A staff OF COMFORT TO STAY THE weak from falling, very needful for the afflicted. By RICHARD BERNARD, Preacher of Gods Word, at Batcombe in Somerset-shire. Art thou any way tempted, or troubled? read, beleeue, and rejoice. LONDON, Printed by Felix Kyngston, for John Budge, and are to be sold at his shop, at the South door of St. Pauls Church. 1616. TO THE worshipful HIS Christian good friends, Mr. james Bisse, and Mr. Edward Bisse, Esquires: with his very kind wellwisher, Mr. Robert grove. TO HIS LOVING and assured friends, Master John Bernard, and Mr. Edward Bernard, both of Downeside, loving brethren, constant in unity. All saving graces, all spiritual comforts for souls safety: all corporal welfare, and outward prosperity, for encouragement to all duties of godliness. even so, Amen. worshipful, and Gentlemen( my good friends) comforts, I well know, might seem to be unseasonably offered in a world of security; but that also I am not ignorant, that in a secure world, many sleep not in the cradle of security. There is a righteous Noah, in a world of the ungodly,& a just Lot among the Sodomites, vexed in heart with their unclean conversation. Where many( as one of the Prophets speaketh) eat the Lambs of the flock, and calves of the stalls, faring, as it is said of dives, deliciously every day; there may bee some( like poor Lazarus) lying at their gates begging food, for preservation of life. While some, perhaps, may bee chanting the song, to the sound of the viol, and be singing merrily the tune of worldly contentment: Others, peradventure, may be sad in heart, and set down heavily mourning for their miseries. What if a Gallio relish not religion, nor doth care any thing at al, though Paul be smitten wrongfully; yet must we think, there be such as do not forget, but truly take to heart the affliction of joseph? While some are whole, not needing the Physician, as in their own conceits they foolishly imagine; some other nevertheless may feel their spiritual maladies, yea and groan under their burden, desiring to be eased. Albeit full stomachs tread underfoot the hony comb: yet the hungry soul is glad of the crumbs which fall from the Lords Table. indeed, the carnal libertine, if he may enjoy worldly wealth,& earthly rest, he feeleth no want of spiritual comforts, nor taketh any notice of his spiritual bondage; but a holy Paul, a true convert to God, though he haue outward contentments, yea& inward peace; yet because he cannot do the good he would, but often the evil, which he would not, he crieth out; O miserable man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death! Therefore to those that stand in need of comfort, and desire the words of heavenly refreshment; to those that are troubled in mind, in spirit wounded and in their conscience afflicted: to those that are assaulted by Satan, vexed by ill men, disquieted in their outward estates, crossed in the honest course of their callings, or any ways tempted; to all those, and for their sakes haue I laboured in this work of Comforts, that they may find( if God please) some solace hereby to their poor afflicted spirits. I sand it not to gybing Ismaels, mocking at the children of the promise, but to obedient and faithful Isaacs; not to profane Esaus, but to religious Iacobs: to joseph in prison and bonds, not to his brethren at liberty at home, and vnhumbled: to the oppressed Israelites, and not to oppressing Egyptians. I offer it not to proud and haughty Hamans; but to humble and mournful Mordecayes clothed in sackcloth: to jeremy and Amos the true dealing Prophets, and not to Amaziah and Pashur the flattering Priests: to Abedmelech a godly Courtier, and not to Zibah the sycophant and cousiner: to a constant Ruth, not to a backe-sliding Orpha: to an Hannah, a woman troubled in spirit, pouring out her soul before the Lord,& not to a Peninah, a vexing and upbraiding adversary: not to a Michol mocking her Lord and husband; but to a contemned and despised Leah. In a word, it is to the heavy loaden that I wish refreshment, and to the sorrowful glad tidings, health to the sick, rest to the troubled; soundness of comfort, to the broken in heart, strength to the weak and feeble soul, and full supply of whatsoever is wanting for true ioy to every one of the Lords elected people. Oh( my worshipful, and worthy good friends) I wish the spirit of the Lord God vpon me, to publish powerfully good tidings to the meek, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, the opening of the prison to them that are bound, to declare the acceptable year of the Lord,& to comfort all that mourn: this is my desire, this is the true intendment of this my labour. If God so bless it, how joyful& glad shall I be? and that it may be, I entreat the Lord, to appoint and give unto them that mourn in Sion, beauty for ashes; the ioy of oil, for mourning; the garment of praise, for the spirit of heaviness, that they may bee called the trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord, that he may bee glorified. This mercy I crave also of God for you, and do desire that this my work( which here I present to you) may bee both friendly accepted of, as I offer it for a testimony of my true and hearty affection, and also so diligently perused, as you may reap the joyful fruit thereof,& speak from experience the praises of God; and thus in my best well-wishes, not doubting of a kind acceptance, and your continuance of love, I hearty betake you to the protection and loving mercies of our heavenly Father. Batcombe Decem. 29. Yours in all Christian duties, and services of my calling, RIC. BERNARD. HEAVENLY COMFORTS, AND holy contentments; set out by objections, and answers. Of Religion. objection. There is much talking& strife about that, which men call Religion: but to this day I could never know certainly, what it should be. Answ. It is that, What that is, which we call Religion. which is prescribed in the holy Scriptures, called, the way of the Lord. Act. 18.25. the old way, and good way. jer. 6.16. the path of life, Psal. 16.11. the perfect way, Psa. 101.2. the way of wisdom, Prou. 4.11. the right way, 2. Pet. 2.15. the way of understanding, Prou. 9.6. the way of life, Ierem. 21.8. the way of God, Matth. 22.16. Act. 18.26. the way of salvation, Act. 16.17. the way of truth, 2. Pet. 1.2. and the way of righteousness, 2. Pet. 2.21. This Religion, pure and undefiled before God, and the Father, is also to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction,& to keep ourselves unspotted of the world, Iam. 1.27. object. It may seem by this, that Religion is but one way: and yet there are many religions, that I know not which way to turn me. Answ. There is but one true Religion. Indeed there is but one true religion, as there is but one true God and Father of all, one Lord, one Spirit, one body, one faith, one hope of our vocation, and one baptism, Ephes. 4.5. Therefore turn neither to the right hand, nor to the left, Prou. 4.27. For know, that he which wandereth out of the way of understanding, shall remain in the congregation of the dead, Prou. 21.16. but they that walk in the good way, shall find rest unto their souls. jer. 6.16. object. But so many, though they be of diuers and differing opinions, do challenge to themselves this one Religion, and do so condemn one another, as I,( an ignorant man) cannot tell what to do, or how to know the truth. means to know the truth. Answ. dearly beloved( saith Saint John) beleeue not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, 1. joh. 4.1. despise not prophesying; try all things, and hold that which is good, 1. thessaly. 5.20.21. and then if any man will do the will of God, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God. joh. 7.17. object. Among the professors of that Religion, which some take to bee the best, there are not wanting, errors, sects, and schisms. Answ. There must bee heresies, that they which are approved may be made manifest, 1. Cor. 11.19. for from without shall arise grievous wolves,& enter into Gods Church, not sparing the flock: and from within shall arise up men, speaking perverse things, to draw Disciples after them, Act. 20.29.30. Let not therefore this offend thee; for it must needs be, that offences shall come, Matth. 18.7. object. Me thinks Religion is but a fancy, or a policy; because the most, of what Religion soever, do live, not answerable to their profession, but clean contrary. Answ. do not for this, condemn Religion itself: but consider, that many are called, but few are chosen, Mat. 20.16. That wide also is the gate, and the way broad, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat: because the gate is straight, and the way narrow that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, Mat. 7.13. Christianity is no grievous yoke. object. Nay, the bondage, and burthensomenesse of Religion may seem to bee the cause hereof, which is too heavy for any man to bear. Answ. The law of Christ is a perfect law of liberty, Iam. 1.25. by which he hath made us free, Gal. 5.1. who exhorteth us to take his yoke on us, and we shall find rest unto our souls; for his yoke is easy, and burden light, Mat. 11.29.30. and his Commandements are not grievous, 1. joh. 5.3. object. I was( I may tell you) of that roman faith, spoken of through the world, as Saint Paul speaketh, Rom. 1.8. and 16.19. but now am of this, called the reformed Religion; I fear me, that I haue done much amiss, in forsaking that, which the Apostle hath so commended. Answ. He is happy that forsaketh popery. Thou hast not forsaken that true and ancient catholic faith, taught by Saint Paul, but now dost profess the very same, then taught by the Apostles, as that Same Epistle of Saint Paul, and the rest of the Scripture teach. But this present Romish religion thou hast done well to forsake, therein obeying Christs commandement, showing thyself thereby one of Gods people. revel. 18.4. and saving thyself from that fearful vengeance, and those horrible plagues, which are to bee powred out vpon that Antichristian state. revel. 14.9.10. object. This our Religion hath not so many goodly Ceremonies; nor holy Church ordinances, to keep the people in deuont exercises for the service of God, as that hath. Answ. popery is onely mens precepts. In vain they worship me( saith Iesus Christ) teaching for doctrines mens precepts. Mat. 15.9. They worship they know not what: 2. Cor. 3.17. Heb. 9.14. we know what we worship: the true worshippers worship the Father in spirit, and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth, joh. Ob. But yet this reformed Religion is every where spoken against of many: and this I can say, that men very wise in the world, men of great place, and very learned too, like that Religion,& cannot away with this, but for the present state. Why wise men of the world cannot away with the true spiritual worship of God. Answ. Christianity in the Apostles time, was every where spoken against, Act. 28.22. was it therfore not the Truth? And as for these wise men of the world, liking that, and disliking this spiritual worship of God, marvell not at it. For not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, nor many noble are called. 1. Cor. 1.26. And the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they be spiritually discerned. 1. Cor. 2.14 object. Many among us now adays fall to that Religion. Answ. They are gone out from us, Who they be, that fall to popery from us, and the reasons why. because they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would( no doubt) haue continued with us: but they are gone out, that they might bee made manifest; that they were not at all of us, 1. joh. 2.19. And this is come to pass, because they professing the truth with us, yet received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Wherefore God hath sent them strong delusions, that they should beleeue a lye, 1. thessaly. 2.10.11. And for this cause also, when with us they knew God, they did not glorify him, neither were thankful, they became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened, and by professing themselves wise, they are now become fools, Rom. 1.21.22. object. But that Religion hath been spread mightily abroad, many monarchs of the earth haue with one mind given their power and authority to that See; and kindreds, tongues, and nations, haue worshipped the same. That whereof the Papists do boast, is a mark of the Beast. Answ. This is the power of the beast, Reuelat. 13.7. and of the whore sitting vpon the waters; that is, people, multitudes, nations, and tongues, revel. 17.15. worshipping that beast: whose names are not written in the book of life, of that lamb, which was slain from the beginning of the world, revel. 13.8. object. If this were so, men of wisdom and learning on that side would see it, without all doubt. Answ. I may say with the Prophet: Why it is, that Idolaters cannot see their very damnable and gross idolatry. Stay and wonder; the Lord hath covered them with a spirit of slumber, and shut up their eyes: the Prophets and the chief Seers hath he covered, the vision of them al is become as the words of a book that is sealed up, Esa. 29.9. which cannot bee red, Esa. They know not, they understand not, Deut. 29.4. because he hath shut their eyes that they cannot see, and their hearts that they cannot understand nor consider, Esa. 44.18. and for that Satan worketh with all deceiveableness of unrighteousness in thē that perish, that they might be damned, Many see and know the truth, which yet they will not embrace; but with Scribes and pharisees wilfully resist it. who beleeue not the truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousness, 2. thessaly. 2.10.12. Yea, they seeing, will indeed not see; and hearing, will not understand, because their hearts are hardened. object. Those of that Religion hope to advance again that supreme head( as they call him), and some with us fear that he will prevail, and get dominion over vs. Answ. fear it not, their hope is vain; he is that man of sin now in a consumption. That Antichrist of Rome shall no more prevail to rule over vs. 2. thessaly. 2. his fall is certainly determined. Reu. 14.8. and 18.2. The angel hath sworn by him that liveth for ever& ever. There shall be now no more time for him to increase his strength, and to rise up again. The little book is eaten, the witnesses haue prophesied, revel. and 11.3. The seventh angel hath sounded his trumpet,& so the kingdoms become the Lords, by little and little, Reue. 11.15. The viols haue also a good space since, begun to bee poured out, which are the last plagues of Gods wrath. The Angels that poure them out, come out of the Temple,& so are for the Church,& against the enemies thereof, whose power now they feel,& shal so do now for ever, Reu. 15.& 16. The Lord hath given them blood to drink, for they are worthy, Reu. 16.6. Of the ten horns, some haue begun to hate that whore:& in the time appointed, they shall make her desolate& naked,& shall eat her flesh,& burn her with fire, Reu. 17.16. object. But in the mean space they murder many of Gods Saints. The Saints sufferings comfortable. Answ. Great is yet the Saints comforts: for whosoever will loose his life for Christs sake, shall save it, Luk. 9.24. Mat. 10.39. and 16.15. Mar. 8.35. yea blessed are such, for they die in the Lord, and their works follow them, revel. 14.13. Reu. 16.18. Mat. 24. object. These bee good comforts; yet I read, that before the great overthrow of this romish state,& before Christs coming, there shall be terrible daies; in which mens hearts shal fail them with fear, which may make us greatly to bee dismayed. Answ. Oh, The flock of Christ haue no cause to fear. yet fear not little flock( saith our saviour) it is your Fathers pleasure to give you a kingdom, Luk. 12.32. In patience possess your souls; for there shall not an hair of your head perish, Luk. 21.18. look up therefore and lift up your heads: for even when these things begin to come to pass, the day of your redemption draweth near, Luk. 21.28. object. Many think it an idle thing, to contend and strive about Religion, and to bee so zealous for good things, as some hote spirits be. It is meet to be zealous for Religion. Answ. strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many will seek to enter, and shal not bee able, Luk. 13.24. I follow hard, or press towards the mark( saith the Apostle) Philip. 3.14. who exhorteth to bee fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, Rom. 12.11. And Christ Iesus gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purge us, to bee a peculiar people to himself, zealous of good works: and Saint Iude doth exhort us also to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once delivered unto the Saints, vers. 3. object. There is for all this, small profit in keeping Gods Commandements. Answ. In keeping of them there is great reward, Religion wants not a reward. Prou. 2. 10-12.16.20. and and 4.22. Psalm. 19.11. And godliness is great gain, 1. Tim. 6.6. It is profitable to all things, which hath the promise of this life,& the life to come, 1. Tim. 4.8. object. I haue had now and then a mind, to haue become á diligent reader of the Scriptures, but that again I thought thus: What profit is there in it? It is good to study the Scriptures. Answ. The whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness, 2. Tim. 3.16. It converteth the soul, maketh wise the simplo, rejoiceth the heart, enlighteneth the eyes, Psal. 19.7.8. It is a lantern unto our feet, a light unto our paths, Psal. 119.105. Making absolute and perfect the man of God unto all good works, 2. Tim. 3.17. object. These mere Bible-Clerkes, that haue nothing but Scripture,& such as addict themselves thereunto, making it their chiefest study, are held men unlearned, of weak apprehensions, without understanding and iudgement. Answ. david, Psal. 19.7.& 119.130. Prou. 1.4. The word of God maketh men wise. the King of Israel, a man of war, valiant, and wise, saith: Oh how I love thy Law! it is my meditation all the day, Psa. 119.97. through which he did get understanding, vers. 104. and became wiser then his enemies; and got thereby more understanding then his teachers, and the ancient, vers. 98.99.110. a good understanding haue they, that do thereafter, Psa. 111.10. It is the wisdom and understanding of Gods people; and for their knowledge& obedience to this, they are accounted an understanding and wise nation, Deut. 4.6. object. But the study of this maketh men to err, to become schismatics, and heretics, and unquiet persons in the State. Ignorance of the Scripture causeth error. Answ. It is a sure word, to which while wee attend, wee do well, 2. Pet. 1.19. and men err, not knowing the Scriptures, Mat. 22.29. Psal. 95.10. object. Many yet that read the Scriptures, do run into by-paths. Who they be, that run into by-paths, and why. Answ. The unlearned, and unstable, do wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction, 2. Pet. 3.16. because to some it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, and not to other some, Mat. 13.11. to whom God giveth not eyes to see, nor hearts to perceive, Deut. 29.4. for he resisteth the proud, and giveth grace unto the humble. 1. Pet. 5.5. object. If religion were so good, so comfortable a thing as men say: then many that haue seemed most forward, and zealous, would not forsake their such godliness, zeal, and sincerity, for earthly pleasures, which they once condemned; for profits, which they once neglected, and for honours, which seemed to bee greatly despised, and which they formerly haue inveighed against. This is to me a great stumbling block, and maketh me verily to think, that men, which speak so much of the comforts, and ioy in Religion, do but counterfeit, and talk of more then either they feel, or Religion indeed can afford them. The godly feel comfort in Religion. Answ. