1 Lake Smit and Partners, Durban, South Africa
2 Alberlito Hospital, Ballito KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Hainsworth, Purcell and Associates, Durban,
South Africa
Corresponding author:
S K Misser (misser@lakesmit.co.za)
A 38-year-old woman
presented with a painful left paramedian infra-umbilical
abdominal wall mass. She was a keen athlete and otherwise
well. The following ultrasound images and MRI sequences (after
gadolinium administration) were obtained. Describe the
relevant imaging findings and formulate the most appropriate
clinical diagnosis. Please submit your response to
misser@lakesmit.co.za not later than 15 January 2014. The
winning respondent will receive a R1 000 award from the RSSA.
A detailed diagnosis and discussion will be presented in the
next issue of the SAJR.
S Afr J Rad 2013;17(4):156-157. DOI:10.7196/SAJR.1021