I come to Communion today, especially for my parents. I ask You, 0 good Jesus, to bless them, to give them all the graces that they need. I ask You, 0 good Jesus, to put in Your Paradise my parents who are already dead. And for myself I ask You the grace of loving my parents very much and of obeying them perfectly. You are my model, 0 sweet Jesus! I will try to imitate. You! (Act of Desire, page 11). 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Communion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. — 40 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle. 0 Most Blessed Trinity, I adore you! My God, My God, I love You in the Most Blessed * Sacrament. AFTER COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, You are here in my heart ; how good You are! First, I want to adore You. You are the Master of all things, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, The King of the whole universe. Always be, O good Jesus, the King of my heart. Take possession of it. It is Yours now and always. (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2.—My good Jesus, how I thank You! Be blessed for all Your kindness to me! You have given me good parents. They had me baptized, they work for me. They love me very much. They want me to be happy. Thank You, my good Jesus! You have invited me to the altar rail, and You have been so kind as to give Yourself entirely to me. Yes, I have received Your Body, Your Blood, Your Soul, Your Heart, Your Divinity. Thank You, 0 my good Jesus! What shall I do to thank You as I ought? I will love You, 0 good Jesus, I will love my — 41 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! parents. I will never offend You. I will come to receive You often. (Act of Thanks- giving, page 13). 3.—Yes my good Jesus, I love you very much. I should love You, since You have been so good to me, and since You have done mie so many favors. I would be very un- grateful if I did not love You very much. Nobody deserves my love more than You, 0 good Jesus! Yes, 0 Jesus, I love You very much in Your Eucharist. Oh how I love It, that dear little Host that I have just received. I t is Yourself, 0 good Jesus. In it You show me so much love. Yes, my good Jesus, I love my parents very much. They are so good to me! Be- sides, You command me to love them. And you Yourself loved Mary and Joseph so much! (Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, I ask You to bless my parents. Give them all the graces that they need. But especially, grant that they may love You and never offend You. Grant that they may faithfully accomplish all their duties. Grant, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that we may * say the family rosary with devotion every day. — 42 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iiiy salvation! My good Jesus, I ask You to call very near You, in Paradise, my parents who are dead. Make them happy with You forever. My good Jesus, I pray to You also for my brothers and sisters, and for all my other re- latives and benefactors. My good Jesus, I pray to You also for the parents of all my friends. Grant that all little children may obey very well their father and mother. For me, my good Jesus, I ask You the grace of loving, of respecting my par- ents and of obeying them perfectly. Teach me to imitate Your obedience, 0 good Jesus. Grant that my parents may be pleased with me. May I never hurt them. Especially, may I never make them cry. My good Jesus, bless our dear Pope; bless * our bishops, our priests, and our religious; bless my superiors; convert sinners; de- liver the souls from Purgatory. (Act of Peti- tion, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I promise to be very obedient today to my parents and to my superiors. With Your help, I shall not dis- obey, I shall not sulk, I shall not murmur. The same thing will not have to be repeated twice to me. I will do very willingly all that is asked to me. My good Jesus, I promise that I will never — 43 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! offend You and that I will try to do my duty more perfectly every day in a spirit of penance. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16). Kneel down before a Crucifix and say the prayer: " 0 Good and Gentle Jesus," page 17). Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary," and other prayers for every day. — 44 — THURSDAY (Day of the Holy Eucharist) I come to Communion especially for my neighbor. BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are really present in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that it is Yourself I will receive in my heart. On Holy Thursday, in the Cenacle, You took in Your hands a little bread, You blessed it and You gave it to Your apostles, saying: "Take and eat ye all of this: This is My Body." And the bread was changed into Your Adorable Body. Then You commanded Your Apostles to do the same thing and You gave them the power to consecrate the Host. Over the little Host that I will receive, the priest has said at Mass: "This is My Body." And it is You, 0 good Jesus, Who are there! My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I make reparation for those who do * not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You. I believe too that I must love my neighbor, my superiors, my companions, everybody; one day You said : "Love your neighbor as your- self." So, I come to Communion for my — 45 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! neighbor, to obey this commandment that You have given us. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I beg Your pardon for having been unkind to my neighbor. I have been disrespectful to my superiors; I have disobeyed them; I have murmured and I have been stubborn. I have hurt the feelings of people and I have said bad things about them. I am sorry, 0 good Jesus, for all these faults. I ask You to forgive me. I do not want to commit them anymore. I also beg Your forgiveness for all the acts of unkindness which I have caused others to commit. