TO THE Called of God, Who believes in the Light of the LAMB, To be read in their Assemblies in the Pure Dread of the Lord. Dear Children and people of the eternal God, who have known the working of his mighty power, and have been exercised in the operations of his Eternal Spirit, whereby he hath begotten your minds out of the world, in a great measure, and hath brought you into a feeling of his eternal presence, which filleth heaven and earth, wherein is the Joy unspeakable unto them that are reconciled to God by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Immortal Word: Friends, you unto me are exceeding precious, and my desires and breathe to the Lord for you, are exceeding strong, that ye may be preserved in the sense and feeling of the power of an endless life, and that you may be all kept in the true faith and obedience of the truth, which lives for ever; all minding to answer its requirings in every particular, and waiting to feel its springings arising in you, whereby you may feel it quickening you up to God, that so your faith, and trust, and confidence may only stand in him, who is able to deliver: For Friends this know, the Lord will assuredly try you to the uttermost, and you must come through the fire which will consume your enemies: Therefore dear Babes be steadfast in the Lord according as he hath made manifest himself unto you, and wait and watch in that measure of his life in you, which only is able to keep your minds and hearts out of the earth, and the things thereof, and as ye singly wait upon the Lord, you will feel the growth of that birth in you, which is not of this world, which can endure the fire; Oh my Friends wait to feel your growth and translation into this birth, which doth the will of the Father naturally, this is the seed unto which the promises are, this is the Elect which obtains, and cannot be deceived, this is the heir of the Kingdom without end; this will God Crown with victory, when the measure of its sufferings is fulfilled; this seed must work through all its enemies, and work them under its feet; Oh wait in the eternal power to feel and witness it in the particular, and be patiented till God bring forth his work outwardly; Look not out, neither be dismayed at the strange transactions of the times, but look to the Lord, who only can save by what means he pleaseth, and let the Lord alone to appear as he pleaseth; only be you watchful, that when he appears, you may be ready for his appearance, and watch in the Light which will give you clearly to see his appearance, and what he requires of you; that so living obedience unto him may be yielded: Oh Friends, Take heed that the things of this world draw not away any of your hearts: Remember it is them that are redeemed from the earth, that must reign in, and with the Lamb upon the earth: Take heed that your love stands not in any thing, or things that is of this world; for the trial will be great unto such: Dear hearts, I know that some of you have suffered the loss of much for his name sake already; oh faint not, neither be weary for all your sufferings are known unto the Lord; and he will not always so try you; but he will sufficiently recompense you, if ye abide to the end: Therefore watch unto prayer, and pray in the Spirit, as it moves you thereunto, that you may be kept through faith unto the end of the trial, and that you may be prepared and made fit for the deliverance, which must come by an outstretched Arm; and when you are tried deeply, either in prisons or otherwise, oh Friends murmur not, but feel the Lords strength to support you, that you may not bow to the enemy, in any wise, whose day is but short, and therefore he is wroth and rages; for such as bows to any thing, but the Name of our King, verily their torment and perplexity will be exceeding miserable, when the Lord shall deliver his chosen, who kept their integrity, and loved not their estates, nor lives, but gave up all for his name sake: Therefore dear Friends harken you to the voice of the Lord, and keep you to the leadings of his eternal Spirit, and let his Dread fill your hearts. And you that feel but little sufferings and trials, take heed of a wrong security, and of a false ease and liberty, lest the day of the Lord come upon you at unawares, and a violent storm unlooked for; and you that are in deep sufferings and trials, be not you cast down, but know that the trial of your faith is exceeding precious, and if you keep your minds stayed upon the Lord, then will you learn much in such a time, and you will feel the presence of God, and the virtue of his power, inwardly refreshing you, and will feel the power of his Majesty giving you Authority suitable to the condition you are in: So as all Friends are kept in that which gives you the sense and feeling of your conditions, that principle of life will work your minds and hearts into contentedness with the will of God, which is your sanctification; So let the bond of peace be minded in all things, for it is comely amongst Brethren. And now the God of Life and endless virtue and power watch over you, and minister unto every one of you, that which is suitable to your present conditions, and the Lord God Almighty preserve and keep you low, humble, meek, tender, innocent, upright, faithful and valiant, (out of the snares of the enemy) and give you peace in all your trials; and let the patience of his Lamb be increased in you, that you may stand unmoveable upon the Rock of ages, and retain the Life which quickens in your understandings: And the Lord God open and keep open your discern, that by no means the subtlety may beguile the simplicity in this the day of trial: Eternal Father unto thee I commend all thy flock, that thou Father may fill them with wisdom, strength and courage, that to thy glory they may be preserved in their several places and measures; to whom be dominion and glory everlasting for thy endless riches, for thou Lord art worthy to reign over all; Even so come Lord God and take thy Kingdom. I the prisoner for the Lord salutes all you, who loves the appearance of Christ, in that love which abides for ever. George Fox the younger. Lambeth house the 14th of the 5th month, 1660. SUrely it was thee O Lord, that gave bounds unto the Sea, that the floods thereof could not overwhelm thy chosen, thou canst let forth the winds and suffer a storm, and thou canst make a calm when thou pleasest, have thou the glory of all, Thou King of Saints, thou Saviour of Israel, thou canst do whatsoever thou pleasest; therefore will we trust in thy name, neither will we fear what man can do unto us, because thou wilt not forsake us, but thou wilt plead our cause in the sight of our adversaries, and they shall know that thou art our God, who art able to save to the uttermost; o Lord our righteousness, we will praise thy name, for thy mercies endure for ever; our eyes O God are unto thee, for we have no other helper; our faith o Lord standeth in thee, who canst not forget thy people; Thou hast revealed and brought up Jacob, who wrestleth with thee, and prevails as a Prince, therefore must the blessing come; o Lord the Birth, the Birth cryeth unto thee, thine own Elect, which long hath been oppressed; thou canst not deny thyself, therefore have we faith and hope which maketh not ashamed, Oh Lord how unsearchable are thy ways; Thou hast even amazed thy people, with the depth of thy wisdom, thou only wilt have the glory of their deliverance; and therefore hast thou suffered these things to come to pass: o Lord thou art righteous in all thy judgements, only preserve thy people (which thou hast gathered and wilt gather unto thyself) in the day of trial, that so they may sing of thy Power, and magnify thy name in the Land of the Living. G. FOX THE END. London, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660.