The unprofitable Servants Talon put into the Bank, in sure hope of acceptance by a merciful Lord; Or, the mean man's Gift towards the helping forward of the Lords Great Work. With An Information and Message from the Lord, to all sorts of People concerned herein; written in plain simplicity. TRuly beloved friends, if you will with an impartial eye seriously mind these following discoveries made and confirmed by the Scriptures from the Lord, you shall find somewhat discovered of the right descent and ascent of the true Gospel-Ministry, and of their Parsonages, Patents and Inductions, as they are ordained and sent forth by the Lord and owned of him; and also somewhat of such as are sent by and from men that run before they are sent of the chief Governor and Head of his Church, (Christ Jesus) of whom he declares that such are Thiefs, & Robbers, and come forth for that end; and truly as far as I am able to discover my heart herein, I have no other end, nor respect of persons in me in writing of this by the Lords teaching of me, than had either Elijah; or Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Paul, or any other that declared against those false Teachers in their times that the Lord disowned; or for any further end than what the Lord appears in to be with or against them: And if you judge me in what I have said from the Lord herein, I can well bear it, and rejoice that in this one addition to the many sensible complaints gone forth against falsehood and deceit in those that call themselves Ministers of Christ: That what I have written I was taught it immediately of and by the Lord, and not by or from men; I beseech you weigh it, for it will be found true, that much lies in hazard in that very thing, though little regarded by the most; it's no less than Land liberties, State souls of men, yea all we are, & do expect or enjoy, and then certainly its time to look about us, or else it never will be: But it may be you will say, this is but some giddy conceit of a busy head: but before you pass your censure thereon, do like Gamaliel, consider and consult, whether the Lord or man most clearly appears in it. First, Observe well what the Lord hath done for us and to us here in these Nations. Whether it be not as much or more than he did too and for those that he hath severely judged for unfruitful people, or unprofitable Servants, and know that the Lord is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever, and will certainly judge us as severely if we repent not speedily, because he is God and changeth not, but in hope of mercy will be pray that thus adviseth you from the Lord, and wait for the vision until the appointed time, having his eyes somewhat opened by the Lord, but was born blind, and so lived more than fifty years; and there was never any heard of that ever could or did do such a cure, but only the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the same from and to eternity; therefore beware how you slight his workings in or upon any of the meaness of the Sons of men, for than they will witness against you, and say, it's a marvellous thing that you discern not whence this work is; but consider it well that few of the Rulers or people did then believe: neither is it discernible that many yet do. But my hopes are great of some of ours, because that many of them have not only said, but have yielded up to die for the liberty of the pure Gospel, though foully obscured to them by deceivers: And upon these and many more good grounds, will I still hope, wait, and pray for the incoming of the Gospel Glory into these despised Nations, though fearfully blind and insensible of it, and so secure in the middle of danger, and willing to remain as they are; as the many addresses printed witness sadly; but consider I pray, that the Lord comes as the Lightning, suddenly, terribly, and openly in Glorious brightness, and as a Thief in the night; therefore it's declared to be the best wisdom for every one to be watching in that place his Lord hath set him in, lest he come suddenly and find them out of order, and give them that sad portion threatened, Mat. 24. and further know, that the Lord is not slack as some think, and say too; neither shall one tittle of his word fail to be fully accomplished in its own due time. I beseech you consider that are in high places, that if the ministry be not right that you set up the guilt will be a very sad one to you; for it is the price of souls, that are precious in the sight of the Lord, and to be guilty of the destroying one, will prove to be of more loss to them then the loss of their lives, honours, and what else you are, or do enjoy; and do not think I am too bold with you; for it's in true love to and pity of your souls, and in due respect to your persons and office; some amongst you that know me, will engage for me in that, if I need, I dare say it. Beloved friends, because the difference is high amongst us about the Gospel Ministry, whether it be to be found in or amongst the Parish Priests or