A DECLARATION OR ORDINANCE Of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, Concerning the seizing of Horses for his Excellency the Earl of Essex: With a Provision that this Ordinance shall not extend to the seizing or taking of any Horses, Mares or Geldings of any the Members of both Hous●s of Parliament, or any of the Assistants of the House of PEERS. Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and published. Jo: Brown clear. Parl. Hen: elsing clear. Parl D. come. Also, An ORDER of the Commons House in Parliament concerning Coals, That they shall be sold at 20. shillings the cauldron, or 23. S. at the most: And that the said Coals be not sold to any Woodmonger, Chandler, or others, who sell the same again; but unto the poor, and unto House-keepers, and those of the meaner sort, not sparing to any one person above the quantity of one cauldron. Ordered by the Commons House Assembled in Parliament, That this Order be forthwith Printed and published. Henry elsing clear. Parl. D. come. London, Printed for Edward Husbands June 10. 1643. Die Mercurii, 7. Junii; 1643. WHereas there is an Ordinance of Parliament passed, bearing date the Tenth day of this instant May, concerning the taking of horses for the service of the Parliament▪ It is further Ordered, and Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, as well in pursuance of the said Ordinance, as by way of addition, That his Excellencies occasions may be served, and yet with the greatest ease to the Counties as may be; That the Deputy-Lieutenants, or the Committees for the Propositions, or any two of them, within the several Counties, when the Lord general shall require so many Horses out of any County, shall immediately leavy such a number upon every Division and Hundred, as in a proportion the several parts will afford; And shall cause the Horses so proportioned, to be delivered accordingly. And in case the said Deputy-Lieutenants, or Committees, shall not execute according to the said Ordinance, and deliver such Horses as are fit for service, nor in such time as the Lord general shall direct; Or that the Lord general shall find, by reason of some great exigency, that the said circumstances cannot be observed without danger to the Army, and insert the same in his Warrant, Then such Officers as his excellency shall appoint, shall raise and take such number of Horses as are required by his excellency, within the places appointed, rendering an account to his excellency for the same, having regard always of those persons that having expressed their good Affections by contributing upon the Propositions, and submitting to the Orders and Ordinances of Parliament; And in case that upon any exigency the Horses of such persons as have expressed their Affections to the Parliament as aforesaid, shall be taken, That their Horses shall be valued by the Constables, and certified to the Commissary in London, for valuing of Horses, Arms, &c. And the parties repaid for them upon the public Faith. Provided always, That this Ordinance shall not extend to the feizing or taking any Horses, Mares, or Geldings of any the Members of either of the Houses of Parliament, or of any Peer, or of any of the Assistants of the House of Peers. Joh. Brown, clear. Parliament. H: elsing, clear. Parl. D. come. Die Jovis, 8. Junii, 1643. WHereas by an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, dated the 14. day of january, 1642. All persons are prohibited to fetch Coals at Newcastle, Sunderland, and blithe, upon pain of the forfeiture of their Ships and coals, notwithstanding which Ordinance, some pretending ignorance, others that in their voyage for Scotland they were forced in by foul weather, have presumed to lad coals at the aforesaid places; The consideration of whose several cases, the Commons house of Parliament having referred to this Committee of the Navy, whose want of time to examine the truth of the said Allegations have in favour to the several persons offending in this kind taken bond of the Masters and owners of the Ships and coals, with condition that they should be responsal to the Parliament, for the true value of their Ships and coals, when they should be thereunto required, and not to sell their coals above the rate appointed by the said Ordinance, notwithstanding which care of the said Committee: It is informed that the said Masters and owners taking advantage of the times, and coveting excessive gains have sold their coals at far greater prizes; For avoiding which abuse in time to come. It is Ordered that the Lord mayor of London for the time being, be desired to appoint Officers of ●●ust who be commanded to attend on board the Ships, and take care that the said several Masters& owners, who shall upon Bond given to this Committee, have leave to sell off their Coals, receiving for a cauldron of Coals the sum of 20 s. and not above 23 s. And that the said Coals be not sold to any Woodmonger, Chandler, or others who sell the same again, but unto the poor, and unto House-keepers, and those of the meaner sort, not sparing to any one person above the quantity of one cauldron. And it is further Ordered, that Mr. Salomon Smith, Marshall of the Admiralty, do not permit any Master or owner to sell their said Coals, but in the presence of some persons deputed by the Lord mayor of London, under his Lordships hand in writing, to see the due execution of this Order. Provided that it shall be lawful for the Overseers of the Poor of any Parish within the Cities of London and Suburbs thereof, to make provisions of Coal for the use of the Poor of such Parishes against the Winter, in some such indifferent proportion as shall be thought fit by the Lord mayor of the said city for the time being, signified under his hand in writing. The same Order and rule to be observed in all other Ports where Newcastle Coals are imported to be sold to the Poor, by the direction and oversight of the chief Officers of the said Ports. This Order being this day presented from the Committee of the navy to the House of Commons, it was approved of, and assented unto, and Ordered to be printed, and sent unto the Lord mayor. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this Order concerning Coals be forthwith printed and published: Henry elsing. clear. Parl. D. come. FINIS.