On the urban fringe of Potchefstroom, urban sprawl has not only transformed large natural areas but also fragmented existing plant communities extensively(Cilliers, Müller & Drewes 2004). Practices such as harvesting of trees for firewood, uncontrolled fires and overgrazing are some of the challenges facing the management of the HNP (Daemane et al. 2010). A previous study on the phytosociology of the HNP described and subsequently classified the vegetation into nine plant communities (Daemane et al. 2010). However, vegetation sampling for the Spitskop area in the HNP was undertaken separately as some of the areas were characterised by soil degradation with very sparse vegetation cover.
In that study soil degradation was not evident in the upper topographical positions such as the crest and the upper slopes of the Spitskop hill (Daemane et al. 2010).The sheet, gully and rill erosions were associated with the midslopes and footslopes of the Spitskop area. Studies on soil degradation found rills and gullies are rarely evident on gradients greater than 10° and typically occur on unconsolidated colluvial or alluvial materials (Cobban & Weaver 1993; Liggitt 1988; Snyman, Van Rensburg & Opperman 1986). Previous studies on soil degradation found soil erosion to be highly depended on land use, slope and climatic factors (Garland 1987;Liggitt 1988). Brady (1993) found the influence of the slope to be strongly interrelated with factors such as soil type. In the Spitskop area, the vegetation communities in the valley bottomland and footslopes were close to the Spitskop Dam and were influenced by overgrazing and trampling (Daemane 2007).
The main aim of the present study was therefore to classify and describe the vegetation in the soil-degraded Spitskop area. An understanding of the plant communities and their associated habitats is of fundamental importance for conservation of vegetation and soil and compiling sound management and conservation strategies (e.g. rehabilitation and monitoring).
The relatively heterogeneous geology in the HNP is represented by the Witwatersrand and Ventersdorp supergroups and the Transvaal Sequence, with isolated occurrences of Archaean granites and Karoo Sequence sediments (Daemane et al. 2010). The geology in the Spitskop area comprises mostly rocky quartzite outcrops. Soils are heterogeneous and range from sandy to clayey owing to great variation in the parent rock material (Land Type Survey Staff 1984). Soil forms consist mainly of Glenrosa, Hutton and Mispah (Daemane 2007).
Mean annual rainfall in the area is approximately 600 mm per year, but can be as high as 900 mm in exceptional seasons (Institute for Soil, Climate and Water 2003). The area experiences great seasonal and daily variation in temperature: the summers are very hot (daily mean maximum temperatures may exceed 32 °C in January), whilst winters are mild to cold (mean minimum monthly temperatures are approximately 12 °C) (ISCW 2003).
1. Acacia caffra – Seriphium plumosum woodland
Acacia robusta – Melinis repens woodland
Mundulea sericea subsp.
sericea – Eragrostis racemosa shrubland
- Acacia karroo – Asparagus suaveolens shrubland
- Setaria sphacelata var. torta – Eragrostis curvula grassland
- Cymbopogon pospischilii – Elionurus muticus grassland
FIGURE 2: Vegetation map showing degraded and non-degraded plant
communities of the Spitskop area in the Highveld National Park, Potchefstroom,
South Africa.
Detailed description
Acacia caffra – Seriphium plumosum woodland
Acacia caffra – Seriphium plumosum woodland occurred in the rocky midslope of the quartzite outcrops and was associated with sheet, gully and rill erosion. The Glenrosa soil form was dominant in this habitat. Differential species of this community, indicated by species group A, included
Acacia caffra,
Seriphium plumosum,
Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp.
Aristida bipartita and
Convolvulus sagittatus. The dominant species in this community were
Diospyros lycioides subsp.
lycioides (species group D);
Mundulea sericea subsp.
sericea (species group F);
Eragrostis racemosa,
Urochloa panicoides, Searsia pyroides var.
pyroides and
Euclea undulata (species group H);
Acacia karroo,
Setaria sphacelata var.
sphacelata and
Ziziphus zeyhe
riana (species group L), and
Melinis repens var.
Aloe greatheadii var.
Themeda triandra,
Hyparrhenia hirta and
Asparagus suaveolens (species group M). On average, 18 species were recorded per sample plot. The average height of the tree stratum was 1.6 m with a canopy cover of 10.5%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.5 m and the canopy cover was 5.7%. The average height of the herbaceous layer was 0.2 m, with a canopy cover of 3.1%.
