Evidence Summary
Weak Correlation
Between Circulation and Citation Numbers Suggests that both Data Points should
be Considered when Deselecting Print Monographs
A Review of:
White, B. (2017). Citations and circulation counts:
Data sources for monograph deselection in research library collections. College
& Research Libraries, 78(1), 53 – 65. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.78.1.53
Reviewed by:
Melissa Goertzen
Consultant and Information Manager
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Email: goertzen.melissa@gmail.com
Received: 11 June 2019 Accepted: 23 Oct. 2019
2019 Goertzen.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0
International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
DOI: 10.18438/eblip29606
Objective – To
facilitate evidence-based deselection of print monographs, this study examines
to what extent there are correlations between circulation data (past and future
usage) and between the borrowing and citation of print monographs.
Design –
Collections assessment project that used a variety of data sources and
techniques, including Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, statistical
analysis, and the analysis of circulation data, last-use dates, and citation
Setting – An
academic library in New Zealand.
Subjects –
Two ranges of books were chosen for the study: 591 (Specific Topics in Zoology)
and 324 (The Political Process). From these ranges, monographs published prior
to 2001 were selected as the study sample.
Methods –
This project relied on two data sources: circulation data from the Library’s
ILS and citation data from Scopus. All data was downloaded to an Excel
spreadsheet in preparation for analysis. The researcher examined call numbers,
authors and editors, titles and subtitles, publication dates, circulation
counts, dates of last check-in, total number of citations, number of citations
from publications released in 2010 and on, and number of citations from
institution-affiliated documents. Renewal data was omitted, as it did not
provide evidence of additional instances of use.
multiple copies of a specific title appeared in the data set, the researcher
totalled all circulations and recorded the most recent check-in date. The
researcher found that some titles in the study sample were generic and it was
impossible to determine if citation data from Scopus linked to the monograph in
the library collection. These titles were eliminated from the study.
data collection was complete, the researcher calculated two additional data
elements: the number of months since the last check-in date and the number of
citations from items published before 2010. Data in the Excel spreadsheet was
analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to determine the relationship
between past and future usage and between circulation and citation data.
Main Results –
Findings indicated that circulation and citation data are highly skewed. Many
monographs in the study sample had never been borrowed and had few citations,
while a small number of “celebrity titles” were borrowed or cited at a much
higher rate than other monographs in the same classification.
results indicated that historic circulation numbers are imperfect predictors of
future probability that a book will be borrowed. When taking a high-level view
of the collection, highly circulated books tend to be borrowed more often than
average. However, when examining monographs at the title level, high
circulation is more of a probability instead of a robust indicator.
investigation of whether historic citation counts serve as an indicator of
future citation followed previously established trends: monographs not heavily
cited in the past are less likely to be cited in the future. Findings also
found a weak correlation between local-institution monograph citation counts
and total citation counts.
the results demonstrated a weak correlation between circulation and citation
data. As a group, well-cited books are borrowed more often than others, but at
the individual title level, the effect is too random for either data set to
predict the other in a reliable way. As such, circulation data and citation
data can not be used as a proxy for each other.
Conclusion – Neither
circulation nor citation data can stand as full proxies of the value of a
title. However, both provide information that reflects the status of a title
within the scholarly community. In this environment, citation data should be
considered equally with circulation figures. Both data points measure different
phenomena and the weak correlation between them suggests that both are required
to inform decisions about deselecting print monographs.
goal of collection development activities is to build collections that meet
users’ information needs. Studies conducted over the past several decades
indicate that usage statistics support decisions to deselect print monographs
from the collection; evidence suggests that past use is the best predictor of
future use (Dinkins, 2003). Citation data is not typically factored into these
discussions, as it is seen as a metric that guides decisions about journals as
opposed to monographs. However, some argue that citation data can be used to
supplement measures like faculty input and frequency of use (Burdick, 1989).
This paper investigates the relationship between circulation and citation data,
and how both metrics inform decisions to deselect print monographs.
evaluated using the “Evaluation Tool for Bibliometric Studies,” strengths and
limitations of this study emerge (Perryman, 2009). The strength of the piece is
its organization and detailed descriptions of the methodology, data collection
activities, and study results. The author identifies all data points used to
analyze the past and future use of print monographs, describes the search
scripts crafted to pull citation data from Scopus, and lists correlations
between data points. Based on this discussion, information professionals at
other institutions could replicate the study and compare results against those
outlined in this paper. Essentially, the author provides a roadmap for other
librarians wishing to examine how circulation and citation data inform
deselection decisions.
of this study include incomplete data sharing. The author stated that the
distribution of both circulation counts and citations
are highly skewed, and that collecting citation data was error-prone and
incomplete. It would have been beneficial if the author provided the numbers
and percentages of non-circulated and non-cited books, along with highly
circulated and highly cited books. This would give a full picture of the
results and allow readers to judge the validity of findings. Also, while the
author explained the search strategy to identify citation data for monographs
in the text, it would be more helpful to provide the exact search string for
other librarians wishing to replicate the study. Finally, in the last paragraph
of the paper, the author mentions a study by Kousha
and Thelwall (2014) that utilized APIs to harvest
citation data and standardize title-level citation metrics. It would have been
interesting to see a similar method used in this study, as it provides an
efficient and modern means to assess collections of print monographs.
this study provides value to librarians working in the area of collection
development and monograph acquisitions. The paper presents a low-cost and
sustainable methodology that supports decisions to deselect print monographs
based on readily available data.
Burdick, A. J.
(1989). Science Citation Index data as a safety net for basic science books
considered for weeding. Library Resources & Technical Services, 33(4),
Dinkins, D.
(2003). Circulation as assessment: Collection development policies evaluated in
terms of circulation at a small academic library. College & Research
Libraries, 64(1),
46–53. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.64.1.46
Kousha, K.
& Thelwall, M. (2014). An automatic method for
extracting citations from Google Books. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 66(2), 309-320. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23170
C. (2009). Evaluation Tool for Bibliometric Studies. Retrieved 30 June
2019 from http://libjournalclub.pbworks.com/f/Journal%20Club%20Jan%2020%202011.pdf