TITHES No gospel Ordinance, Nor ever Instituted of God for the Maintenance of A gospel Ministry; But ended, With the levitical priesthood, and abolished by the Offering Up of Christ Proved by Scripture. As also, The Levitticall and scriptural Tythers With the Vnscripturall Tythers Compared; And the Moderation of the one, and Insatiable avarice of the other Manifested. By William Morris Printd in the year 1680. Reader, THat which I have to R●commend to thee in thy perusal of this little book, is candour in Reading and d●ligence in searching the Scriptures I have opened Remember the Title of nobility wherewith the Apostle dignified the B●r●ans acts 17.11. vers. They( saith he) were more Noble then those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind& preached the Scriptures daily whether those things were so— And the same I recommend to thee and that thou Judge nothing before the time. For I am not Unse●sible but that a work of this Nature will be obnoxiouse to Censure, But what truth( though never so manifest) is not vnpleaseing to some or other, as this in all likelihood will be too few or none but A Covetouse and decimateing clergy, whose persons I hate not( though I thus speak,) But in my heart retain a fitting and due respect for them as men; well knowing they have a portion of Gods heavenly gift, and divine Grace, as well as I and others;( did they not abuse it, and keep it in bondage, by averice and lucre,( the main prop ●nd Pillar of their Calling and Function, which are the things I utterly deny and testify against. And if there b● of them that hold it their duty to speak that which they think to be truth impartially as the work of their Ministry,( though not vnhired and well paid) let them not think amiss of others who think the same no● less their duty by the general Office of Christianity to speak truth more Impartially; freely, and without payments. Therefore try all things, and hold fast that which is good which, as it will add to thy knowledge in the things of God so it will answer the end and design of Thy friend W. M. tithes noe gospel Ordinance &c. THe Lord Almighty, the God of Abraham and of his seed, and grand Proprietor of the Land of Canan, pursuant to his promise made to his faithful Servant in the plain of M●reah, Saying unto thy seed will I give this Land Genesis 12.7. After the Expiration of about six hundred and fifty y●ares brought Abrahams seed into possession of the Land of promise, and made eleven Tribes of twelve freeholders, reserving only tithes holy to himself as Moses witnesseth Lev: 27.30. in these words And all the tithe of the Land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, it is the Lords, it is holy unto the Lord. And vers the 32 concerning the tithe of the Heard, and of the Flock, even whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord. And Deut: 14.22. Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed that the field bringeth forth year by year &c. This was tithing by divine Institution& by Gods Ordinance, But( always to be remembered) under the Ministration of the old Covenant, the mosaic law( which made nothing perfect) and the levitical Pristhood( which could not continue by reason of Death) and this being a changeable priesthood there is a necessity also of a change of the law, as saith the Apostle Heb: 7.12. But it being the Grand objection of the clergy of this Age( and many others upon their account) That forasmuch as God once Ordained and Commanded the payment of tithe, it still remains in force as a perpetual binding law to all Generations; It was once law●ull( say they) and never unlawful; And therefore tithes as properly and vndenyablie belongs to the clergy of this Age, and these Nations now, as ever it did to the Levitecall priesthood under the first Covenant. And vpon this ground I myself have several times( in times past) been impleaded in the Consistory Court( so called) for desiring the payment of tithe, and know not how soon I may be so again for the same cause, which CAUSE, I do prefer before all earthly Relations or considerations whatsoever. I have therefore( to the end I may give some account of my testimony herein, and in order to the satisfaction of some that have desired the same. First. diligently examined the paying and receiving tithe under the Mosaicke law, and duly inquired into the grounds and reasons thereof, together with other needful circumstances as well relating to the time and place, the persons concerned in the paying and receiving of it. And whether the Command of God which was given to the Israellites under the old Covenant be of force and binding vpon believers under the new Covenant Yea or nay. Secondly. I have compared the tithing of the clergy of this age and Generation, with the levitical tithing( vpon which they ground their practise) and shewed wherein it differeth. And Thirdly, have shewed how burdensome and oppressive the tithing of the clergy of this age is, beyond what was the practise of the Levites in their dayes; and inconsistent with the rules