C R dieu ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon surmounted by a crown and flanked by the English lion and Tudor rose on one side and the Scottish unicorn and thistle on the other ¶ By the King. ❧ A Proclamation touching the Corporation of Sope-makers of London. WHereas the Kings most Excellent majesty for the better prevention and reformation of such falsities and deceits, as might be attempted and practised in the making of soap within the kingdom; And for the regulation of that Trade( so much concerning the public) in a just and orderly way, Did by Letters Patents under the great Seal of England, bearing date the two and twentieth day of May last,( with the advice of His privy council) incorporate Edward Bromfield, then Lord Maior of the city of London, and divers other persons, Sope-makers of that city, by the name of governor, Assistants, and Cominalty of the Society of Sope-makers of London; And hath thereby granted to them and their successors, power and privilege to make and sell all manner of soap, and to make search and seizure in all places within the Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, Port and Town of Barwick, as well by land as by water, of all such soap as shall be corruptly or unduly made, with Inhibition to all other persons whatsoever, to use or exercise the Art or Mystery of Sope-making, unless they shall be made free of, and allowed by the said Society. And that His Majesties Subjects might not receive damage in the goodness or prices of soap; His majesty by an Indenture of the same date made between His Majesty and the said Company, hath provided, That good and merchantable soap of several sorts, such as was heretofore generally used and well-liked of, shall be made by this Society, sufficient for the use and expense of the kingdom, and by them sold at moderate prices ( viz.) the soap made with Whale-oyle, and other merchantable oil and Materials, at three pence halfpenny the pound, and the soap made with Oyl-Olive, Rape oil, and other Materials being of the best Crown-Sope, at four pence halfpenny the pound, by the barrel, half barrel, Firkin, or half Firkin, and not above, nor at any greater rates or valves. To the intent therefore, That all His Majesties loving Subjects may take notice of His Majesties Princely care in the ordering of the making and vending of soap in such a way, as may be without deceit to His Majesties people; His majesty doth hereby straightly charge and command, that no person or persons, of what quality or condition soever, other then such as are or shall be free of, or allowed by the said society, do from henceforth presume to use or exercise the Art or Mystery of Sope-making, or to make any manner of soap whatsoever, to sell or put to sale within the Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Barwick, or to make, prepare, or draw, or suffer to be made, prepared, or drawn within their private houses, or in any other place or places whatsoever, any Lees for the making of any kind of soap whatsoever to be put to sale, nor buy, utter, or put to sale any soap, but such as shall be made under the rule, government or allowance of the said society, upon pain to forfeit to His majesty the same soap and Lees, so made, drawn, bought, or sold, in whose hands soever they shall be found, and also under pain of His Majesties high displeasure, and such punishments as shall be thought meet to be inflicted in that behalf. And His majesty doth hereby straightly charge and command, that no person or persons, His Majesties natural born Subjects, Denizens, or Strangers, Merchants, Artificers, or others whatsoever, do hereafter import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought into the realm of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Barwick, from His Majesties kingdoms of Scotland or Ireland, or from any foreign parts beyond the seas, any hard soap, or soft soap, or other sort of soap whatsoever, to be used, sold or put to sale here; upon pain of forfeiture to His majesty of all such soap so to be imported, and such further penalties and punishments as shall be meet to be inflicted upon the contemners of his royal command. And His majesty doth hereby declare His royal will and pleasure to be, and doth straightly charge and command that no person or persons whatsoever, either His Majesties natural born Subjects, Denizens, or Strangers, Merchants, Artificers, or any others, do hereafter import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought from any foreign parts beyond the seas, any Potashes into any Port, Creek or place within the realm of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Barwick, but only into the Port of London, there to be sold by the importers thereof to the said society of Sopemakers of London, and to none other person or persons whatsoever, except the Importers or such as they shall sell them unto, shall give good caution to His Majesties Customers to export and vend the same in foreign parts beyond the seas; Saving always that if any ship shall