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and ioy in the holy Ghost, Rom. 14. Psal. and 19.9. david felt Gods word sweeter then honey, and the honey comb; and saith, they are more to bee desired then gold, yea then much fine gold, Psal. 19.10. he reioyced in the way of Gods testimonies, as much as in all riches, Psalm. 119.14. and such ioy and comfort found he in the exercises of Religion, that he wished to dwell in the house of the Lord, Psal. and 122.1. all the daies of his life, Psal. 27.4. Now he being a man after Gods own heart, did not counterfeit; and therefore Religion giveth singular comfort to the truly godly. As for the backsliding of some from their godliness, zeal, and sincerity; Religion itself not to be the worse esteemed of, because men fall from it. it ought not to make us to bee offended with Religion itself, to think it affoordes no comfort: for there be that hear and receive the word with ioy,& yet for want of root, endure but a season, Matth. 13.20.21. Demas for profit forsook his profession, 2. Tim. 4.10. and zealous jehu, for honour, left the true service of God, and worshipped Idols, 2. King. 10.31. Salomon the wise, that loved the Lord in the beginning, 1. King. 3.3. afterwards through fleshly pleasures, had his heart in his old age turned to vanity, 1. King. 11.4. object. These sorts of men, thus declining from goodness, do often prosper in this world: they get preferment in the Church, and in the Common-wealth: Matth. 12.43 Luk. 11.24.46. and are not the least aduersaries to that their own former show of goodness; and therefore it may seem, that God is not offfended with them, neither is it any great matter, whether we be religious or profane so be it, that we walk wisely after the world. jer. 15.6. Answ. It had been better for these persons, not to haue known the way of righteousness, Backsliders are in a most fearful condition. then after they haue known it, to turn from the holy commandement delivered unto them. For it is happened unto them, according to the true proverb: The dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire, 2. Pet. 2.21.22. howsoever they enjoy the world, as jehu did, yet God taketh no pleasure in them, Hebr. 10.38. and unless they do repent with Peter, and return, confusion shall light vpon them, jer. 17.13. Psalm. 125.5. for the righteous shall not live for his former righteousness, in the day of his transgression, Ezech. 33.12. If he be turned away from his righteousness,& doth commit iniquity, according to the abominations that the wicked man doth, his righteousness that he hath done, shall not bee mentioned; but in his transgression that he hath committed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die, he shall die even for the same, he shall even die for his iniquity that he hath done, Ezech. 18.24.26. object. Seeing this is so, that a man may enter into the profession of Religion, and afterwards slide back, and bee plagued of God for the same, it maketh me fearful to begin to enter into that straight way, lest being weary of well doing, I fall away, and my last state bee worse then the first, Luk. 11.26. as Christ himself tells vs. Answ. The foundation of God remaineth sure, The elect cannot utterly perish. and hath his seal, the Lord knoweth who are his, 2. Tim. 2.19. they hear his voice, and follow him, joh. 10.27. for all that the Father giveth him, shall come to him: and him that cometh, will he in no wife cast out: because he came down from heaven, not to do his own will, but the will of him that sent him: and this is the Fathers will that sent him; that of all which he hath given him, he should lose nothing, joh. for he giveth to them eternal life, and they shall not perish, neither shall any pluck thē out of his hands; his father which gave them to him, is greater then all, and no man is able to pluck them out of his Fathers hands. joh. 10.28.29. Therfore fear not to come to him; for if thou bee the Lords, thou shalt also ever remain with him. Of religious Persons. Ob. GOd maketh no more reckoning of those persons that are called religious, then he doth of others, for any thing I know. Answ. If herein the Lord himself by his word may be believed: The religious are in high esteem with God. Psal. 73.1.& 119.165. Prou. 12.2. and 13.22. and 3.33. and 15.9. Eccles. 2.26. and 9.12. Esa. 3.10. Psal. and 85.8. and 91. 1-16. and Psal. 34.9. with 91.10. Esa. 65.13.14 then verily the Lord doth most highly esteem of them,& most blessed are they. Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance, Psal. 33.12. his eyes are vpon them, vers. 18. with mercy he compasseth them, Psalm. 32.10. the angel of the Lord campeth about them, Psalm. 34.7. to them there is no want, vers. 9. of that which is good, vers. 10. his eyes are vpon them; his ears are open to their cry, vers. 15. and delivereth thē out of all their troubles, ver. 17. Psal. 22.24. from death, from famine, Psalm. 33.19. he upholdeth them, Psalm. 37.17. and preserveth them for ever, vers. 28. for he delighteth in them to do them good, jer. 32.41. Pro. 11.20. and he that toucheth them must know, that he toucheth the apple of Gods eye, Zach. 2.8. object. If the Lord so delighted in them, and loved them, surely the world would not so hate them, as it doth. The world hateth the godly, and why. Answ. Yes, because the Lord loveth them, and hath chosen them out of the world; therefore the world hateth them, joh. 15.19. Christ our saviour, is the ever beloved of God; yet the world hated him, vers. 18. joh. 7.7. so doth it al Christs true Disciples, for that he hath given them his word, and because they are not of the world, joh. 17.14. object. They bee of the meanest sort of people, for the most part, that either are, or else do carry the show of hearty affection to Religion, which in reason, me think, should not be Gods choice. Answ. The meaner sort haue often greater measure of grace in this world, then the great ones, Luk. 10.21. I thank thee( saith our saviour) O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hide these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes; even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight, Mat. 11.25. God calleth not many( though some) noble, mighty, and wise men after the flesh; but he chooseth the foolish things of the world, to confounded the wise; the weak things to confounded the mighty;& base things, and things that are despised hath God chosen; yea and things that are not, to bring to nought things that are; that no flesh should glory in his presence, 1. Corinth. 1. 26-29. object. They are despised, as of no value with men. What the godly bee with God. Answ. But with God they are a chosen generation, a peculiar people, 1. Pet. 2.9. and his chief treasury, Exod. 19.5. Psalm. 135.4. And take heed saith our saviour, that ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, that in heaven their Angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven, Mat. 18.10. object. They bee all accounted as base and vile, and are not of men beloved. Answ. But they be precious in Gods sight, honourable and beloved, who will give men for them, joh. 14.21. & people for their life, Esa. 43.4. object. None delight in their company. Answ. But the Lord delighteth in them, God delighteth in them. Prou. 11.20. and a david, a man after the Lords heart, hath his eyes vpon the faithful: Luk. 6.22.23 he delighteth in the Saints that are in the earth, and in them that excel in virtue, Psalm. 16.3. object. The best sort avoideth their company, and cannot endure them. God will dwell with the godly. Esa. 57.15. Answ. But God the Father, and Christ his son, will come unto them, and make their abode with thē, joh. 14.23. and a david will haue such to dwell with him, Psal. 101.6. object. These men are not so well esteemed of, as many others be, which are not of their stamp. Answ. But( saith Salomon) the righteous is more excellent then his neighbour, Prou. 12.26. object. They be hated of not a few. Answ. They that hate the righteous, shall be desolate. Psal. 34.21. object. They bee mocked, derided, and laughed to scorn. Answ. So was david, Psa. 44.13.14 Psa. 22.7. other godly men, Psalm. 123.3.4. and Iesus Christ himself, as that psalm sheweth; and the evangelist, in Matth. 27.39. the seruants may not look to be better then their Master. object. I think they carry a hell in their hearts, they are never merry like other men. Answ. Salomon saith the contrary, The godly are of a merry and glad heart. Psal. 118.15. that God giveth to a man, that is good in his sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and ioy, Eccles. 2.26. and again he saith, the righteous sing and rejoice, Prou. 29.6. but in the Lord, Phil. 4.4. Psalm. 64.10. and in goodness, 2. Chro. 6.41. and this their ioy shall not bee taken from them, joh. 16.22. folly is ioy to him that is destitute of understanding, Prou. 15.21. but the godly cannot( as the fool doth) make a sport of sin, Prou. 10.23. and 14.9. and rejoice in doing evil, as the wicked do, Pro. 2.14. object. I cannot perceive for all this, that they think they may be merry. They may be merry. Answ. They are exhorted to bee merry, and to rejoice, Psal. 33.1. and hearty, Psal. 95.1. and continually, Phil. 4.4.1. Thess. 5.16. object. Yea, but I mean in honest mirth, in things indifferent. Answ. Yes verily, They may use honest recreations. they know that zealous david might play on a harp, and sing as he did, 1. Chron. 13.8. Holy job might take pleasure in his harp and organ, cap. 30.31. and that the people of God may make good cheer, eat,& drink, and bee merry, Nehem. 8.1. King. 4.20. But herein they rejoice, as if they did not rejoice, as the Apostle exhorteth them, 1. Cor. 7.30. object. If this bee so, I could almost be one of these, but that the wicked are so over them, and will so bee, I think for ever, though they suppose the contrary. Answ. The prosperity of the wicked is but slippery, The wicked shall not ever rule over the- godly. Pro. 14.19. Psal. 73.18.19. who one day shall burn as an oven, and be as stubble, and haue neither roote nor branch; when unto them that fear the Lord, the son of righteousness shall arise, who shall tread down the wicked, even as ashes, under the soles of their feet, Mal. yea the Saints shall judge the world, 1. Cor. 6. and others shall be made to come and worship before their feet, revel. 3.9. So as then shall men easily discern between the righteous and the wicked; between them that fear God, and them that fear him not, Mal. 3.18. Of Gods Church. Ob. GOds people and Church here is tossed too and fro, as if God did altogether neglect vs. Answ. We are here but pilgrims and strangers, 1. Pet. 2.12. and not of the world, The Church is not neglected of the Lord. joh. 15. yet God hath an eye unto us, 1. Pet. 3.12. he counteth all our wanderings, Psalm. 56.8. he followeth us, whither soever wee go, josh. 1.9. and causeth his Angels to take charge of us, Psal. 91.11. and 34.7. who always attend before God for our safety, Matth. 18.10. Hebr. 1.14. Ob. Yet I am not a little troubled, to see the godly on the one hand so brought under, vexed, and persecuted; and the proud aduersaries on the other hand so lifted up, living at ease, in all outward peace, and worldly contentments. No cause is there, to grieve at the prosperity of the wicked. Answ. Fret not thyself because of the prosperity of the wicked neither envy at them, Prou. 23.17. and 24. 1. Psal. 37.1. for they shall soon bee cut down like grass, and whither as the green herb, Psal. 37.2. yet a little while and the wicked shall not bee: yea thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be, vers. 10. their arms shall be broken, vers. 17. they shall perish and become as the fat of lambs, they shall consume, into smoke they shal consume away, vers. 20. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance, Psalm. 37.35.36. he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked: so that a man shall say; verily there is reward for the righteous; verily, he is a God, that iudgeth in the earth, Psal. 58.10.11. object. Yea, Psalm. 37.12.32. but in the mean season they plot against the just. Answ. The Lord shall laugh at them; for he seeth that their day is coming, Psal. 37.13. object. Psal. 37.14. But they watch the righteous and seek to slay him: they haue drawn out the sword to slay such as be of an upright conversation. Answ. fear them not, the sword shall enter into their own heart, Psal. 37.15. object. But they haue gotten him into their hands, and condemned him. Answ. The Lord will not leave him in their hands, nor condemn him when he is judged, Psal. 37.33. object. Oh, the enemy rageth, and seeketh to overflow us as a flood: what is to be done? Answ. Stand still, fear not, behold the salvation of the Lord, Exod. 14.2. Chro. 20. for safety is of him, Pro. 21.31. who sitteth vpon the floods, and is King for ever, Psal. 29.10. and 96.10. to deliver his Saints out of the hands of the wicked, Psalm. 97.10. object. We are in present danger. Answ. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psal. 46.1.5. object. We want strength. Answ. The Lord will give strength unto his people, Psal. 29.11. object. Our enemies are unreconcilable, so as they will most cruelly torture and torment us, if they get us into their hands. Answ. If our ways please the Lord, he will make our enemies be at peace with us, Prou. 16.7. and will show mercies unto us, that they may haue mercy vpon us, jer. 42.12.& 15.11. object. Ah, but we haue by our sins so provoked him unto wrath, that wee may justly fear he will indeed utterly cast us off. God will not utterly cast his off. Lam. 3.31.32. jer. 51.5. 1. Sam. 12.22. Answ. The Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance, Psalm. 94.14. If wee repent, he will, also repent of the evil, which he hath thought against us, Ierem. 18.8. for he retaineth not his anger for ever, Mic. 7.18. it endureth but a moment, Psalm. 30.5. because he delighteth in mercy, Mich. 7.18. object. I wonder at this, that the Lord letteth many of them, that most sincerely serve him, to bee persecuted,& murdered of the enemies. Answ. marvell not; The godly must suffer, and why. for it is given to them in the behalf of Christ, not onely to beleeue on him, but also to suffer for his sake, Phil. 1.29. whose death is precious in Gods sight, Psal. 116.15. whose suffering is also unto them an evident token of salvation; but unto their enemies, a manifest token of damnation, Phil. 1.28. for, it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to them that trouble the godly; but to these, rest with God, when the Lord Iesus shall be revealed from heaven, 2. thessaly. 1.6.7. object. The Lords wrath hath been long vpon his people, even to consume them, and cruel tyrants haue exercised their malice vpon them, no small space of time. Why the wicked are suffered to tyramnize over the godly. Answ. The Lord will not leave his altogether unpunished; yet will he correct in measure, and not make a full end of them, jer. 30.11. for it hath pleased him to make them his people. 1. Sam. 12.22. onely he turneth his hand vpon them, to purge purely away their dross, and to take away all their tin: afterwards they shall bee accounted a righteous and faithful people, Esa. 1.25.26. for the tyranny of the enemies know, that they be but the rod of the Lords anger, their power, his staff of indignatition, Esa. 10.5. the axe which he heweth with, ver. 15. to accomplish what he himself hath determined vpon his people, and the very time is set down, jer. 29.10. Gen. 15.13. which being expired, he will certainly set his people at liberty, Gen. 15.14.16. jer. 29.10.11. Esa. 10.25.27. and destroy the aduersaries, Gen. 15.14. Esa. and 14.25. jer. 30.16. and 50.18. and 51.24. therefore( saith he) rejoice O ye nations with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his seruants, and will render vengeance to his aduersaries, and will bee merciful unto his people, Deut. 32.43. object. But they may be perhaps forgotten, and so bee as a forsaken people. God never doth forget his. Answ. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that shee should not haue compassion of the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget; yet will not I forget thee( saith the Lord): behold I haue graven thee vpon the palms of my hands, Esa. 49.15.16. I haue for a moment forsaken thee: but with great mercy will I gather thee: In a little wrath I hide my face from thee, for a moment: but with everlasting kindness will I haue mercy on thee,& my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall my covenant of peace bee removed, saith the Lord thy Redeemer, that hath mercy on thee, Esa. 54. 7-10. object. The Pope, and his power, make great preparation against us, of the reformed religion, to root us out, and to destroy utterly our names from under heaven. Answ. fear not, Esa. 8. 9.-13.& 41. 10.-16. let us not bee faint hearted, for these smoking firebrands, their counsel is wicked,& it shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. Esay 7.4.7. object. These our enemies haue their diviners, and their Wise men, they give credit to their Machiauilian Iesuites, and their conjuring Priests, mocking at the Preachers of Gods word among vs. Answ. The Lord doth frustrate the tokens of the liars, and maketh the diviners mad, and turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish; but confirmeth the words of his seruants, and performeth the words of his Messengers, Esa. 44.25.26. object. The Church is robbed of these seruants and messengers, the true Pastors, by Antichrist; the vision thus failing, the people perish. Answ. return( saith the Lord) for I am merciful, I will not keep anger for ever, but if you so do, I will give you Pastors according to my hart, People that seek to please God, shall haue faithful Pastours. which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding, vers. 15. so will I save my flock, and they shall no more bee a prey, jer. 3.12.15. Ezech. 34.21. object. The shepherds feed themselves, Ezech. 34.4. & not their flocks, they eat the fat, and clothe themselves with the wool, but suffer the Lords flock to be scattered, and to become a prey unto the beasts of the field. Few care to strengthen the diseased, to heal the sick to bind up that which is broken, to bring back that which was driven away, and to seek up that which is lost, but with force and cruelty to rule them. Ill shepherds shall not always fleece the flock. jer. 23.1.2. Answ. Behold,( saith the Lord) I am against these shepherds, and will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease for feeding the flock, neither shall these shepherds feed themselves any more. Esa. 40.11. I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meate for them. I will myself feed them in a good pasture, they shall lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed. I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away. I will bind up that which was broken: and will strengthen that which was sick. jer. 23.4.5. And I will set one shepherd over them, that shall feed them; and he shall be their shepherd. I the Lord will bee their God, and my seruant a Prince among them: I the Lord haue spoken it. Yea I will cause the evil beasts to cease, and will break the bands of their yoke, and deliver them out of the hands of those, that serve themselves of them. Ezec. Of a godly mans temptations, and of one called unto the state of grace. Ob. WHen I was baptized, I made a strait covenant then to become a true and faithful seruant to Christ; but yet, alas, I did sin and offend my God, through my wretched nature, contrary to my promise. The best are offenders. Answ. There is not a just man vpon earth, that doth good and sinneth not. Eccles. 