of Common equity and principles of pure Reason. First. As to the first, I reference to the levitical tithing, I have considered the extent of Gods Command whereupon the payment of tithes was grounded. Secondly. The extent of Gods donation or grant whereon the taking or receiving tithe was also grounded. Thirdly. The equal Just and reasonable consideration whereupon both the Command and grant were grounded. Of these in their purposed order,& first of the first Namely of the extent of Gods Command, whereupon the payment of tithes was grounded, and of that, first as it related to the time when and how long, Secondly, the place where, Thirdly the Persons whom concerned in the payment thereof. First, I say as it hath relation to the time when, and that I find to be only during the Continuance of the first and old Covenant, the first and changeable priesthood and the first Tabernacle, which Tabernacle was a figure for the time then present, and the service whereof as the Apostle witnesseth Heh: 9.9. 10th, Stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal Ordinances w●ich were imposed till the time of Reformation &c. And during that time, until the Change of that priesthood( which could not continue by reason of death) And until the perfection was obtained by the bringing in of a better hope which by the law could not be obtained( for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did) Heb 7. v. 19. And until the appearance of that everlasting and unchangeable High-Preist Christ Iesus the Righteous, who to put away sin by the Sacrifice of himself offered himself once for all, and by that one offering perfected forever those that are Sanctified. I say before and until the appearance of this High-Preist and the offering of this Sacrifice, the Command for tithing as well as for offering Sacrifices vpon the Altar) was in force and noe longer. And this as to point of time was the utmost extent of that Command! For the same that put an end to the Service of the first Tabernacle, and the work of the first Preist-hood& took it clean away, did also abolish and take away the wages that was appointed for that work. Secondly, As the Command for tithing relates to place▪ I do not find either by writing or tradition amongst the Jews that it extended to any other place then to the Land of Canaan only, and it is very manifest by Lev: 27. vers the 30. and 32. and Deut: 14. v, 22. and other Scriptures That the utmost extent of the Command was circumscribed within the Inheritance of the twelve Tribes. Thirdly, The extent of the Command as it relates to persons concerned in paying tithe, I find to be limited to the Children of Israell, the Jewish national Church only, and not to concern any other Nation, Church or people in the world. For this is still the Phrase of Scripture concerning Gods Laws, Commands& Institutions, Namely, The Lord spake unto Moses saying, speak unto the Children of Israell thus or thus &c. He doth not bid Moses give this Command to all the Children of men, to be observed in all ages, in all places and by all Nations Jews and Gentles; Nay, if this could be made appear by those those that Challenge tithes from Gentiles Churches, the controversy would soon be ended. Secondly, And in the next place( having before considered of the extent of Gods Command as it relates to time, place and person) I offer to consideration the extent of Gods Donation or grant whereupon the lawful taking& receiving tithes was also grounded; And that is to be considered with like circumstances; which as to time and Place is limited as the former. And if any man whatsoever can produce the warrant of Divine authority, for asking, taking or receiving( much less enforcing) tithes in any other Place then in the land of Canaan, of any other People then of the Israelites then let me bear the blame and shane for disobeying. And this I further observe, That God reserving tithes from the eleven tribes, granted it over to the tribe of levy not absolutely but conditionally; allowing them a Competancy for themselves and enjoyneing them by the same Authority to admit of several Sharers with them of each two yeares tithe, the owner was to eat a Share his son and Daughter, his man Servant and Maid Servant as appears in deut: 12.17. and eighteen verses. And in every third yeares tithe, the Stranger Fatherless and widow were to be admitted Sharers as appears Deut: 14.28.29. verses. And Deut: 26 12.13. verses. So that by the afore mentioned Scriptures it's plainly manifest, That the owner and his Family the Stranger Fatherless and widows are by divine appointment as truly vested in the right of tithes, as any Levite whatsoever. The next thing remarkable is, The just and equal consideration whereupon both the Command for paying and the grant or warrant for receiving tithes was grounded. Where by the way it is to be noted, That the seed of Abraham( on whom the land of Canaan was entailed by promise above five hundred yeares before) was by this time multiplied into twelve numerouse tribes, all which were traveling