In Holb●… n ove● aga●… So●… ampton Square, at the Coffin ●nd Child, against the Watch-house, next Door but one to the Syde-Mi●…, where you will see the Golden-●all hanging over the P●ssage Door, liveth Anne ●averen●…, a G●rman Gentlewoman. BEing but very lately arrived in this Kingdom, and so consequen●ly a Stranger, I could not propose a better method to make myself known, than by this Printed Paper, without which, I might for some Years have remained unknown to you; and so consequently incapable of employing that Talent which Heaven hath bestowed on me, for all your benefits and good. My Parents before me were so far skilled in the Art and Knowledge of physic, that they have removed the most dangerous Distempers, and have seldom or never failed wholesomely to assist Nature in the discharge of her duty. From them I received the great Knowledge and Experience that I now profess, and question not but( by the Blessing of God) I shall be able to Cure any Distemper incident to Woman kind: A few of which I shall here give you an Account. First, I cure all Women or Maids of the Suffocation or rising of the Mother, which may be occasioned through any rotten Substance, or through a Corruption in Nature, or by an Imposthumation in the Womb, which may be easily discerned, for there oftentimes proceeds a great Dizziness in the head, Anguish of Heart, an inclination to Vomit, much rising and tumbling in the Belly, from whence oftentimes proceeds very satal Accidents; as Barrenness, Imposthumes, inflammations of the Lungs, an unusual Paleness, and shivering in the Limbs, colic, Strangulion, Obstructions, Wringings, and Terti●ns of the Guts, &c. Secondly, I cure out-sinking, down-falling, out-hanging of the Matrix, that is when the Ligaments or Strings that bind the mother fast to the body, removes from its place, occasioned either by bearing of Children, violent Coughing, heavy work, in 14 or 20 days, I artificially return to its proper place, which I challenge any Person to do but myself. I also cure Women or Maids that are subject to Vomiting, and take from them, the quivering and shaking, occasioned by the same Infirmity. I also cure hard Bellies, swelled as with Child, or as if troubled with the dropsy. There is yet another sort of Sickness, when the melancholy is not cleansed and taken away, it occasions grief and heavy thoughts, nay sometimes Ragings, and an ill mind towards themselves and others. I cure the Piles or Hemorhoids in the Fundament, all Warts, Excrescences, or superfluous flesh in the mouth of the Bladder or womb. I also cure Ruptures or Bursten-Bellies either in Women or Children; nay though they have had it many years. I take the ston from Women and Maids, without cutting, which no Woman( except my Mother) did before me. I have also an approved Remedy for a pain in the loins, or small of the Back, whether proceeding from Gravel or Child-bearing, As also a pain in making water, or those that cannot hold their water, but are troubled with a constant leaking or drooping as they go, let it proceed from what cause it will. I drive away all Gouty pains in the joints; nay tho' your Arms and Legs were grown crooked through a contraction, or sinking of the Sinews; nay though you have kept your Bed for many years, by the blessing of God, I don't doubt but to relieve you. I cure many sad Accidents in the Eyes, as Spots, Specks, Pearls, Water-sinkings, hot and violent Rheums, and many more too tedious here to relate. I also cure the Morbus Gallicus or French Pox, with all its Symptoms, and dangerous Effects, with ease, speed, and secrecy; nay, tho tampered with and almost ruined by others. I dare presume few has arrived to the perfection in this Cure as myself. There are many other Cures in Women, I shall conclude with this, that I correct all Vices of the Matrix, and refresh all the weak Faculties of the Body, by this means rendering a Woman capable of Conception, that before was Barren. Those that are not able to come to me, let them but sand their Urine, and on sight thereof, I will resolve them what their Distemper is, and if curable will perform it at a reasonable rate, but if not curable, will plainly and honestly tell them, that they may not be defrauded by others. If any Persons troubled with Distempers, whether through weakness, or that the nature of the Distemper requires a close Confinement to their Chambers, if desired they may be lodged at my House, and accommodated with all things necessary at a reasonable Rate. My Hours are from Eight in the Morning till Twelve at Noon, and from Two till Nine at Night.