7.20. Who can say, I haue made my hart clean, and am pure from my sin? Prou. 20.9. If wee say wee haue no sin, wee deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, 1. John 1.8. For there is no man that sinneth not, 2. Chron. 6.36. What is man that he should bee clean, and he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? job 15.14. In many things wee sin all, james 3.2. object. Oh but I am much grieved, that I cannot yet ouer-master wholly my corruptions so, as I would; I daily pray against them, and yet am not set free. Answ. Grace is sufficient. My grace( saith God to Saint Paul in the the like case) is sufficient for thee, either to prevent thy sinning, or to pardon the offence, 2. Cor. 12.9. And know for thy comfort, that thus striving, it is no more thou, but sin in thee, Rom. 7.19. From which body of death, thorough Christ Iesus thou shalt be delivered, Rom. 7.24.25. object. But besides my nature prove to ill, I haue since I entred into a more conscionable profession of my Christianity, contrary to promise, and a very bold protestation before diuers, that if ever trouble should come for my religion, I would stand out to the faces of the aduersaries; and though other should fall away of a dastardly fear, yet I would stand out to the death. nevertheless, alas, at my first examination by base persons; before I was brought to any of authority, I, like a cowardly wretch, denied my profession; even my Lord and saviour, with swearing and cursing. Answ. The godly of weakness sometime fall fearfully in time of tentation. This fearfully befell the Apostle Peter, every way, and in every degree, as thou speakest of thyself, Matth. Luke 22.33. But he remembering the words of Iesus, being hearty sorry, and bitterly weeping for his sins, vers. 75. the Lord was reconciled to him, affording him his favour with the rest, to bee still one of his blessed Apostles; by whom he afterwards wrought mightily in word and dead; never mentioning to him his so fearful a denial of him: So albeit that thou hast fallen with him, yet if thou dost also in sort repent with him, be assured the Lord will receive thee to mercy, for he is one and the same for ever. object. Ah, but such is my exceeding weakness( the Lord be merciful unto me) that I fall this way and that way, by this and that occasion so often, though not wilfully, yet for want of strength to resist& bridle my sudden passions, as I fear utterly to be cast off at the length. Though the godly fall, they shall not be cast off. Answ. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not bee utterly cast down; for the Lord up holdeth him with his hand, Psalm. 37.23.24.& 145.14. For he that cometh unto Christ, in no wise he will cast out; because it is his fathers will, that of all which he hath given him, he should lose nothing, but should raise him up at the last day, joh, 6.37.39. object. Yea, but when I so sin, I infinitely displease God, I cannot then, but look for damnation, though I bee sorry from my very soul, when I do amiss in the very least measure, that may bee. Answ. Gods mercy doth prevent damnation. Consider that the Lord pardoneth iniquity,& passeth by transgression, in his infinite mercy, and retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy, Mich. 7.18. object. I cannot think, though I turn, that he will turn towards me, and show me mercy, will he( think you)? Answ. Surely he will turn again, he will haue compassion, Mich. 7.19. object. But my iniquities haue subdued me, and my sins are gone over my head. Answ. The Lord will subdue them, and cast them all in the depths of the sea, Mich. 7.19. object. Yea, it may be so, if I had not been a backeslider, since I received a love of the truth. The backeslider is not made hopeless of mercy, if he return. Answ. Go and proclaim these words( saith the Lord) return thou backesliding Israel, and I will not cause mine anger to fall vpon thee; for I am merciful( saith the Lord) and will not keep anger for ever: onely aclowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, jer. 3.12.13. and I will heal your backesliding, and will love you freely, for mine anger is turned away, Osea. 14.4. object. This and such like promises, are made to the posterity and children of the patriarch Abraham: What is this to me, who am of the Gentiles, and not of the Iewes? except I were one of Abrahams children, I can take no comfort by this promise or any other made to the godly among the Iewes. The promises of salvation made to Abrahams posterity, belong to us believing Christians. Ans. Knowest thou not, that he is not a jew that is one outward; but he is a jew that is one within, having the circumcision of the heart in the spirit. Rom. 2.28.29. and also this know, that he that believeth in Christ, is the son of Abraham, Luke 19.9. Gal. 3.7.29. And the promise doth belong also to the Gentiles, as many of them, as the Lord our God shall call, Act. 2.39. And in every Nation, he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness is accepted with him, Act. 10.35. The word of salvation is sent to every one that feareth God, Act. 13.26. even unto the Gentiles, Act. 28.28. The righteousness of God, is now by the faith of Christ unto all, and vpon all that beleeue, for there is no difference, Rom. 3.22. The partition wall being now broken, Ephes. 2.14. So as those, which in times past, were not a people, are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy; but now haue obtained mercy, 1. Pet. 2.10. Ephes. 2.12. object. I am glad to hear this, yet there be so many crooked by-paths,& such turnings to the right hand and to the left, as I fear for want of wisdom and knowledge, and one to instruct me in the right way, to bee misled. The Lord is the guide of the godly. Answ. God giveth to a man, that is good in his sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and ioy, Eccles. 2.26. he will instruct him and teach him the way he shall choose, Psalm. 25.12. And in the way that he shal go, he will guide him with his eye, Psal. 32.8. Yea he shall hear a word behind him, saying: This is the way, walk thou in it, when he is turning to the right hand, and when he is turning to the left, Esa. 30.21. object. I feel myself heavily loaden with the burden of my sins, and am full of anguish of heart desiring to be delivered. Ans. Come unto me( saith Christ) all ye that labour& are heavy laden, Christ can supply all our necessities. and I will give you rest, Mat. 11.28. object. I am naked without raiment, poor and destitute of the graces of God. Answ. Christ hath a rob of righteousness for thee, revel. 19.8. and he will make thee rich, Reue. 3.18. and deck thee with ornaments, Ezech. 16.11. object. I am filthy with sin. Answ. he will wash thee, and spread his skirts over thee, and cover thy filthiness, Ezech. 16.8. object. I am black, foul, and uncomely. The foul are made faire in Christ. Answ. The Lord will make thee beautiful, and perfect it through his comeliness which he will put vpon thee, Eze. 16.14. And though thou hast lain among the pots; yet shalt thou bee as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold, Psal. 68.13. object. I am of a troubled spirit, ah, deep are my wounds: the Lord hath slain me, and the arrows of God stick in me. Christ Iesus is the cure of the soul. Answ. Christ Iesus is the Physician of the soul, Mat. 9, 12. The Lord killeth and maketh alive, Deut. 32.34. he healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds, Psal. 147.3. he maketh soare and bindeth up, he woundeth, and his hands make whole, job. 5.18. Come( saith the Prophet Osea) let us return unto the Lord, for he hath torn and he will heal, he hath smitten, and he will bind us up, Chap. 6.1. For he is the father of mercies, and the GOD of comfort, 2. Cor. 1.3. object. But it may bee long, ere the Lord thus in mercy look vpon me. Answ. After two dayes will he revive thee, and in the third day he will raise thee up, and thou shalt live in his sight, Osea 6.2. object. I thirst after his mercies, and hunger after righteousness: Oh I shall not be satisfied. Answ. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shal bee satisfied, The hungry and thirsty shall be satisfied. Matth. 5.6. I will( saith the Lord) poure water vpon him that is thirsty, and floods vpon the dry ground, Esay 44.2. They shal be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Gods house( saith the Prophet) and he will make them that trust in him, drink of the riuers of his pleasures; for with the Lord is the fountain of life, Psal. 38.8.9. And of the water of Life, Christ Iesus giveth to all that will ask of him, John 4.10. And whosoever drinketh thereof, shal never bee made athirst, but it shall bee in him a well of water springing up to eternal life, Ver. 14. object. I cannot pray, but in great weakness. Ans. The godly haue a help in prayer. Though we know not, what we should pray for, as we ought; yet the spirit helpeth our infirmities, and maketh intercession for us, with groans that cannot be expressed, Ro. 8.26. object. There is no assurance to be heard, though we do pray. Answ. The faithful haue assurance to be heard of God. Prou. 10.24. 1. John 5.14. Matth. 7.7. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will( saith our saviour) and it shall bee done unto you, John 15.7.& 14.13. whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you, John 16.23. Therefore( saith he again) whatsoever ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall receive, and ye shall haue them, Mark. 11.24. object. But my faith is exceeding weak in Prayer. A weak faith( if true) prevaileth with God. Mark. 11.23. Answ. If ye haue faith, as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain; remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove; or to this Sycamine three, bee thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it shal obey you; and nothing shall bee impossible unto you, Mat. 17.20. Luke 17.6. Therefore pray with the Apostles, saying, Lord increase our faith, Luke 17.5. And cry, as the childs father in the gospel, Lord I beleeue, help my unbelief, and the Lord will hear thee, as he did him, mark 9.24. object. Satan sore assaulteth my faith, I fear it will fail me. Answ. But Christ prayeth, that this faith fail not, Luke 22.32. object. This was Christs speech to Peter, and the Apostle; but I doubt whether he will pray for me also, as well as for them. Answ. I pray not( saith our saviour) for these alone, but for them also that shall beleeue in me through their word, John 17.20. object. I am very ignorant, and do want this heavenly wisdom and knowledge, which I see and admire in many, very silly and simplo men to see too. wisdom is of God. Prou. 2. 1.-5. job 38.36. Eccles. 2.26. Dan. 1.17.& 2.21. Ans. If any of you lack wisdom( saith St. james) let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. For the Lord giveth wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding, Pro. 2.6. It is true that there is a spirit in man, but the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding, job 32.8. object. I find such corruptions in me, and hereby judge myself so cursed a creature, as I often dare not bee bold to draw near into Gods presence. Answ. We haue a great high Priest that is passed into the heauens, Through Christ we may boldly go to God. Iesus the son of God, who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, we may therfore go boldly unto the throne of grace, Heb. object. I am fearfully tempted by satan, sometime to presume, sometime to despair, and sometime to cast off religion, and to become a worldling, now to one thing, now to another, he scarce lets me rest. Surely, if I were Gods child; I should not bee so tempted of that hellish spirit. Sathans daily tempting, a sign of our deliverance from him. Matth. 3.17. mark 1.11. Answ. Thou dost not conclude well, for this is a sure sign, that he hath not possession of thee: for where the strong man is, all is in peace, Luk. 11.21. Also Christ Iesus, the ever dearly beloved and only son of the Father, was tempted by the divell, Matth. 4. who, though at Christs command he departed from him, Ver. 10.11. Yet did he then leave him, but for a little season, Luk. 4.13. object. There is no way to drive him away. Answ. Yes, resist the divell( saith Saint james) and he will flee from you, Chap. 4.7. object. His power is mighty to do what he will, and goeth up and down, seeking like a roaring Lion whom to devour. Answ. His power is limited, job. 1.12.& 2.6. and without leave can he not enter into an heard of filthy swine, Mat. 8.31. Satan can do no more but what God will. object. There bee many enchanters, witches, practisers of sorceries, diviners, and lot-casters, to do us mischief: these bee strong and powerful limbs of the divell, and do much hurt, their cursed doings are not to be avoided. Answ. Witches cannot work their wills vpon the godly. Haman and his consorts cast lots and took counsel at his wise-men, to bring a mischief vpon good Mordecay and the other Iewes, but prevailed not, easter, 3.& 7.10. Balac hired the witch Balaam, to curse Gods people, but he could not do it, Numb. 23.13. For surely there is no enchantment against jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel, Vers. 23. object. I find plain contraries within me, mooning to good, and moving to that which is evil, and this continually: for if I decline never so little awry to the world, or pleasures, then their cometh some one place of Scripture or other, to my mind, which causeth my conscience to check me, and maketh me to fear; and if I bee earnestly devoted to the best things, as to the reading of Gods holy word, meditation of heavenly things, Fasting& Prayer; then il motions arise up in my hart,& my senses carry me away, and so interrupt this godly course, as I am much grieved herewith, and know not what to think or judge of this my estate. Answ. The striving of flesh and spirit, a note of our happy state. This is the flesh lusting against the spirit,& the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other, so that thou canst not do the things that thou wouldest, Gal. 5.17. Also this remembering of some Scripture when thou art amiss, to reclaim thee, is a token that the Lord hath put his Law into thy inward parts, and written it in thy heart, jer. 31.33. To make thee fear him, that thou maiest not depart from him, jer. 32.40. As also that God keepeth his promise made, Esa. 30.21. To give thee a word of direction, when thou art going wrong; thy state therefore is most blessed. object. I haue( God be blessed) a competent means to live vpon, and somewhat to spare now and then: yet when the poor craveth any thing of me, I am not so ready to give, because I think it but cast away vpon them. Mercy to the poor, is very acceptable unto God. Pro. 14.21.& 11.17. Answ. Oh no, he that hath pity vpon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given, will he pay him again, Pro. 19.17. Blessed is he that considereth the poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble, the Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive, and he shall bee blessed vpon the earth, Psal. 41.1.2. object. I do fear to want myself. Answ. he that giveth unto the poor, shall not lack, Prou. 28.27. object. But a man may be too liberal. Answ. Psal. 112.9. 2. Cor. 9.9. Pro. 11.17.& 21.26. he that hath a bountiful eye, shal be blessed, for he giveth of his bread to the poor, Pro. 22.9. give and it shall bee given unto you, even a good measure, and pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give into your bosom, Luke, 6.38. There is that scattereth and yet increaseth; for the liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself, Pro. object. The poor are very unthankful. Answ. Cast thy bread vpon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many dayes, Eccles. 11.1. object. Men do not praise nor esteem of him, that is merciful: he that gathereth riches and storeth up treasure, though he care not for the poor, he is made much off. Answ. Oh, give not thy alms to be praised of men, but let it bee in secret; and thy father that seeth in secret, will reward thee openly, Matth. 6.2.4. As for such as spare more than is meet, surely it tendeth to poverty, Prou. 11.24. object. I dwell amongst shameless sinners, woe is me, Esa. 3.8.9. surely their deserved plagues are coming, and I shall not escape free from the same. Answ. Surely a woe is unto them; it shall bee ill with the wicked: But( saith the Lord) say ye to the righteous, The godly shall escape, when vengeance cometh vpon the wicked. it shall bee well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings, Esa. 3.10.11. And so careful is the Lord for the safety of his people, as he will haue all Israel on the shore, safe, before the wrath return to drown the Egypttians, Exod. 14. and Lot out of sodom before he burn it with fire, Gen. 19.2. Pet. and Noah in the ark before the flood came, Gen. 6.& 7. Yea before destruction, he sends his angel to mark those in the forehead, that sigh and cry for all the abominations, giuing a charge to the instruments of his wrath, not to come near to any of these, Ezech. 9.4.6. object. It grieveth me to be as one alone, among so many mockers of religion, I cannot go to any neighbour that I haue, for spiritual comfort. The godly are often left alone. Answ. Noah was with his family alone, in his generation, Gen. 6. Lot alone in sodom, whose righteous heart was every day vexed, with the unclean conversation of the people, 2. Pet. 2.7. Eliah was, as it were alone in Israel: so as this is no otherwise with thee, then it was with these holy and righteous persons. But know, that a godly man is never alone, and that more are with him than against him, 2. King. 6.16. 2. Chron. 32.7. object. I dwell far from the Church, and without any nigh neighbours loving me, but rather hating me for my profession: and yet I carry my family( all that can understand) with me, leaving my house without any defence( in a manner), which makes me fear often a mischief to bee done me, before I can return again. Answ. The angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them, Gods protection is over such as seek to serve him. Psa. 91.10.11 Zach. 2.5. Psalm. 34.7. The Lord maketh an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side, job. 1.10. Neither shall any( saith the Lord to Israel, and so now to the Israel of God) desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the Lord thy God, Exod. 34.24. Of trouble for Religion. Ob. I Am in great heaviness through the manifold temptations, troubles, and vexations that come vpon me, for my Christian profession. Answ. Sure it is, that tribulation is not joyous for the present, but grievous; nevertheless afterwards it yeeldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness, unto them that are exercised thereby, Heb. 12.11. Also consider, that unto us it is given for Christ( saith the Apostle), that not onely we should beleeue in him, but also suffer for his sake, Philippians 1.29. And being partakers of the sufferings, Rom. 8.17. so shall wee bee also of the consolations, 2. Cor. 1.7. Knowing that this is but the trial of our faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth( though it be tried with fire), that it might bee found unto our praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Iesus Christ, 1. Pet. 1.7. object. I am loaden above measure with reproaches: the wicked enemies and ungodly vain persons do hate me, and speak all manner of evil against me, that they can imagine, separating me from their company, and do cast me out, as a man of an evil name, from among them. The godly are to rejoice greatly in afflictions, for righteousness sake. Ans. Thus haue the wicked done heretofore unto the godly, Lu. 6.23. Psa. 35.15.16.