Studentships at University of Salford, UK
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The University of Salford, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
is currently advertising a number of full time PhD Studentships, in information
related topics. The School of Nursing,
Midwifery, Social Work & Social Sciences is a dynamic School with a
commitment to lifelong learning. With around 200 members of academic staff who
are experts in a wide range of disciplines including Nursing, Midwifery, Social
Work, Social Policy, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Sociology and Criminology,
we are able to offer an excellent and comprehensive educational experience. The
School has a lively and very successful research community with extensive
academic and clinical collaborations and nearly 100 Doctoral students. The rich
knowledge and expertise gained from our research activities helps to inform
health and social policy and practice both nationally and internationally.
The School of Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work and
Social Sciences are looking for research proposals in a wide range of subject
areas, including: information management for healthcare; digital health and
crime and justice informatics.
Studentships are open to UK nationals and the closing date for
applications is 31st March 2014.
Further information is available from,-midwifery-and-social-work