to possess the land. And every Tribe in point of Common interest was equally entitled to an Inheritance, until God in his Divine wisdom separated the tribe of levy for the Service of himself to give attendance at the tabernacle, and to Minister before him in the Sanctuary; And to the end they might the better Attend his service, he promised himself to be their portion and Inheritance; and thereupon by a perpetual Statute law deprived them of an Inheritance in the land Numbers 18. vers the 20. And the Lord spake unto Aron, Thou shalt have noe Inheritance in their Land, neither shalt thou have any parte among them, I am thy part and thine Inheritance among the Children of Israell &c. And in further compensation of their loss& recompense of their Service, he granted them tithes for an Inheritance as vers 21. And behold I have given the Children of levy all the tenth in Israell for an Inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the Tabernacle of the Congregation &c. By all which, and several other Scriptures it appears That both the Command for paying& the warrant for receiving tithes was founded upon a most rational, Just, and equal consideration; both as it related to the advantage of the payer and the loss of the receiver; For though the Levites did receive a yearly tenth of the increase, they lost the Inheritance of A twelfth for ever. And therefore well might the eleven tribes afford to pay their tenths and be noe losers; it being but a reasonable exchange or purchase to give their Brethren a yearly tenth, for the free Inheritance of a twelfth for ever. Secondly, If tithes be due by the the Law of God, and payable and receiveable under the second Covenant, as under the first( as the clergy do affirm they are) Then certainly they must allow that they are to be applied to the same uses for which they first were Instituted; and that was not only to the Levites but to the Stranger fatherless and widow. Thirdly, among the Jews tithes were payable to the Levites who did the Common service of the Tabernacle and Temple, and not to the sons of Aron the priests, for they had only a tenth part of the tithe, And therefore they that claim tithe by the Law of Moses, must prove( if they can) how the payment of tithes to priests now doth duly answer the payment of tithes To Levites then who were no priests, nor were to touch or meddle with the holy office least they dyed Numb: 4 15. to vers 19. Fourthly, tithes under the first Covenant were the Levites wages for the ceremonial work they were appointed to do about the first Tab●rnacle Numb: 18. vers 21.31, which work is now abolished; So then the wages therefore of that ceremonial work must with all be abolished as being also ceremonial. Fifthly, That tithes was ceremonial is vndeniablie manifest, they not being given but on this express condition, viz( first) to offer an heave Offering of them to the Lord, Numb: 18. from v. 21.8. to 31. Then necessary it follows, That who over by that Law brings tithes into the gospel( which is the Ministration of the new Covenant) vnavoydably brings in there withall A Sacrifice, and an Altar without which tithes were by that Law unsanctified and polluted vers 32, and so makes voided the one offering which was the Substance, Christ Iesus who was typified and shadowed forth, both by Tabernacle Sacrifice and Altar. Sixthly, If tithes be due by the Law of God to Ministers under the gospel, as they were to the Levites under the levitical priesthood Then are such Ministers by the same Law deprived Ipso, facto, of all pretences of times to any temporal inheritance numb: 18: vers 20. And by the same Law, those that pay them tithe may as Justly claim a title of Inheritance in their free lands as they may claim an annual tenth of the others increase. Seventhly, Among the Jews noe rigorous outward Law or penalty of tr●ble damage or Imprisonment was appointed to recover tithes by, nor was the Magistrate authorised or warranted by the Law of God to force the payment of them, much less to Imprison for refusal or neglect, but he that did not pay robed God and by him alone was to be punished. Eightly, When the levites Preist-hood was changed by the coming of Christ Iesus, the law for tithing was also changed, as the Apostle witn●sseth Heb. 7. vers 12. for( saith he) the Preist-hood being changed, there is made a necessity of a Change also of the law. And this was the Iudgment also of the Primitive Church, And if the most learned rabbis in the Nation can prove the contrary, let them come forth& show if they be able, when, where and by whom tithes were received or paid for above three hundred yeares after Christs Assention. The next thing that falls under consideration is, how inconsistent and disagreeable the practise of tithing of the clergy of this Generation is with the Law of God vpon which they say it is grounded. And first( as I have formerly hinted) Gods Ordinance for tithing related only to the land of Canaan, which was confirmed by the practise of the Jews and the Contrary whereof hath never