monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on' M' (Mary) RR royal blazon surmounted by a crown and flanked by the English lion on one side and the Scottish unicorn on the other 〈◇〉 ●OIT QV● 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 ye MEINTIENDRAY BY THE LORDS-JUSTICES of IRELAND, A PROCLAMATION. CHARLES PORTER, THO: CONINGESBY. WHereas several of the Irish, whose Dwellings are near the Frontiers, have made very ill use of that Favour and Protection which Their Majesties have shown them, and taking Advantage from the place where they live, they have held Correspondence with the Rebels, and frequently Harboured them in their Houses, whereby great Violences and Depredations have been committed upon Their Majesties good Subjects, contrary to the Duty and Allegiance they owe Them: Yet so it has happened, that tho' the Fact be evident, the Persons are not discovered: For preventing therefore the same for the Future, We have thought fit to Order and Declare, That all the Line and Frontier of the Quarters now under Their Majesties Obedience and Protection, is and shall be esteemed and taken to be the Cities, Towns, Castles, Forts, Rivers and Places under this Our Proclamation particularly mentioned and expressed. And that all Persons who have formerly had Their Majesties Protection, and now live quietly and peaceably in pursuance of the same, within or upon the said Line, shall still be protected and defended; And that all such as now dwell between the said Line and Shannon, shall also be protected and defended. Provided that within Twenty days after the publishing hereof, They come themselves with their Stocks and Families within the said Line, and render themselves to the Governor or Officer in Chief of the next Garrison upon the said Frontiers, whom We do hereby Authorize to grant Protections to the same. Provided also that They with their said Stocks and Families, shall go Ten Miles within Our Quarters from the said Line, and take the Oath of Allegiance to Their Majesties, which we do hereby empower the Governors of the respective Garrisons upon the Frontiers to Administer to all Persons that shall come in as aforesaid. And We do strictly Charge and Command all Officers and Soldiers, and all other Their Majesties Subjects, that they do not in the least molest or trouble any of them, who shall be so protected, neither in their persons, Goods or Estates, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost peril; and what Persons soever after the Thirteenth day of March next, shall be found between the said Line and the Shannon,( except such Protestants as have strong Houses without the said Line, which they have and shall take upon them to defend against the Enemy) shall be put out of Their Majesties protection, and be treated as Spies and Enemies to Their Government. Given at the Castle of Dublin, this 21st day of February, in the Third Year of Their Majesties Reign. The Frontier Line mentioned in the Proclamation. CASTLE-HAVEN. Kilmac Cabe. Drinagh. Dunmanaway. Castletown. Kilmony. MACROMP. Aghabulloge. Kilclah. Temple mitchel. mourn. MALLOW. Ballynagooly, BALLYHOOLY. FERMOY-BRIDGE. Lismore. CAPPERQUIN. Ballybeacon. Castlegrace. Ardmain. CAHIR. Knockgrassard. GOLDING-BRIDGE. CASHELL. Ardmayl. Holycross, THURLES. Loghmoe. Templemore. Clonckany. ROSCREA. Ballybritt. Ballymonyne. BIRR. Eglish. Kilcormu●k. Ballyboy. Gallis. Scregan. Clonmore. Phillipstown. Clonnerell. Tyrrells pass. Newcastle. Kilbride. Katlinstown, MOLLINGHAR. Cullonmore, Collun Murray. Foxhall, Ardak. Leny. Ballincloe. Mastrim. Newtown. LONGFORD. CASTLEFORBUS. Drumvile. Granard. FINA. Drumlomon. Ballintemple. Lismore. Kilmore. CAVAN Cavan. Buttlerage Bridge. BELTURBATT. Watelbridge. Newtownbridge. Linaskea. Lismila. Castle coat. ENISKILLING. Ballycassedy. Newportstown. Lisnagarve. Crevenisk. Turmon Castle. Rossebeg. BELLEEK. BALLYSHANNON. GEO: clerk. Dublin, printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Took, Printer to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties on Ormonde-Key.