Evidence Summary
A Review of:
Johnson, A.M. (2020). Reference and liaison
librarians: Endangered species or “vital partners?” Views of academic library
administrators. Journal of Library Administration, 60(7), 784-799.
Reviewed by:
Joanne M. Muellenbach
Library Director and Associate Professor
California Health Sciences University
Clovis, California, United States of America
Email: jmuellenbach@chsu.edu
Received: 11 Nov. 2021 Accepted: 4 Jan. 2022
2022 Muellenbach. This is an Open
Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip30080
Objectives – To
investigate the current state and prospects of reference and liaison
Design – Structured interviews
consisted of 10 questions that lasted between 30 and 75 minutes.
Setting – Fourteen medium-sized, urban
universities geographically spread across the United States of America.
Subjects – Fifteen library administrators
with at least 10 years of experience.
Methods – The author contacted academic
library leaders from 17 benchmark institutions and head librarians from other
R1 institutions whose libraries were members of the Association of Research
Libraries (ARL) or whose campus size and characteristics mirrored the author’s
institution in that they were medium-sized urban universities. The study
examined five primary questions and included an appendix with the 16-item
survey instrument. The structured interviews included 10 questions about the
current state and prospects of reference and liaison librarianship, along with
questions related to demographics. The author transcribed the interviews and
removed all identifying information. Since the interviews were structured and
thus thematically similar, coding software was not used. The author compiled
and analyzed the responses to the questions.
Main Results – The concepts
of connecting, discovering, listening, and partnering were inherent in the
definition of being a liaison librarian. In general, the library
administrators, all of whom had been in the profession for 10 years or more,
felt that liaison librarians should be active in furthering scholarly
activities in such areas as grant-writing, generating scholarship, or data
curation. There was an emphasis on outreach, being proactive, and engaging with
faculty, which raised an important question for administrators: Is this skill
set too broad for any one person, and if so, how can the library profession
collaborate to draw upon each other’s strengths? There was a consensus that
while the work of reference and liaison librarians is vital to the academic
enterprise, this work need not be situated at a central reference desk. Rather,
librarians would be physically embedded or electronically linked to students
and faculty, helping them to formulate answerable questions, locate high-quality,
evidence-based information in specialized databases, or provide support in such
areas as open educational resource development, augmented reality, or scholarly
Conclusion – In the view
of current library administrators, being a reference and liaison librarian
means partnering proactively with students and faculty to ensure a deep
understanding of their teaching, learning, and research needs while also
maintaining a thorough knowledge of the libraries’ collections and resources.
To accomplish this, the librarian must be visible to their constituencies, tell
memorable, authentic stories of what they have to offer, and build lasting
relationships. Reference and liaison librarians require traditional knowledge
of library functions and systems and teaching skills and possess qualities such
as collaboration, communication, and flexibility. Overall, library leaders
believe that liaison librarians will continue to be vital partners and that
without a central reference desk, there will be a deeper integration within the
academic enterprise.
as far back as 1978, academic reference librarians were challenged to
demonstrate their value and engage in high-level scholarly and teaching
activities (Aluri & St. Clair, 1978). To this
end, library leaders are involved in reenvisioning the liaison program
structure and balancing functional versus subject expertise. An ARL report
regarding liaison roles revealed an emerging focus on engagement, requiring an
outward focus as libraries monitor and respond to changes in stakeholder
demands, needs, and practices (Jaguszewski &
William, 2013). Since 2015, the ARL has offered eight one- to two-day liaison
institutes to their members, and the overarching recommendations for liaisons
are to foster deeper and frequent communications, seek workplace
collaborations, and reach out to non-traditional campus units, which are often
drivers of institutional initiatives and priorities (Vine, 2018).
the Generic CAT appraisal tool (Perryman & Rathbun-Grubb, 2014), I found
the study to be clear and well organized, with sample responses to the
interview questions and an appendix with the interview questions. The study's
author, Johnson, has in-depth knowledge about liaison librarian services. She
conducted a thorough literature review that traced the historical perceptions
of reference librarians, published a peer-reviewed study on this topic, and
served as a library administrator at an R1 institution whose library is an ARL
member. The author acknowledged a limitation related to the types of libraries
included in the study: library leaders were only from benchmark institutions or
from medium-sized, urban universities. Future research may wish to expand to
include library leaders from diverse ethnic groups and larger, international
academic institutions, focusing on specialized subject disciplines.
provided the participants’ anecdotal responses to the questions examined.
Still, the study would have been enhanced if it provided an analysis for the
question, “What reference model do you use?” Such responses would have revealed
a useful benchmark about the participants’ reference philosophy. Using
participant codes or pseudonyms would have added context to their comments and
allowed us to link sets of responses throughout the analysis. Details regarding
the interview period, mode, and the process for collecting, analyzing, and
storing the data would have decreased any bias concerns. There is also a lack
of clarity regarding liaison, reference, and subject librarians and if they are
the same or maintain unique aspects. While the study participants were
individuals with at least 10 years’ library experience, it is unclear how long
they served in leadership positions. Further information regarding the
methodology could help future researchers build upon this subject area.
findings of this study can assist academic library administrators in strategic
planning and inform programs in library and information studies that include
courses on emerging library roles or a library administration component. In
addition, librarians in these roles may wish to solicit user feedback by
conducting focus groups or distributing surveys to inform their future
services. This study is an important starting point from which further research
will provide more significant insights into the role of liaison librarians as
vital partners in the academic enterprise.
Aluri, R.,
& St. Clair, J. W. (1978). Academic reference librarians: An endangered
species? Journal of Academic Librarianship, 4(2), 82–84.
Jaguszewski, J.
M., & Williams, K. (2013). New roles for new times: Transforming liaison
roles in research libraries. Association of Research Libraries. https://www.arl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/nrnt-liaison-roles-revised.pdf
C., & Rathbun-Grubb, S. (2014). The
CAT: A generic critical appraisal tool. https://www.jotform.us/cp1757/TheCat
Vine, R. (2018). Realigning liaison with university priorities:
Observations from ARL Liaison Institutes 2015–18. College & Research Library News, 79(8), 420–423, 458. https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.79.8.420