A closely related community in the park, Acacia caffra – Setaria sphacelata var. sphacelata woodland (Daemane et al. 2010), had an average of 40 species per plot and herbaceous and tree cover of 61.7% and 11.2%, respectively. Species such as S. plumosum, A. greatheadii var. davyana and A. suaveolens were the most common and abundant species in both these plant communities. Acocks (1988) attributed the increase of these species to conditions of severe degradation due to overgrazing. Uncontrolled fires, gathering of trees for firewood and accompanying disturbances, such as trampling and soil compaction by livestock, were found to be the major threats to these plant communities (Cilliers et al. 1999; Daemane et al. 2010).
The Acacia caffra – Seriphium plumosum woodland community was divided into the three sub-communities described below.
1.1. Acacia robusta – Melinis repens woodland
This plant community occurred in the rocky midslope of the quartzite outcrops and was associated with sheet, gully and rill erosion. Sheet erosion was severe, covering up to 92% of the soil surface. Glenrosa soil form was dominant in this habitat. Differential species of this community, indicated by species group B, includedthe grass Panicum maximum and the tree Acacia robusta subsp. robusta. The dominant shrubs in this community were Acacia caffra and Seriphium plumosum (species group A); Eragrostis racemosa and Searsia pyroides var. pyroides (species group H); and Diospyros lycioides subsp. lycioides (species group D). On average, 16 species were recorded per sample plot. The average height of the tree stratum was 1.3 m and the canopy cover was 5.2%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.5 m andthe canopy cover was 1.8%. The average height of the herbaceous stratum was 0.2 m, with a low canopy cover of 1.0%.
1.2. Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea – Eragrostis racemosa shrubland
The Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea – Eragrostis racemosa shrubland occurred in the rocky midslope of the quartzite outcrops and was associated with sheet, gully and rill erosion. Sheet erosion was severe, covering 83% of this plant community. Glenrosa was the dominant soil form. The differential species in this community was found in species group C and consisted of only one species, Indigofera sp.; species group B was absent from this subcommunity. Dominant species in this communityincluded Acacia caffra, Seriphium plumosum and Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus (species group A); Diospyros lycioides subsp. lycioides and Clematis brachiata (species group D); Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea (species group F); Eragrostis racemosa (species group H); Setaria sphacelata var. sphacelata (species group L), andMelinis repens var. repens, Aloe greatheadii var. davyana, Cynodon dactylon and Themeda triandra (species group M). On average, 17 species were recorded per sampleplot. The average height of the tree stratum was 1.5 m, with a canopy cover of 9.3%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.5 m and the canopy cover was 5.3%. The average height of the herbaceous layer was 0.1 m and the canopy cover was 2.3%.
1.3. Acacia karroo – Asparagus suaveolens shrubland
The Acacia karroo – Asparagus suaveolens shrubland occurred in the footslopes and was associated with sheet, rill and gully erosion. Sheet erosion covered 71% of the surface area. Hutton and Glenrosa were the dominant soil forms. The differential species of this community, indicated by species group E, included Senecio sp., Atriplex sp. and Lantana rugosa. The dominant species were Acacia caffra, Seriphium plumosum, Aristida bipartita and Convolvulus sagittatus (species group A); Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea (species group F); Urochloa panicoides, Searsia pyroides var. pyroides and Eragrostis racemosa (species group H); Acacia karroo, Setaria sphacelata var. sphacelata and Ziziphus zeyheriana (species group L), and Melinis repens var. repens, Aloe greatheadii var. davyana, Cynodon dactylon, Themeda triandra, Hyparrhenia hirta and Asparagus suaveolens (species group M). On average, 21 species were recorded per sample plot. This plant community was affected by sheet, rill and gully erosion. Sheet erosion covered 71% of the surface area. The average height of the tree stratum was 2.1 m and the canopy cover was 17%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.6 m, with a canopy cover of 10%. The average height of the herbaceous stratum was 0.2 m and the canopy cover was 6.0%.
A closely related plant community, Acacia karroo – Ziziphus zeyheriana woodland, was described by Daemane et al. (2010). Bredenkamp et al. (1989) described a closely related community, the A. karroo woodland, also occurring on severely degraded land but with a higher tree cover (30%). Species such as Z. zeyheriana, A. greatheadii var. davyana and A. suaveolens were common in all these plant communities and seem to be increasing under conditions of severe overgrazing, as noted by Bredenkamp et al. (1989).
2. Setaria sphacelata var. torta – Eragrostis curvula grassland
This plant community occurred in the footslopes and was associated with sheet, rill and gully erosion. Sheet erosion covers an average of 76% of the soil surface.
