A Most Wonderful prophesy, Taken out of PUGH's Collection of PROPHESIES ON GREAT-BRITAIN: And Mentioned In Heraclitus Ridens, Numb. 27. With Allowance. 1. KOronog Fabau, in his middle Age will run furious upon his Enemy; and in his later Days will be a King. 2. Koronog Fabau will wonderfully betake himself to a strange Land to avoid a Storm; he shall loose in England Lordships and Greatness, and yet he shall be a King before his later Days. 3. Koronog Fabau in his Youth will loose a Crown due unto him, but in his Old-age will be a Man of Might and Greatness, and Kill with an Axe, and Conquer Crowns; and bring Great-Britain Honor. 4. Koronog Fabau will prepare a Navy, which will be hurtful to his Enemies, and it will not avail them to fly from him. 5. Koronog Fabau will be advanced to Immense Honors in the Territories of Rome, he will make a Purchase; and his Enemies will fall into misery. After the Year 1691. He will take Vengeance of a Great City for their Contempt, Treachery, and merciless Cruelty; And when he becomes aged, through the assistance of Almighty God, will procure Justice and Equity to his own Friends, although at present but of small account. 6. Koronog Fabau will be mighty Powerful in his later Days, though in England slighted for a time. He shall escape the Stratagems Plotted against him by a Race of Wicked Men. He will convey private Messages to the Governours of Castles and Carisons; then shall Banners be set up, at the Terror of which Sight, Lamentation and Woe shall befall his Enemies. 7. Koronog Fabau shall be called the Best of Kings, and shall overcome his Opposers: And will take( or support) the Sign of the Holy and Blessed across. LONDON, Printed in the year 1692.