

Journal Update from EBLIP10


Lorie Kloda


Associate University Librarian, Planning and Community Relations

Concordia University

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Email: lorie.kloda@concordia.ca



cc-ca_logo_xl 2019 Kloda. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 4.0 International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this one.



DOI: 10.18438/eblip29591



In this issue, I would like to welcome three new members of the EBLIP Editorial Team. Jane Schmidt was recently appointed as Associate Editor (Classics & Reviews). Stephanie Krueger is now one of two Associate Editors (Evidence Summaries) along with Christine Wissinger. And Heather Healy is the new Lead Copyeditor, taking over from Richard Hayman, who served in the role for several years and is stepping down at the end of his second term. Also stepping down is Heather Pretty, who served as Associate Editor (Evidence Summaries) for the past six years.


In a few days, the 10th International Evidence Based Library and Information Conference (EBLIP10) will be held at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (see the conference website https://eblip10.org/). At the conference, as is the tradition, I will present an update on the journal to interested conference delegates about the journal’s readership, usage, and impact, as well as some recent developments. Here are some of the highlights.


The EBLIP Editorial Team is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, five Associate Editors, the Production Editor, the Indexing Coordinator, and the Communications Officer. In addition, the journal benefits from a group of 5 Editorial Advisors, all previous members of the Editorial Team, 70 peer reviewers, 11 copyeditors, 20 evidence summary writers, and 4 writing assistants. The journal is in its 14th year of publication (this issue marks the 54th issue). The journal publishes several types of papers, including editorials, research articles, review articles, evidence summaries, classics, using evidence in practice, commentaries, news, and features.


The average issue of EBLIP includes 11 peer reviewed articles. The acceptance rate for research and review articles between 2016 and 2018 was 44%. In that time period the average duration from submission to acceptance was two months, and the average time to publication, four months.


EBLIP has always been indexed in several librarianship and general databases, and was recently included in Emerging Sources Citation Index. As an open access journal, EBLIP is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals at the article level.


As of June 2019, the journal has 6,914 registered users. The journal sees an average of 265 visits (sessions) per day and an average of 8,057 visitors per month (5,882 unique visitors). Visits to the journal’s website mainly come from the United States (34%), followed by the United Kingdom (13%), Canada (11%), and Australia (7%). To view the journal’s most cited papers, see the Google Scholar page for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice at http://bit.ly/eblipTopCited.


Recently, the journal migrated to the Online Journal System (OJS) 3 platform and underwent a redesign. More improvements and initiatives are underway. To stay informed about the journal, register on the journal website as a reader, and follow the @eblip Twitter account.