yet appeared; nor have I ever found that during their captivity they paid or received tithes in Babylon or Cal●●ca, before Christs time, neither have they since, in Holland, Jermany, Poland, or elsewhere that I can learn. And if this be so, then certainly for Christians to hold up tithes, when Jews have laid them down, seems very obsurd preposterouse and vain. Secondly, The levites grant or warrant for the taking ty●hes by Gods appointment, Extended only to their Brethren the Israelites, Gods only peculiar people and Christ; not to ●dolaters, foreigners or fals-Worshipers. Of any other Nation or Religion, nor to poor labourers, fatherless or Widows of their own Generations. But only such as had possessions of Free Inheritance. But the clergy of this Generation not contented( as the Levites were) to have their tithing limited by Gods allowance( unto those only of the same Religion and Profession with themselves without distinction, or definition of Nation or Religion, They Extend their claim to all the decimal gain within their Quarters, and all the Inhabitants they their find( whether English, or irish, Protestants or Papists true or false worshippers it matters not to them, or whether they are Rich or poor, Fatherless or widows bound or Free) If they are possessed of oug●t that yeildes Increase, whether corn or Garden, Cowes or sheep, pigs, goose or Henns or eggs) whether little or much, all is by th●m accounted liable to Decimation; And moreover many Poor labouring men that have not any living tythable thing where of to pay, But get their Bread by hard and toilsome labour have Impositions taxed on them by the clergy under the name of hand Money Apron Money and the like, which in my Iudgment hath more affinity with pharaoh Task-Masters then levitical tithes; For to exact a tithing rate upon Poor labourers& such as have noe tithable substance in the world whereof to pay●? what is this less then to make brick when Straw is taken away. Thirdly, the levites had noe power to seize their Brethrens corn before it was divided( nor was it their practise by what appears in Scripture. But Patiently attended until it was set out and delivered both unto them& their copartners Deut: 14. vers 28. But the clergy of this age( contrary to their example) either by themselves or Prockters many times have entred Mens corn fields and other Places with Clubes and Staves, vi et armis, taking away what they pleased in their Masters names by force and violence, as bad or worse then those sinful sons of ely 1. Sam, 2.12. who by their abusive Servants Seized their pretended priestly due by force, whereby the offering of the Lord became abhorred& truly this very practise makes many as much to abhor their message, for the avarice of its Ministers, and that about that thing which they pretend to be the offerring of the Lord. Fourthly, The Levites had the tithes made over to them partly in compensation of their inheritance in land, And Partly in consideration of their service and Attendance at the Tabernacle( as before is shewed) Numb: 18. verses 23.24. wherewith they were contented and Murmered not, although their shares of land was given from them, and they to undergo a perpetual law of deprivation. Neither was there any Tribe or family bound to pay them tithe, but such as were obliged by a valuable consideration so to do,( as being vested according to proportion more or less) in part of their inheritance of land; So that he that paid his tithe by Gods appointment bad this fourfold benefit or advantage by it. First By the Paying of the annual tenth of his Increase, he had the Free-Simple of a Twelfth to him and his for ever. Secondly, By the payment of tithe the Stranger Fatherless and Widow were provided for, which otherwise must have been relieved at his Cost. Thirdly He had the privilege for himself and family to ●ate a parte thereof Deut: 12.18. And fourthly he had the benefit of the Levites service about the Tabernacle and Temple in assisting about the Sacrifice as 2. Cron; 35.11. and other services pertaining thereunto. But what advantage, privilege or benefit, have the people of this age by paying tithes? will the clergy of this Generation allow the privilege to their Maintainers and admit of so many Sharers with them as the Levites did, and were bound to do by Gods Commandments? What Clergin an will be content to release his claim to Lands and Tennements, and suffer his temporal Inheritance to be divided amongst those of whom he Claimeth tithes? And do the clergy now admit the Poor the fatherless and widows( who had as good Right by Gods Command as any Levite had) to Share with them in tithes? Or do they not rather multiply the Poor by their oppressions? and make the Fatherless& Widows cry to the Lord against them? And if the owner should but give a part of his tithes to relieve the Poor and needy( as by Gods law the Israllites was bound to do) would not the Parish priest be ready to devour him for so doing, and never leave pursueing him until he had him to prison for it? Surely if this be