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—My good Jesus, I come to ask You the grace of being kind to my neighbor. You love souls so much! For them You died on the Cross! You command me so strongly to be kind to others! I am sure to please You by coming to Communion for my neighbor, for my superiors and for my companions. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. I love my neighbor as myself, for the love of You. I come to Communion today to learn to be very kind to others. — 46 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! It is for my superiors and for my com- panions that I come to pray to You and re- ceive You. You have said: "Love one another as I have loved you." I want to obey You, 0 good Jesus!" (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—My good Jesus, I come to Communion for my neighbor. When I have You in my heart, I will ask You to bless my superiors and my companions. I will pray for all the little children of the world, so that they may love You very much and never offend You. I will ask You that all the little children of the world may pray and pray very much and make sacrifices for * sinners for many souls go to hell because there is nobody to make sacrifices and to pray for them. I will ask You the grace of loving my neighbor, of not arguing any more, of not be- ing jealous any more, of not hurting any- one's feelings. I will ask You also to grant that I may obey my superiors very well and that I may be very respectful. Come, 0 good Jesus, and bring me these graces. Make me very good to my brothers and sisters, to, my companions, to everybody. (Act of Desire, page 11). — 47 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Communion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle. 0 Most Holy Trinity, I adore You! My * God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed Sacrament! AFTER COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, You have come into my heart : how good You are! 1 adore Your Body and your Blood: I have received Them. I adore Your soul and Your Heart : I possess Them! I adore Your Divinity! I would like to adore It as It is adored in Heaven. I give myself entirely to You, 0 good Jesus. Do not permit me ever to offend You. I know, 0 my Jesus, that you are horribly outraged by ungrateful men; I wish to repair their * sins and to console you, my God! (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2-—O Jesus, You are here in my heart : how good You are! And how glad I am! — 48 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! Thank You, 0 good Jesus, for all the love that You have for my neighbor. I rejoice in the graces that You grant to my superiors, to my brothers and sisters, to my companions. I rejoice when I see them come to Holy Com- munion with me. Thank You, my good Jesús, for all the love that is shown us. We owe it all to You, my good Jesus. The Pope loves us, since he wants us to go to Holy Communion. Our superiors love us, since they want to do good to us. We all love one another and we pray for one an- other. (Act of Thanksgiving, page 13). 3.—O my God! I love You above all things with my whole heart and soul, because You are infinitely amiable and deserving of all love; I love also my neighbor as myself for the love of You. I love You, O my good Jesus, in Your Eucharist; You are so good to me there! I love my neighbor, O my good Jesus! You command i t ; You love him Yourself. I love my neighbor and I will never hurt anyone. I will do good around me. I will bear the faults of others. I will give good example and good advice. I will be a friend to everyone. I will often say: Immaculate Heart of Mary, convert sinners, save their * souls from hell! — 49 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! That is the way that I must love my neighbor, isn't it, my good Jesus? (Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, bless my superiors, my brothers and sisters, my companions, all the little children of the world. Grant that all the little children of the world may pray * and pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell because there is nobody to make sacrifices and to pray for them. Grant, 0 good Jesus, that every- one may love You, that no one may offend You. Grant that we may all come willingly to Holy Communion. My good Jesus, make us very kind to one another. No disputes nor quarrels, no jeal- ousy nor hard feelings; no anger nor ven- gence; do away with all this, 0 good Jesus. Grant that we may always be well united; grant that there may be much kindness among us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, obtain peace * for all men. My good Jesus, grant me the grace of forgiving those who have hur t me. No, I do not want to have any hard feelings against anyone. (Act of Petition, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I will love my neighbor as myself. I forgive all those who have done — 50 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! wrong to me. I ask You to bless them and to forgive them also. I will t ry never to hurt anyone's feelings. People who find pleasure in making others cry have a bad heart. Especially, I will never teach others how to commit sin. I will give good example to all. I will say my rosary with devotion every * day. I will be very careful today not to argue, nor to say anything bad about anybody. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16). Kneel down before a Crucifix and say the prayer: " 0 Good and Gentle Jesus, page 17. