BjSggiSraH H What It Means To Be a Catholic i by MOST REV. APOLLINARIS BAOMGARTNER O.F .M. C A P . , D.D. What It Means To Be a Catholic by MOST REV. APOLLINARIS BAUMGARTNER O.F .M. CAP. . D.D. Today the Christian Faith is in danger of being undermined or weakened by the spirit that is abroad i n ' t h e world — t h e spirit of materialism and indifference to things divine. We point to the ji „ danger and call upon all our people to "stand fast l l j in the Faith (I Corinthians, 16, 13) ; "stand fast, and be not held-again under the yoke of bondage." (Galatians, S, 5.1). Iu the words of the Apostle Paul, we cry out to you, Beloved Americans: "Put you on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against princi- palities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore, take unto you the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in • the evil day and to stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with the truth and having on the breastplate of justice; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. In all things, taking the shield of 3 V Faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God.)" (Ephesians 6, 11-17). We call upon you to offer not the negative resistance of a war of words but the positive resistance of an intensified Christian life through the observance of the Holy Gospels, and of those age-old Catholic customs and tradi- tions which are so well in accord with the Ameri- can way of life and so capable of being assimi- lated into the American picture, without being absorbed and destroyed. We call upon you to stand fast; and let your rallying cry be, "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism!" (Ephesians 4, 5 ) . To accomplish this end we should LEARN our Faith; LOVE our Faith and LIVE our Faith and thereby find ourselves good Americans as well as good Catholics. I To be a Catholic means that we believe in a God — the one true God in wjiom there are three Persons — The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. As says Tobias, "We are the children of Saints, and look for that life which God will give to those who never change their faith from Him." (Tobias 2, 18). To be a Catholic means that we believe that the Son of God became man for our salvation and established one true Church—the one, holy, chtholic, apostolic Church. T o be a Catholic means that we believe that Christ constituted St. Peter and his successors as His Vicars on earth when He said, "Thou art 4 Peter and . upon this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail. And to thee I will give the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth it shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth it shall be loosed also in heaven." (Matthew, 16, 18 & 19). We accept Peter's, successor, the Pope of Rome, the visible head of the Church, as the Vicar of the invisible Head, our Lord Jesus Christ. And we acknowledge his right to lead us in matters of religion. For, though he is but a human be- ing, his office has been exalted by the Son of God, from Whom we have the promise, "Be- hold I am with you always, even to the end of the world." »(Matthew, 28, 20). | To be a Catholic means that we are believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ ftr that its Glad Tidings form the basis of our way of life and the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 2-12) is to us Christ's"^ platform and its Beatitudes are the planks thereof — the principles upon which we stand and for which we .are ready to fight and \to die, if necessary. To be a Catholic means that we take liter- ally the words of Jesus in giving us the Sacra- ments, especially His own Body and Blood in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. To be a Catholic means that we accept Jesus' as our Redeemer and, as He laid down His life for us we are ready to lay down ours for Him; as He loved us, we love Him; as He made sacri- fices for us, we are ready to make sacrifices for Him. T o be a Catholic means that we accept the commission of Jesus, "Behold thy mother, (John 5 19, 27). which were His last words to man before His death npon the Cross the remaining words be- ing addressed to His Father. And together with St. John who stood there, we accept Mary as our own. In honoring her, we honor the creature to whom God gave some of the greatest privileges.and graces, the one whom God's angel saluted as "Full of grace" (Luke 1, 28), the one who after Jesus, our Mediator, is our mediatrix with God. T o be a Catholic means that we profess the same Faith which was taught by the Apostles Peter and Paul ; the same Faith for which the Apostles and martyrs shed their blood; the same Faith which the Saints professed throughout the centuries down to our own day; the' same Faith which is shared by 330,000,000 other Catholics throughout the world, more than 24,000,000 of whom are our fellow- Americans.' ' To be a Catholic means that we are ready to keep the vows we made at. Baptism Jfi that is to re- nounce Satan and his works and to believe in Jesus Christ and His Church. . To be a Catholic means that We offer civil au- thorities the respect which is their due, for as says the Apostle Paul "Let everyone be subject to higher powers. For there is no power but from God." (Romans 13, 1) . We should observe the laws of the land; take our rightful place in the sun of govern- ment when this is given to us ; exercise the right of suifrage according to the. libefty which we have in such matters, and in so doing consider not our religious or fraternal or social affiliations but con- sult our conscience, which will lead us to cast our vote for him whom we believe will most justly ful- fill the duties of office for the common good with- out prejudice and without discrimination. 6 To be a Catholic means that we are ready to per- form the spiritual and corporal works of mercy for the love of God and our fellowman regardless of race or creed. It means that we shall take part in all activities seeking the amelioration of poverty, distress, sickness and tribulation in so "far as these are civic activities and do not involve us in reli- gious association with others. To be a Catholic means that we shall always keep clearly in mind that the end and the means to an end are not the same thing; we shall keep our sense of values from being distorted and we shall be careful not to mistake the shadow for the substance. T o be a Catholic means that we shall ever be unswei-ving in our loyalty to God and country, abstaining from membership in associations which are inimical to either, and refraining from mem- bership in organizations forbidden by the Church, such as secret societies for joining which a Catho- lic automatically incurs excommunication (Canon 2335) which deprives him of the right to share in the prayers of the Faithful, of, the right to re- ceive the Sacraments in life and to Christian burial after death. And Catholics are forbidden to marry those who join such societies. To be a Catholic means, above all, to have Faith in God and to remember the Apostle's - words, "Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a Gospel to you besides that which" we have preached to on't T U R N THIS D O W N Have you a soul? Is there a God? Was Jesus the Messiah? Are the Gospels dependable? . What did Jesus claim? Did Jesus establish a church? What are Sacraments?. Is confession necessary? . . . .You will find the ansjver to these and many other questions of vital importance to your personal happi- ness in the following pamphlets by Father Ginder: 1. Standard Equipment 2. Ou r Better Ha l f 3. W h o M a d e It? 4. What ' s G o d Like? 5. Direct ion for Use 6. It's the Gospe l Truth 7. H e W a s G o d 8. Advance Information 9. God ' s Signature 10. W i th in the Sacred C i r c l e 11. Thou A r t the Roclc 12. Carr ier of the Keys 13. In Search of Truth 14. Br idging the Chasm 15. The Facts Behind the Resurrection 16. Makes Sense, Doesn't It? 17. You Need Thisl 18. He l l on Earth 19. Paradise Regained 20. W h y G o Hungry? 21. The Go l den Cha in 22. Mary, the Mother of Jesus To know the reasons for your Catholic neighbors' beliefs and practices, send for these interesting pamphlets today. Five cents each or one dollar postpaid for the entire series. Address: CATHOLIC INFORMATION SOCIETY 214 WEST 31st STREET • N E W Y O R K I. N . Y .