〈…〉 ye MAINTIENDRAY HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon surmounted by a crown and flanked by the English lion and Tudor rose on one side and the Scottish unicorn and thistle on the other BY THE Lords-Justices of IRELAND. A PROCLAMAITON CHARLES PORTER THO. CONINGESBY, THeir Majesties Army being now ordered into their Winter-Quarters in several parts of this Kingdom, to the end the Officers and Soldiers may be regularly and indifferently Quartered, with the least inconvenience and partiality that is possible and that the Country may be preserved from Rapine and Violence, and the Army provided with necessary Subsistence at reasonable Rates. We do hereby Order, Publish and declare that the Quarters of all Officers and Soldiers, appointed to be in any County of this Kingdom, shall be settled and applotted by the colonel or Commander in Chief of such Regiment as shall be assigned to Quarter in such County the governor of the said County or his Deputy or Deputies, in his absence and the high Sheriff, And that no Officer or Soldier shall be Quartered in any other place then such as shall be appointed for them as aforesaid, and that all and every their Majesties Subjects, in the said Counties respectively, shall provide diet for all such Officers and Soldiers as shall be Quartered upon them at the Rates and Prices hereunto Annexed, and shall provide all other provisions, the particulars whereof are in the Annexed List set down at the several Rates and Prices therein mentioned and expressed for which diet and other things so to be provided for them the said Soldiers shall pay at the end of every Week in case they are paid their Subsistence money, or if the same shall not be paid them, then the Officer or Commander in Chief of such Officer or Soldier are hereby required, at the end of every Week to sign such Bills, acknowledging what Provisions and diet such Officer and Soldier have had according to the Rates aforesaid, and upon producing such Bills so signed at the Office of the Commissioners of Accounts in Dublin, effectual care shall be taken for the satisfaction thereof. And to prevent abuses which have been heretofore committed by some Officers and Soldiers in requiring more Hay and Oats then is necessary for their Horses, and making sale thereof, to others thereby oppressing and impoverishing the Country. We do hereby Order Publish and declare that no Person upon whom such Officers and Soldiers shall be Quartered shall be obliged to furnish any one Trooper or Dragoon more then after the quantity of Twenty pound of Hay and sufficient Straw for litter, and out perk of Oats for one day and so in proportion for a longer time, and where a magazine is laid in by the King, of Hay and Oats, and Horse Quartered in that Garrison, they shall take all their forage from the said Stores and if Quartered in the Neighbourhood at any convenient distance, the country shall find them carriage for their Oats from the Stores to their Quarters, and of Hay too if the distance is not too unreasonable to expect it or it can't be done but with prejudice to the Hay, Whereof all Officers Soldiers and others whom it may concern are to take notice and to give all due obedience and observance to these Our Orders and Directions and to take care that they live peaceably, quietly, and inoffencively in their Quarters, without doing any wrong or violence to the Inhabitants, either in their body or goods as they will answer the contrary at their Peril. Given at their Majesties Castle of Dublin the 7th day of November. 1691. Rates of Provisions to be delivered to the Officers and Soldiers where not dieted by their Landlords. WHeat per Barrel containing 128 quarts Winchester measure at 00 13 00 Oats Ditto measure per Barrel 00 04 00 Juvenal per quart 00 00 01 Mutton per pound 00 00 01 ½ Beef per pound 00 00 01 ¼ New-milk Cheese per pound 00 00 02 ½ Scum-milk Cheese per pound 00 00 01 ½ Butter per pound 00 00 03 ¼ Strong Beer per quart in the Quarters 00 00 02 And if sent above ten miles 00 00 03 Brandy per quart 00 02 00 Good Waters per quart 00 01 03 Sweet Milk per quart 00 00 00 ½ Hay per hundred 00 01 00 When they shall be dieted by their Landlords the diet shall be one hot meal a day and Bread and Cheese morning and night. For a Trumpet and Corporal of Horse for his one diet per week 00 03 06 A Trooper 00 03 00 DRAGOONS For a Non-Comission'd Officer 00 03 00 For a private Dragoon 00 02 06 FOOT For a Non-Comission'd Officer 00 02 00 For a common Soldier 00 01 06 When they are not thus dieted by their Landlords they must be allowed Fire, Smallbeer, Salt and sour. By the Lords-Justices Command. Geo: clerk, GOD Save the KING and QUEEN, Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin took. Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties Printing-House on Ormonde-Key.