EBLIP Receives
the Seal of Approval
University Librarian, Planning and Community Relations
Quebec, Canada
2017 Kloda. This is an Open Access article
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have some very good news to report. After a long delay due to overwhelming
volume, Evidence Based Library and
Information Practice (EBLIP) has
been successful in its reapplication to the Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Since its inception, all of the
journal’s article-level metadata has been indexed in the DOAJ, and will
continue to be. In addition to a successful reapplication, EBLIP was also qualified for the DOAJ Seal. The
Seal is awarded to those open access journals which adhere to an additional set
of seven criteria that demonstrate best practices. EBLIP meets all of these criteria by having an archiving practice
in place, providing digital object identifiers for all its articles, and
allowing authors to retain copyright over their work, among other things. I am
very pleased to be able to make this announcement, as the editorial board of
the journal is committed to providing quality content in an open access format,
and to doing so in the most evidence-based manner possible. We are continuously
striving to maintain the highest standards of publishing to provide access to
journal content.
are several more announcements to accompany the above. EBLIP recently appointed a new Associate Editor (Classics and
Reviews), Dr. Christina L. Wissinger, who is a
librarian at Pennsylvania State University in the U.S. We have also appointed a
new Editorial Intern, Rachel Hinrichs, a recent graduate and librarian at
Indiana University Purdue University in Indiana. Also joining the team is Kate
Shore, a librarian at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada as the
Indexing Coordinator. Kate’s role will be to ensure the journal’s contents are
indexed in the DOAJ and to explore other indexing opportunities for the
journal, as well as best practices.
issue of EBLIP includes features from
the recent symposium of the Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information
Practice (C-EBLIP) that took place in late 2016. The organizer of the
symposium, Virginia Wilson, is also a long-time contributor to the journal.
Virginia wrote many of the articles in the very popular EBL 101 column and more
recently was the author of the Research in
Practice column. This issue of the journal includes
Virginia’s final submission to the column. I am sure that though she will no
longer be formally linked to EBLIP
through the column that we can expect Virginia to continue to make
contributions to the journal and to the practice of evidence based
librarianship. The Editorial Board and I are sad to see her step down from this
role, and wish Virginia the best of luck in her continuing role as Director of
the C-EBLIP.
finally, it is that time again when the journal renews its list of peer
reviewers. I have begun contacting peer reviewers to determine if they are
willing to renew for another term. EBLIP
is always looking for potential reviewers with experience in various sectors
and with knowledge of different research methodologies. If you are interested
in peer reviewing for the journal please let me know.