arrive at the Port of Hull( from whence there is much Trade to the East countreys) being laden as well with other merchandises as with Potashes, it may be lawful to land the Potashes there, leaving them deposited in His Majesties Storehouse, until they may be shipped for London, or for foreign parts in some other ship. And His majesty doth likewise declare His royal will and pleasure to be, That no Potashes whatsoever, made or to be made, within the realm of England, or dominion of Wales, shall be sold or disposed of to any person or persons whatsoever, but to the said society, except the makers thereof, or such as they shall sell or dispose the same unto, shall give caution to His Majesties said Customers for the exportation and vending the same beyond the seas; upon pain of forfeiture of all such Potashes as shall be imported, sold or disposed of contrary to His Majesties royal command herein declared, and upon such further punishments and penalties as shall be meet to be inflicted upon the offenders herein. And to the end also that the soap made by the said Company, may not be sold by retail or in gross, from the places where the same is or shall be made, at any excessive prices, but at such indifferent and moderate rates, as may be convenient betwixt the buyer and seller; His Majesties will and pleasure is, and he doth hereby straightly charge and command, that the mayor, bailiff or other chief Officer in every city, burrow, and town corporate within his said realm and dominion, with the assistance of two of the next Iustices of the Peace of that County, or the two next adjoining Iustices of the Peace where the retailers or sellers of such soap shall dwell out of any city or town Corporate, or where such soap shall be sold, upon any complaint that shall be made of any excessive prices, do limit and set such rates upon all soap that shall be either retailed or sold in gross, from the places where the same was or shall be made, as they in their judgements shall think reasonable, consideration being by them had as well of the settled prices paid to the said society, as of the charges of tarriage, sea adventure, and other charges and casualties thereunto belonging, with fit and competent gains to the seller. And for the better performance and execution of His Majesties pleasure touching the premises, His majesty doth hereby authorize, require and command the said governor, assistants, and commonalty of the Society of Sope-makers of London, that from time to time by themselves or by their agents, officers, and servants, they cause diligent search and enquiry to be made in all or any place or places whatsoever, as well within Liberties as without, for all or any soap of what kind soever, that is, hath, or shall be made, sold, or vented, as also for all or any Lees made, prepared or drawn, or which shall be made, prepared, or drawn by any person or persons whatsoever, not under the rule and government of the said society, or by licence or allowance of the same; And also for all or any Potashes imported or sold, contrary to His Majesties pleasure herein declared; And all such soap which shall be so made, and all Lees and other Materials( as Oil, Tallow, and Potashes prepared for the making of such soap) And all Potashes which shall be imported, put to sale, or disposed of, contrary to the tenor hereof, to take, seize and carry away to His Majesties use. And for the better discovery of all the said offences and offenders therein, His majesty doth hereby authorize the said governor, assistants, and commonalty of the said society, and their deputies, officers, ministers, and servants, with the assistance of a Constable, or any other lawful officer, to enter into any houses, cellars, shops, or other places whatsoever, and also into any ships, barks, or other vessels, and there to search for, seize, take and carry away all such soap as shall be found to have been unduly made by any person or persons not being under the rule, government or allowance of the said society; And all Lees, oil, Tallow, Potashes, and other Materials, drawn or prepared for the making of soap, and all Potashes, either foreign or home made, imported, put to sale, or disposed of contrary to His Majesties pleasure herein declared. And His majesty doth hereby straightly charge and command, that all fats, tyrants, and vessels, made, erected or set up, or that shall be made, set up, or employed for the making or boiling of soap, And all tubs, tyrants, cisterns, and other vessels for drawing or preparing of Lees, contrary to His Majesties Letters Patents granted to the said Company, and His royal pleasure herein expressed, shall by the said society of Sope-makers of London, their deputies or assigns( whom His majesty doth in that behalf hereby authorize) by and with the assistance of a Constable or other lawful officer, be pulled up, defaced, and made unserviceable; And that the persons offending therein be further proceeded against, and punished as shall be meet for such their contempts. And His Majesty doth further