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary," and other prayers for every day. — 51 — FRIDAY (Day of the Sacred Heart) * I come to Communion especially for sinners. BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are really in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that it is Yourself I shall have the happiness to receive in Holy Communion. I do not see You in the Sacred Host; You are hidden. But I know that You are there, because You have said it. I am told also that You have often shown Yourself in the Blessed Sacrament. You tore the veil that hides You, and You were often seen as a little child. My good Jesus, I believe too that You reward the good in Paradise and that You punish the wicked in hell. And I come to Communion for the wicked that they may be converted and be saved. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I beg Your forgiveness for all the wicked who commit sin. They offend You very much. It is because of them that You suffered so much that You died on the Cross. If they do not-beg Your forgiveness, they shall go to hell forever. My good Jesus, I beg Your forgiveness for — 52 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! all the wicked, who will die today. Perhaps they do not want to go to Confession and ask pardon for their sins. Will You not help them? My good Jesus, forgive me all my sins. I do not want to commit sin any more. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—My good Jesus, I hope that You will hear my prayers today. You love sinners so much. You have said that You came on earth and died on the Cross for them. You desire their conversion so ardently. No, You do not want their death and damna- tion. So You will rejoice when I pray to You for them; and good Jesus, You will call them back to You. 0 Mary, You are called the Refuge of Sinners, today, you will pray with me, and help me to sacrifice myself for sinners. Remind me to say often, but espe- cially when making some sacrifices: 0 Jesus, it is for the love of You, for the Holy Father, * for the conversion of sinners and to repair the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. I know that You love sinners and that You desire their conversion very much. I want — 53 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! to please You by coming to Communion for them. I love their souls too. I would want them never to offend You. I would be so glad if they would beg Your pardon for their sins and come to Communion. Then many more hearts would love You— and. X would be happy. , (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—My good Jesus, I come to Communion especially for sinners. I will ask You to grant them the grace of coming back to You. May they never offend You anymore! I will pray for the sinners who are to die today» I-will, ask-.-You to send them a priest to give them the Last Sacraments. I will ask You to grant that they be converted before they die. I will ask You, for myself and for all those I love, thè grace of never committing any big sins. (Act of Desire, page 11). 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, prepare my heart for Holy Com- munion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. — 5 4 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle! 0 Most Blessed Trinity, J adore You ! My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed * Sacrament! AFTER COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, You have come into my heart: how good You are! My good Jesus, I adore You. That is our first duty. Sinners refuse to adore You; on the contrary, they offend You all the time. 1 adore You in their place. I acknowledge You as my Creator, my Lord and my King. I will serve You always. I never want to offend You nor to commit sin. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly and offer You the Most Precious * Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world to repair the outrages by which He is Himself offended. By the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart and by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg for the conversion of all poor sinners. (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2.—My good Jesus, You have come into my heart : how good You are! I thank You for having given Yourself to — 55 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! me. Oh! how glad I am to have You in my heart! I thank You for having forgiven all my sins. Oh! how glad I am to have received absolution when I went to Confession! Thank You for forgiving all the sinners who ask Your mercy. You offer them all the graces that they need. I thank You for having made me go to Communion for them. I would be so happy if they would be sorry for their sins and love You very much. To save them, 0 good Jesus, grant that all men in the world * may have devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Act of Thanksgiving, page 13). 3.—My good Jesus, I love You. And I want to love You more and more every day. To prove to You how much I love You, I will never offend You during all my life. I will always be pure and pious. I will say my * Rosary with devotion every day. I will avoid bad company. To prove to You how much I love You, I will pray very much for all poor sinners. I would like very much to convert them all. I will make sacrifices for them. I will often say to You: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, convert poor sinners." (Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, I pray for poor sinners. Convert them all! Do not let them — 56 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! offend You any more! Grant that they may go to Confession and come to receive You in Holy Communion. My good Jesus, I pray for those who are to die today. Send them a priest. May they confess their sins and beg Your forgiveness. May they receive Holy