royal blazon or coat of arms HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT BY THE KING: A PROCLAMATION. JAMES R. WHEREAS We have by a former Proclamation of the eight and twentieth day of February last, for the Reasons therein set forth, Declared and Ordained amongst other things, that Corn and Meal should be sold to such persons as should be Employed by us to make Stores and magazines for the use of Our Army, at the several Rates therein expressed; believing, that by lessening the Price of Corn and Meal to be Bought for Our Stores, the Rate thereof should abate between Our Subjects. And whereas We have since received Information, that the Farmers and others, Owners of such Corn and Meal, have rather taken Occasion from Our said Proclamation, to raise the Price thereof far higher than ever it was before, which may be of very evil consequence, if not speedily prevented: For remedy whereof, We have thought fit, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Declare and Ordain, that all Corn and Meal be sold for the future in all Markets, and other Places, to all Our Loving Subjects who shall have occasion to Buy the same, at no higher Price than the Rates following; that is to say, Five and twenty shillings the Barrel of the best Wheat, Three and twenty shillings the Barrel of ordinary Wheat, Eighteen shillings the Barrel of Meslin, Fourteen shillings the Barrel of the best bear, Thirteen shillings the Barrel of ordinary bear, Fourtéen shillings the Barrel of good Barley, in the Counties of Dublin, City of Dublin, Meath, Westmeath, Wicklow and Kildare; And seventeen shillings the Barrel of the best wheat, fifteen shillings the Barrel of ordinary wheat, thirteen shillings the Barrel of the best bear, twelve shillings the Barrel of ordinary bear, thirteén shillings the Barrel of good Barley, and fourteen shillings the Barrel of good Oatmeal in all other parts of the Kingdom, the said Barrel to be Bristol measure. And in case the said Farmers, Husbandmen and others that have such Corn or Meal to sell, shall Refuse to sell the same to any of Our People at the Rates aforesaid; We do hereby strictly charge and Command Our Respective Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants and Sherriffs of Our Counties of this Our Kingdom, that they and every of them do immediately compel the said Farmers, Husbandmen and others within their Respective Counties, to Thrash and Prepare their said Corn and Meal, and to sell the same, or such Proportion thereof as shall be thought necessary, at the Respective Rates aforesaid; In which case Our said Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants and Sherriffs are to take special care that the said Farmers, Husbandmen and others having such Corn or Meal be permitted to keep a sufficient Proportion thereof for the subsistence of them and their Families, with sufficient Quantity of Barley for Tillage. Given at Our Court at Dublin-Castle the 25th Day of March 1690. And in the Sixth Year of Our Reign. GOD SAVE THE KING. DUBLIN, Printed for Alderman James Malone Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; and are to sold at his shop in Skinnerrow. And by Andrew Crook on Ormond-key 1689.