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Library Website Visits and Enrollment Trends


Linda Anderson
Library Website Coordinator
Library Information Technology Services
Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa, United States of America


Received: 4 June 2015                                                                     Accepted: 27 Oct. 2015   



cc-ca_logo_xl 2016 Anderson. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttributionNoncommercialShare Alike License 4.0 International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this one.





Objective – Measures of trends in Iowa State University library website visits per student/faculty/staff headcount show decreased use. Analysis was conducted to test for a relationship between this decrease and decreasing graduate/undergraduate enrollment ratios and decreasing visits to a popular digital collection. The purpose was to measure the influence of these factors and to produce an adjusted measure of trend which accounts for these factors.


Methods – Website transaction log data and enrollment data were modelled with Box and Jenkins time series analysis methods (regression with ARMA errors).


Results – A declining graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio at Iowa State University explained 23% of the innovation variance of library website visits per headcount over the study period, while visits to a popular digital collection also declined, explaining 34% of the innovation variance. Rolling windows analysis showed that the effect of the graduate/undergraduate ratio increased over the study period, while the effect of digital collection visits decreased. In addition, estimates of website usage by graduate students and undergraduates, after accounting for other factors, matched estimates from a survey.


Conclusion – A rolling windows metric of mean change adjusted for changes in demographics and other factors allows for a fairer comparison of year-to-year website usage, while also measuring the change in influence of these factors. Adjusting for these influences provides a baseline for studying the effect of interventions, such as website design changes. Box-Jenkins methods of analysis for time series data can provide a more accurate measure than ordinary regression, demonstrated by estimating undergraduate and graduate website usage to corroborate survey data. While overall website usage is decreasing, it is not clear it is decreasing for all groups. Inferences were made about demographic groups with data that is not tied to individuals, thus alleviating privacy concerns.





Library use is a measure of implied value (Tenopir, 2013). Measuring changes in usage over time and the impact of internal and external factors on usage is of interest as libraries are looking for ways to demonstrate continued library value.


One aspect of library usage is library website usage. Changes to the website may or may not affect the number of visits to the website, but it could affect usage of specific services or resources by making them more visible than before. While design changes may be based on research prior to the redesign, the effect of changes can also be evaluated after they are made, using both qualitative methods, such as usability studies, and quantitative methods, such as transaction log analysis.


The Iowa State University Library website includes a discovery service through Ex Libris’ Primo, lists of article indexes and databases, e-journals, course reserves, “Ask Us!” online reference service, digital collections, special collections, and general information about the library and library services. To evaluate website usage over time, enrollment levels, which have been increasing at Iowa State University, must be taken into account.


Library website usage data (visits as defined by IP address) from server transaction logs are analyzed in this paper. Three factors are included in the analysis: increasing enrollment (using website visits per headcount as the dependent variable); graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio; and visits starting on the George Washington Carver Digital Collections pages.


In general, sources of visits to the website include robots, people unaffiliated with the university, and faculty, staff, undergraduate students, and graduate students from the university. Robot visits are filtered by the AWStats software. Otherwise, IP addresses do not identify the group of the visitor. It would be possible to filter by on-campus or off-campus IPs, but faculty, staff, undergraduates, and graduate students can all access the website from off-campus, and people unaffiliated with the university could access the website from an on-campus IP address. The graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio is included in the model as this ratio is decreasing due to increasing undergraduate enrollment (from 21,607 in Fall 2008 to 27,659 in Fall 2013) and flat graduate enrollment (Figure 1). The ratio should have an influence on visits per headcount as survey data shows that graduate students report more frequent library website usage than do undergraduates.


The George Washington Carver Digital Collections pages contain digitized photos, letters, and other documents related to botanist and inventor George Washington Carver, Iowa State Agricultural College's (later Iowa State University) first Black student and faculty member. The George Washington Carver visits are included because it seems plausible that many of these visits originate in the primary and secondary schools and many of the visitors are not affiliated with the university. These visits peak in February, which is Black History Month in the schools, and have been decreasing. This variable is included to remove a portion of the non-affiliated visits from the estimate, leaving an estimate of the mean yearly change that more closely reflects usage by students, faculty, and staff. Worldwide, George Washington Carver-related search engine searches have been declining over the last several years, according to Google Trends.



Figure 1

Headcount enrollment, February 2008 through July 2014.