Communion and Ex- treme Unction. May they have a happy death. My good Jesus, I ask for the grace of never committing any big sins, and of re- maining always innocent and pure. Pure in body—to remain chaste; pure in soul—to re- * main free from sin, not to look at what I should not see, not to steal, not to lie, to tell the t ruth always, even when its costs. My good Jesus, bless my parents and my superiors, all my family. Bless our Holy Father ; bless our bishops, our priests, and * our religious. Deliver the souls from Purga- tory. My good Jesus, send missionaries to the little pagans who do not know You. Have the missionaries teach them catechism and baptize them so they may make their First Commun- ion. (Act of Petition, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I promise never to commit sin, especially big sin, and much less vile sin. j. — 57 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! My good Jesus, I promise to pray often for the wicked and especially for those who are at the point of death. I will make" sacrifices of all things and accept and bear humbly for the * conversion of sinners all the sufferings You will wish to send me. My good Jesus, I promise to come back soon to Holy Communion. I love so much to re- ceive You. To deserve that happiness, I will be dutiful and very good to everybody. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16),. • Kneel down before a Crucifix and say the prayer: " 0 Good and Gentle Jesus," page 17. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary." and other prayers for every day. — 58 — SATURDAY (Day of the Blessed Virgin) I come to Communion especially for the souls in Purgatory. BEFORE COMMUNION 1.—My good Jesus, I believe that You are really in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that It is Yourself that I will receive into my heart, I do not see You. You have hidden Your- self beneath a white veil, so that I may not be afraid to come and receive You. But I know You are there. I feel it so much when I make a fervent Communion. Holy Communion has already made me so happy, and it has already done me so much good. My good Jesus, I believe, also, that there is a Heaven where You reward the good, and a hell where You punish the wicked. I believe that the souls who leave this world in the state of grace, without having any sins for which to satisfy, go to Paradise. I believe that the souls who leave this world in mortal sin, go to hell. I believe that the souls who leave this world in the state of grace, but who have not satisfied You completely for their sins, go to Purgatory. They stay there until they are pure enough to enter Heaven. — 69 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! My good Jesus, I come to Communion for these souls in Purgatory. I come to ask You to call them very near to you in Paradise. (Act of Faith, page 8). 2.—My good Jesus, I have well deserved Purgatory. I have already committed so many sins and I make so few sacrifices to atone for them. Forgive me, my dear Jesus. My good Jesus, I also beg Your forgiveness for all those souls who are in Purgatory. They must suffer very much; they do not see You. My good Jesus, I come to ask You to deliver them and to bid them enter Heaven. (Act of Humility, page 8). 3.—My good Jesus, I hope that You will grant me this grace today. You love the souls in Purgatory: they are pure! They suffer so much. You would be very glad to deliver them. But they have debts to pay. Well, I come to pay for them: I give You my Com- munion for them. I have nothing better. You will accept it, my good Jesus, I am sure. And You will free those dear souls. (Act of Hope, page 9). 4.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. I also love the souls in Purgatory. I love — 6 0 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! them because You love them very much and because they suffer so much. I love them, be- cause among them there may be some that I have known. Perhaps one of my relatives is there; one of my companions or one of my sisters or brothers. I love the souls in Purgatory and I would like to help them enter Heaven. I will pray very much for them. I offer You my Com- munion for their deliverance. (Act of Love, page 10). 5.—My good Jesus, I come to Communion especially for the souls in Purgatory. I will ask You also for the grace of being more dutiful, of not committing so many little sins. I may have to pay for them in Purgatory. (Act of Desire, page 11). 0 Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, help me to prepare my heart fo r Holy Communion. Saint Joseph, lead me to Jesus. My good Guardian Angel, come with me to the altar rail. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend me in battle! 0 Most Blessed Trinity, I adore You! My * God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed Sacrament! — 61 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! AFTER COMMUNION H—My good Jesus, You have come into my heart : how good You are! I adore You with the angels and saints of Heaven. I adore You also with the souls who are in Purgatory. I adore all Your qualities, and especially Your Holiness and Your Justice. You punish all sins. You want near You, in Heaven, only souls who are perfectly pure. My good Jesus, grant that I may be always very pure. You are in my soul: cleanse it more and more. (Act of Adoration, page 12). 2.—My good Jesus, I thank You for having come into my heart. You are very good. I thank You for having forgiven all my sins. I thank You for having created Purgatory and for thus permitting the souls to purify themselves before going to Heaven. I thank You for permitting me to pray for these dear souls, and to be able to work for their deliverance. I thank You for giving me the means to avoid Purgatory. I will be very dutiful; I will pray with all my heart; I will make sacrifices; I will receive You often and with fervor. I — 62 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! will live chastely according to my state in life; I will say the rosary with devotion every day * of my life, and I will wear the scapular. (Act of Thanksgiving, page 13). 