

EBLIP Returns Down Under



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The International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference is returning to Australia. Ten years after the third conference ventured to the southern hemisphere, Brisbane is again host city for EBLIP8 from July 6th to 8th 2015. This biennial event aims to promote the use of the best available evidence in practices and processes particular to the library and information profession. The conference provides an opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners from all sectors to discuss and explore contemporary issues and topics of relevance to evidence based practice. The conference will be held at Queensland University of Technology, located adjacent to Brisbane’s central business district and surrounded by the Brisbane River and the Botanic Gardens. The organising committee, chaired by Professor Helen Partridge, is planning a vibrant and stimulating conference onsite, and for those who cannot attend in person, a virtual conference is planned to extend the EBLIP conversation as widely as possible. To keep up to date with all EBLIP8 news, check out the conference website at or follow us on Twitter @Eblip8. For sponsorship opportunities, email for your exclusive prospectus.