so( as multiplied instances have confirmed it is) This is far differrent from the practise of the Levites, and rather suits with the practise of those erroneous Prophets which the Lord complains of Micah: 3. vers 5. who made his people err, who did bite with the teeth and cry peace, and be that put not into their mouths they prepared war against him. Fifthly, I find that the Lord by the Mouth of Moses in Deut: 12.17. and 18 verses( to every person concerned in paying tithe) Speaketh on this wise saying, Thou mayest not eat within thy gates, the tithe of thy corn or of thy Wine, or of thy oil &c. But vers 18. Thou must eat them before the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose; Thou and thy son and thy Daughter, thy man Servant and thy maid Servant, and the Levite that is within thy gates &c. And again in Deut: 14.22 23 verses it is thus written, Thou shalt truly tithe all the Increase of thy seed which thy field bringeth forth year by year, And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, and o● thy wine, and of thy oil &c. And verses 24.25.26. And if the way be too long for thee&. Or if the place be too far from thee &c. Then thou shalt turn it into money &c. And thou shalt bestow that money &c. For Oxen or for Sheep, for wine or for strong drink, or whatsoever thy soul desireth, and thou shalt eat there before the Lord thy God, THOU AND THY household. And vers 27. and the Levite that is within thy Gates thou shalt not forsake him &c. From which foresited Scriptures, these natural Inferrenecs do vndenyably flow. viz. First, That as the owner of the tithe was bound by Gods Command to divide it from the Rest, So was he only by Gods appointment the chief disposer of it. Secondly, As the owner was the chief disposer, so was it in his free and Arbitrary choice( in some Cases) whether he would pay it in kind or not. Thirdly, And if he pay it not in kind, he was only entrusted with the selling of it, or to turn it into money at his own valluation. Fourthly, When he had sold it or turned it into money it was at his free and voluntary choice in what provision he would bestow that Money in, whether Oxen Sheep Wine or Strong drink, or whatsoever his soul desired. Fifthly, Howsoever he pay it whether in kind or value both he, his Children, and servants were strictly and indispenceably bound to eat a part thereof. Sixthly, It had b●en as manifest a breach of Gods Command if he and his household had not eaten of it, as if he had denied to set it out or pay it. seventhly, And lastly as the owner and his household were to eat a part, so was the Levite, by the same Command to be a partner with them. And this was the manner of tithing every Two yeares together, But in the Third yeares tithing the owner had no such strict Command to eat, yet he was still the chief disposer of it, and was to lay it up within his gates, and thither the Levite the stranger the fatherless and Widow were to Come and every one to eat and be satisfied, as may appear verses 28. and 29. But the practise of the clergy, and people of this age is so manifestly differrent here from, that I need not multiply words to set it forth; for the clergy now a dayes require the Husbandman to pay his tithes in kind, or else compound and pay them money for it( not owneing or allowing that the husbandman himself( or any of his, hath right to any part of it, And if he do not pay the utmost shilling or shillings worth, then frequently he is in pleaded for the same, and made to pay it by force or suffer for it. And here me thinks arises a very weighty case of conscience which I propose to the clergy to resolve. If it be a sinful thing( as they affirm it is) for a man to pay noe tithe, since the payment of it was once enjoynde by Gods Command? Whether st is not as sinful for a man to part with all his tithe, since God hath Commanded, That both he and his household should eat a part thereof. Secondly, If there be no dispensation for me and my friends called Quakers( being but few in a country) to pay noe tithes because God did Command it by Moses to be paid? who shall absolve the whole Nations for paying all their tithes, so directly contrary to Gods Command as I have shewed? from Deut: 12.17.78. verses Thirdly If the seers have been so Quick-sighted and piously watchful over the flock that they would not suffer one of a thousand to Err on the one hand by paying noe tithe; have not such been horribly blinded and darkened by Averice, who have caused the whole Nations to sin on the other hand by parting with all their tithes? In the next place I observe that the Levites were the Twelfth Tribe in Israell to whom being Added the Stranger fatheless and Widow, could not in likelihood but make up a full tenth Part of the whole Nation, so that the eleven Tribes paying a yearly tenth of their Increase, a tenth part of their people w●re thereby maintained and that very plentifully too; as may appear at large. 