3.—My good Jesus, I love You with all my heart and with all my strength. I want to love You always and never offend You. I conse- crate myself to the Immaculate Heart of * Mary, so that I may love You more and more. I want to love also the souls in Purgatory. I offer You my Communion for them. I know that they love You very much. I know too that they will love me and that they will pray very much for me when they are in Heaven. Grant, 0 my sweet Jesus, that I may love You more and more. That I may love espe- cially the dear Host of my Communion. Act of Love, page 14). 4.—My good Jesus, I pray for the souls in Purgatory. Have mercy on them. Relieve them. Deliver them. Call them near You in Heaven. My good Jesus, deliver the souls of my parents who are dead—of my brothers and sisters—of my companions who are dead—the souls of the little children who are in Purga- tory. My good Jesus, grant that. I may never commit sin. Grant me the grace of atoning _ 63 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! for those that I have committed. I want to atone for them, before I die, so that I may not go to Purgatory. My good Jesus, bless my parents, my superiors and my companions. Bless our Pope. Bless our bishops, our priests and our * religious. Convert sinners. Bless all little children. (Act of Petition, page 15). 5.—My good Jesus, I promise never to offend You by committing any big sins. I do not want to go to hell. My good Jesus, I promise to be very dutiful * today. I will say my rosary with devotion. I will try to obey perfectly and to be very kind. My good Jesus, I will pray often for the souls who are in Purgatory. Then, I know that I shall be pleasing to You. And in order * that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may help me, at the hour of my death, with the graces needed for my salvation, I will make the five first Saturdays as She requested at Fatima. (Act of Firm Resolution, page 16). Kneel down before a Crucifix and say the prayer: " 0 Good and Gentle Jesus," page 17 Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. Say also the prayer: " 0 Virgin Mary," and other prayers for every day. — 64 — THE FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS OF THE MONTH OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY OF FATIMA On May 13, 1939, the bishop of Fatima pub- lished the following statement in the fifth edition of the Official Manual of the Pilgrim- age to Fat ima: "It is the Blessed Virgin herself who, in our days (through Sister Lucy of Jesus, the seer of Fatima) deigned to teach us this devo- tion of the Five First Saturdays, whose object is to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for all the offenses and outrages it re- ceives from ungrateful men." This devotion consists in: 1. Going to confession and Communion; 2. Saying the rosary; 3. Meditating a quarter of an hour on the mysteries of the rosary; The Blessed Virgin said to Sister Lucy: "Look, my daughter, my Heart is all pierced with thorns, which men drive into i t . every moment by their blasphemies and in- gratitude. 4. Having the intention of making re- paration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. THE GREAT PROMISE — 65 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! "Do you at least seek to console me, and let men know tha t : "I promise to assist a t tne hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Saturday of five con- secutive months will go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite the beads, and keep me company during a quarter of an hour, meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the ro- sary, with the purpose of making reparation." NOTE: Confession may be made eight days before or af ter that Communion, pro- vided Communion is received in the state of grace. Meditation may bear on one or several mysteries of the rosary. I t seems possible to meditate thoroughly on one mystery each month, so that, by making this devotion three times (i.e., for fifteen first Saturdays) all of the mysteries of the rosary will have been considered. Pious souls and religious will have a great facility in making these first Saturdays: for them, it will be sufficient, on that day, to offer their habitual rosary, for the intention indi- cated, and to take one or two mysteries of the rosary as their subject of meditation. On June 13, 1912, the Holy Office had al- ready granted a plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, to those who will accomplish, — 66 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! on the first Saturday of any month, the spe- cial exercises of devotion in honor of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, in reparation for the blasphemies of which her name and pre- rogatives are the object. (See No. 335 of the official record: Preces et Pia Opera, 1938.) Mary's request of Sister Lucy only approves and sanctions a devotion already existing and encouraged by the Church. Those who prac- tice the devotion of the First Five Saturdays will thus fulfill the conditions required to gain the plenary indulgence granted by the Holy Office. MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY Joyful Mysteries The Annunciation: Luke 1, 26-38. The Visitation: Luke 1, 39-56. The Birth of Our Lord: Luke 2, 1-20. The Presentation: Luke 2, 22-39. