About the Author(s)

    Shalendra Misser Email
    Lake Smit and Partners Inc, Durban, South Africa


    Misser S. Abdominal and neuroimaging quiz case. S Afr J Rad. 2016;20(1), a1029. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/sajr.v20i1.1029

    Quiz Case

    Abdominal and neuroimaging quiz case

    Shalendra Misser

    Received: 06 May 2016; Accepted: 12 May 2016; Published: 22 June 2016

    Copyright: © 2016. The Author(s). Licensee: AOSIS.
    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    A 40-year-old lady had a CT and an MRI scan of her brain for investigation of severe headache following recent recurrent bowel surgery. The post-operative course was complicated by abdominal wall haematoma, and she required multiple blood transfusions. The background history of multiple previous bowel resections and chronic anti-inflammatory therapy for inflammatory bowel disease was noted.

    Describe the relevant imaging findings and formulate the most appropriate clinical diagnosis.

    Please submit your response to shalendra.misser@lakesmit.co.za not later than 31 July 2016.

    The winning respondent will receive R2000 as a reward from the RSSA.

    A detailed diagnosis and discussion will be presented in the next issue of the SAJR.

    FIGURE 1: Coronal reformat images (a, b and c) of the abdomen in venous phase after intravenous contrast administration.

    FIGURE 2: Sagittal (a) and (b) axial images of the abdomen in venous phase after intravenous contrast administration.

    FIGURE 3: Axial non-contrasted (a) CT image, (b) T2 and (c) axial T1-weighted MRI images.

    FIGURE 4: Coronal flair MRI image.

    FIGURE 5: Axial diffusion-weighted b1000 MR images (a, b, c and d).

    FIGURE 6: Corresponding axial ADC-mapped MR images (a, b, c and d).

    FIGURE 7: Axial SWI MR images (a and b).

    FIGURE 8: Corresponding axial PHASE MR images (a and b).