& 57.4.& 31.18. But( saith our saviour) blessed are you, when men shall hate you, separating you from ther company, revile you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, casting out your name( as evil) for me, the son of mans sake: rejoice ye in that day, be exceeding glad, and leap for ioy; for behold, great is your reward in heaven, Matth. 5.11.12. Luke 6.22.23. And because also the spirit of glory resteth on you, which on their part is ill spoken of, 1. Pet. 4.14. Therfore fear not the reproach of men, neither bee afraid of their settlings; for the moth shal eat them like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool, Esay 51.7.8. object. Oh, but in the mean space I fear, by such unsufferable evils, such despiteful tauntings, odious reproaches, hateful slanders,& cruel persecutions, to be shaken off from my profession,& drawn from my steadfastness to the ways of the wicked. Answ. We stand not of ourselves, A man stands not constant in suffering, but by Gods assisting power, and grace onely. but wee are kept( as Saint Peter saith) by the power of God unto salvation through faith, 1. Pet. 1.5. he worketh all our works in us, Esay 26.12. Trust therefore in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord Iehouah is everlasting strength Vers. 4. Cast thy burden vpon the Lord; he will bear thee up, he will never suffer the righteous to be moved, Psal. 55.22.& 16.8. Also God is faithful, who will not suffer us to be tempted above that wee are able; but will with the tentation also make away to escape, that wee may be able to bear it, 1. Cor. 10.13. object. My outward man is ready to perish, and I am in danger of my life every day, and for the maintenance of the truth. Answ. Though our outward man perish; A good man by suffering gaineth much. yet the inward man is renewed daily; and our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 2. Cor, 4.17. So that the sufferings of this present life, are not worthy to bee compared with the glory, that shall be revealed in us, Rom. 8.18. Therfore faint not to death, knowing what Christ saith: that whosoever shall hate his life in this world, and shall lose it for his sake, shal keep it unto eternal life and find it, Matth. 10.39.& 16.25. John 12.25. object. I want strength, and feel myself to faint, under the burden of my heavy crosses. God will give strength, that we faint not in trouble. Answ. Hast thou not known( saith the Prophet) hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary? he giveth power to them that faint, and to them that haue no might, he increaseth strength, Esa. 40.28.29. They that wait vpon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint, Ver. 31. object. My trials and troubles are as waters, ready to drown me, and as fire to consume, the flamme whereof is almost kindled vpon me. Answ. fear not( saith the Lord to his people) when thou passest thorough the waters, God is in our company in all afflictions. I will bee with thee; and thorough the riuers they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest thorough the fire, thou shalt not bee burnt, neither shall the flamme kindle vpon thee, Esa. 43.1.2. object. The world is full of seducers, and I am of so mean a capacity, of so shallow a iudgement, and so weak hearted, that( I fear) being set vpon I shall turn aside, either to the right, or to the left. How, and by whom, to escape seducers. Answ. To escape these, be humble, and God will teach thee the way thou shalt choose, Psal. 25. glorify God according to thy present knowledge, and haue a love to the truth, and pray, so God will not give thee over to thyself, and to beleeue lies, Rom. 1. 2. Thes. 2. And this understand, that to deceive the elect it is unpossible, Matth. 24.24. Mark. 13.22. object. I am to bee called before authority, to answer for my religion, which I am willing to do: but indeed, I fear I am not able to defend the truth, against their subtle sophistry. Answ. Bee not afraid, God will assist his, in answering for the truth, against their aduersaries. neither bee troubled, but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts( saith Saint Peter), and bee ready always to give an answer to every man, that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and reverence, having a good conscience, 1. Pet. Not being careful, neither taking thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say; for the holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour, what ye ought to say, Luke 12.11.12. And Christ will give you a mouth,& wisdom; which all your aduersaries shal not be able to gainsay, nor resist, Luk. 21.15. object. Ah, the falseheartednesse of this world! when I was in prosperity and in peace, I had many that would say well of me; look vpon me cheerfully, not holding it any disgrace to be in my company; and if any did oppose me, they were ready to answer in my behalf: but now as soon as authority called me in question, they are shrunk back; yea my nearest acquaintance haue forsaken me, and do avoid my company for fear, though my cause be the truth, which they also profess. Answ. Saint Paul saith, In peace they accompany us, who in adversity and dangers may forsake vs. that at his first answering no man stood with him; but all men forfooke him, 2. Tim. 4.16. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with him, and strengthened him, and he was delivered out of the mouth of the Lion, Vers. 17. Let this be therefore thy comfort, that God doth stand by thee; and consider also how Iesus Christ was thus dealt with. His Disciples( whom he calls friends) joh. 15.14.15. forsook him and fled, and such as at other times applauded his doctrine, reverenced his person, admired his works, and wondered at his gracious words; did when he was taken of his enemies, leave him; and instead of their former crying Hosannah, now with the mighty they took part& cried, away with him, let him be crucified, Mat. 27. Ob. I can haue no rest, nor peace with the nighest of my blood, but they also are against me, onely for my profession, and do seek my blood; yea I am not safe in mine own house, but therein haue I aduersaries. I thought I should haue been more peaceable, but I find it clean contrary. Religion here on the earth, affords little outward rest to us, but rather occasions of trouble from the wicked. Luk. 12.35. Answ. Doth not our saviour say: I came not to sand peace, but rather a sword and division, Matth. 10.34. Luk. 12.51. I am come to sand fire, Vers. 49. And to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother, and the daughter in law, against hir mother in law, Matth. 10.35. There shall bee five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three, Luk. 12.52. A mans foes shall be they of his own house, Matth. 10.36. The brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death, Matth. 10.21. Yea, ye shall( saith Christ) be betrayed by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; being hated of all men for my names sake, Luk. 21.16.17. But there shall not a hair of your head perish: in your patience possess your souls, Vers. 18.19. For he that endureth to the end shall bee saved, Matthew 10.22. object. I haue lost many friends by rebuking sin, though I did it very respectively, in true love to the parties, in compassion to their souls, and in regard of Gods glory, and discharge of my Christian duty; because men are so full of self-love, and for that the world affordeth so many flatterers, to whom men easily give an ear; that they cannot with patience hear a loving, wise, and Christian reprehension. Answ. faithful dealing finds, a better blessing in the end, then flattery shall. He that rebuketh a man shal find afterwards( though not perhaps at the first) more favour, than he that flattereth with his tongue, Prou. 28.23. he that saith unto the wicked, thou art righteous; him shal the people curse, nations shall abhor him; but to him that rebuketh him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come vpon him, Prou. 24.24. When as he that speaketh flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his children shall fail, job 17.5. object. The wicked do curse me for crossing their lewd courses, and because I am an enemy to their Idolatry, superstitions, and wicked vanities. A causeless curse, is not to be feared. Answ. The curse that is causeless shall not happen unto thee. Prou. 26.2. And where God doth bless, the wicked cannot curse. Num. 23.8. So as with david, thou mayst say; it may bee the Lord will look vpon my affliction, and that the Lord will requited good for the cursing, 2. Sam. 16.12. object. I haue lost very much for my conscience, and more than ever I look to get again. God rewards all losses for righteousness sake. Answ. Verily, there is no man( saith our saviour Christ) that hath forsaken house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my sake and the Gospels, but he shall receive an hundreth fold: now in this time house and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come, shall inherit everlasting life, mark 10.29.30. Mat. 19.29. object. I am almost( for all this) made weary of my profession, by so many temptations and trials at home and abroad. Answ. Be not weary of well doing, Gal. 6.9. But rather account it exceeding ioy( saith Saint james) when you fall into diuers temptations, knowing that the trial of your faith worketh patience, Iam. 1.2.3. Patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, Rom. 5.4.5. For in due time we shall reap, if we faint not, Gal. 6.9. And blessed is the man, that endureth tentation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him, james 1.12. object. I haue entertained such as haue come with the truth of Christ, onely for my spiritual comfort, and for the same haue I been molested and troubled. Answ. howsoever men deal with thee, God will reward thee: for wee red, To entertain the faithful, is a work that shal not want the reward. that he which receiveth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet, shal receive a Prophets reward: and he that receiveth a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, shall receive a righteous mans reward, Mat. 10.41.42. And for thy farther comfort, know who then were thy guests; even God the Father, and Christ his son. For( saith he) he that receiveth whom I sand, receiveth me; and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me, joh. 13.20. object. never man hath been so afflicted, and suffered the sufferings, which I haue endured of my malicious enemies, for the truth. Christs patient suffering, and other following his steps before us, help greatly to comfort our fainting spirits. Answ. For thy comfort, least thou shouldst bee wearied and faint in mind, Heb. 12.3. Consider the Lord Iesus( thy master) who endured the speaking against of sinners, endured the cross, and despised the shane, Vers. 2.3. Behold, thy fellow seruants, and holy men, and Saints of God recorded in Scripture, their like and far greater afflictions. object. I haue been cast( as a malefactor) into the common goal, and straightly kept. Answ. So were the Apostles, Act. 5.18.&. 12.4. object. I haue been brought before authority,& before examination I haue been commanded to be beaten, whipped, set in the stocks and imprisoned. Answ. Thus were Paul and Silas dealt with, being grievously whipped unto blood, and then were thrust into an inner prison, Act. jeremy was smitten, and put into the stocks, jer. 20.2. object. Yea, but I having been examined and found not guilty, but innocent in the Iudges own conscience; yet most unjustly, for fear and favour haue I been commanded to be whipped, and delivered to the secular power to bee put to death, and had died, but that God strangely delivered me. Answ. Thus dealt Pilate, that fearful flattering and unjust judge, Mark. 15.15. with our Lord and saviour Iesus Christ, Matth. Who was not onely in danger of death; but was put to death indeed, in his crucifying was very despitefully abused, Vers. mark object. The prison I lay in was filthy and stinking. Answ. The dungeon which jeremy was cast into was full of mire; so as the poor soul stuck fast therein, and had there dyed, being allowed no food at all to eat: but that one Abedmelech the Morian, went to the King himself, to get him delivered from thence, jer. 38. 6.9-13. object. I haue endured manifold persecutions, besides these now mentioned. Answ. Act. 14.22. By many tribulations haue many of the most holy Saints of God, entred into the kingdom of God: they haue been tried by mockings, scourgings, bonds and imprisonment, Heb. 11.36. They haue been made gazingstockes, by reproaches and afflictions, Many and sundry torments haue the Saints suffered, for righteousness sake. and spoiled of their goods, Heb. 10.33.34. Some haue been cast into a burning oven, Dan. 3. Others into the den of Lions, Dan. 6. Some haue been stoned, some slain with the sword, some hewn in sunder; others wandered in Wildernesses, and Mountaines, and dens, and Caues of the earth up and down, clad in sheep skins, and goates skins, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented, Hebr. 11.37.38. And wanting relief of men, haue eaten no other food, then that the fowls of the heaven,( by Gods admirable and most wonderful providence) did bring them, 1. Kin. 17.6. object. Men haue lain in wait to take me, and diuers haue banded themselves sometimes together, swearing to kill me, and cursing me; though I never had any thing to do with them, nor ever gave them just occasion of offence, farther then they took offence, by my professing and defending the truth. Answ. jer. 15.10. It is the good graces in Gods children( which the wicked hate them for), as Cain did his brother Abell. jeremy did not meddle with worldly businesses among the people, neither giuing nor taking to usury, yet the people cursed him. The Iewes lay in wait by the gates of the City, for Paul,( day and night) to kill him, Act. 9.24. being above forty men did swear his death, and never to eat or drink till they had done it, Act. Though he was to them all a harmless person, neither had he given any just occasion to them( in any worldly respect) so to do. But God in mercy, provided means to deliver himself safely from them, Acts 9.25.& 23.30.31. object. These things are able to separate a man from Christ. Afflictions shall not faint the hart of the faithful, to make them fall from the truth. Answ. Verily no: the holy Prophets, Apostles, and Saints of God; haue for the Lords sake been killed all the day long, and been accounted as sheep to the slaughter, Rom. 8.36. 2. Cor. 4.11. Shall then tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword separate us from the love of Christ? Nay in all these things, wee are more then conquerors, through him that loved vs. And the Apostle is persuaded not only for himself; but also for those that bee truly the Lords; that neither death, nor life, nor Angells, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall bee able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Iesus our Lord, Rom. Of one( as it were) wholly cast down with the sight of sin,& refusing comforts. Ob. I Am none of Christs: offer me no comfort. Answ. Thou art baptized, and as many as haue been baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ, Galat. 3.27. object. I am in sin, and brought forth in iniquity. Answ. So was zealous david, Psal. 51. Yet a man after the Lords own heart, 1. Sam. 13.14. So as his natural corruption, did not hinder the work of grace. object. I am wrapped in Adams transgression, which I may mourn for, but not wipe away by repentance. Answ. As by the offence of one, iudgement came vpon all to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came vpon all men, unto justification of life, Rom. 5.18. For as by one mans disobedience, As by the first Adam we are condemned: so by the second Adam we are saved many were made sinners: so by the obedience of one, many shall bee made righteous, Vers. 19. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, 1. Cor. 15.22. Therefore as thou dost look vpon the first Adam, a living soul, the man by whom came death: so behold( with comfort) the second Adam, the quickening spirit, the man by whom cometh the resurrection of the dead, Vers. 20.45. object. I haue given myself to the divell. Answ. But ye are not your own( saith the Apostle) ye are bought with a price. 1. Corinth. 6.19.20. Therefore canst thou not give thyself unto him, being none of thine own to give. object. I need not give myself to him, for I am his already by nature. Answ. But by faith in Christ wee are all the children of God, Gal. 3.26. For as many as do receive him, to them he giveth power to become the sons of God, even to them that beleeue on his name, joh. 1.12. object. Though I should beleeue in Christ, and do his will, I cannot think either my estate, or any other mans, to be any whit better, or ourselves to be in any more happy case, then men are( or may be perhaps) by wit, education, learning, or otherwise. Answ. Verily, Without new birth, no salvation. except a man be born from above, of water and of the spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of God, nor enter thereinto. joh. 3.3.5. But Christ Iesus hath made us Saints by calling, 1. Cor. 2. Kings and Priests unto God his father, revel. 1.6. Yea, if we do what he commandeth us, he will call us his friends, and we shall bee accounted as his brethren and sisters, Mark. 3.34.35. And shall be fellow-heirs with him in the life to come, Rom. 8.17. Gal. 4.7. object. I cannot get out of the hands of Satan, he is the strong man, able to keep possession, who ruleth in all that are his,( as a Prince) and are taken captive by him at his will. Ephes. 2.1. 2. Tim. 2.26. Satan can not hold such, as be the Lord Christs. Answ. Christ Iesus is able to cast him out, he is the stronger, Luke 11.22. Who came to destroy his works, Heb. 2.14. And to assure us hereof, God hath covenanted and sworn by an oath, to deliver his out of the hands of their enemies, to serve him without fear, in holinesse and righteousness, all the dayes of their life, Luk. object. I find in myself no power to do, nay, not to will any thing that is good. Answ. It is God that worketh both to will, and to do, Phil. 2.13. object. But I am not worthy, that GOD should work any good desire, or any grace of godly practise in me: I cannot therefore see, vpon what ground I may expect it, or look to become one of his. Answ. God doth us good of his own good pleasure. Deut. 7.7.8.& 9.5. Psal. 44.3. Ezech. 36.32 God worketh in us the will and dead, of his own good pleasure, Phil. 2.13. It hath pleased him to make us his people, 1. Sam. 12.22. In Christ hath he chosen us, before the foundation of the world, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children, by Christ Iesus unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, Ephes. object. Oh, I am a sinner. Answ. Christ Iesus hath power to forgive sins, Christ Iesus is he that saveth sinners. Luk. 5.24. he came to call sinners, Vers. 32. and to save sinners, 1. Tim. 1.15. And shall save his people from their sins, Matth. 