A Song in the last new Comedy called the Marriage Hater matched. Set by Mr. Tho. Tollet. and sung by Mrs. Butler Bonny Lad prithee lay thy pipe down, tho blithe are thy Notes, they have now no power, whilst my Ioy my dear Peggey is gon and Wedded quiter from me will love no more; my good friends that do ken my grief, with Songs and stories a cure could find: but Alas they bring no relief, for Peggey still runs in my mind. When I Visit the park or the play, They awe without Peggey a desert seem; She's before my Eyes awe the day, And awe the night long too she haunts my dream; Some times fancying a heaven of charms, I waked and robbed of my dear delight; Find she lig's in anothers Arms, Ha! then 'tis she kills me out right,