arms of Charles II C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the better Discovery of Seditious libelers. CHARLES R. WHereas divers malicious and disaffected persons do daily device and publish, as well by Writing, as Printing, sundry false, infamous, and scandalous libels, endeavouring thereby, not only to traduce and reproach the Ecclesiastical and Temporal Government of this Kingdom, and the public Ministers of the same, but also to stir up and dispose the minds of His Majesties Subjects to Sedition and Rebellion; For the discovery of such wicked Offenders, and to the intent that they may receive the severest Punishments which by the Laws of this Kingdom may be inflicted upon them, His Majesty( with the advice of His Privy Council) doth by this His Royal Proclamation Publish and Declare, That if any person or persons shall discover and make known to either of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State, or to any Iustice of Peace, the person or persons to whom any such libel, at any time since the last Act of General Pardon, hath been, or shall hereafter be brought, and by him or them received, in order to Print or transcribe the same; Or the Place where such libel shall be printing or transcribing, whereby the same shall happen to be seized; Or the person or persons by whom any such libel at any time since the said Act hath been, or shall hereafter be printed or transcribed; Or shall discover and make known to either of the said Principal Secretaries, or to any Iustice of Peace, any private Printing-Press kept and used for imprinting unlicensed Pamphlets or Books by any person or persons whatsoever; He or they making every such discovery, shall have and receive, as a reward from His Majesty, the sum of Twenty pounds. And His Majesty doth further hereby Publish and Declare, That if any person or persons shall discover and make known to either of the said Principal Secretaries, or to a Iustice of the Peace, the Author of any such libel, which at any time since the said Act of General Pardon hath been, or shall hereafter be devised and made; Or the persons or person who at any time since the said Act have, or hath handed or brought, or shall hereafter hand or bring any such libel to the Press, or to any person or persons in order to print the same; He or they making such discovery, shall receive and have from His Majesty, the sum of Fifty pounds: And to the end that the person or persons making such discovery, may without any charge or attendance, immediately after the same made, receive the respective rewards hereby proposed, His Majesty doth by this His Royal Proclamation require the Lord High Treasurer of England, or the Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, that he or they do satisfy and pay the said respective sums to the person or persons making such discovery, without any delay or abatement whatsoever. And His Majesty doth hereby strictly charge and command all and every His Iustices of the Peace, to whom such discovery shall be made, that he or they with all possible speed do give notice thereof to His Majesty, or to one of His said Principal Secretaries, to the end that the said libels may be suppressed, and the parties offending may be effectually prosecuted. Given at Our Court at Whitehall this Seventh day of January 1675. In the Seven and twentieth year of Our Reign. God save the King. LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1675.