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple: Luke 2, 42-52. Sorrowful Mysteries The Agony in the Garden: Matt. 26, 36-46. The Scourging at the Pillar: Matt. 27, 26. The Crowning with Thorns: Matt. 27, 28- 31. The Carrying of the Cross: Luke 23, 26-32. The Crucifixion: Matt. 27, 33-50. — 67 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! Glorious Mysteries The Resurrection: John 20, 1-23. The Ascension: Mark 16, 14-20. The Coming of the Holy Spirit : Acts 2, 1-4. The Assumption: Tradition. The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heav- en : Tradition. MEMORARE Remember, 0 most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, 0 Virgin of virgins, my mother to thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrow- fu l ; 0 mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions; but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. (300 days' indulgence.) — 68 — A SHORT WAY OF THU CROSS My Jesus, I make this Way of the Cross to . atone for my sins, to sanctify my sufferings, to obtain the grace of leading a good life and of dying in Your love, to gain all the indul- gences attached to this holy devotion and to give relief to the souls in Purgatory espe- cially those who are most abandoned. (Act of Contrition). FIRST STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, condemned in my place, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and love Jesus for me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the faithful-departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. SECOND STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, loaded down with my sins to re- lieve me of them, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and that I — 69 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! may not sin keep me near you. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fa i thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. THIRD STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeem- ed the world. My Jesus, falling under the weight of my sins to atone for them, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and thank Jesus for me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. FOURTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. My Jesus, meeting Your Mother who was crying, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and forgive me all the sorrow I have caused you. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fa i thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. — 70 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! FIFTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, inviting me to share Your Cross, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and when I suffer stay with me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. SIXTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, humiliated and bathed in sweat and blood to atone for my pride, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salva- tion, and beg pardon for me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. SEVENTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. — 71 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! My Jesus, falling again to teach me to rise again, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and when I shall be on the. verge of falling, sustain me. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. EIGHTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, consoling the women of Jeru- salem, weeping as they followed You, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and in my sorrows console me and reassure me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mercy on us. May the souls of the fa i thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. NINTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, falling again at the thought of my ingratitude, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and recall me — 72 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be iriy salvation! to my duty. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. TENTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, stripped of Your garments to atone for my sensuality, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and purify me and against the devil protect me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. ELEVENTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou haat re- deemed the world. My Jesus, nailed to the Cross to atone for my bad actions and my scandals, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salva- tion, and beg pardon for me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fa i thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. — 73 — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me! TWELFTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, dying on the Cross to open the doors of Paradise to me, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and lead me to Heaven with you. Agonizing Heart of Jesus, have mercy on the dying. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. THIRTEENTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. My Jesus, now dead and placed in the arms of Your Mother who was weeping, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salva- tion, and forgive me and love me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the Bouls of the fa i thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. FOURTEENTH STATION We adore Thee, 0 Jesus, and we bless Thee. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re-deemed the world. — 74 — Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! My Jesus, placed in the sepulchre and now in the tabernacle, have mercy on me. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, and near to Jesus in the Eucharist lead me and keep me. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord. Have mercy on us. May the souls of the fai thful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.