Open letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin:

Broadband connectivity in

aboriginal communities


To the editor:


The document available from the link below is a copy of a letter that has been sent to Prime Minister Martin and the Federal Cabinet members by Geordi Kakepetum, Keewaytinook Okimakanak Executive Director.


The letter documents the need for Industry Canada programs to complete the work which has already begun in developing local broadband infrastructure solutions in Aboriginal communities across Canada. As well, the letter highlights the need for other federal government departments including Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Health Canada, Heritage Canada, and Human Resource Development Canada to support the ongoing operation and development of applications that use these community networks.


The social and economic impact of these types of strategic investments support First Nations in developing health, education, business and governance opportunities for their membership.


Please forward this letter to other appropriate people who are working on addressing First Nation issues. Thank you in advance for your support.


Brian Beaton

K-Net / ON-RMO Coordinator

Keewaytinook Okimakanak

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Open Letter to Minister Paul Martin: Broadband connectivity in aboriginal communities