Another analysis was conducted, with the goal of estimating the average marginal effect on number of library website visits per additional student from each of these groups: graduate students, level 2, 3, and 4 undergraduates, and freshmen, after accounting for other factors, and comparing this result with estimates of usage from survey results.


Literature Review


Is it true that college students think (and act on) the statement "everything needed for research is available free on the Web" (Cochrane, 2007)? If so, is this tendency increasing?


The value of the library as a source of information has competition. Students and faculty have choices besides the library website for starting their research, such as Internet search engines, Google Scholar, Google Books, Wikipedia, and Hathi Trust (Education Advisory Board, 2011). Liu (2008) wrote that academic library websites have to compete with many other sites which may seem more entertaining or easier to use, such as Amazon, Google, or YouTube, although libraries provide higher quality scholarly information. Connaway, Dickey, and Radford (2011) found that users chose sources which were convenient and “good enough,” with search engines as the most frequently used sources for graduate and undergraduate students.


Accordingly, usage of library websites may be in decline. A study from OCLC shows such a decrease among college students, from 61% in 2005 to 57% in 2010, although 22% of students who do use the website use it at least weekly, an increase of 7% over 2005 (De Rosa, Cantrell, Carlson, Gallagher, Hawk, & Sturtz, 2010). The Measuring Information Services Outcomes (MISO) survey found a decrease in student usage of library websites between 2008 and 2010 (Allen, Baker, Wilson, Creamer, & Consiglio, 2013). Wood and Walther (2000) reminds us that, although there is a wealth of free information on the Internet, the profit motive remains strong for publishers, and patrons will need libraries to receive free access to subscription material.


Nackerud, Fransen, Peterson, and Mastel (2013) collected demographic data on licensed database, e-journal, and e-book usage and website logins at the University of Minnesota via a “click-thru” script, and found that 65% of undergraduates used electronic resources or logged into the website, while 82% of graduate students did so.


Marek (2011) offers comprehensive advice on setting up and using web analytics in a library. Cohen (2003), Jansen (2006), and Goddard (2007) discuss technical details of Web server transaction log analysis. Transaction log analysis is more often used to measure cross-sectional aspects of website usage than trends over time (Asunka, Chae, Hughes, & Natriello, 2009; Ke, Kwakkelaar, Tai, & Chen, 2002; Li, 1999; Park & Lee, 2013).


Time series regression and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) methods (Box, Jenkins, & Reinsel, 2008) are usually used for forecasting. Ahiakwo (1988), Brooks (1984a and 1984b), and Naylor and Walsh (1994) have used these methods for forecasting circulation. All of these researchers included regression variables to improve their forecasting models. In this study, rather than being used to improve forecasting, the magnitude of the effect of the regression variables are of interest in explaining trends in website visits.




Transaction Log Analysis


The Iowa State University library has been capturing and parsing transaction log data with AWStats software and has data available on website usage since February 2008. AWStats defines a library website visit as one or more page accesses during an hour by a single IP address. A unique visitor is defined by IP address as well.


Visits data were cleaned and partitioned by using the counts for entry for each page. An entry page is the first page visited during a session. The total count for entries should equal the count of visits. Some counts were discarded as they showed the entry page to be a URL not belonging to the library, such as “http://www.styleusagroupco.com/.” Visits starting on staff intranet pages were also discarded. Two days had counts of zero and were assumed missing. Interpolated values were added to the cleaned monthly count.


A plot of the cleaned total library website visits from February 2008 through July 2014 is shown with a plot of visits starting on Special Collections and ISU Digital Collections George Washington Carver pages in Figure 2.


A visits-per-headcount statistic was created by dividing the number of visits by the sum of enrollment and employment (students, faculty, and Professional & Scientific (P&S) staff headcount). This leaves out website visitors who are currently unaffiliated with the university, and other groups, such as university retirees and classified staff. The number of unaffiliated website visitors could vary substantially over time.


An average monthly student count was calculated for the months of August, December, January, and May for each year, which includes weeks when school is not in session. For weeks between semesters the number of undergraduates was set to zero, while the number of graduate students was set to the enrollment for the next semester.


Usage Rates of Undergraduates, Graduates, and Faculty


The pattern in the graph of all visits (Figure 2) is inverted in the graph of visits per headcount (Figure 3). While the number of visits drops markedly in the summer and between semesters when there are few undergraduates around, the number of visits per headcount goes up markedly in the summer.




