The Jacobite's Badge. woodcut of two jesters holding a coat of arms depicting three jester's caps with an ass behind the coat. Hobody Boody. Jack Adams. As We were, You are. HERE in this mirror, Reader, view the Fate Of Folly, Unconvinc'd, and Obstinate. Such as no Reason could Instruct; but still Against Experience would oppose its Will. That giddy Guide, which suffers no Dispute, But violently Transforms the Man to Brute. A Human Shape these Monsters did Adorn; Now they're become the People's Sport, and Scorn: Attempting to be something More than Men, Lords, Earls, Dukes, Generals, but the Lord knows when. changed by their Pride, to Asses they decline, As Circe's drugs transformed the Men to Swine: So Their Fantastic Notions, have run thro' More Monstrous Forms, than Ovid ever knew; For, red over all the the Wonders he did writ, Amongst them all there's not one JACOBITE. But tho' they've laboured, like the Ass, in vain, We'll try to make them Gentlemen again: Dissolve the Spell, and Blazon out a Coat Of Arms, shall set them right without dispute; And clear their Title to Eternal famed, By raising Lasting Monuments of shane: 'Tis This:( Such they deserve whom Folly rules) An ASS Supported by a brace of FOOLS: The Emblem's proper: Here they plainly see Th' effects of Error and Stupidity. The shining Field, with Caps of Folly spread, shows what best suits a Dull Unthinking Head: puts them in mind( if Reason yet has place) What Garb becomes their Metamorpos'd case: Will make them try, if true Repentance can, Reduce them to their former Shape of Man. London, Printed for the Use of the Successors of Jack Adams and Hobody Boody, 1697.