Parsons, or in and amongst the truly godly, that are called of God, as Aaron was. Of the first sort few such appear plainly I fear, and also because myself, and many more of which some are truly godly, I doubt not have found by many sad experiences, the uneffectualness of the public party's Ministry, especially of late times, and having obtained mercy of the Lord, I declare my judgement therein, who if I were known unto the world, my labour I fear should be slighted, the rather because of my meanness; and I know and believe that I writ these things by the teaching of the Lord Spirit; and if you will search the Scriptures with me, 1 Cor. 14.3.12. we shall surely find whether the preaching of the Gospel be from Heaven or of men; for it testifies clearly thereof; but I fear that the most will belie the truth, although it be clearly manifested in and through the Scriptures, Isa. 28.9.14. that its of and from God and Christ alone, although men are made instuments and tongues a help; yet prophecy which is of the immediate teaching of God, exceeds all for the edifying of the Church, which is the declaring of the mind of God, 2 Tim. 3.1.5. Tit. 1.10, 11. by that man alone that is taught of God; but Tongues are for a sign, and a sad one too; therefore trust not too much in them. Consider then, Is it not very necessary that diligent search should be made herein; that so the spirits of such as undertake to preach, may be fully discerned whether they be of Christ or not? 1 Jo. 1.2. For many deceivers are foretold to come forth in after times, and shall deceive many; let us therefore beware of them, and take good heed that we be not deceived by them now, though they cry errors in others; for it is the thief's policy to cry Keep Thief, M●r. 13.21.23. Judas 4.16. Prov 14.15. when he is in danger to be discovered, and the Whores practise to cry Whore first; for if it be possible they will deceive the very Elect; those will not endure to be proved by the pure light of God that shines in any man because they being blinded by sin and self wisdom cannot abide nor discern it; the only way to me discovered is to try them by the Scriptures, because the most of them make that their defence; and thereby will plainly appear who they are that are sent of God, called and chosen, and who they are that run before they are sent, Gen. 6.9.12. and by their fruits let both sorts of them be known and owned; for than is nothing hid, so that it cannot be made manifest; but in the trying of them beware of the Leaven or Doctrine of the Pharises, which is hypocrisy, which consisteth wholly in form and outward washings, 2 Pet. 2.1.9. and works of that nature; for a little Leaven leaveneth the whole lump; and when they are discovered, let what is clear of them, be declared upon the house tops, that they being known may be avoided, that so they may no longer deceive and destroy poor ignorant souls by their delusions, Heb. nor Satan have such a party undiscovered, 〈◊〉 do mischief by still. The first order of Priests or Preachers that we read of 〈◊〉 the Scriptures, was Noah and his Progenitors and Successors and was not he and they immediately called of God, and declared to be Preachers of righteousness, and he was a just man that walked with God, and perfect in a Corrupt Age or Generation, and righteous before God in his Generation, and a pure worshipper of God, and he was blessed of God, and was separated from the World and their ways, and was no doubt their scorn, yet steadfast with the Lord, and owned of God; but of what University, or School was he of, or where lay his Parsonage, Parish or Pension, tell me if you can? or where had he his induction or Ordination, or by whom had he it, if not from the Lord alone; then surely he can still do it if need be, and there is no doubt of it, Mal. 3.6. but few such we see or here of now. The second Priest we read of in the Scriptures, was Melchisedeek, of whom much is to be spoken if we were not dull of hearing: This man was immediately sent of God, and called the Priest of the most high God, and the true type of the pure seed and Son of God, Christ Jesus, and such are all true Gospel-Ministers, for they have learned of Christ. Ezechi. 44.25.20. Oh my dear friends consider, are our public Preachers true Melchisedicks; or do they appear to be called and sent of God immediately as he was, for he was without Father or Mother, that were of the pure seed to train or breed him up to that office by their instruction, Gen. 10.19.12. or to set them to Schools of humane learning? or be our public Ministers true living types, and not lying dead members of Christ? are they Priests of righteousness and Peace? such are or aught to be all Christ's Ministers wholly harmless, separate from sinners. Melchiz. met Abraham and blessed him for rescuing the pure Seed, 2 Pet. 7.8. and the righteous soul that was vexed at their uncleanness, own such for the Priests of God, and I will vote with you; but are our Parish Preachers such that are approved of, and sent by men