A General Note of the Prices of Binding all sorts of Books Agreed on by the Bookbinders, whose Names are under-written. As it was presented to the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, August, the 2d, 1669. Ogilby's Bibles in Folio, or the like. l. s. d. GIlt Edges in one Volumn 01 00 00 Fillets only 00 12 00 Plain Ovals 00 08 00 Bibles in small Folio, London, or the like. Edges and Fillets 00 06 06 Fillets 00 03 06 Ovals 00 02 06 Bibles in Quarto, Cambridg, or the like. Edges Extraordinary 00 05 00 Edges Ordinary 00 03 06 Fillets 00 02 06 Ovals 00 01 06 Bibles in Octavo, Brevere, or the like. Edges Extraordinary 00 03 06 Edges Ordinary 00 02 04 Fillets 00 01 06 Ovals 00 01 00 Bibles in Octavo, Nonperil, or the like. Edges Extraordinary 00 02 10 Edges Ordinary 00 01 10 Fillets 00 01 02 Ovals 00 00 10 Bibles in 12. Edges Extraordinary 00 02 06 Edges Ordinary 00 01 06 Fillets 00 01 00 Ovals 00 00 08 Bibles in 24. Edges Extraordinary 00 02 06 Edges Ordinary 00 01 06 Fillets 00 01 00 Ovals. 00 00 08 Service-Book, Testament, and Psalms, Brevere, Octavo. Edges Extraordinary 00 02 10 Edges Ordinary 00 01 10 Fillets 00 01 02 Ovals 00 00 10 Service Brevere in 12. & Psalms, or otherwise Edges Extraordinary 00 01 08 Edges Ordinary 00 01 02 Fillets 00 00 09 Ovals 00 00 06 Service in 24. with Psalms, etc. Edges Extraordinary 00 01 02 Edges Ordinary 00 00 10 Fillets 00 00 08 Plain 00 00 06 Books in Folio, Latin. l. s. d. Atlas' Major, 3 Vol. or the like, Rolls 1 10 00 Aristot. 2 Vol. Rolls 0 11 00 Lexicon Poliglott, or the like, 2 Vol. 0 12 00 Item, in one Vol. Rolls 0 08 00 Plutarchi Opera, 2 Vol. or the like, Rolls 0 08 00 Lipsius in Senecam or the like 0 03 06 Lipsius in Jacitum or the like Buxtorph. Heb. Bib. or the like Corpus Juris Civ. one Vol. 0 04 00 In 2 Vol. or the like 0 06 00 Critici Sacri, 9 Vol. or the like, Rolls 1 10 00 Scapulae Lexicon, Grotius in Vet. Test. or the like 0 03 00 Ravanella. S. 3 Vol. 0 09 00 Estius in Epist. or the like, one Vol. 0 02 06 Brennius in Bib. Gerardi Loci Com. 4 Vol. or the like 0 08 00 Books in Quarto, Latin. Sculteti Medulla Rolls 0 01 04 Mellificium Hist. Rolls Vosii Gram. or the like Rolls All Latin Books in Quarto, large & thick 0 01 02 If not thick 0 01 00 All Latin Books, Pot-paper, Rolls, Thick, 0 01 00 If not thick 0 00 10 Books in 8. 12. and 24. Serevelius' Lexicon, Octo, large 0 00 10 Virgil, Horatius vel Paterculius, and the like Rolls 0 00 10 All thick Octo. Latin, Rolls 0 00 08 All thin Octo. 0 00 07 All Twelves and Sixteens 0 00 06 All Twenty fours 0 00 05 Books in Folio, English. Ogilby's China, Virgil, all his other Books, or the like, in single Vol. Marble Fillets 0 08 00 Aesop complete in one, Iliads and Odysseys in one, or the like, Marble Fillets 0 10 00 The same Books plain 0 07 00 The same Books single 0 05 00 Kings Works, or the like 0 03 06 Hammond on N. Testament 0 03 00 Poultons Stat. or the like, Rolls Davilo's Hist. or the like 0 03 00 Rawleighs Hist. or the like Plutarch's Lives or the like 0 02 06 Hoylins Cosmog. or the like Cotgraves' Dict. Baker's Chronicle, 0 02 00 Tailors Cases of Conscience, Rolls Life of Christ, Rolls 0 01 10 Hammond on Psalms 0 01 08 Spotswood Hist, or the like Cassandra, or the like 0 01 06 Small Folio. Fuller's Holy War 