royal blazon or coat of arms HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King. ❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of corn and grain. WHereas many good laws and Statutes haue been heretofore made and established, prohibiting the Exportation and Transportation of any corn or grain, and Wee in pursuance of them, haue by sundry Our Proclamations prohibited the same, which haue not taken such effect as Wee expected. And having taken into Our Princely consideration, that by reason of the late unseasonable weather, the hopefulnesse of the next ensuing harvest is very much endangered, by which, and by the former Exportations, the Stores of corn for the provision of this kingdom will be much shortened, and the prices in all probability may be much enhanced. And forasmuch as Wee are informed that the scarcity of corn and grain in the Neighbouring kingdoms and parts from whence Our Dominions in times of Dearth or scarcity haue formerly been furnished and stored, is such, as little hope of relief is to be expected or looked for from them: We therefore desiring as much as in us lieth, by Our timely providence, to take speedy care for the prevention of the many inconveniences, which otherwise may happen and ensue, haue thought fit by and with the advice of the Lords and others of Our privy council to declare and publish Our royal Will, Pleasure and Command therein. And Wee do hereby straitly charge, prohibit and command, That no person or persons whatsoever shall, or do, from henceforth attempt, presume, or go about to transport, export, or sand away any corn or grain whatsoever out of this Our realm of England, or Dominion of Wales, or from any the Ports, havens or creeks of the same, into any the parts beyond the Seas, until Our royal pleasure be further declared to the contrary, although the prices of such corn or grain, shall fall out to bee under the Rate limited by the Statute for transportation of corn and grain in that behalf, any former Licence, or other command whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, vpon pain of forfeiture of all such corn and grain so to be Shipped, to bee exported or transported, contrary to Our royal Commandement herein expressed, and also vpon such further pains, Penalties, Punishments and Imprisonments, as by any the laws and Statutes of this Our realm, or by Our Prtrogatiue Royal can or may be inflicted vpon the offenders in this behalf. And for the better Execution of Our will and pleasure herein, Wee do hereby straitly Charge, will, require and Command, All and singular Our Customers, controllers, Collectors, Searchers, waiters, and all other the Officers and Ministers, of all and every Our Custome-houses and Ports of this Our kingdom, that they and every of them do not vpon pain of Our high Indignation and displeasure, and loss of their Places and Offices, permit or suffer any corn or grain to be Shipped, to be Exported, or Transported, as aforesaid, but shall and will forthwith seize the same as forfeited to Vs. And whereas Abraham or Arthur Rutter hath by Counterfeiting of diuers Licences, as Wee are informed, been the cause of the undue Transporting of much corn; Wee do hereby strictly Charge and Command, all and singular Our Officers and Subiects whatsoever, to use all care& diligence for the finding of the said Rutter, and being found to apprehended him, and carry him before the next Iustice of the Peace, whom Wee do hereby will& require to commit him to the Gaole of that County where he shall be apprehended, and thereof speedily to certify us or Our privy council, To the end he may be proceeded against according to his demerits. And Wee do further hereby Will and Command, All Mayors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, and other Officers and Ministers within this Our realm of England, to take notice of this Our royal Command, and to see the same duly observed, as well in the apprehending of the said Rutter, as in the execution of all other the premises, as they tender Our pleasure, and will avoid Our heavy Indignation and displeasure for the contrary. given at Our Court at White Hall, the thirteenth day of june, in the sixth year of Our reign. God save the King. ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: and by the assigns of John Bill. M.DC.XXX.