chief from Schools of humane learning, if not altogether, what pure work of spiritual light & life moves friends and them thereunto, that appears to the view of any Godly but chief preferments in the world, do they witness that they are sent of God to set up Christ's Kingdom as fellow-helpers, or by blessing such as are made Instruments of God to rescue the pure seed of God out of the power of cruel enemies? I fear not many of them, but rather curse them, except their own outward advantages appear in chief, witness love and his confederacy, and Dr. Hewet, and many more abroad in those times, that were easily discerned: Are they such: Sam. 2.12.17. are they such as Abraham's seed gives Tithes to, freely for sacrificing: or do they not rather take them by force, like the servants of wicked Hophney and Phineas, of the pure seed for carnal ends. Is not Tithes and Gleabes, and such like that draws them to places? and not conscience for to bless the faithful Children of Abraham? I fear it is, for very few appear to be blessed by them, in their Parishes and their riding and running to and fro to beg and get Letters, and hands to mediate for them, and to subscribe their lying Certificates, and that of the very profane and ignorant people, to certify them to be Orthodox, that understand not what it is, nor ofttimes never heard them; did Melchiz. thus, and yet they cry up him for a Precedent for them, to make out their Title to their Tithes by. O wretched men! that dare thus intrude into the pure Priestly office for self ends, and by corrupt ways and meanings, which is an holy calling all that fear God, Ma●. 2.3, 7, 8.9. disown such, and so will I, for God disowns and dishonours them both, and then woe be to them that set and keep them up, if they repent not speedily, let such know they are but men that resist the Lord thereby, and be they never so Great, he will judge. This third order of Priests recorded in Scriptures, is the Tribe of Levy, which includes both the offices of Priests and Levites, in it are our Preachers and Parsonage-mongers like the Tribe of Levy, as they use to call themselves? I am sure the Tribe of Levy was not trained upon the two well Heads, or Nurseries of learning, as the English Priests use to call them in their Pulpit-prayers, I wish they be not Nurseries of lust, Exod. 1.3.14. Exod. 4.10. where many of our Priests are bred: but the Brick kilnes were Levies breeding places, and in Egypt's bondage; neither were they sent into their office by men first, but they came in at the Lords call to deliver Israel from their bondage; and afterwards when Israel had fallen foully, than they took the, Lords part freely at the first call against the Claf-worshippers Exod. 32.26, 29. and the Lord owned them for it, and received them for an offering to himself, to serve about the Tabernacle, and served them to bless in his name, Numb. 3.45. and the Lord was their portion and inheritance, and he was their Teacher, and he said that they must be really pure as they were tipified, and they denied their nearest relations for the Lord, and their Parsonages were larger or lesser, as they turned few or many to righteousness; and if any of them polluted any of the holy things or themselves, they were to be cut off, and they were to be out of the world's ways and orders, and they must be men grown, and not boys, nor old decayed ones that might serve either in the Priest's office, or about the Tabernacle; neither were any of them approved of that, opposed the power and purity of Godliness in any, and they were to marry purely, and to have pure families, and their greatest care and endeavour was to honour Gods great name both in life, Doctrine, such and much more were the true Levitical Priesthood, and such I own, and so I desire you should, and then you will be truly honourable, and much honoured by God and all good men. But good friends consider with me, are our parish Priesthood such, or so called, or come in as these, I cannot discern it to be so; Do they come in as gods to execute judgement on the wicked corrupters of Religion; Nay do they not uphold still much superstition both in places and forms; are not the most of them called in by men like themselves and are not the chief ends that they pursue that are discernible, Parsonages, Tithes, Lordships, over men's Consciences, and satisfaction to their fleshly lusts do they rebuke plainly all offences against all God or man in Patrons, friends, and all others, or own all truths as they are revealed: Nay verily they oppose many plain truths, and flatter the most of People, and tell them its lawful when its poisonous and destructive to young and old, as vain sports for recreation, excessive feasting, and vain toyish costly Houses, habits, and adorn, and such like; and do they not call many a pure truth an error, because their dark minds nor old Authors discerned nor discover them not; Oh how few of them take the Lords part against wicked ones and wickedness, especially against that of the Calves that