0 01 04 Hubbards Reports Baccalin, and the like All Pot Folio's small Books in Quarto, English. Goldman, or the like, Rolls 0 01 06 Hugh's Grand Abridgement, being 3 Vol. Rolls 0 04 00 west's Precedents. Thomas Dict. or the like 0 01 02 Carells twelfth part, or the like 0 01 00 Baxters Saints Rest 0 01 02 Baxters Reasons, Rolls. And all such English Quarto's thick 0 01 00 All small Pot-paper Quarto's Rolls 0 00 00 Books in Octavo, English. All large Octo. Decay of Piety, or the like 0 00 09 Tailors Living and Dying, or the like 0 00 08 All thin Crown Octavos 0 00 07 All Pot Octavos, Quarles Poems, etc. 0 00 06 Books in 12. and 24. All large Twelve 0 00 06 All small Twelves and Twenty-four's 0 00 05 Sheep's Leather, Folio's. ●●●●man Empire, or the like, Rolls 0 01 02 News Reports, or the like, Rolls 0 01 00 All thick Pot Follio's 0 01 00 All thin Pot 0 00 10 Large Quarto, Sheep. l. s. d. Placita Redivia, or the like, Rolls 0 00 10 All thin Crown Rolls 0 00 0● All Fools-Cap, or the like, Rolls 0 00 08 Quarto's Pot-paper, Sheep. Stillingfleets Origines Sacra, or the like, rolls 0 00 ●● All thick Pot 0 00 ●● All thin Pot 0 00 ●● Octavos Large. Decay of Piety, or the like 0 00 05 Gent. Callings, or the like 0 00 04 Records Arithm, Erasmus Colloq. 0 00 04 Testaments Octo. Rom. or the like All thin Crown, and all Fools-Cap 0 00 03 Octavo Pot. Test. Octo. Com. Quarles Poems. Randolphs' Poems. Hools Corderius, or the like 0 00 03 All thin Pot 0 00 02 Large Twelves. Present State of Eng. Pr. of Piety, or the like 0 00 03 Meads almost a Christ. Ac. of Com. the like 0 00 04 Redemption of Time, or the like 0 00 0● Pot Twelves. baxter's Call. Doct. Bible, or the like 0 00 02 Twenty-four's. Practise of Piety, or the like 0 00 03 Gerrard's Meditat. Crumbs of Comf. the like 0 00 02 All thin Twenty-four's 0 00 02 All sorts of Thin Books, Sheeps-Leather Fillets, As Grammars, Psalters 0 00 0● Small 12s, 24s, and 32s. Primmers Gilt, the Gross 1 00 00 Primmers Plain, the Gross 0 10 00 Thomas Hunt. Samuel Mearn. Thomas Raw. George Eversden. George Calvert. William Richardson. Edward Powel. Robert Cutler. Hilliam Harris. William Rands. Humphrey Toy. William Branch. Edward Gough. Francis Hyarne. Henry Evans. Joseph Moor. John Downs. William Sherington. Robert Deeus. Thomas Hodyson. Thomas Cooper. William Terry. Joseph Cater. John Homersham. Nathan Brookes. Edward Eccleston. Christopher Lingered. 〈…〉 Richard Olliffe. Thomas alsop. William Potter. James Lammas. William Redmoyne. Peter Scarlot. Robert Smith. John Fletcher. Thomas Kequick. Richard Dew. John Bishop. Walter Dunn. William Mason. John Mendey. William's Stephens. William Willis. Welter's Davis. Martin Barnham. Langlie Curtis. Robert Cox. Jonathan adam's. Richard Littleton. John Hewet. John Shepherd. Richard Barnes. William Baker. Thomas Hartley. Samuel Freeman. William Curtis. William Veery. Samuel Cook. Joshua Mitchel. Joshua Conuiers. Samuel Sprint. John Grover. William Charles. Richard Sympson. William Hilliard. Richard Janua. Gregory Pool. George Bale. William Bishop. Adam Winch. Thomas Brown. James Parkhurst. John Shrimton. John Spicer. Richard Hewes. Robert Finnis. John Major. Nathaniel Oldfield. Daniel Barber. James Hatton. William Goff. Licenced, September 23. 1669. ROGER L'ESTRANGE.