2. Chro: verses. Where the chief priest declared to the King, they had enough to eat and left plenty, and that which remaineth( said he) is this great store &c. But the clergy of these last times and of this age( though I must confess the more is the Pitty) are too many more then are good( Yet) I believe are scarce the hundred part of the People of these Nations; who neither admitting Fatherless or Widows Poor or Rich( as the Levits did) to be partakers with them, can make a shift to devour the tenth of our Increase, and yet are never well contented neither. For albeit they always were possessed of tithes in kind or value, besides Oblations, Offerings, Sprinkle-ing money and the like, with several other petty customs fees and perquisites; Yet what a continual flattering croaking and craveing they always kept to the several powers formerly in being, for Augmentations, Stipenes and Additions, &c. Amongst the number of which clamorouse pensioners, I never heard the voice of one contented Hezekiah, so much as once to say we have enough, 2, Chron: 81, 10. vers, But rather like the daughter of the Horse-leech still crying Give, give, Prov. 30.15. or like the Grave, the Barren womb or thirsty Earth, always swallowing& never saying it is enough. Moreover I find that tithing of corn and grain by Gods Command( as to the material and substantial part thereof) was limited and related only to increase, And as to the practic part( relating to the manner and form) it was to be done in seed as may more at large appear by the Command itself, Deut: 14.12. vers, Thou shalt truly tithe all the Increase of thy Seed which the field bringeth forth year by year &c. From whence these natural inferrences do arise, First that the husbandman himself must tithe his corn, Secondly he must tithe in Seed and not in Shease. Thirdly he must only tithe the Increase of his seed Fourthly He must truly tithe all the Increase( that is) he must take the exact tenth part of the Increase, and neither less nor more. And fifthly if there were noe Increase noe tithe was due or payable. But the clergy of this Generation minding more there own gain then Gods Command enforce the Countryman to tithe his corn in sheaf and not in seed, whereby they take as well a tenth part of the Farmers Stock and substance as a tenth of his Increase, Nay more for though the Farmer sometimes 〈◇〉 reap half the value of what he Sowed, the Parish priest will have a tenth of what he Reapeth, whereby a most Insensible and vnsufferrable mischief doth ensue. And therefore having very briefly, and truly opened the afore mentioned Text of Scriptures, I shall endeavour In Love and Pitty to the wronged Countryman. In a use of Information to apply it. In order then to the more perfect understanding of his proper Interest, the Husbandman that thinks he is bound to pay his tithe by Gods Command, must needs( if he be wise) observe this Rule, always to put a differrence between his real Stock,& real profit, between the principal and the product or Increase else by confounding both together he knows not how he gets or how he loses, As thus( for instance) if the Husbandman do sow ten barrels of Wheat at seed time, which is worth ten pounds; he must remember that his principal stock and Substance is ten pounds less in value by what he hath cast into the ground, And when the harvest Comes, he must also mind to thrash out so much wheat, as the full Quantity of what he Sowed, that so his Stock may be Reprized and made good again, and having thus donn That which remaines of Over-plus is clear Increase, and out of the Increase of Seed was tithe by Gods appointment to be paid, as I have shewed before, But by the Clergies forcing men to tithe in sheaf against the order of Gods Command for tithing a most Insufferable Inconveniency doth ensue( as I have said) for by this means the clergy do not only take a yearly tenth of mens Increase but of their principal Stock and Substance also; whereby the substance of the husbandman becomes liable to a perpetual consummation by Decrimation; so that by undeniable Instances it may be made appear That if a Farmer employ a hundred pounds in Tillage and pursue the same for seven yeares together, at seven yeares end the Parish-Preist to whom he pays his tithe in sheaf, will have above fifty pounds of the Farmers principal Stock into his hands by tithing. Besides the full tenth part of his Increase. And hence it is that many an able Farmer comes to want,& poverty over-takes him as an armed man, and he knows not who hath hurt him, But sometimes blames his Landlord and thinks he hath too hard a bargain; or otherwise faults his Servants, and the like, but thinks not of his Master who sucks away his Substance most insensably, and makes him pay so dear a Rate to feed his soul, That he hath nothing left to feed his body. THE END. THe Errors that have escaped the Press by want of due Correction, and placing of Comaes and other points, the Reader is desired to pass by, And the other Errors to rectify thus, In page. 4. line 2. for desiring read denying, line 24. for I red In, page., 9. line 1. for Tithes red title, pa. 10. line 2. for Christ red Church,