it remains here, may rather like blind Israel, they ascribe deliverance to it, because it was their old Religion. Do they bless the people in the Lord's name? It little appears by their successes; for very few appear to be blessed in most of their Parishes, as they call them, but remain a poor blind, dead-hearted people to pure godliness, to the great grief of many: Or do they, or dare they make the Lord their portion? not one of a hundred of them, I fear; but rather Parsonages, Pensions, Augmentations, & the like; & if these reach not to make them as large as they desire, than they seek for an additional help, by an Hospital, or a Lecture, or some ignorant great one to be a Chaplain too or by a School, or Physic, or some such way, too many of them; or else they wait for a call to a greater (but never to a lesser) profit. Oh Priests, blush for shame! Did ever any of the Lords Priests thus? and do not most of you seek proud wives instead of pure ones, to serve your lusts, rather than to grace your Office; and do not most of you breed vain Children instead of godly ones? Levitical Priests were taught of God, but ours at Universities, or by Authors that lived in dark days: If the Levitical Priests polluted the Holy things, or themselves, they were to be cut off; but the Priests of England hold all by life, though many of them, fearfully polluted by covetous, earthly, proud, vain, ignorant, malicious spirits, etc. until of late, and yet few found insufficient by their holy brethren, that are appointed to try them, if ordained in and by their Antichristian Order: It is sad to behold, that by those authorized, they, their wives and children, are preferred before the souls of men and women; let the knowledge of this, turn your mirth into mourning that are Rulers: Especially, the Levitical Priests were to be separated from the world's ways and orders, but none deeper in them than English Priests; the Levitical Priests were neither to begin young nor to continue old, but England's Priests begin boys, and remain until impotency; Levy forsook the nearest relations, and the highest outward advantages for God and his cause, but English Priests forsake God, and Christ, and his Government for the world; Levy in the Priesthood sought to exalt the great and glorious name of God above all things, but the Priests of England dishonour it fearfully, especially the Wisdom, Justice, and Mercy of God, both in Doctrine and Practice; but such as they are, lived in those times, and the Lord sent his faithful true Prophets and Servants to declare against them; and so he doth now, but they than slighted them, until judgement came upon the whole Nation, and it's much to be feared that it will be so now with us; for we smart already, and more is likely to follow, except speedy repentance stop it, for our mock-fasts neither have, nor will do it any longer: O learn wisdom whilst it is to day, both Governors, Priests, and People, before the Decree come forth, and there be no remedy: And think it not a vain thing, that so many cry against the Priests now, and that godly ones too (or else, I fear, few godly will be found in England) is it without the Lord? nay, judge all you people, hath not the Lord himself cast dung in their faces, and cursed their blessings? Do they turn many, nay, scarce any to righteousness? Are not the most of their best Auditors mere ignorant formalists? And are not they weary of God's service, and preach by a glass, and look oft at it, lest it out last their notes; yet cry, they would not be tedious, to keep their credit, and please poor ignorant carnal people: Had not the Lord by the Soldiery taken away some of our fooleries, we should still have been as we were before, or worse, if Priests might have had their wills; but own such for the Lords Ministers who will, I dare not, until I see them better, for I am sure they are not right according to Scripture, nor like the precedents there recorded; and therefore I disown them, and so ought you that I writ to, or else woe be to you. But it may be, that many of them in the public Ministrey will be so fool hardy as to say (excepting their plea for Tithes thereby) That they are called into that Office, under a higher Dispensation of Gospel Order then the Levitical Priesthood was, and that they are Ministers of a better Covenant, that is given upon better promises: But if ye say so, then say I, look to what is said, Esa. 57 16, 17 18. Luke 7.30. Heb. 2.1. and then woe be to you if you preach not the pure Gospel purely, without mixtures, either of addition or diminution. And if you plead thus, then tell us from whom you succeed, whether from John Baptist, or Christ, or his Apostles and Disciples, or of and from the Evangeilst Teachers and Pastors of the primitive Ordination, tell us, that we may prove you by them there; will you put yourselves upon the trial there, if you do, you will be found too short yet of the pattern a great deal; for its more pure than you can with those Eyes that yet you see by, discover