Figure 2

Plot of all library website visits with plot of visits starting on George Washington Carver pages.



Figure 3

Visits per month per total headcount of students, faculty, and P&S staff.



Although in Figure 2, the highest number of website visits coincides with the highest number of students present, it does not necessarily follow that students are the source of most of the visits. Anecdotally, some undergraduates never or rarely use the library website. Alternative explanations for the increase in visits could include an increase in usage by faculty or staff during the semesters, perhaps in preparation for classes or for research; it is also possible that there is some usage from the primary and secondary schools, which are also in session at roughly the same time.


In 2012, the Iowa State University library conducted a survey to measure satisfaction, importance, and usage levels for library services and resources. From this survey, a rough estimate of the self-reported number of visits per month can be made for each of these groups: lower and upper division undergraduates, graduate and professional students, faculty, and P&S staff. Freshmen were not included in the survey, so classification year 2 comprised lower division, and classification years 3 and 4 comprised upper division.


For answers to the question “How often do you use the e-Library (i.e., Library website)”, visits per month were assigned as follows to the answer choices:



While graduate students and faculty clearly use the library website more than undergraduates (p<.0001), the evidence is weak that faculty members use the website more than graduate students (p=0.11), or that upper level undergraduates use the website more than sophomores (p=0.27) (Table 1). It is unknown if freshmen would be different, since they were not included in the survey, which was conducted in the Fall. Contrast statements were used to test the differences between the groups.



Table 1. Estimate of Average Library Website Visits, by Group, from 2012 Survey


Mean visits per




Grad and professional students


Second year undergrads


Upper division undergrads


P & S




Since graduate students are more frequent users of the library website than undergraduates (by self-report), the declining graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio may be contributing to declining visits per person. The ratio is also seasonal, with peaks in the summer when undergraduate enrollment is much smaller (Figure 4).


Seasonal Differences


Seasonality in the data needs to be accounted for, either by eliminating it by seasonal differencing, or by including other variables, such as indicator variables for months. In this analysis, all variables were seasonally differenced: for each value, the value from twelve months before was subtracted. The resulting estimates from the model include an estimate of the mean yearly change, after controlling for each of the included explanatory variables.


Regression with ARMA Errors


Ordinary regression applied to time series data presents problems, as residuals from the model are often correlated (a value at one point in time is likely to be similar to its neighbor), thus violating the assumption of independent residuals needed for regression analysis.


If the residuals are correlated, then some available information won’t be used in the model, resulting in inaccurate estimates of coefficients (Granger & Newbold, 1986; Hyndman & Athanasopoulos, 2014). Other problems include invalid statistical tests, as the residual variance is estimated incorrectly, and misleading correlations, or spurious regressions (Pankratz, 1991, p. 12, or for absurd examples see the website Spurious Correlations).


Autocorrelation in the residuals can be removed by using regression with ARMA errors (called dynamic regression by Pankratz, 1991, also called transfer function or ARIMAX). The residuals are modelled as a time series with terms referencing past history of the series, leaving white noise, independent residuals. These terms can be autoregressive (AR), which are portions of past values, and/or moving average (MA), which are portions of past random shocks.




Figure 4

Ratio of graduate and professional student to undergraduate headcount enrollment.



Autoregressive terms for lags 1 and 12, with a multiplicative term for lag 13 were added, but there were still significant autocorrelations at lags 3 and 6 (second row of Figure 5). This suggests a trading day effect (Pankratz, 1991, pp. 115-118).


A trading day effect (a count of the number of weekdays in each month) is included to remove remaining autocorrelation in the residuals. Weekdays have more website visits than weekends. The number of weekdays can vary. For example, a month might have four or five Wednesdays in different years. Adding the weekdays term lowered the Akaike information criterion (AIC) from -21 to -42 and the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) display no significant autocorrelation. In each succeeding model, autocorrelation is removed from the residuals, the model fits the observed values more closely, and the confidence interval gets smaller (gray bands) (Figure 5).


In Figure 5, the top row is a regression model of visits per headcount, seasonally differenced, with two independent variables, graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio and visits starting on Carver pages (both seasonally differenced). The residuals from the model are autocorrelated, as seen by the serial grouping of observations above or below the predicted line, and as shown on the ACF plot on the right. The second row adds autoregressive terms for lags 1 and 12, with a multiplicative effect for lag 13. This removes the autocorrelation in lags 1 and 2, but lags 3 and 6 in the ACF indicate a trading day effect. In the third row, another variable for number of weekdays per month was added, leaving no significant autocorrelation in the residuals.


