

LIRG and JIBS Student Prizes


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The UK Library and Information Research Group (LIRG) and the JIBS User Group (JIBS) each award a student prize each year for an outstanding research-based project.


Both prizes will be for a Postgraduate dissertation or a final year Undergraduate project.


    The LIRG student prize will be awarded for a research based project on any LIS topic.

    The JIBS student prize will be restricted to the area of library information systems, bibliographic databases or other electronic technologies and how such resources or technologies are being developed or exploited; practical
projects that exploit such technologies may also be submitted.


Each UK School of Library and Information Studies is invited to nominate one of their student's projects for each prize. A student project may be submitted for both prizes but no single project will be given both prizes.


The closing date for submission is 20 July 2014.


Further details on the prizes and how to submit are now available:

        LIRG Prize:  

         JIBS Prize: