Article Information

Razaan Davis1

1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Correspondence to:
Razaan Davis


Postal address:
PO Box 19063, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa

How to cite this article:
Davis R., The South African Journal of Radiology growing in leaps and bounds. S Afr J Rad. 2015;19(1); Art. #956, 1 page.

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© 2015. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals.

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The South African Journal of Radiology growing in leaps and bounds
In This Editorial...
Open Access

It has been an eventful year for the South African Journal of Radiology (SAJR) which has grown in leaps and bounds. The online publication of the SAJR and its inclusion in the Scielo SA (Scientific electronic library online) index provides improved exposure. The increasing number of first time unique visitors to the online journal, including local South African (23.25%) and international visitors from the United States of America (23.25%), India (10.27%) and the United Kingdom (4.18%), is testament. The journal has applied for inclusion in the Scopus, Norwegian and Thomson Reuters Web of Science indices. I acknowledged the RSSA/ Heads of department (HOD) committee for its unwavering and continued support of the SAJR. As a result of that support, the number and quality of submitted and published original research manuscripts is steadily on the rise. This will hopefully contribute to the success of the application.

The first special edition (Musculoskeletal Radiology in South Africa) published by the SAJR in December 2014 was immensely successful and has received continued online exposure throughout 2015 on the AOSIS open access platform. The editorial team, encouraged by this success, decided to publish a second special edition which is currently rolling out online. Collaborating with the dynamic South African Society of Paediatric Imaging (SASPI), the team worked toward publishing the SAJR/SASPI paediatric edition consisting of 18 articles. The publication coincided with the International Day of Radiology on 08 November 2015, which this year (2015) was dedicated to paediatric imaging. With contributions from both local and international academic radiologists I foresee that the SAJR will expand its readership and assist in bringing South African radiology to the attention of the international radiology community. With this goal we announce the intended publication in 2016 of the third SAJR special edition, a collaborative effort between the SAJR and the newly established South African Society of Cardiac Imaging (SASOCI).

A technical innovation for the SAJR is the inclusion of video content in one of the articles (refer to the Editorial: Paediatric imaging – From baby steps to giant strides) published in the SAJR/SASPI special issue.

The ever popular quiz case, organised and edited by Dr Shalendra Misser, has enjoyed enormous success with contributions from internationally renowned radiologists visiting South Africa to participate as invited speakers in the successful RSSA congresses. The prize, currently R1000 for the best answer, will be increased to R2000 as of 2016.

Thank you to our readership, authors and reviewers for your overwhelming of the support of the SAJR during 2015.

Razaan Davis
Editor in Chief, SAJR