The final model is:


y’t = µ + β1Ratio’t + β2GWC’t + β3Weekday’s3,t + n’t, and n’t1y’t-1 + φ12y’t-12 - φ1φ12y’t-13 + et

where y’t = visits per headcount at month t (seasonally differenced), µ is the mean change adjusted for other factors in model, et are uncorrelated residuals, and all independent variables are seasonally differenced.



Figure 5

Autoregressive terms at lags 1 and 12 (middle row) removes most of the residual autocorrelation. Adding a variable for the number of weekdays in a month leaves uncorrelated residuals (bottom row).



To provide a comparison, in case enrollment sizes are not the true driver of higher website visits during the semester, an indicator variable for Fall and Spring semesters, replacing the graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratio, was included in an alternative model. For the months of January, May, August, and December, which were partially included in the semester, an average indicator was calculated.


To get a new measure every year of the adjusted mean change, and to see how the effect of the explanatory variable changes over time, the analysis was repeated for rolling time windows of equal length. The results are a smoothed and more easily interpretable metric that can identify correlations that change over time (Zivot & Wang, 2006). A four-year (academic year) rolling window with 48 observations was chosen. Seasonal differencing leaves 36 observations available to estimate the model, resulting in a three-year average of differences.


Another analysis estimated how often students from different groups visit the website, on average, after past history, the effect of the other groups, and other factors are taken into account. This marginal effect is estimated by the coefficient of the variable in the regression model.


The data were not seasonally differenced. Instead, a number of other variables besides enrollment are included to account for seasonality: the number of George Washington Carver entry page visits, a count of library closed days for the two weekdays of Thanksgiving break and weekdays closed during winter break, and a count of weekdays minus the other holidays and break days per month. Additionally, December 24 and the days between Christmas and New Year’s, if the library was not closed, are counted as holidays. The model includes autoregressive terms for lags 1 and 12. Again, this model was compared to a model containing an indicator variable for Fall and Spring semesters, rather than enrollment variables.




Effect Sizes


In time series models, most of the month-to-month variation is explained by past history (top row of Figure 6). Pierce (1979) developed a regression R2 that measures how much of the remainder of the variation (the innovation variance) is explained by the independent variables. The weekdays adjustment is excluded from the regression R2 in this analysis.


The graduate/undergraduate ratio explains 23% of the innovation variance (the variance that is not explained by past history and the weekdays adjustment). The adjusted mean estimate is  -0.17. The Carver visits explain 34% of the innovation variance, with adjusted mean of -0.19. Both variables together explain 58% of the innovation variance (Figure 6).


The adjusted mean with both variables is -0.14, with a 95% confidence interval of -0.24 to -0.03, compared to the raw mean of -0.23. The magnitude of the adjusted mean decrease is 61% of the magnitude of the raw decrease.


The alternate model with the averaged Fall/Spring semester indicator variable fit slightly worse than the final model, with an AIC of -37, compared to -42, and a regression R2 of 55%.


Redesign Effect


After a website redesign in August 2010, there appears to be a drop in both visits and visits per headcount (Figures 2 and 3). Fitting a model with a dummy variable set to 0 before that date and 1 afterwards, there is an effect of -0.20 (p=0.07). Adding first order and seasonal autoregressive terms reduces the effect to a nonsignificant -0.07 (p=0.68). Including the other variables (graduate/undergraduate ratio, George Washington Carver visits and weekdays) changes the effect to 0.04 (p=0.77).


Rolling Windows Estimates of Visits per Headcount Adjusted Mean Change


For the period ending in 2012, the adjusted mean change is -0.14, for the period ending in 2013, the adjusted mean change is -0.10, and for 2014, -0.16 (Figure 7.)


The relative importance of the two independent variables changes over time, with the graduate/undergraduate ratio becoming more important and the Carver pages visits becoming less important, shown by the regression R2. The regression R2 for the complete model increases over time, from 42% in the period ending in 2012 to 59% in the period ending in 2014 (Figure 8).


The left panel of Figure 8 shows the observed values and model fitted for each window, while the right panel shows the estimates of the regression coefficients. The bottom panel shows the regression R2 for the rolling windows for the model containing both of the variables of interest and for models containing one of the variables of interest. Regression R2 is the percent of innovation variance (variance not explained by past history).