1.21. object. But God is angry with us for our sins. God is well pleased in Christ. Psal. 103.9. Answ. But yet in Christ is he well pleased, Matth. 3.17. And who is like our God, who pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of his people? he retaineth not his anger for ever; because he delighteth in mercy, he will haue compassion, Mich. 7.18.19. object. God is of an everlasting remembrance;& therefore he cannot forget my sins, neither will he blot them out. Answ. God blotteth out of his remembrance the sins of his people. I haue( saith the Lord) blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins, for I haue redeemed thee, Esa. 44.22. he will put them out of his remembrance, Ezech. 33.16. Cast them into the depths of the sea, Mich. 7.19. And remember them no more, Hebrewes, 8.12.& 10.17. Yea, though thy iniquities should bee many, and thy sin sought for, they shall not bee found, because he hath pardonned them, Ierem. 50.20. object. God is a just and terrible God. Answ. But he is also full of compassion, God as he is just, so merciful. and gracious, the Lord is good and ready to forgive, Psal. 86.5.15. object. But he is not so to every one. God as he is just, so merciful. Answ. He is plenteous in mercy, and good to all that call vpon him, Psal. 86.5.& 145.9.18. object. I haue lived, and so long continued a lewd and bad course, that it is in vain to look for mercy. When wee do repent, God will forgive. Esa. 57.15.16. Answ. Let the wicked( saith the Prophet) forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will haue mercy vpon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, Esa. 55.7. And spare them as a man spareth his own son, Mal. 3.17. As I live( saith the Lord), I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that he turn from his way and live; and if he turn, he shall not fall by his wickedness, in the day that he turneth, he shall surely live, and not die, Ezech. 18.21. For he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men. Lam. 3.33. object. Though God be merciful, yet must also his iustice bee satisfied; which neither I, nor any other man can do: there is none therefore to work my peace with him. It is Christ Iesus, that maketh peace between God and vs. Answ. If any man sin, we haue an advocate with the father, Iesus Christ the righteous, It is Christ Iesus that makes peace between God and vs. and he is the propitiation for our sins, 1. joh. 2.1. Through whom wee haue peace with God by faith, Rom. 5.1. By whose death we are reconciled unto God, and haue received the atonement, Vers. 10.11. Yea I, even I am he( saith the Lord) that blotteth out thy transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember thy sins, Esa. 43.25. object. I am under the Law. Christ redeemeth us from under the Law. Answ. God hath sent forth his son, made of a woman; made under the Law: to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons, Gal. 4.4.5. object. But the Law is of force to condemn, and accurseth all that obey it not, and do not observe and keep all things therein contained, which I can not do, and therfore my sin and iudgement remaineth, and I am accursed. Answ. Christ delivereth us from the curse of the Law. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us, Gal. 3.13. an offering for sin, Esa. 53.10. Vpon whom the Lord laid the iniquity of us all, Vers. 6. he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was vpon him, and with his stripes were wee healed, Vers. 5. Therefore to such as are in Christ Iesus, Rom. 8.1. there is no condemnation: for he doth justify, who then can condemn? Verse. 33.34. object. Oh, but all sinners are not alike, nor all sins: mine are as scarlet, and read as crimson. Answ. Though your sins bee as scarlet( saith the Lord), they shall bee as white as snow: though they be read( like crimson), they shall be as wool, Esa. 1.18. object. Ah, but I haue sinned horribly, in damnable idolatry, in filthy fornication, beastly adultery, in effeminateness, Sodomitry, theft, covetousness, and drunkenness; I haue been a railer, and an extortioner, yea what not? Answ. Such were some of the Corinthians, No sin damnable to the truly repentant person. yet being truly penitent and called, they were washed, sanctified, and justified, in the name of the Lord Iesus,& by the spirit of our God. 1. Cor. 6.11. Yea, the blood of Christ cleanseth us of all our sins, 1. joh. 1.7.8. object. Yea, it might thus fall out well to them, being onely offenders,( as ignorant heathen) against the moral Law, and Law of nature: but I was trained up in the Church of God; yet most wickedly, haue I voluntarily been a devilish informer against the godly, getting authority to imprison them, and to put them to death, and so haue I indeed done, and therefore am I a bloody and damned persecutor. bloody persecutors, are not without hope of mercy, if they repent and beleeue, Answ. Manasses was religiously brought up, yet he fell to wickedness, and did much evil in the sight of the Lord, and shed much innocent blood in jerusalem, 2. King. 21.16. Yet when he besought the Lord, and humbled himself greatly before him, and prayed unto him, he was entreated of him, and he heard his supplication, 2. Chron. 33.12.13. Saint Paul was also a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an oppressor of the Saints, 1. Tim. 1.13. Breathing out( as a mad man) threatenings and slaughter, Act. 9.1. Voluntarily seeking& getting authority of the high Priest, Vers. 2. To bind all that called vpon the name of Christ, Verse 14. he cast many of them into prison; and when they were put to death, he gave his sentence, yea he compelled them to blaspheme, Chap. 26.10.11. Yet was he received to mercy, and Christ Iesus counted him faithful afterwards, and put him in service, 1. Tim. 2.12.13. object. Though Saint Paul was pardonned, yet I can not be pardonned; for he sinned in zeal, of ignorance, through unbelief, and was otherwise strict of life in his profession: but I professed Christ, and yet haue done as much as ever Saint Paul did, and lived most filthily, which he never did; therefore my sin is impardonable, which I haue done against Christ,& he will never forgive it me. Answ. whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man, Christ excludeth none from hope of mercy, that do repent& beleeue, but such as sin against the holy Ghost. it shall bee forgiven him, mat. 12.32. Yea all sins shall bee forgiven to the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shal blaspheme, Mark. 3.28. For no sin is impardonable to the truly penitent, Ezech. 18.21.22. And the Lord excludeth none from mercy, but such as sin against the holy Ghost, Matth. 12.31. object. Alas, alas, woe is me, I am then damned: for I fear that I haue sinned against the holy Ghost. Answ. They that fear and are sorry for sin, haue not sinned against the holy Ghost. That thou dost fear and grieve, through fear that thou hast committed it, is an infallible argument, that thou hast not committed it: for such as once sin this sin, haue no fear nor contrition of heart for sinning, for they cannot possibly repent. again, it is not enough to make thee guilty of this; because thou hast been, and art yet one professing Christ, and hast persecuted others also professing him: But there must bee the illumination of the spirit, and thou must haue tasted of the good gift of God, Heb. 6.5.6.& 10.29. Matth. 12.31 which many professing him,( only by a formal education) never come to, and fall to persecute maliciously that known truth, despiting the spirit of grace, making a mock of Christ. Now thou holdest a profession of Christ, and desirest to be reconciled unto God; art sorry also that thou hast been so wicked, and lamentest they case, fearing to bee guilty of this sin: all which( most certainly) may assure thee, that thou hast not sinned this sin, against the holy Ghost. object. Mine is a legal repentance, like that in Iudas, Matth. 27. Not that godly sorrow which the Apostle speaketh of, 2. Cor. 7.10. Which I haue not, nor can not yet attain unto. Answ. Behold, Repentance is Gods gift, and is promised to all that be his. GOD hath exalted Iesus Christ with his right hand, both to give repentance to Israel, and also forgiveness of sins, Acts 5.31. Yea the Lord hath promised to work repentance, and the grace of conversion in all his, Ezech, Therfore pray with david, Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me, psalm 51.10. object. But I want the Spirit of God, to help me to pray. Answ. God will give his holy spirit unto his people. The Father will give the holy Ghost to them that desire him, Luke 11.13. And Christ hath promised also to sand him from the Father, John 15.26. And it is a part of the covenant made with his people, to put his spirit into them, Ezech. 36.27. object. It is too great a request to ask this( of myself) at Gods hands; if Christ would do it for me, then should I haue hope, otherwise I think my prayer but vain. Answ. hear then for thy comfort: I will( saith our saviour) pray the Father, and he will give you the Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever, joh. 14.16. object. Ah, for all this, I am afraid to go to God, because of my sins, for he saith: the foolish shall not stand in his sight, he hateth all them that work iniquity, and telleth them that he will not hear them, that their sins haue made a separation between him and them. Answ. Not the presumptuous sinners, but the truly penitent, are invited to come unto Christ. The Lord speaketh to such as are not repentant, but live in their sins, and yet presumptuously come unto him, and think to be heard. But to other that be sorry for their sins, and feel the heavy burden of them, he most lovingly inviteth to come unto him, saying; Come vn-mee all ye, that are weary and heavy laden, and I will ease you, Matth. 11.28. Beleeue in Christ, and thou hast peace with God, Rom. 5.1. And hast received by him the atonement, Rom. 5.11. Who is our high Priest making intercession, Rom. 8.34. Feeling our infirmities; and therfore maiest thou, and even all of us, go boldly to the throne of grace, that wee may receive mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, Heb. 4.15.16. object. Christ is man, and so may invite us; but God doth not will me, or any such sinful wretches to come unto him. Answ. Yea God doth beseech us, that wee would bee reconciled unto him, 2. Cor. 5.20. object. But God is a most righteous God, hating wickedness: I a lewd and sinful caitiff, void of all righteousness: there can verily then bee no reconciliation, except there were a mediator between vs. Answ. Christ Iesus is mediator between God and vs. There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, which is the man Iesus Christ, 1. Tim. 2.5. Who is made sin for us, which knew no sin, that wee might bee made the righteousness of God in him. 2. Cor. 5.21. He is our righteousness, jer. 23.6. Our wisdom, holinesse, and redemption, 1. Cor. 1.30. And he hath by his blood cleansed us of all our sins, 1. joh. 1.7. object. This were no small comfort and encouragement to go to God, if Christ be indeed a sufficient saviour, and able to save vs. Christ Iesus is perfectly able to save vs. Answ. For this, hear what the Apostle saith, he is able to save them( to the uttermost), that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them: For he is the high Priest for us; holy, harmless, undefiled, sepated from sinners, and made higher than the heauens, He. 7.25.26. And is set on the right hand of the throne, of the majesty of God, Heb. 8.1. Rom. 8.34. having obtained eternal redemption for us, Heb. 9.12. object. The Apostle was a jew, and writeth here thus unto the Hebrewes( a separated nation from all the world), I being no Hebrew, may haue no benefit by Christs death. Answ. Iesus was to die, Christ Iesus was to die for Gentiles, as well as Iewes. not for that nation onely, but also that he should gather together in one, the children of God that were scattered abroad, John 11.52. object. Alas, that I knew not this before now, it is too late: death is seizing vpon me: and I fear the time too short to call to God for mercy, and to repent. Answ. No time too late to repent here: if it be( indeed) unfeigned repentance. The good thief vpon the cross, had but a little time: yet when he confessed his sins, condemned himself for the same, acknowledged his inflicted punishment justly deserved, reproving his fellow-companion in evil, professing his faith in Christ, and craving mercy at his hands, had presently a blessed promise of life, that he should( even that day) bee with the Lord Iesus Christ in Paradise, Luk. 23.42.43. object. Yet one thing troubles me very much, I see many that say, Christ is their saviour, and that God is merciful, and hath forgiven them their sins, and yet haue had the heavy rod of God vpon them for all that: therefore in such a case it is but a conceit to think we are pardonned. Answ. Though the Lord do afflict them, The godly may be pardonned, and yet chastised. yet it is not a conceit to bee persuaded of the pardon of their sins: for the Psalmist saith, Thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions, Psal. 99.8. And Nathan plainly tells david, that his sin was pardonned, and yet because by his deed, he had caused the enemies of God to blaspheme, his child did die, and afterwards in a diuers manner was he himself afflicted, 2. Samuel object. But God perhaps, when he hath forgiven, may call back his mercy, and not show constantly his mercy according to his Word. The salvation of the elect, is an everlasting salvation. Answ. With the father of lights there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning, Iam. 1.17. The Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth to all generations, Psa. 100.5.& 118.1.29. Israel shall bee saved in the Lord, with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not( saith the Prophet) bee ashamed nor confounded, world without end, Esa. 45.17. The heauens shall vanish away like smoke( saith the Lord), and the earth shall wax old, like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall bee for ever, and my righteousness shal not be abolished, Esa. 51.6.8. Matth. 24.35. For the outward crosses of this life. Ob. THough I fear God, I am in no better state then others, that make no conscience of their ways. Answ. Touching these out ward things, all things come alike to all, and one condition to all, Eccles. 9.2.3.& 8.14.& 2.14. object. I haue many bodily infirmities. Answ. Isaac was blind, Gen. 27.1. Holy Zachary dumb for a time, Luk. 1. jacob halted, Gen. 32.31. Hezechias was sick and and had the plague, Esa. 38.1.21. david decayed in strength and wanted bodily heat, 1. Kings 1.1. job was full of sores, botches, and boils, Chap. 1.7. Elisha had his bodily infirmity, 2. Kings 13.14. Asa was extremely diseased in his feet, 2. Chron. 16.12. Peters mother in Law, was taken with a great fever, Luk. 4.38. And Mary Magdalen was possessed once with seven devils. object. I was rich, but my state is decayed. Answ. It was Iobs case, a just and holy man, Chap. 1. 15-18.& 2.7.& 16.12. But consider the end that he made, Iam. 5.11. job Chap. 42. Ob. Oh, yet I can not but grieve, when I consider my former estate and compare this with it. Answ. Afflictions bitter to the flesh, but the souls safety, and medicinable to the whole man. No chastisement for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, nevertheless afterwards it yeeldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness, unto them that are exercised thereby, Heb. 12.11. And consider with thyself, if any iniquity bee in thine hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacle, job, 11.14. For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot, yea thou shalt bee steadfast and not fear, thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that passeth away, Verse 15.16. object. I haue very little to begin the world again with. Answ. seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the almighty: though thy beginning bee small, yet thy latter end shal greatly increase, job, 8, 5.7. object. Oh, my poverty remaineth vpon me, and I haue nothing to live vpon. poverty is not to press down any mans heart. Answ. Christ Iesus was born in a poor state, so lived, and so died poor. Remember that thou broughtest nothing into the world, neither shall any man carry any thing out of the world Naked we came, and naked shall we return, job, 1.21 Eccles. 5.14. 1. Tim. 6.7. So as thou canst not bee poorer, than thou camest hither, neither shall any other bee better then thyself, in the end of their daies. object. But yet these worldly wants( for the present) do much trouble me, and the cares thereof do so much disquiet me, as I know not which way to turn me, for none taketh care for me. Answ. Be nothing careful, Phil. 4.6. No cause to bee troubled with worldly cares. Cast all care on the Lord, for he careth for thee, 1. Pet. 5.7. Our heavenly father knoweth that we haue need of all these things, Mat. 6.32. Cast therefore thy burden vpon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee, Psal. 55.22. object. I live onely from hand to mouth, and cannot get before hand, I haue only food and raiment. Supply of present necessary wants should cause us to be contented. Answ. Be not covetous, content thyself with that thou hast, Heb. 13.5. If thou hast food and raiment, bee therewith content. 1. Tim. 6.8. As jacob was, Gen. 28.20. For the Lord hath said, he will neither fail thee, nor forsake thee, Heb. 13.6. object. This having but onely for the present, maketh me too careful and doubting for the time to come. Not to care for to morrow. Ans. Take no thought for to morrow, Matth. 6.34. Luk. 12.22. But say with Abraham, God will provide, Gen. 22.8. Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which neither haue store-house nor barn,& yet God feedeth them. How much more are ye( saith our saviour) better than fowles? Luke 12. 24-30. Psal. 104.27.& 145.15. Leuit. 26.4. Matth. 6. 25-31. object. But the world is now a hard world, and I fear famishing. Answ. The godly need not fear famishment. Prou. 10.4.& 13.4. The Lord will not famish the soul of the righteous, Prou. 10.3. love not thou sleep, least thou come to poverty, Prou. 20.13. The idle soul shall suffer hunger, Prou. 19.15. And he that followeth vain persons, shall haue poverty enough, Prou. 28.19. But open thine eyes, and thou shalt bee satisfied with bread, for the diligent hand and the blessing of the Lord maketh rich, Prou. 10.4.22. And his soul shall be made fat, proverb. 13.4. object. But the poor( especially being religious) are not beloved of worldlings, which do possess the things of the earth, and are hard hearted, unwilling altogether to relieve their wants, and therefore may wee perish. God can relieve his childrens wants, though the world be never so hard. Answ. The Lord can give his people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so as they shall lend them, such things as they require, Exod. 12.36. And if man be merciless, he can make ravens feed his seruants, 1. King. 17.4. And sand food from heaven, Exod. 16.35. So as they shall not bee ashamed in the evil time: and in the dayes of famine, they shall be satisfied, Psal. 37.19. object. Alas, my charge is great, my labour and means very weak, to bear up daily such a heavy burden. Answ. walk before God, and be upright, Small means may( by Gods blessing) suffice to maintain many. he is all sufficient, Gen. 17. he can bless very small means, even a cruse of oil, and a little meal to nourish a whole family, 1. King. 17. he can feed a thousand with a loaf of bread, as he did five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, besides women and children, and cause to bee taken up twelve baskets full of broken meat, Matth. 