or declare to others. Consider friends, whether the Baptism and Preaching of John were from heaven or of men: He was the first New Testament Gospel Preacher, and sanctified from the womb, and not in a School or Parsonage; but few of you Ministers appear to be so, after many years standing in your Office; and he came neither eating nor drinking, daintily, nor in costly Apparel, but most of you, if you can get them any way, come in all these to the height of them; and I fear, affect them more than the Gospel, John came preaching and baptising unto repentance; but few of you declare what it is; and I am sure those I see, act not aright in their places, and many preach contrary, and cannot declare whether faith or repentance is first to be acted by their Converts: And John said, That the Kingdom of God was at hand; but you say, It is already come, and yet you cannot declare it, at least, you do not, and when it will come, you know not, if that be not it that you preach to poor blind people, which is nothing like it, and yet you would have them rest in it, where no true rest is to be found; for nothing its else that you declare to them but to hear you, and to perform some such fervices as you can teach them, all which are mere formalities; and Christ said of John, That he was a burning and shining light; and which of you are so, or declare what it is to be such a one; and John did not take his first visions of Christ to be the full manifestation of him to rest in, but inquired further of him as one unsatisfied therewith of his fullness; but most of you stay in the beginning of light, and labour not to get towards perfection but rather decline for aught that can be discerned; and so shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against yourselves and others: And John was a plain and full rebuker of sin in all of, or by such only as are enlightened, called, renewed, and taught of the Lord alone, far above all men's teachings, and such only are Christ's true Ministers, and to be owned. And now, O ye Priests, I call ye to speak once more in your own defence (but either speak right words, or else be silent, for discerning spirits are come forth) and show if you can, whether Melchizedeck, or any of the whole Priesthoods order forenamed, were called in by men, or had either Parish, Parsonage, or any such limited order or place as yours, or that their tithes and wages were as yours are; but contrary, for they were free offerings, as the yearly feasts were, and in them the fatherless, the stranger, the widow, and the Levite did eat and rejoice together before the Lord: There was neither tithe Calf nor Goose brought to the Parsonage nor Vicarage houses, neither had the mistress nor her maid's authority to gather tithe eggs or apples of the poor and needy. That that was tythed in Israel was brought in freely to worship the Lord with and by it. But ye, O Priests, oppress the poor, the widow and others by yours, and dishonour God thereby. Are you or any other able to make it appear that those are right Laws, Statutes, Judgements and Ordinances, that yours are established and required by, suitable to the right Government of a Christian Nation that are taught of the Lord? I know the contrary. O blind leaders of the blind! will you both fall into the ditch? stop speedily, left you perish, and get better Guides; for light is broken forth, shut not your eyes against it, but behold it, and walk in it whilst it appears, lest darkness come speedily, and then you may so stumble and fall, that you can never rise again. O consider this, you that have long forgotten the Lord, lest he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver you, because of the slighting of his calls when he would have healed you: But I tell you plainly, that Gospel Ministers should first be Elders in the faith, before they enter into that high Office, and not Novices in the salvation of God, should thrust themselves into it; for none can discern it, but by the Holy Ghost given into them; neither can any minister that to others, which they have not received, for the carnal mind is in enmity against the spiritual gifts of God and Christ; neither can they know them, nor preach them really to others, and if they be not first reconciled in themselves, how can they show the reconciliation of the soul into Christ's pure nature unto others, to lead them up unto it, or the knowledge of it, that they may labour to grow forward to be wrought into it fully, that so they may become holy, as the Lord is holy, and to be meek and lowly, as Christ is, that so they may find rest to their souls: and for the gaining this, they must first be humble in the sense of their own blindness, and then the promise is from the Lord that he will teach them, and give them grace and glory, and such own for right Gospel Ministers, and none else; for this is the Lords way of exalting men into Gospel gifts of grace. Are ours such in public places, I fear few of them. Ask them further, Have ye a true call from the Lord