A Speech made before the King's most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second, on the Shore where he Landed at Dover. By Mr. John Reading B. D. who presented his Majesty with a Bible, the Gift of the Inhabitants there, May 25 th'. 1660. Dread Sovereign! 1. BE pleased to know that your Majesty's loyal Subjects, the Mayor, Jurates, and Commons of this your Town and Port of Dover, seriously minding the admirable work of God's Mercy in your Majesty's Deliverances, Preservations and restitution unto your long afflicted People, cannot but inquire for some Remonstrance of their due thankfulness to God, and Declaration of their Joy of your Majesty's peaceable, and safe Return into your Kingdoms. 2. Nor can they find any means in their power here so to accommodate, As the presentation of your Majesty with this holy Book, commanding our Allegiance and faithful Obedience to our Sovereign Lord, God's immediate Vicegerent over us on Earth. 3. And if we may light our Taper to this Sun, we must say it is God's eternal will, in the fullness of time revealed for Man's salvation: The golden Pot of Heavenly Manna fitting every age, and palate, wherewith God having fed his Israel for a time, said of this selected Homer, of the same (sufficient for every man to salvation) recondatur posteris. 4. Nor may we be diffident of your Majesty's gracious acceptance hereof, considering your invincible love of truth (according to the estimate thereof, by the Prince after God's own heart) better than thousands of gold and silver; 'tis the Treasure hid in the Lord's field, the inestimable riches of his mercy in Christ our Life, and that through which we shall prolong our days in the Land; the royal Ornament of holy Princes, which they carry as the Symbolum of God's presence with them and blessing on them. 5. No more shall we add concerning this tabernacle of God's testimony, whose beauty, and riches are within, but our hearty prayer to the Almighty, that it may be our happy auspicium Regni to your sacred Majesty, and as the Ark at Obed Edom's house, a blessing, causing all to prosper, and the good Lord God say Amen, and let all God's people present say Amen, Amen. In reditum exoptatissimum Regiae Majestatis Sacratissimae apud Dubrenses. Votum pro Rege, Lege, & Grege. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vocat Aristoteles. Carolus secundus Vivat Rex; Rediviva jam tandem currat Lex. Exultent verè Protestants, Exulent nec non veri Recusantes. Exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici Regis. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rex viva Lex. Vivida Lex noster Rex, nostri Spiritus oris, Luminibus lux, cujus & est absentia morte, Pejor. Juda Leo juvenis sit, simus & Agni; Dumque lupi, & Vulpes stupidi metuunt, fugiuntque Pastor adest noster: Deus en mirand● peregit, Fit caput Angelli summum lapis ipse r●●●ctus: Nam sua sceptra tenet Rex noster, legifer Ille, Cujus & Herculei scymni ira rebellibus est par: Sed sua conspicuum comitas sibi ducet honorem; Vnde timete Deum verum Regemque coletis. VIVAT REX. Sic obtestatur Majestatis vestrae perenni. servorum humilimus, R. B. Regis ad exemplum totis componitur orbis. Qualis Rex, talis Grex. Englished. Upon the most desired return of the Kings most Sacred Majesty at Dover. An humble Suit, or Supplication, For King, and Law, and the whole Nation. The King is Law's life Aristotle cries. Stopped be that mouth which Royal Law defies. May Charles the second King, live long and Reign; The Laws concur at length revived again: Let Protestants rejoice from bondage free, Let non-conformists each Exiled be. Let God Arise, and the King's Enemies Scattered shall be with their Hyprocrisies. The King is a living Law. Our King's a lively Law, our Nostrils breath, Light of our Eyes, whose absence worse than death. Judah's a Lion's Whelp, let us Lambs be; Since Wolves, and Foxes shamed, Fear, and Flee; Our Shepherd's come, great wonders God hath done, What was despised is now th'head Corner stone: For He the Sceptre beareth our Lawgiver, Whose wrath's a Lion fell to the bad liver: Yet his free Mercy will Him Glory bring, Hence fear ye God, and honour ye the King. GOD SAVE THE KING. So prayeth the most humble of your Majesty's continual Subjects, Rich. Bradshaw. Printed in the year 1660.