14.20. Know this, that man liveth not by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matth. 4.4. object. But corn is so scarce, and at such an excessive rate, that wee poor may think no otherwise, but to perish by famine, before the price will abate. Answ. Knowest thou not, that ouernight in Samaria, God can turn scarcity into great plenty, and that in a short space. that women eat their children for hunger, 2, Kings 6.28.29, and that an Asses head was at eighty pieces of silver, Verse 25; and yet the next day( according to the word of the Lord), a measure of fine flower was sold for a sheckle,& 2. measures of barley for a sheckle, in the gate of Samaria, 2. Ki. 7.1.16. For with God nothing is impossible. object. Yea, these had Gods word to comfort them, to expect such mercy: but we haue no such word for vs. Ans. We haue promises from God to provide for us, Psal. 132.15. whatsoever things are written afore time, are written for our learning, that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope, Ro. 15.4. Also the Lord hath promised, not to famish the soul of the righteous, Pro. 10.3. he giveth meate to them that fear him, and is ever mindful of his promise, Psal. 111.5. The lions roar and suffer hunger: but such as fear the Lord shall want nothing that is good, Psal. 34.9. In dearth he will redeem thee from death, so as thou shalt laugh at destruction and famine, job, 5.20.22. object. I am not worthy that God should so provide for me. Answ. God regardeth not thy worthiness: for of his goodness he provideth for the poor. object. My poverty maketh me to bee despised of them that haue wealth. The godly poor are better then the wicked rich. Answ. As for contempt, learn to contemn it, for the Lord regards thee, Psal. 40.17, and know that a little which a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many wicked, Psal. 37.16. And that better is the poor, that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he bee rich, Prou. 28.6.& 19.1. object. My poverty hindereth me, that I cannot do the good I would, to such as suffer and are in bands for righteousness sake, which doth not a little grieve me: though I give my mite, yet it is nothing. Answ. A willing mind to do well after our ability, is acceptable unto God. God doth accept the will for the dead; for if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not, 2. Cor. 8.12. A cup of could water shall not lose the reward, Matth. 10.42. And the poor widows mite is more acceptable to God, than the superfluity of the wealthy, Mar. 12.43.44. Of commom crosses, vexations, and outward molestations. Ob. I Am crossed one way or other: the Lord is ever correcting me and trying me. Answ. Happy is the man whom the Lord correcteth, Ps. 94.11.13. job, 5.17. Psalm. 94.12. For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth; for if wee be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are we bastards and no sons, Heb. 12.6.7. Also blessed is he that endureth temptations, Iam. 1.12. For God doth thus prove his children, that he might do them good in the latter end, Deut. 8.16. object. I am injured unjustly, and it vexeth me to be wronged of them, that I do no wrong unto. Answ. david was persecuted without cause, Psal. 119.161. So was Iesus himself; let not this therefore vex thee, knowing that it is thankworthy to endure grief, suffering wrongfully: and it is acceptable to God to take it patiently, 1. Pet. 2.19.20. object. But such, as both by reason and religion are bound to me, haue yet abused me. Answ. david was abused of his familiar friend, Psal. 41.9. With whom he had taken sweet counsel, and walked into the house of God in company, Psal. 55.14. And Iesus Christ betrayed by Iudas, one of his twelve chosen household seruants, and that with a token of love, and under a friendly salutation, Matth. 26. This is therefore no strange trial, but such as befell the best beloved of God. object. I haue many aduersaries, and am now at this present in great danger of them. Answ. Dread them not, the Lord hath a hook to put in their nostrils, 2. Kings 19.28. He can confounded their wisdom, as he did Achitophels, 2. Sam. 17.14, or strike them blind, as he did the Sodomites, Gen. 19, and the army of the Aramites, 2. King. 6.18, or hid thee from their wrath, as he did Eliah from the fury of Iezabell, 1. Kin. 18.12.& 19. And jeremy with Baruch, from the hands of the Princes, jer. 36.26, or command them not to hurt thee, as he did Laban pursuing jacob, Gen. 31.24.29, or turn their harts, as he did Esaus toward jacob, Ge. 33. Making them to bee at peace with thee, Prou. 16.7, or raise up for them enemies to keep them busied, that thou maiest escape, 1. Sam. 23.27.28, or else make their hearts melt, taking knowledge of thine innocency, and cause their own mouths to justify thee, and condemn themselves as Saul did, when he unjustly pursued after david, 1. Sam. 26.21. object. My aduersaries are full of tricks and devises, to bring their matters about. Answ. The Lord disappointeth the devises of the crafty, that their hands can not perform their enterprizes, job, 5.12. Psal. 21.11.& 33.10. Esa. 33.11. Nehe. 4.15. Yea he taketh the wise in their own craftiness, Verse 15, and their own counsel shal cast them down, job. 8.7. object. They are mighty and rich, and I am of a mean and poor estate. Answ. Pro. 22.22.23. But the Lord saveth the poor from the sword, from their mouth, Psal. 140.12. and from the hand of the mighty, so as the poor hath hope, job, 5.15.16. For the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor. object. They speak lies, and are false witnesses against me. Answ. The mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped, Prou. 12.19.22.& 19.5.9.& 21.28. Psalm. 63.11. And they shall bee destroyed, Psal. 5.6. Dauids enemies did belie him. Psalm. 35.11. So did Naboths, 1. King. 21. The Iewes adversary Haman, easter, 3.8, and others, Esdr. 4.12. And the enemies of the Lord Iesus did wickedly belie him; so as the malice of thine enemies herein, is no other than was Christs, and all these before name. But harken what is said, The almighty will witness for thee, though thine aduersaries should writ a book against thee, job, 31.35. object. They travel with mischief, they haue digged a pit, and spread a net, and haue set traps in the way for me. Answ. read the whole 64. psalm, noting the malice of the wicked, their policy and combination against the true hearted, and their overthrow. Let them travell with mischief, they shall bring forth a lie, Psalm. 7.14, and fall into the ditch which they haue digged, Vers. 15, and in the net which they haue hide, shall their own feet bee taken, Psal. 9.15. object. In my adversity my friends forsake me, and for very fear of mine enemies, my dearest and nighest of blood haue left me, and I am so destitute of succour. Answ. Of such friends job complaineth, Friends fail in adversity. Psal. 142.4.& 69.8.& 38.11. Chap. 19.19, and david, Psalm. 31.11.& 38.11: but what though man leave us, the Lord will stand by us, 2. Tim. 4.16. And when father and mother do forsake us, the Lord will take us up, Psal. 27.10. For the Lord will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer, Psalm. 102.17, and will deliver them out of the hand of the wicked, Psal. 97.10, standing at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul, Psal. 109.31. object. I am in danger of imprisonment, and the cruelty of mine enemies is such, if they once throw me into prison, I shall never get out. His provident care is over poor prisoners. Answ. The Lord looketh down from the height of his sanctuary, from heaven doth the Lord behold the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to lose those that are appointed to death, Psal. 102.19.20. jeremy was in a dungeon, Iehoiaehim, 2. King. 25.27. Paul and Sylas in prison, yet GOD delivered them; yea and Manasses in chains, and that for his wickedness, yet then truly repenting and praying for mercy, the Lord set him also at liberty, 2. Chron. Ob. But I know the prison that I shall go to, is kept by a sturdy and hard hearted gaoler, without any religion, therefore may I perish while I am there. Answ. joseph was cast into prison under a heathen, but the Lord being with him, and showing him mercy, gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison, Gen. 39.21:& S. Paul and Sylas being at the first cruelly dealt with by a gaoler, under whom they were imprisoned, yet soon got special favour at his hands, the Lord having converted him to the faith of Christ, Acts, 16.24 33.34. object. Ah, I am cast down, my wicked aduersaries haue prevailed, I almost faint in this my trouble. Answ. Be of good courage the Lord will strengthen thine heart, Psal. 31.24 & 27.14. wait on the Lord, and he will save thee, Esa. 25.9. He will raise up all those that bee bowed down, Psalm. 146.14.& 146.8. he lifteth up the meek, and casteth the wicked down to the ground, Psal. 147. object. It grieveth me to see how they now triumph, and rejoice over me, as one utterly forsaken, left destitute, and forgotten of God. Answ. Psal. 22.24. The Lord thinks vpon the afflicted, to deliver them. The Lord forgetteth not the cry of the afflicted, Psal. 9.12, he regardeth the prayer of the deftitute, Psal. 102.17, he is a refuge in times of trouble to the oppressed, Psalm. 9.9.& 14.6; yea, for the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I rise( saith the Lord) I will set him in safety, from him that puffeth at him, Psa. 12.5. object. But seeing I am not delivered, I fear God hath forsaken me, and the rather, for that I haue used good and lawful means for deliverance, and yet since that time I haue been worse dealt with then before. means at first may seem to be weak, which after may prevail. Answ. So were the Israelites( for a while) worse dealt with by Pharaoh and the Egyptians, because Moses and Aaron were means for their deliverance, but at the length they were set free, Exod. 5.23.& 12.41. wait therefore on the Lord, and he will save thee, Prou. 20.22. For the Lord forsaketh not them that seek him, Psal. 18.30.. Psal. 9.10.& 37.28. he saveth by his right hand them that put their trust in him, from those that rise up against them, Psalm. 17.7. Remember I pray thee, who ever perished being innocent, or where were the righteous cut off? job, 4.7. object. I hope I should do well, but that I fear one man, that is high minded and mighty, who beareth the most sway, and is a great friend to my aduersaries, and so my enemy, believing lies also and false reports against me. Answ. Blessed is the man, Man is not to be feared. that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside unto lies, Psal. 40.4. Why shouldst thou bee afraid of a man that shall die, and even in a moment? job, 5.20. or of the son of man, which shall be made as grass? Esay, 51.12. If God be with us( saith the Apostle) who can be against us? Rom. 8.31. Therefore say with david, my defence is in God, Psal. 7.10. The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do unto me, Psal. 118.6. object. Yea, but if I had some such great helps to stand for me, as they haue for them, it were the better, and I should hope so the sooner to prevail. Answ. It is better to trust in the Lord, Though it be not amiss to haue favour of man, yet it is best to trust onely in God. then to put any confidence in man: it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in Princes, Psal. 118.8.9; In whom there is no help, Psal. 146.3. For mans breath goeth forth, he turneth to his earth, in that very day his thoughts perish, Vers. 4. Happy therefore is he, that hath the God of jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who keepeth truth for ever, and executeth ●udgement for the oppressed, Vers. 5.6.7. Turning the way of the wicked upside down, Vers. 9. object. I know it is best to trust in God, who is able to deliver, but what means to use, that God may deliver me, I know not. Prayer a means to be used for deliverance in trouble. Ans. even humble and fervent prayer, for( saith the Lord) Call vpon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me, Psal. 50.15. For the Lord is nigh unto all them that call vpon him: to all that call vpon him in truth, Psal. 145.18. object. I haue often called, and( blessed be his name) he hath often heard me, but I may not yet think, that he will do so still. Answ. The Lord will deliver thee in six troubles, God is not weary of well doing. yea in seven, there shall no evil touch thee, job. 5.19. Many times did he deliver the Israelites, Psal. 106.43. For the goodness of God endureth continually, Psal. 52.1. And he delighteth to do good to his people, jer. 32.41. object. I am constrained to make my suit unto the King, and I fear to think of it( though my cause bee most just), because of the majesty of that his place and person. Answ. Pray unto the King of Kings, for the Kings heart is in the hands of the Lord, as the riuers of water, he turneth it whether soever he will, Prou. 21.1. object. I fear that some haue falsely informed against me, and so the truth of my cause shall not bee understood. Answ. What if they haue? it is the honour of a King to search out a matter, Prou. 25.2. And the eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor, Prou. 22.12. object. But a wicked Zibah, in his treacherous courses by flattery, and his sinister practices mis-led david ( a wise Prince) in matter of iudgement. Answ. A King that sitteth in the throne of iudgement, scattereth away all evil with his eyes, Prou. 20.8. And a wise King scattereth the wicked,& bringeth the wheel over them, Vers. 26. For by taking away the wicked from before him, his throne is established in righteousness, Prou. 25.5. In his lips is a divine fentence, and his mouth transgresseth not in iudgement, Prou. 16.10. Ob. A david, though he bee both a wise and a good King, yet is he but a man, and so may do amiss against me, a poor distressed Mephibosheth, made contemptible by my enemies. Answ. Mercy and truth do preserve the King, and his throne is upholden with mercy, Prou. 20.28. To Kings it is an abomination to commit wickedness, Pro. 16.12. And the King that faithfully iudgeth the poor, his throne shall bee established for ever, Prou. 29.14. object. I should haue good hope to speed, but that my aduersaries can make friends, and haue many devises to hinder my suite. Ans. There are many devises in a mans heart; Prou. 21.30. jer. 9.23. nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand, Prou. 19.21. Many seek and will entreat the favour of the Prince, Vers. 6. But every mans iudgement cometh from the Lord, proverbs, 29.26. Of evils in a Commonwealth. Ob. I think there was never a worse age, one can not trust an other; such deceit, lying, flattering, swearing, forswearing, mischief, and cruelty, yea and all iniquity: but truth and goodness few like and allow of. Answ. Formertimes worse: yet the present time commonly complained off. Mans heart possessed with grief of present evils, which he onely considereth off, maketh him forget what hath been. But behold thou now the former time, and weigh the complaints of the Prophets. Osea saith, there was in his daies, no mercy, truth, nor knowledge of God in the Land; but swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and whoring, and blood touching blood, Chap. 4.1.2. They set traps and laid nets to catch men, many by deceit became great, and waxed rich, Chap. 5.26.27. Brothers would supplant one another, and neighbours would walk up and down with slanders, and one deceive another, they would speak peaceably with the mouth, but in hart would lay wait, Chap. They were shameless in adulteries, and abominable whooredomes, like fed horses, neighing after their neighbours wives, Chap. 5. 8. covetousness and falsehood reigned in Prophets, and Priests, soothing and flattering up the people, and that without shane, Chap. Being in Esaus dayes as greedy dogges, never satisfied, Chap. 56.11. But neither they, nor the people were valiant for the truth. jer. 9.3. None called for iustice, none pleaded for truth, Esa. 59.4. The cause of the fatherless, and right of the needy they judged not, jer. 5.28. Their Princes were rebellious, and companions of theeues, they loved gifts, and followed after rewards, Esa. 1.23. They altogether broke the yoke, and did burst the bands of their obedience towards God, jer. 5.5. And the house of God in those wicked times by stealing, murder, adultery, and other sins was made a den of theeues, Ierem. 7. 9-11. And therfore now no greater cause to complain of this age than formerly hath been, the consideration may work patience and prayer: yet not without grief of heart, as the evils did cause the godly men in those dayes to mourn. Eccles. 4.4. object. I can not but marvell to see the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of iudgement and iustice. Answ. marvell not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth, and there is greater then they, Eccles. 5.8. object. It may seem that there is no providence, that God regardeth not, and that he doth not behold, what is done here vpon earth. Answ. 2. Chro. 16.9 Gods eyes are every where, and knows all and every particular mans doing. jer. 32.19. The Lord from the place of his habitation, looketh vpon all the inhabitants of the earth, he fashioneth their hearts, he considereth al their works, and beholdeth all the sons of men, Psal. Yea he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven, job, 28.24. Psal. 113.6. object. This may bee so in general in a confused manner: but he doth not take notice of every particular mans doing. Answ. There is not any creature, that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and open to his eyes, with whom wee haue to do, Heb. 4.13. The ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his doings, Prou. 5.21. he seeth a mans ways, and counteth all his steps, Chap. 31.4. His eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, 1. Chro. 28.9 Psal. 7.10.& 20.12.& 94.11. Prou. 15.3. he trieth the raynes and the hart, jer. 11.20. 1. Sam. 16.7. Though it bee deceitful above all things, jer. 17.9.10. And considereth our thoughts long before. object. Be it that God seeth thus, as is said; All things are possible with God. yet it may be, he is not able to rule and govern them. Answ. God is greater than man, job, 33.12. And doth what he will in heaven and in earth, for there is nothing too hard for him, jer. 32.17. Psal. 135.6. object. Then it may seem, that he is respective of persons: if he can take order with them, and will not. Answ. God is no accepter of persons. Deut. 10.17. 2. Chro. 9.7. Act. 10.34. Rom. 2.11. he doth not accept the person of Princes, nor regardeth the rich more then the poor, for they are all the work of his hands, job, 34.19. object. Well, for all this, seeing that God forbids sin, and hateth iniquity, and yet men commit sin and iniquity: it seemeth not reasonable, that he should suffer them to live vpon the earth. God suffereth the wicked to remain vpon the earth. Answ. God giveth not account of any of his matters, job, 33.13. But what if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, doth endure( with much long suffering) the vassals of wrath made up to destruction, Rom. 9.22. Otherwise they should soon be cut down, and the Lord would rain vpon them snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest, this should bee their portion to drink, Psa. 11.5.6. object. me think yet, they should not be suffered to do what they list, as wee see they do daily. Answ. They do not what they list, The wicked do not what they list. though wee think so, and that they themselves also bee so persuaded. It is the Lord that doth onely whatsoever he pleaseth, Psalm. 