to that Office? and they will say, Yea: But if you will consider them by what is before written, it will appear contrary, as also by the testimony of many other Scriptures; and therefore let them know this for themselves, that the Council of the Lord shall stand, and although Circumcision be commanded by the Lord, yet when that that is figured by it is come, it must cease, without a written command, and then they that are circumcised afterwards, can have no profit by Christ: Take heed what you do, the Lord is not mocked, what ye sow, that ye must reap, friends: I bear record to you, that you have a little zeal, and a little strength, but its ready to die, and it is not according to right knowledge, else you never would hold up, depend upon, nor own such for right Gospel ways as you do. Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding: For if you persist thus, the Lord will suddenly destroy you, as he did your Predecessors; for certainly he is come forth to judge the World in righteousness, and a short work will he make upon the earth; for by his own arm will he bring in salvation; for surely our hopes by men of might is low, whilst we hear of and behold such a wicked crew of Lawyers in our Parliament, who will neither enter into Christ's Kingdom, nor suffer others to go in that would; but as this startled Scribes and Pharisees, so it will them; and 11.45. to 54, 2 Pet. 2.1. but the Lord will destroy them all if they repent not speedily, though some of their own Tribe say, they are the most rational men in the Parliament, and that they do very good service there, yet it's much doubted of; for not one of a hundred of them appears to seek sincerely after the righteousness of Christ, that they might come into his salvation, and then what good can be expected by them? beware now that discontent arise not against my plain and high words to you; for they are trutly in care of and love to your poor souls, that are in danger to perish most of them, although Christ bought them, for none can see his Kingdom that is not new born, and how few know what that is? as appears sadly, though masters in England, yea Fathers and Teachers also; therefore woe to them that are taught and ruled by such. Hath the Lord wrought so great deliverances for us, as no other Nation we hear of hath received or had the like? and do we thus require the Lord? Oh foolish and and unwise people, that forget or neglect so great mercies, be sure the Lord will mind us of them more sharply the next time he visits us, who instead of feeding his Lambs, endeavours to Lord it over his heritage by heavy oppressions, that are laid upon them both in and out of Prisons, and in our profession are become mere Formalists again, and have turned both preaching and profession into mere pratings most of them, yea into rail, both in Writings and Pulpits; and you caused to be imprisoned many an innocent, hungry and thirsty soul, that was seeking after the Lord Jesus Christ and his fullness. How think you, Oh Priests and Rulers, that you can escape the greatest damnation, that thus deal still with poor souls, that have been long deluded by you, that have cried so here, and there, and yet never did nor could manifest Christ to them, nor yet like John Baptist would you say, That is not he. Oh Soldiers at last, (before it be too late) call to remembrance what you saw and engaged for and against at the first, under Noble Fairfax, and his Officers, Eccles 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and go up to Bethel and pay your vows to the Lord for he delights not in such fools that vow and perform not; remember where and how oft he hath appeared to and for you, and own the Lord in all your Victories, by following him fully, and then you are sure to go into the promised Land, when others will be shut out, and your enemies must still fly before you, and you shall still be a terror to them, and in so doing the Lord will bless you with the rest of his faithful ones; and you shall certainly rejoice together; but if you lose your first loves, and grow lukewarm in and unto his cause, except you speedily repent and do your first work, you must and will lose your Glory, and be spewed out and fall short of the Glory of his Saints, and what is your gain then and reward for all your adventures, take heed therefore that you neglect not the Lords calls that are sent to you, and say not that the time is not yet, lest he judge you for it, beware you rest not in outward peace, glory and victories, but like the two Tribes and a half, go on before your Brethren, until all theirs and your Enemies are subdued, and then you shall certainly return to your possessions in Peace and Comfort; but if you slight the Lords Calls, and say they are but deceits and delusions, my soul shall weep in secret for you before the Lord, that he may rouse you up some other way, that you may not lose your reward, for many of you are Worthies, and some that are cast off also. I wish they may be all owned that are upright hearted, and