Figure 6

Comparison of effect size, using adjusted mean, AIC, and Regression R2: The first two rows show results from baseline models (autoregressive terms only and autoregressive adjusted for weekdays). The third row includes the graduate/undergraduate ratio, with a regression R2 of 23%; the fourth row includes the Carver visits (but not the ratio), with a regression R2 of 34%; the last row includes both independent variables, with a regression R2 of 58%. In other words, including both the graduate/undergraduate ratio and the Carver visits explains 58% of the variance in website visits per headcount that is not explained by past history of the series and a weekdays adjustment.



Figure 7

Seasonal differences of website visits per headcount, compared to unadjusted 3-year rolling averages, and rolling averages adjusted for graduate/undergraduate enrollment ratio and visits starting on George Washington Carver pages.



Estimate of Undergraduate and Graduate Student Marginal Effects on Library Website Visits


Freshmen enrollment and other undergraduate enrollment follow different patterns (Figure 9). Freshmen have a lower enrollment during the Spring, in contrast to the other undergraduates. Graduate student enrollment (Figure 4) exhibit less seasonal change and less trend than undergraduate enrollment, making it more difficult to estimate the effect with precision. Faculty headcount is flat, so faculty effect can’t be estimated separately.


Website visits from faculty, staff, and all others are included in the estimate of 1556 visits attributed to each additional weekday. Visits due to visits starting on the Carver pages were restricted to be 1. Each library closed day had an effect of -2369 fewer visits, after accounting for other factors.


An average of 5.4 visits per month is attributed to each additional graduate student, after all other variables are taken into account. Similarly, 2.0 visits per month are attributed to freshmen, and 2.5 visits per month are attributed to other undergraduates. The 95% confidence intervals are quite large and overlapping (Figure 10).


This model had a lower AIC of 1520 compared to 1553 for a model containing an indicator variable for Fall and Spring semesters instead of enrollment variables, indicating a better fit.


In the rolling windows analysis, the variation in the marginal visits attributed to weekdays minus holidays varies widely, from 1015 in the first rolling window ending in August 2012, to 1723 and 1571 in the next two. The decrease attributed to closed days ranges from -1836 in the first period to -2444 in the third period.


While the point estimates for graduate students show an increase from 3.8 to 5.4, the broad and nearly completely overlapping confidence intervals make it difficult to say whether there was actually an increase. The same is true for the increase for freshmen and the decrease for other undergraduates, although the confidence intervals for the other undergraduates are much narrower (Figure 11).



Figure 8

Rolling windows analysis using three years of seasonal differences for each window.



The decline in library website usage over this study period is small. Students and faculty may be using resources the library has paid for but not accessing them through the library website. Perhaps fewer individuals are using the library website but the individuals who are using it are more intensive users, as seen in the OCLC study (De Rosa, et al., 2011).



Figure 9

Undergraduate headcount enrollment, freshmen, and all others.



Figure 10

Coefficients of student group variables - estimates of marginal effect of adding one student on number of website visits, for each student group, with 95% confidence limits.



Figure 11

Rolling windows estimates of marginal effects of adding one student from each student group on number of website visits (top row) and marginal effects of each additional closed day during Thanksgiving and winter breaks, and each additional weekday that is not a holiday per month, with 95% confidence bars.



There is some support for the idea that fewer individuals are using the library website but they are more intensive users. The number of unique visitors per headcount decreased, but the number of visits per unique visitor (as defined by IP address) increased until the 2011-2012 academic year, then plateaued. At the beginning of the period, unique visitors per headcount is 1.5 or greater, perhaps partly attributable to non-affiliate use for George Washington Carver pages. In the last two years of the study period, it stays mostly between 1.0 and 1.5, with a dip below 1.0 during Fall 2013 (Figure 12).


There are caveats with visits and unique visitor statistics – IP address is used to define website visits and visitors but there isn’t a one-to-one relationship between IP addresses and individuals. There are also people who are not included in the headcount who may use the library website. Some of these individuals may not be affiliated with the university.


Figure 12

The number of unique visitors per total headcount is decreasing but the number of library website visits per unique visitor has increased.



Figure 13

Page views of the Articles Indexes & Databases main page as a percentage of visits. AID/Bb reference links marks implementation date of a redesigned Articles Indexes & Databases page and of Blackboard MyLibrary tab.