115.3. job, 23.13. But they do not what they will, for they can not speak but as he will, Prou. 16.1. Nor go, but by his direction, Vers. 9. Ierem. 10.23. Prou. 20.24. Their power, counsel and consent do that, which Gods hand and his counsel determined before to bee done, Act. 4.28. Therefore in all these things which come to pass, wee may say with Ely: It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good, 2. Sam. 16.10.11. 1. Sam. 3.18. object. But it may not seem credible, that the Lord doth hear and see all their ways,& the iniquity which they do commit; for it is so horrible,& the villainy therof in many so outrageous, that man can not endure it. Can God hear and see, and let them alone? God beholds the wicked, and seeth what they do. Answ. Mine eyes( saith the Lord) are vpon all their ways, they are not hide from my face, neither is their iniquity hide from mine eyes, jer. 16.17. For he that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall not he see? and he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know? Psal. 94.1.10. object. Belike then, the Lord is not angry with them, and therefore may they continue and proceed on, without fear of punishment. Answ. Esa. 42.14. God is angry with the wicked, though he forbear to reuenge himself for a season. Though the Lord keep silence a long time, when men do these things: yet one day will he reprove them, and set their sins in order before them, Psalm. 50.21. In the mean season, he is angry with the wicked every day, Psalm. 7.11. And he seeth and beholdeth mischief and spite, to requited it with his hand, Psa. 10.14. For the wicked, and him that loveth violence, doth his soul hate, Psal. 11.5. Yea he hateth all the workers of iniquity, abhorring the bloody and deceitful man, psalm 5.5.6. object. The mighty sit in iudgement to judge others: but none taketh notice of their proceedings. Answ. Yes verily, God standeth in the congregation of the mighty. he iudgeth among the Gods, Psalm. 82.1. And sitteth in the throne judging right, Psal. 9.4. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness, his countenance doth behold the upright, Psal. 11.7. object. The poor complain, the oppressed are not relieved, the fatherless and widows are neglected, their cause cometh not before thē. Answ. The poor afflicted, haue God for their judge, he pleadeth for them. The Lord executeth righteousness and iudgement, for all that are oppressed, Psal. 103.6. he heareth the cry of the afflicted, job, 34.28. he heareth the poor, Psal. 69, 33. He delivereth the poor in his affliction, job, 36.15. The Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted,& the right of the poor, Psal. 40.12. He is a father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widow in his holy habitation, Psalm. 68.5. he will deliver the needy when he crieth, the poor also,& him that hath no helper, Psal. 72.14. object. But these want an advocate and Lawyer to pled for them, and therefore are they spoyled, of those that seek their overthrow. Esa. 3.13.14. Answ. The Lord will pled the cause of the poor and afflicted, and will spoil the soul of those that spoil them, Prou. 22.23. For their Redeemer is mighty, Prou. 23.11. object. Though a man may haue his cause pleaded, justly defended, and sentence on his side pronounced, yet it may want execution. Answ. The Lord also executeth righteousness and iudgement, for all that are oppressed, 103.6. He establisheth equity, Psal. 99.4. For righteousness& iudgement, are the habitation of his throne, Psal. 97.2. Of Warres. Ob. THere is a pressing of souldiers every where, we must into the wars: but how we shall prevail I can not see. Answ. Through God we shall do valiantly, for he it is that shall tread down our enemies, Psal. 60.12. object. We want strength and skill. Answ. Psal. 68.35.& 144.1. God girdeth his with strength unto the battle,& teacheth their hands to war, and with their arms to break even bows of steel, Psa. object. Wee are very shortly to join in battle with a great host, which bee the enemies of our faith and true religion. Not to fear to fight against the enemies of the Church. Answ. fear them not( saith the Lord) for I am with you: be not dismayed I will strengthen you, yea I will help you, yea I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness, Esa. 41.10. For the battle is not yours, but the Lords: go out therefore against them; for the Lord will be with you, 2. Chron. 20.15.18. object. But we Captaines fear, that many newly pressed are faint hearted and will not fight. Answ. They shall be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle, and they shall fight because the Lord is with them, Zach. 10.5. object. The enemies serve under a mighty potentate, and are a great multitude. Answ. Bee strong and courageous, There are more with the godly, than with the wicked. 2. King. 6.16. bee not afraid nor dismayed for that King, nor for all the multitude that is with him, for there be more with us, than with him. With him is an arm of flesh: but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battels, 2. Chron. 32.7.8. There is no king saved by the multitude of an host, a mighty man is not delivered by much strength, Psal. 33.16. object. But besides his own strength and pvissance, he hath many Princes his confederates, who haue joined their powers to his, and we are but an handful: therfore do they boast and make themselves sure of the victory. A small company may prevail against a huge host. Answ. Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself, as he that putteth it off, 1. Kin. 20.11. As did Benhadad, who came against Ahab with Horses and Chariots, and thirty two Kings also with him, Verse 1. Yet seven thousand two hundred thirty& two of Israel overthrew his host, and made him fly out of the field, Vers. 15.20. Zerah the Ethiopian came against Asa with a huge host, of a million of men, with many Chariots and horse-men, yet because Asa did rely vpon the Lord, that innumerable multitude was overthrown, 2. Chron. 16.8.& 14.9.13. For it is nothing with the Lord to help, whether with many, or with them that haue no power, V. 11. object. But besides the multitude( being two to one) the enemy hath by a stratagem of war, gotten us into the very midst of them, they haue laid an ambushment, so as the battle is before and behind. Answ. It is not policy that can prevail against the Lord. Policy cannot prevail, where God will give the victory. jeroboam that Idolater came into the field with a chosen army of eight hundred thousand mighty men of valour, 2. Chron. 13.3. And Abiiah a true worshipper of God, but with half so many, being also compassed round with Ieroboams host, yet crying unto the Lord, he delivered them into the hand of Abiiah, who slay of them five hundred thousand chosen men, Verse 14-17. Because judah relied vpon the Lord God of their fathers, Vers. 18. object. They are well furnished with weapons. Answ. No weapon that is framed against thee shall prosper, Esa. 54.17. object. They haue gotten the places of advantage, the hills and Mountaines from vs. Answ. truly in vain is safety hoped for, The advantage of the place, preserves not against Gods power. from the hills, and from the multitude of mountaines: truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel, Iere. 3.23. Who is God in the valleys, as well as on the hills, to give his people victory, 1. King. 20.28. object. They bee strong in horse-men. Answ. A horse is a vain thing for safety, Esa. 31.3. neither shal he deliver any by his great strength, Psal. 33.17. The riders on horses shall be confounded, Zach. 10.5. object. They haue many Chariots. Esa. 31.1. Prou. 21.31. 2. King. 6.7. Answ. Indeed some put their trust in Chariots, some in Horses, but let us remember the name of the Lord our God, whose Chariots are twenty thousand, even thousands of Angels, Psal. 68.17. object. Well, they bee gathered together to bid us battle. Answ. Behold they shall surely gather together, but not by me. whosoever shal gather together against thee( saith the Lord) shall fall for thy sake, Esa. 54.15. Ob. But it seemeth to me impossible to escape in the battle, from the shot of the Artillery, it flieth so thick vpon vs. Ans. Trust in God, and he shall cover thy head in the day of battle( Psalm. 140.7) under his wings; his truth shall be thy shield, and buckler, thou shalt not need to fear the terror of the night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noon. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee, Psal. 91. 4-7. object. Wee want a wise and valiant man of war to be our Leader. Answ. The Lord mighty in battle( Psal. 24.8.) shall go forth as a mighty man, like a man of war, he shall cry, yea roar; he shall behave himself mightily, and prevail against his enemies, Esa. 42.13. object. Wee want the company and countenance of mighty Princes, to help vs. Earthly Princes power, is not to be trusted unto, but we are to beleeue in the Lord. Answ. Put not your trust in Princes, nor in the son of a man, in whom their is no help, Psal. 146.3. For he goeth forth, he returneth to his earth, in that very day his thoughts perish, Vers. 4. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put any confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put any confidence in Princes, Psal. 118.8.9. For the eyes of the Lord run too and fro, throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them, whose heart is perfect towards him, 2. Chron. 16.9. object. They haue strong helpers: but we haue few, or none to take part with vs. Answ. fear not, If God be with us, none can stand against vs. jer. 17.5. 2. Kin. 6.16. Though men do not aid us, yet God being for us, who can bee against us, Rom. 8.31. For with them is onely an arm of flesh: but with us, is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battels, 2. Chron. 32.8. So as they that bee with us, are more then they that be with them, 2. King. 6.16. 2. Chron. 32.7. Ob. Yet peradventure the enemy may force us to retire, and wee are near no Castle, shelter, or place of refuge. Answ. The Lord is a shelter, a strong tower, Psa. 61.3. A rock of salvation, Psal. 62.2. And our refuge, Psalm. 46.7.& 48.3. Yea, the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it, and is safe, Prou. 18.10. Of particular callings and courses of life, and first concerning Parents. Parents. Ob. I Am a careful father, and yet am I vexed with a lewd and rebellious child,, which doth not a little afflict me. Godly parents may haue ungodly children. Answ. faithful Abraham( the friend of God) had a mocking Ismaell; good Isaac, a profane Esau; and zealous david, his most wicked and unnatural son Absolom. object. I haue instructed him, but he is not the better, I will therefore leave him to himself. Answ. A child left to himself, Correction good for children. bringeth his Parents to shane, Pro. 29.15. But correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest, yea he shall give delight unto thy soul, Verse, 17. object. I am not in want myself, nor ever was destitute of competent means to live( I thank God), yet am I very much troubled about my childrens welfare, how they should do after me, because I haue little or nothing to leave them. Answ. The Lord is a strong confidence to him that feareth him, The children of the righteous are blessed. Psal. 103.17.& 115.14. Prou. 13.22. and his children shall haue a place of refuge, Prou. 14.26. The just man walketh in his integrity, and his children are blessed after him, Prou. 20.7. For the generation of the upright shall bee blessed, Psal. 112.2. Of which david speaketh from his experience, saying, I haue been young, and now am old, yet haue I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread, Psal. 37.25. object. I am desirous to haue my children well brought up, and could be content to be at cost( to the utmost of my power) for the same, but that I can not see how possibly they may come to preferment; for not mens deserts, but( for the most part) favour, friends, money, outward grace, and countenance of the world, fraud and flattery get men their places and preferments. Answ. Behold, Preferment is onely of God, and the earth disposed at his pleasure. jer. 27.5. God exalteth by his power, job, 36.22. Preferment( whatsoever man thinketh, or whatsoever means he useth to obtain it) cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South: but God is the judge, he putteth down one, and setteth up another, Psalm. 75.6.7. Both riches and honor come from him. He reigneth over all. In his hand is power and might. In his hand it is to make great, Psal. 107.41. and to give strength unto all, 1. Chron. 29.12. He raiseth the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy and beggar out of the mire from the dung-hil, that he may set him with Princes, even with the Princes of his people, Psal. 113.7. And to make him inherit the throne of glory, 1. Sam. 2.8. Children. Ob. I Am a child,( I speak it with harts grief,) of ill disposed Parents, I fear that God will visit vpon me their sins and iniquities. Answ. A good child shall not fare the worse, for his fathers wickedness. Behold( saith the Lord) all souls are mine, as the soul of the father, so the soul of the son is mine. The soul that sinneth, it shall die, the father in his own iniquity, Ezech. 18.4.18. But lo, if he beget a son that seeth all his fathers sins, which he hath done and considereth, and doth not such like, he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live, Verses, 18.14.17. object. Wee bee fatherless children, wee haue none to fly unto for succour, to haue remedy for the wrongs we do sustain. God is the guardian to fatherless children. Answ. The Lord is the helper, and a father of the fatherless, Psalm. 10.14.& 68.5. he is their mighty redeemer, he will pled their cause with the oppressor, Prou. 23.11. he will judge the fatherless and oppressed, that the man of earth may no more oppress, Psal. 10.18. object. I haue very unkind and unnatural brethren, without cause on my part. Answ Not more unkind and unnaturally cruel, than Cain was to innocent Abell, or Esau to jacob, and Iacobs ten sons to their brother joseph, whom they did intend mercilessly to murder, even of mere envy, for the graces of God in him. Married persons. Ob. I Am unequally yoked. Answ. God so disposeth by his provident hand in his wisdom, that a religious david, shall match with a mocking Michol; and a wise Abigail with a foolish and churlish Nabal. object. We are of so cross natures, as we shall never be brought to accord. Answ. Pray unto the Lord, for he maketh them of the house to bee of one mind. Psal. 68.6. object. Wee haue too many children. Children are the blessing of God. Answ. Say not so, behold, children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward, Psal. 127.31. Blessed is the man that hath filled his quiver, his house full of them, Ver. 5. It is a blessing promised to him that feareth God, that his wife shall bee as a fruitful vine by the sides of his house, and his children as olive branches round about his Table, Psal. 128.31. object. But I am grown old, and haue the charge, not onely of mine own children, but of my childrens children. Answ. There is no cause of discontentment, but of glory and rejoicing, for childrens children are the crown of old men, Prou. 17.6. object. See how very unthankful some are for Gods blessing, in giuing them children! but I that desire them can not haue them, and remain hopeless. Ans. God can make the barren to bear children. Hannah remained long childless, yet at the length God made her fruitful, 1. Sam. 1.20.& 2.21. For the Lord setteth the solitary in families, Psal. 68.6. And maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to bee a joyful mother of children, Psal. 113.9, when it pleaseth him. If thou dost remain childless, be content to bee without a certain care, for an uncertain comfort. For as a wise child maketh a glad father, and causeth the mother to rejoice, Prou. 15.20.& 23.24.25. So a foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him, Prou. 17.25. unmarried. A good wife is Gods gift. Ob. I Haue a mind to mary: but I fear to bee ill sped. Answ. go unto God for his furtherance& blessing; for house and riches are inheritance from Parents, but a prudent wife cometh of the Lord, Pro. 19.14. By his favour thou shalt find her, Pro. 28.22. And he will sand his Angel with thee to guide thee in the way, Gen. 24.7. object. I haue been married, but haue now lost a comfortable yoke-fellow, and a most obedient loving wife: the remembrance of her is such, as though I hardly can contain, yet am I very loth to mary again. Answ. Abraham had his beloved Sarah, for beauty hardly comparable, admirable in graces, matchless for her love to her husband, and held worthy to bee recorded by the Apostle, as a pattern to all wives, 1. Pet. 3.6. for her reverence and obedience in word and deed unto her Lord and husband, yet at the Lords call shee went before him, Gen. 23.2. who mourned and wept greatly for her: but yet he being very old, Chap. 25.1. afterwards married Keturah. But for the younger sort in yeeres, that can not contain, let them ever consider what the Apostle saith: It is better to mary then to burn, 1. Cor. 7.9. object. I am a poor widow that haue lost a good husband, a man fearing God, yet hath he left me in a great debt, and with a charge of children, and now the creditors come vpon me to take all away, and to leave me nothing, never poor woman was in such a case. Alas, I know not what to do. Answ. God provideth for poor widows, and fatherless children. Bee patient and wait on God: thou maiest red of a good mans wife, one that feared God, to haue been left in the very self same case, 2. King. 4.1. Yet did the Lord( as an husband to her), and a merciful father to her children, miraculously provide for them, both for their maintenance and payment of the debt, Verse 3-7. For the Lord is a father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widow, Psal. 68.5. He also relieveth the fatherless and widow, Psal. 146.9. And ever hath had special care of them, both for their relief, Deut. 24.19.21, the preservation of their state, proverbs, 15.25, and preventing of wrongs offered unto them, Exo. 22.22.24. Masters and Seruants. Ob. I Am a master of a family, but a world of grief it is to see the deceit and falsehood of seruants, I am almost undone by them, I think never master was thus dealt with. A good seruant serveth the Lord. Answ. Had not most honest, most true hearted Mephibosheth, a notable deceiver to his seruant, that wicked villain Zibah? 2. Sam. 16. Had not religious Philemon, his pilfering Onesimus? dost thou not know that Iesus Christ himself had a traitor to his seruant, who for gain sold his life into the hands of his bloody enemies? Consider and learn patience. object. I am a poor seruant, I labour faithfully, but my reward is small. Answ. A good seruant serveth the Lord. In so doing thou servest the Lord Christ, of whom thou shalt receive thy reward, Col. 3.24. For if with a good will thou dost service to thy master, as unto Christ, with fear and trembling in singleness of heart, not with eye-seruice, as a man-pleaser, but as a seruant to Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, for the good thing thou dost, thou shalt bee recompensed of the Lord, Ephes. 6. 