that all needless jealousies may cease, and that vengeance may be left to the Lord, and revenges cease amongst you, and that you would do no violence to any, and be content each one with his own right wages, for certainly the Lord will render to every one according to his works (without respect of persons) as they are continued in unto the end; be wise therefore O ye Rulers, Commanders. Ministers, and Judges of these Nations of the Earth, and serve the Lord with fear, faithfulness, and trembling, and kiss the Son (that now gloriously appears) lest ye perish from the way; and if my poor counsel may be found useful in any thing, I shall greatly rejoice in the Lord for it, that certainly set me a work, and carried me through it in the midst of many oppositions, high fears, and many objections, for none of it is mine that hath any wisdom appearing in it, but it's wholly of the Lord; but if I may prevail no further, grant these few things at my request; I entreat you first, that as there hath been given forth strict Commands with penalties, for the Priests peaceable preaching, and passing to and from their meeting places; so would also command, that when they have preached at any time, that then they may be required to clear to such as doubt of their doctrine, those things that by tender Consciences are then scrupled and peaceably enquired of them, and certainly thereby truth and deceit will be both made manifest most easily and speedily, and poor ignorant people easily informed in the truth,; and also that the Priests and their Disciples may have the like freedom given them. Secondly, that you would take a more strict and Circumspect care and course to prove such by as are to be admitted into that high office, than yet hath been taken by our former Governors for that end, that only such persons as do clearly appear to be taught of God themselves, may prove them and those also that are already admitted into that office, and to put by all such (without partiality as are found) by them unfit and unworthy of that place that so much concerns every one in an high degree. Thirdly, that you would take care that all such as are found meet to preach the pure Gospel, and would do it freely, may have liberty and protection by you, and then no doubt you will presently have many empty Parsonages to help to maintain public charges for the ease of poor subjects, and satisfying public debts that are the Nations shame, and sin both. Fourthly, That you would take a course (which easily may be done, and for great advantages every way) to take off the paying Tithes in kind, and cause them all to be put upon moderate Rents to each particular person from whom they are due; which thing may be easily done, and it will be found to be of great good use, both for the souls and estates of all people that are concerned therein. Fifthly. That you take order, to have utterly thrown down that most wicked oppressing Law that remains in this Nation, and that course may be taken, that wrongs may be rectified in a Christianlike way and manner Sixthly, That that shameful and shameless sort of people, that wander as Rogues up and down the Nation, to our great sin and shame, may be suppressed. Lastly, That you would take care that our Elections of Councils, may be made by such persons as are found most fit and able to Counsel, & to be counselled in the fear of God; for our confused Elections have been and will be improfitable and useless; more very needful work there is to be done, that I would willingly inform you of, but I shall rejoice to see these forenamed well ordered; for that will give good hopes of the future; but if you prove no better than most of our former Rulers, I will give over looking for help by men, and pray and wait for help and deliverance from the Lord some other way. For doubtless the time is come, that the Lord will rule and reign over and amongst men upon the Earth, to the confusion of the wicked (plot and work they never so deep and wisely) and to the joy of the upright, though they may suffer for a little time, until this great shaking that we lie under, be quite passed over: But know this for truth; That if you go about to build up Zions Walls before these forenamed, and such like Rubbish be removed, no good foundation will be found to build upon, and then the work may be in danger to fall, if the Fox climb up upon it; but be of good courage, and the Lord will help and prosper you; Nehe. 4 23. Nehe. 6.1.2. and beware of the Enemy's plots, especially such as are written in the Scriptures, and make those Types or Figures your rule; for it is written for our Instruction, (upon whom the ends of the world are come) as well as any other Scripture; and once more I say, to conclude with; therefore lay it to heart, that a confused choice of men to Govern and make Laws either in Church or Commonwealth, will ever be useless and unprofitable. Neither look for help by any, whom the Lord hath disowned in his great breaches, except they appear right Hushaes'. An End.