Hutton and
Mispah were the dominant soil forms. The differential species in this community were in species group G and included Eragrostis curvula, Digitaria eriantha, Setaria
sphacelata var. torta, Grewia flava, Asparagus laricinus and Solanum lichtensteinii. Dominant species in this community were Eragrostis racemosa and Searsia pyroides var.
pyroides (species group H); Chrysocoma ciliata and Eragrostis lehmanniana var. lehmanniana (species group K); Acacia karroo (species group L), and Melinis repens var.
repens, Aloe great headii var. davyana, Cynodon dactylon, Themeda triandra, Hyparrhenia hirta and Asparagus suaveolens (species group M). On average, 23 species were
recorded per sample plot. The average height of the tree stratum was 1.2 m and the canopy cover was 11.2%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.3 m and
the canopy cover was 6.8%. The average height of the herbaceous layer was 0.2 m, with a canopy cover of 5.4%.
3. Cymbopogon pospischilii – Elionurus muticus grassland
The Cymbopogon pospischilii – Elionurus muticus grassland occurred in the valley bottomland and floodplains. This plant community was characterised by bare patches of compacted soils resulting from overgrazing and trampling by livestock. Hutton and Mispah were the dominant soil forms. The differential species for this community were in species group I and included Elionurus muticus, Eustachys paspaloides, Aristida congesta subsp. congesta, Sida alba, Vernonia oligocephala and Gomphrena celosioides. Dominant species in this community included Cymbopogon pospischilii (species group J); Setaria sphacelata var. sphacelata, Acacia karroo and Ziziphus zeyheriana (species group L), and Melinis repens var. repens, Aloe greatheadii var. davyana and Cynodon dactylon (species group M). On average, 17 species were recorded per sample plot. The average height of the tree stratum was
1.0 m, with a canopy cover of 0.5%. The average height of the shrub stratum was 0.6 m and the canopy cover was 1.0%. The average height of the herbaceous layerwas 0.4 m and the canopy cover was 2.9%.
A closely related plant community, Cymbopogon pospischilii – Themeda triandra grassland, was described by Daemane et al. (2010), with an average of 31 species per sample plot. The herbaceous canopy cover for the Cymbopogon pospischilii – Themeda triandra grassland was 77% compared to 0.5% in the Cymbopogon pospischilii – Elionurus muticus grassland in the Spitskop area. Another closely related plant community, Heteropogon contortus – Themeda triandra – Elionurus muticus grassland, with an average cover of 71%, 24 species per sample plot and absolute dominance of Themeda triandra, was described by Bredenkamp et al. (1989). This type of vegetation was previously used as pasture and often overgrazed (Bredenkamp et al. 1989).
The environmental gradients and the relative importance and intercorrelation of the environmental variables are shown by the arrows by the canonical correspondence analysis (Figure 3). On axis 1, compacted soil was the most important variable determining the species composition. The eigenvalue for the firstordination axis of the plant communities/environment biplot was 0.28, representing 34.9% of the total variance. On axis 2, sheet erosion was the most important variable determining species composition. The eigenvalue for the second axis was 0.23, representing 63.5% of the total variance. Thus, the two axes account for 98.4% of the variance in the plant communities. Rill and gully erosion were of lesser significance in explaining the species composition. The two different associationsbetween vegetation and soil compaction or sheet erosion emerged clearly in two separate parts of the diagram. The
Seriphium plumosum – Acacia caffra woodland (including three subcommunities) and the
Setaria sphacelata var.
torta – Eragrostis curvula grassland were associated with sheet erosion. The
Cymbopogon pospischilii – Elionurus muticus grassland was associated with compacted soils.
FIGURE 3: Canonical correspondence analysis showing the correlation between
plant communities and soil erosion gradients in the Spitskop area in the
proposed Highveld National Park.