5-8. object. My master is a very worldling, and dealeth not honestly with me in my wages, according to covenant. If it were not for common shane, or that he knows by law I may recover my due, he would sand me away empty-handed: it can not but grieve a man to do faithful service to such a man. The masters wickedness, should not make the seruant faithless. Gen. 30.26.33.& Answ. Thou mayst not yet cease to be faithful, looking for a reward at God● hand, jacob was a mos● faithful and painful seruant to Laban, yet did thi● his uncle and master wron● him, and changed his wages ten times, Gen. 31. ● 41. And except the God o● Abraham, and the fear o● his father Isaac, had been with him, surely his master Laban had sent him away empty, Gen. 31.42. Gen. But God saw the faithfulness of jacob, and all that Laban did unto him, and the affliction of his seruant, and the labour of his hands, and therefore did he graciously reward him,& God is one and the same to all faithful seruants, Ephes. 6.8. object. I am constrained to be at command to such, as be enemies to true religion, idolaters, and persecutors, and can not get away, which maketh me to think myself left of God, and not to bee reckoned among such as fear him. Ans. joseph a godly man, lived in Pharaohs Court, Gen. 41.40. A good man may serve a bad master sometime. jacob was a seruant to idolatrous Laban, Gen. 31. Daniel was with nabuchadnezzar and Darius, Dan. 2.48.& 6.3. Abedmelech was one in Zedechias Court, Ierem. 38.7. And Obediah, one fearing God was in Achabs house, 1. King. 18.3. Yet were they not left of God, but such as did serve and fear him. For though they were seruants to men: yet were they( being good) even the Lords freemen, 1. Cor. 7.22. Men in public authority. Ob. I Am a magistrate, but much discouraged in the execution of my magistracy, for matters are so packed up of others, lewd persons so born with all, and myself for just proceeding so little regarded of my betters, so opposed by my equals, and so despised hereby of inferiors, as in deed, I must either give over my place, or cease to be upright. Answ. We may not cease to do well, though we be crossed in our callings. For all this take heed what thou dost: thou judgest not for man, but for the Lord, who is with thee in the iudgement, 2. Chro. 19.6. Blessed are they that keep iudgement, and he that doth righteousness at all times, Psal. 106.3. Let therefore the fear of the Lord bee with thee, take heed and do it, 2. Chr. 19.7. object. I am a judge, and one sitting in the place of iustice: but indeed a very peruerter of iustice and truth: for I haue more often pretended law, than followed it; and if I had law,( then for my own advantage and profit, or to reuenge me on my aduersaries, or to pleasure my friends, or for hope of a bribe, or to haue( in the like occasion) an other to do as much for me, or my friend, or for fear sometime) I would make the best of that law;& where it would serve the turn, there would I stretch it vpon the ten●●●● making the sinews thereof crack again; and where it might make for the adverse party, that branch I would falsely interpret, or make it to bee of no force. Thus unjustly haue I sit in iudgement. Woe is me: I can not hope of mercy. Ans. Luk. 19.8.9. An unjust judge may find mercy, if he repent and make restitution. salvation is come to Zacheus house, if he beleeue in Christ, show mercy freely and bountifully to the poor, and shall restore back again, what he hath gotten by forged cavillation. For the Lord looketh vpon men in his mercy. And if any say I haue sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not, he will deliver that mans soul for going into the pit, and his life 〈◇〉 the light, job, 33. 2●● Pastors and Teachers. Ob. I Am a pastor over a flock, but haue a rebellious people, who cause me to fear to discharge faithfully my duty, they are so wickedly bent against me. Ezech. 3.9. Answ. Be not afraid of their faces, for though they do fight against thee, they shall not prevail: for I am with thee, to deliver thee( saith the Lord,) jer. 1.18.19. And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, jer. 15.20.21. object. I haue preached painfully, yet I find no fruit of my labours, my diligence is but lost vpon them. A painful pastor shall not lose the reward of his labour. Answ. The word( saith God) that goeth out of my mouth, shal not return unto me voided, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing, whereto I sand it, Esa. 55.11. howsoever it doth prevail with them, yet art thou in thy ministry, a sweet savour of Christ unto God, both in them that are saved, and in them that perish, 2. Corinth. 2.15. Thy iudgement is with the Lord, and thy work with thy God, Esa. 44.4. And though the people bee not gathered, yet shalt thou bee glorious in the Lords eyes, and he shal be thy strength, Verse, 5. Ob. But if they amend not, I fear to become guilty of their blood. Ans. If thou dost warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul, Eze. 3.19. And art free from his blood, Act. 20.26. Ob. truly, I am weary of my calling, and ready to give over my ministry, I am so discouraged both at home and abroad, of the laietie I am reproached, and of the clergy( in authority) I am not assisted, but rather basely esteemed and neglected as a contemptible person. I haue suffered of all sorts such wrong, onely for my faithfulness in my ministry, as I am not able to endure it. Christ is to us his ministers, a pattern of patience. Answ. That thou maiest not be wearied and faint in mind, consider the Lord Iesus, who endured such contradiction of sinners against him, and for the ioy that was set before him, endured the cross, despised the shane, and is now set at the right hand of the throne of God, Heb. 12.2.3. Saint Paul fought a good fight, kept the faith, and so finished his course,& therefore was a crown of righteousness laid up for him, 2. Tim. 4.7.8. For he that endureth tentation, when he is tried, shall receive the crown of life, Iam. 1.12. object. I am complained off to the highest authority, as an unsufferable man. Ans. So was Amos the Prophet, by Amaziah to jeroboam, Amos, 7.10. object. They hold me a mad fellow, an enemy to the State,& some preach against the truth which I teach, and yet must I be silent, if I complain, I am not heard, I haue so many, and those great enemies against me. Ieremies miseries. Answ. jeremy that most sincere, zealous, and faithful Prophet of God, was held a mad fellow, one that taught without authority, to be worthy stocking, and imprisonment, Cha. 29.26.27. The Priests and false teachers spoken against him, and brought him before authority, as an enemy to the Sate, Chap. 28.1—& 38.4. They devised mischiefs against him, abusing him with their tongue, Chap. 18.18. They had him and his ministry in derision, mocking& reproaching him, Ch. 20.7.8. His familiars watched to catch advantage against him, Chap. 20.10. His very life was sought, Cha. 18.20.23. Pashur smote him, and put him in the stocks, Cha. 20.2. His writings were burnt, Chap. 36.21.23. And he cast into a most loathsome, filthy and stinking prison, Chap. 38. Verse, 6. Thus was jeremy dealt with. What shall I speak of other Prophets? Michaiah, 1. Kings 22.27. Vriiah. jer. 26.23. Eliah, and the rest also of the Apostles, Bishops, and Pastors, faithful Martyrs of Iesus Christ after them? Thou hast not with these resisted unto blood striving against sin, Heb. 12.4. Marchants. Ob. WE dwell by the sea side, and the seas do so often swell, and rage in a storm, as wee may fear they will at length overflow the earth. The sea cannot pass the bounds. Answ. The Lord hath placed the sand for the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it; and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can not they prevail, though they roar, yet can they not pass over it, Ierem. 5.22, to turn again to cover the earth, Psal. 104.9. For the Lord hath set bars and doors, saying, hitherto shall you come, but no further, and here shall the proud waves bee stayed, job, 38.10.11. Ob. I am a merchant, and am often to trade vpon this unstable element, and do fear casting away, for the waves are mighty, and rage horribly, when the stormy wind lifteth them up, so as we in the ships mount up to heaven, and down again to the depth, reeling and staggering to and fro( like drunken men), and sometime are almost brought unto our wits end. Answ. There is safety vpon the seas. There is yet safety vpon the seas, for the Lord ruleth the raging of the sea, when the waves thereof arise he stilleth them, Psalm. 89.9. he is mightier than they, Psal. 93.4. For when men do cry unto him in their troubles, he delivereth them out of their distress: he makes the storm to cease, and the waves to bee still, and bringeth them to their desired harbour, Psal. 107.28.30. O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and his wonderful works to the children of men! Psal. 31. Trades-men. Ob. I Am a trades-man,& desire to live honestly: but if I so do, I see I shal not thrive. Answ. The upright shall haue good things in possession, Prou. 28.10. Ob. But by my honest dealing, I get but little, when others possess great riches. Ans. Better is a little in the fear of God, then great riches without equity and right, Prou. 16.8. And a little that a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many wicked. Ps. 37.16. Ob. But thus shal I leave little to my children, when others make theirs gentlemen. Ans. The just man that walketh in his integrity, his children are blessed after him, Prou. 20.7. As for the heritage hastily gotten, it shall not bee blessed in the end, proverbs, 20.21. For wealth gotten by vanity, shal be diminished, Pro. 13.11. Ob. I could gain, if I might but use the common shifts, and speak vntruely now and then, which are usual every where between the buyer and the seller. Yea, those that are held the most honest market-men, and approved chap-men, are not free from some shifts, and untrue speaking without which they can not live, by buying and selling and gain thereby. Goods ill gotten shall not prosper. Prou. 12.3.& 28.8.& 13.& 11.22. job, 27.17.& jer. 22.13.17 Ans. The getting of treasures by a lying tongue, is a vanity tossed too and fro, of them that seek death, Pr. 21.6. Also lying lips, are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight, Prou. 12.22. Husband-men. Ob. MY calling is very little esteemed off, and doth want wherewith to commend it. Answ. It is not so, Husbandry a calling not to be despised. for this calling of the husband-man is of very great antiquity. The first man of the first world was an husband-man, even Adam, Gen. 3. who also brought up his children therein, Gen. 4. And the first man of the latter world, was an husband-man, even righteous Noah, Gen. 9. It is also of very great necessity, for the profit of the earth is for all. The King himself is served by the field, Ecc. 5.9. Ob. But none of account had ever esteem thereof, for now men of any civil bringing up, scorn to be employed about this calling of husbandry, though they do not put their hands to the labour. Most honourable persons, haue honoured husbandry. Ans. The first Monarch even God himself planted a garden, Gen. 2.8. The two next under him, the sole monarchs of the earth, Adam and Noah were husband-men. Also uzziah a valiant King, 2. Chron. 26. Whose name, for his noble acts and victorious battles spread far, Vers. 8. Yet loved husbandry, Vers. 10. If therefore most honourable persons, may make a calling honourable: then is this calling of husbandry most honourable. Ob. It may be God doth not respect so much a man in this calling, as he doth in another, and then there is small comfort in it, how honourable, ancient, and necessary soever it be. Answ. How much God respects the husband-man, God respects the husband-man. appeareth in these things: that God is his God, and instructeth him to discretion,& teacheth him, Esa. 28.26. He promiseth also blessing vpon his labour, if he be diligent, Pro. 27.23.27.& 28.19.& 12.11. Ob. But sometime it falleth out, that do what wee can, one crop will not bring in an other, though wee husband it never so well. Ans. If you will walk in my statutes( saith the Lord) your threshing shall reach to the vintage, Mens sins mar their husbandry. and the vintage shall reach to the sowing time, and ye shall eat your bread to the full, Leuit. 26.5. Ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new, Vers. 10. Ob. Wee oftentimes want rain, and many times haue it unseasonably. God promiseth seasonable weather, to such as serve him. Leuit. 26.4. Deut. 28.12. Ioel, 2.23.26 Ans. If you will harken diligently unto my commandements( saith the Lord) which I command you, to love the Lord your God,& to serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul, then I will give you the rain of your Land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou maiest gather in thy fruits, Deut. 11.13.14, haue grass also in the field for thy cattle, that so thou maiest eat and be full, Vers. 50. And praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you, Ioel, 2.26. Ob. I think the rain falleth according onely to the course of nature, and is carried( as wee common people think) by Planets, and not by any such a provident hand of God; for I haue known it to rain in one place, and not in another,& the same not far asunder. Ans. rain is by Gods appointment. It is the Lord God that calleth for the waters of the sea,& poureth them out vpon the face of the earth, Amos, 5.8. And sendeth waters vpon the field, job, 5.10. Yea it is he that watereth the ridges of the earth abundantly, making it soft with showers, and blesseth the springing therof, Psal. 65.9.10. he doth also withhold the rain before the harvest, and causeth it to rain vpon one city, and causeth it not to rain vpon another, Amos, 4.7— And he only it is that reserveth unto us, the appointed weekes of the harvest, jer. 5.24. Praised be his name. Of Death. Ob. I Am but young, very healthful and strong, and yet nevertheless I fear sudden death, or untimely taking away. Answ. The hour of death is certainly determined of God. If it be good for thee,& God so please thou shalt go to the grave in a full age, and as a ricke of corn cometh in due season to the barn, job, 5.26. howsoever know this, that there is an appointed time to man vpon earth, job, 7.1. His time is in Gods hand, Psal. 31.15. His daies and moneths are numbered, and his appointed bounds he cannot pass, job, 14.5. Ob. I feel an unwillingness in me to die. Answ. We should not be unwilling to die. Consider that it is the way of all flesh, josh. 23.14. 1. King. 2.2. And that it is appointed unto men once to die, Heb. 9.27. And though the wicked die without hope, job, 21.33. Eccles. 7.2. Prou. 11.7. Yet the righteous in death hath hope, Prou. 14.23. For wee do know that if this earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, wee haue a building of God, an house not made with hand, eternal in the heauens, 2. Cor. 5.1. And shall for ever blessedly rest from our labours, revel. 14.13.& 21.4. Ob. Oh, but( I fear me) we are swallowed up of death, and so there is no more remembrance of vs. The dead as well as the living, are in remembrance before God. Answ. God is not God onely of the living here on earth, but also of them that be departed this life, Matth. 22.32. Who will give us victory over death, through our Lord Iesus Christ, 1. Cor. 15.57. Who will raise us up at the last day, joh. 6.44. For all that beleeue in him shall not perish, but haue life everlasting, John, 11.25.26.& 8.51. object. But the elect of God are scattered all the earth over: Yea, and millions of men are dead and consumed to dust in the grave; it is not like that these can be brought together, to meet the Lord at his appearing. Ans. Yes verily; All shall be raised up at the last day. for the Lord will sand his Angels with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, Matth. 24.31. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead also shall rise, 1. Cor. 15.52. For I know( saith job) that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day vpon the earth, and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, whom I myself shall see, and mine eyes shall behold, and none other for me, job, Ob. Yet those that are in the grave, dead and rotten when Christ cometh, can not as soon appear and behold his presence, as those that be then alive; the consideration thereof may make us desire still to live. Ans. They that are alive, and remain unto the coming of the Lord, The dead in grave shall not be prevented, by the living at Christs coming. shall not prevent them that are asleep, for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Arch-angel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise: first thē, we which are alive and remain, shall together with them be caught up into the clouds, 1. Thess. 4.15.18. Ob. This is comfortable, but, alas, one thing much troubleth my mind often, when I think vpon my death: for my corruptions are so great, my faith so weak, Satans suggestions so strong,& my own conscience so forcibly accusing many times, that I fear my end will bee fearful. The issues of death are in the hand of God. Answ. The Lord doth know( though we do not) how to deliver the godly out of temptations, 2. Peter, 2.9. For he is our God, even the God of salvation, to whom belong the issues of death, Psalm. 68.20. By whose power( and not by our own) wee are kept through faith unto salvation, 1. Pet. 1.5. Who also is faithful, and will not suffer his to bee tempted above that they are able, but will with the tentation also make a way to escape, that they may bee able to bear it, 1. Cor. 10.13. So as thou maiest say( with Saint Paul) that the Lord will deliver thee from every evil work, and will preserve thee to his heavenly kingdom, 2. Tim. 4.18. Ob. Well, though I escape a fearful end before men: yet may I be damned at the last day. Answ. No condemnation to those that are in Christ. Rom. 8.1. He that heareth my words( saith our Lord Iesus) and believeth in him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death to life, joh. 5.24. Ob. But when we are in heaven, wee may perhaps bee cast out thence again, as the Angels were, and so be separated from Christ again. The Elect at the last day shall be ever with Christ. Ans. No, we shall at the last day be like him, 1. John, 3.2. And appear with him in glory, Col. 3.4. And so shall wee be ever with the Lord, 1. Thes. 4.17. Therefore let us comfort one another with these words, Vers. 18. Ob. That shall be a happy day to the godly: but me think, he is slack in coming, the day is long too. Christ is not slacken in coming, but stayeth for our good. Answ. Be not ignorant of this one thing, that with the Lord a thousand yeeres, is but as one day: neither is the Lord slack concerning his promise( as some men count slackness) but is long suffering to vs-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, 2. Pet. 3.8.9. For the long suffering of the Lord, we must account to be salvation, Ver. 15. To all that gladly expect his coming. Ob. I haue heard happily of many& sundry comforts, which might make glad the heart of the most pensive spirit, if there bee no doubt of the truth thereof. Answ. Gods word is most infallibly true. Psa. 119.142. The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times, Psa. 12.7. Pro. 30.5. The testimony of the Lord is sure, Ps. 19.7. His word is truth, joh. 17.17. It is true from the beginning, Psa. 119.160. It endureth for ever, 1. Pet. 1.25 Blessed be God,& his mercies bee magnified for ever and ever, even so Amen. FINIS.