Further Analysis


Although a redesign in 2010 did not result in any change in visitors per headcount, an emphasis on the Ask Us! feature did result in an increase in the chat and email service usage. In the 2014 redesign, a new link to Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (ILL/DD) was placed on the home page. ILL/DD data could be analyzed for an effect on number of ILL/DD requests and number of patrons who used the service.


Intensive library website visitors may make more use of certain features of the website, such as the Article Indexes and Databases page, which shows an increase in page views as a percentage of visits to the library website in the last two years (Figure 13). Page view statistics for Article Indexes & Databases pages could be analyzed in conjunction with both database and journal usage data and website design changes. Two events happened in January 2013: a change in the design of the Article Indexes & Databases page, and the implementation of a “My Library” tab with a link to this page in the campus Blackboard course management system. The recent trend upwards, if it is not a short-lived fluctuation, could be due to either or both of these changes, and/or perhaps to recent visitors being more intensive users of the website.


Even though there is a general decline in interest in George Washington Carver, improved search engine optimization for this and other digital collections could continue to bring both affiliated and unaffiliated people to the website.


Effect on Number of Website Visits by Student Groups: Graduate and Professional Students, Freshmen, and Other Undergraduates


The effect of adding autoregressive terms to the model, rather than using an ordinary regression, was quite marked. A model with all of the variables except the autoregressive terms resulted in parameter estimates of 12.8 for graduate and professional students, 0.9 for undergraduates (class 2, 3, and 4) and 2.6 for freshmen, illustrating the need to remove correlation from regression residuals. Using regression with ARMA errors allows making inferences about demographic groups, even without having data that is directly tied to demographics.


These analyses assume that students, both graduate and undergraduate, visit the library website. There is self-reported evidence of that but no direct evidence. There are clearly more website visits during the Fall and Spring semesters when there are also many more students, but behaviour by other possible visitors, including faculty and staff, and teachers and students from the public schools, could change then as well. Models including enrollment variables fit slightly better than models including a Fall/Spring semester indicator variable instead of the enrollment variables.




Trend in Library Website Visits


Time series analysis (regression with ARMA errors) was conducted to evaluate trend in library website visits, while accounting for factors such as increased enrollment, decreasing graduate to undergraduate enrollment ratios, and decreasing visits to a popular George Washington Carver digital collection.


The sample mean change in monthly visits per headcount over the study period (February 2008 to August 2014) is -0.23. The mean change adjusted for graduate to undergraduate ratio and George Washington Carver visits is -0.14. Together these two factors explain 58% of the variance of the seasonal differences in visits per headcount that is not explained by past history of a time series. Rolling windows analysis shows the effect of the undergraduate/graduate ratio increasing over time, while the effect of the George Washington Carver visits decreases.


A decrease in visits per headcount coinciding with a design change in 2010 was found to be nonsignificant after including autoregressive terms. The decrease also coincided with a drop in George Washington Carver pages visits. According to Google Trends, searches for George Washington Carver have been decreasing worldwide.


Comparison of Usage Estimates by Student Group from Survey Data and from Web Log Data


Regression with ARMA errors was used to estimate marginal effects on library website visits by three student groups. Each additional freshman enrolled marginally increased the number of website visits per month by 2, after taking into account George Washington Carver visits, the number of other undergraduates, the number of graduate students, the number of weekdays minus holidays per month, and library closed days at Thanksgiving and winter break. Similarly, the regression analysis attributes 2.5 visits to each additional level 2, 3, and 4 undergraduate, and 5.4 visits for each additional graduate student. The confidence intervals for freshmen and graduate students are quite wide. The point estimates for graduates’ and other undergraduates’ marginal usage match closely (within confidence intervals and within one visit) with estimates taken from survey results in 2012. These estimates were made without demographic data tied to individual records in the transaction logs.


Library websites are a gateway to library resources, services, contact information, and events. Changes in the website may affect awareness and usage of these resources and services. This analysis can be extended to evaluate the impact of changes on usage and understand the effect of background data such as enrollment changes and other events. The methods can be applied to any time series data libraries have, such as electronic resource usage, attendance, or number of reference transactions.




Many thanks to Karen Lawson and Kristine Stacy-Bates for reading earlier versions of the manuscript and contributing greatly to its improvement.




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