Many of the plant communities previously described in the grassland of the North West Province (Bredenkamp
et al. 1989; Cilliers
et al. 1999; Daemane
et al. 2010)showed some floristic affinities with the plant communities described in the Spitskop area. According to Guardia and Ninot (1992), the vegetation of the degraded areas retains a strong floristic similarity to the better preserved vegetation patches in close proximity. In the Spitskop area, the vegetation was characterised by relatively low plant cover and lower species richness compared to the non-degraded plant communities described by Daemane
et al. (2010) and other plant communities previously described in the area (Bredenkamp
et al. 1989; Cilliers
et al. 1999; Daemane
et al. 2010). The general trends concerning the regressive dynamics of plant communities caused by soil degradation include decrease of vegetation cover and a reduction in species richness (Guerrero-Campo & Montserrat-Marti 2000; eds. Morgan & Rickson 1995). The results from the Spitskop area showed that woody species such as
Acacia caffra,
Searsia pyroides var.
pyroides and
Acacia karroo have decreased in their cover and abundance compared to the similar, less degraded plant community of the HNP (Daemane
et al. 2010). Other woody species, such as
Searsia leptodictya and
Ehretia rigida found in the
Acacia caffra –
Setaria sphacelata var.
sphacelata community of the HNP (Daemane
et al. 2010) have been lost in the degraded communities of the Spitskop area. Grasses such as
Themeda triandra,
Digitaria eriantha,
Elionurus muticus,
Heteropogon contortus and
Cymbopogon pospischilii have also declined in cover in the Spitskop area. The grass
Cynodon dactylon has been totally lost in the areas affected by sheet erosion and where the soil has been compacted by livestock.
Overall, the ordination results indicated that the species composition was affected largely by sheet erosion and soil compaction by livestock. The Spitskop area is also close to the dam and concentrated grazing was one of the factors that contributed to the formation of sheet erosion and soil compaction. According to Valentin, Poesen and Yong (2005) water infiltration is low in areas affected by sheet erosion and compacted soil, resulting in low vegetation cover and species richness. Cattletracks were observed to cause the formation of rill and gully erosion where a concentration of water runoff occurred (Daemane 2007). Rill and gully erosion were mostly associated with the midlopes and the footslopes of the Spitskop hill. However, gully and rill erosion were found to be of lesser significance in explaining species composition in the Spitskop area.
In general, the destruction of the protective vegetation cover by overgrazing, trampling and wood harvesting contributed to soil and vegetation degradation in the Spitskop area (Bredenkamp et al. 1989; Cilliers et al. 1999; Daemane 2007). The combination of these factors seemed to have enhanced the aridity of the area becauseof the reduction in vegetation cover. The rate of soil erosion is also highly dependent on land use, slope and climatic factors (Garland 1987). Observations in the Spitskop area showed that the slope of the Spitskop hill also contributed to the accelerated erosion. Although experimental trials were not undertaken to validate the effect of slope on erosion, rills and gullies were associated with the midslopes and footslopes of the Spitskop hill. According to Valentin et al. (2005), water runoff from steep slopes reach lower slopes with intense velocity, resulting in soil erosion. In areas where sheet erosion and compacted soil were pronounced, the upper layers of the soil profile had already been lost, without any organic matter left. Only a few species, such as Seriphium plumosum, Ziziphus zeyheriana, Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea and Aloe great headii var. davyana, were abundant and their covers seemed to increase under conditions of severe sheet erosion and soil compaction bylivestock.
The results obtained in this study highlighted the ecological relationship between vegetation and soil degradation. The proposed strategies for soil conservation are based on covering the soil for protection from natural and human-induced disturbances. Rehabilitation measures such as mechanical soil cultivation, brush packing and stone packing proved effective in areas elsewhere affected by sheet erosion and soils compacted by livestock (Coetzee 2005; Van der Merwe & Kellner 1999;Wight & White 1974). The gullies and rills can also be addressed by stone packing and the use of gabions can be applied in severe conditions (Coetzee 2005). The dam also needs to be rehabilitated to reduce the concentrated grazing around the Spitskop area. Development of a fire management plan for the park to minimise the impact of fire on vegetation structure and cover is suggested. A resource use policy also needs to be developed to address the issues such as firewood collection within the park. The ecological interpretation derived in this study will therefore be a valuable tool for development of a rehabilitation plan and the general conservation management of this grassland area.
The following individuals and institutions are sincerely thanked: South African National Parks for financing this study; North-West University for supporting the research; Dr. Stephen Holness and Ms. Phozisa Mamfengu for assisting with maps; Mr. Abbey Legari for assisting with fieldwork and the HNP Founding Partners for allowing us to undertake this study.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no financial or personal relationship(s) which may have inappropriately influenced them in writing this paper.
Authors’ contributions
M.E.D. (South African National Parks) was responsible for vegetation sampling and writing of the manuscript, S.S.C. (North-West University) assisted with the ordination analysis and H.B. (South African National Parks) assisted with the TWINSPAN data analysis and classification of plant communities.
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