straitly charge and command, that no person or persons whatsoever do at any time hereafter presume to withstand or oppose the said Companies Searchers or their deputies, Agents or Servants in searching for soap corruptly, or unduly made or imported, or for Potashes imported, or put to sale contrary to the tenor hereof, or for, or in seizing or taking away thereof, or of any Lees, oil, Tallow, Potashes, or other Materials prepared for the making of such soap, or in the custody of undue makers of soap, or undue sellers of Potashes, or in the defacing of Fats, Pans, or Vessels erected or to be erected or used contrary to His Majesties said Letters Patents, or otherwise in the due execution of their said Office. And His Majesties will and pleasure is, and He doth hereby charge and command all and singular the Officers of His customs within all and every the Ports and Havens of His said kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and Town of Barwick, and the Creeks and members thereof, And also within His Majesties Cinque Ports, and the members thereof, That they and every of them do not onely forbear to take any Entry or Entries, or give any Bill or Warrant for unlading or lading of any soap prohibited as aforesaid, either by the name of soap, or by or under any other name or title whatsoever, or of any Potashes which shall be imported contrary to the tenor hereof, but do also cause seizure and stay to be made thereof to His Majesties use, and within ten dayes after such seizure and stay so made, to give notice of the same from time to time to the governor of the said Society, or his deputy for the time being, and afterwards upon demand to make delivery thereof to the said governor or his deputy for the time being, or to their assigns, upon pain of His Majesties high displeasure, and such other punishments, as their contempts, or neglects herein shall be found to deserve. And whereas divers persons of mean and needy condition are employed in the making of soap, and drawing of Lees, by persons of better ability and estate, not under the rule and government of the said society, His majesty doth therefore hereby further declare, That the Owners, Lessees, and Inhabitants of all and every such house and houses, wherein any such soap shall be made, or Lees drawn or prepared by any person or persons whatsoever, not by, and under the rule and government of the said society, as well as the Owners of such soap and Lees, and such as by, or with their moneys, stock, materials, or otherwise, employ or set them to work, shall be proceeded against as contemners of His Majesties royal commands. And whereas His majesty did heretofore Incorporate divers persons into one body politic by the name of governor, Assistants, and Fellows of the society of Sopers of Westminster, and did enable them with sundry powers and privileges, for the making and vending of soap within the Realm, Which Grant( being afterwards strengthened, as well with sundry His Majesties Proclamations, as by Decrees and Orders of His high Court of Star-Chamber and otherwise) the said society of Sopers, have sithence resigned and surrendered up into His Majesties hands, who hath canceled and vacated the same; And His Majesties pleasure is, that all His Subjects should take knowledge thereof, And that all Proclamations, Orders, and Decrees touching the said late society of Sopers of Westminster, are no longer to be in force, or put in execution, but are by His majesty repealed and determined, and hereby declared so to be to all intents and purposes whatsoever. And His majesty doth likewise straightly charge and command all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffs, bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, Tithingmen, and all other His Majesties Officers and Ministers, and also His Majesties Officers, and Ministers of His Court of Admiralty, and Cinque Ports, and all others to whom it shall appertain, that they and every of them at all times hereafter, and from time to time without excuse or delay, be aiding and assisting to the said Society of Sope-makers of London, their Searchers and Deputies, and to all His Majesties Customers, Waiters, and all other person and persons in the due execution of all or any the premises when they shall be thereunto required, as they will answer to the contrary at their perils. nevertheless, His Majesties will and pleasure is, That neither Sir Richard Weston, Knight, nor the several Sope-makers of bristol, Bridgewater, Exeter, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall, nor any of them respectively shall be restrained or impeached hereby in the making and vending of such sorts and proportions of soap yearly, as they respectively are allowed to make and sell in the particular Counties and places to them respectively assigned. given at the Court at Whitehall, the eight and twentieth day of December, in the thirteenth year of His Majesties reign. ❧ God save the King. ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: And by the assigns of John Bill. 1637.