❧ A Brief and pleasant Treatise, Entitled: Natural and Artificial Conclusions: Written first by sundry Scholars of the University of Padua In Italy, at the instant request of one Bartholomew a Tuscan: And now Englished by THOMAS HILL Londoner, as well for the commodity of sundry Artificers, as for the matters of pleasure to recreate wits at vacant times. a fireproofed glass vase or pot Imprinted at London by Edward Allde. 1586. ❧ Natural and Artificial Conclusions. * The properties of the Adamant stone. FIrst, if any bold the Adamant Stone in his hand, under a goblette or silver bowl, or under a table, & that the same be moved too and fro in the hand, then in the like manner will the Iron or Needle lying in the goblet, or on the table move too and fro and round about. Also the Adamant sometimes with the one corner will draw Iron unto it, & with the other corner put the Iron from it. Also if any anointeth this Stone with Garlic, it doth then hinder the Stone from drawing any Iron or Needle unto it, although the Needle should be laid on the Stone. And some writ that this Stone will draw Glass unto it, in like manner as it doth the Iron. The secret properties of the Egg. ANd First, the round Egg set under the Hen, bringeth forth a Hen Chicken, and the long Egg set under the Hen, bringeth forth a Cock chicken. Also the Egg with the shell laid to stéep in Vinegar for three days space, doth after so often it, that any may work the same at length like unto Wax. And the same Egg afterward laid in water, doth come again unto the former state. Also, if an Egg be painted with sundry colours, and the same set under a Hen to bring forth, she shall hatch a Chicken having the like feathers, unto the colours painted on the Egg. Also the Egg laid for three days to steep in strong Vinegar and after for one whole month, laid to dry again in the Son, will after come unto the hardness of a stone. A proper conclusion of an Hasell stick. first, take an Hasell stick of a yard long, being new cut off, and the same cleave just in the middle, giving the one end so cleaved unto thy companion to hold in both his hands, and the other end hold yourself in both your hands after such sort, that both the inner parts of the stick, may look one right against the other, in the laying down on the ground, and must also be laid a sunder unto the breadth of two fingers, in such sort that they may touch togetherby an overthwart manner at some one place, & within a while after you shall see them draw and join together again of themselves. And this understand, that the stick must be new cleaved, soon after the cutting up of it, for otherwise this stick worketh not the proper effect. ¶ A proper practice to make a Capon to bring up young Chickens. FIrst, to do this take a Capon and pull the belly bore of Feathers and after rub the naked place with Nettles, setting young Chickens under him, and he will then miraculously cherrishe them, and bring them kindly up. And the rather, if you accustom to use the Capon the like for a time. For by that means he is moved the willinger to cherish, bring up and feed, yea and to love them so well as the Hen naturally would do. And the reason of this is in that thorough the pricking of the Nettles, he is thereby the rather desirous to touch the soft down and feathers of the young Chickens sitting under him. To make any foul of what condition the same be: to have feathers all white. TO do this take the Eggs and roll them in the juice of the herb called mouse-ear or in the herb called houseléek or other wise in oil (after the mind of Cardanus) and after put the Eggs again in the nest, and after the hatching: their feathers shall grow white. To make a Candle burn in the Water. ANd to do this: take Ware, Brimstone and Vinegar, of each a like, boil these altogether over the fire until the vinegar appear all consumed, and then after of that Wax remaining make a Candle, and you shall see the proper effect as above is written. To make a Woman that she shall not eat of the meats set upon the Table. TO do this, take a little of the green basil, and when one bringeth any Dishes of Meat unto the table, than put the same herb secretly under one of the platters or dishes, that she espy it not and as long as the herb so lieth on the table, the woman shall eat nothing of that meat in the platter or dish, which covereth the herb. A proper secret of the Philosophers, to make a Stone to burn without fire. AND to do this, take calamity Brimstone, unslecked lime, pitch, Ceruse, of each of these three drams, of Camphora one Dram, Asphaltum, three drams, all these make in powder and put the same in a strong pot, well stopped, and after make a fire under the pot, increasing the same by little & little until the powder in the pot become so hard as a stone, and when you will have it burn, then rub the same well with a cloth, & it will burn suddenly: and when you will put the same out, then spit upon it, and after set the same in a moist place, and it will go out. To make one to see fearful sights in his sleep. ANd to do this, take the blood of a Lapwing, and therewith anoint the pulses of thy forehead, before thy going to rest, & then after in thy sleep thou shalt see both marvelous and fearful sights, as Vitalis Medicus writeth. Also he writeth, that if a man eateth in the Evening before his going to Bed, of the herb named Nightshade, or Mandrake, or Henbane, shall after see in his sleep pleasant sights. How to turn water into wine, a proper secret. IF thou wilt convert, or turn water into Wine, then fill a brass Pot with the best Wine, setting upon the head of the Pot a Limbeck, and distill the Wine out, & the lees remaining after the distillation orie them, and bring them into fine powder, which equally mixed with the water, doth so cause the water to have both the colour, and taste of the same wine. And the like unto this may be wrought & done in a Rose Limbeck. Also a loaf of Barley bread hot drawn out of the Oven, & broken into great pieces hot, and laid so to soak in good wine, which pieces when they shallbe well soaken in the wine, let them dry in the Sun, and after soak of that bread in fair water, and it will after receive both the colour and taste of that wine. To make a light or Candle to endure burning without going out by any wind so long as the substance endureth. TO do this, make a week after thy discretion, which infuse in the Oil of Hempséede, and after into molten tallow, as you would properly make a wéecke or Cotten Candle, letting the same to hang somewhat until it be cold, which through cold, then light it in the like sort as you do a common Candle, and it will not after go out with no wind, so long as the substance endureth and in like sort may light be made to serve in the night time, if so be that fine linen rags be first soaked in the oil of hempséed, and after dipped into molten Tallow, which so bound or wrought on a staffs end, to carry about, or otherwise on a staffs end lying in an iron plate. How to make quarters of wood to hang so fast together, that they can not be shaken a sunder without breaking. TO make quarters hold and hang together thus without tying, must be done on this wise: first, lay one of the quarters down, as these two betters A. and B. do instruct, on the which lay the other quarter, even as these two letters C. and D. do here represent, and on that C. and D. lay the third quarter as the letters E. and F. do here express, and in such sort, that E. and F. must lie under A.B. And being then thrust hard together they cannot after fall away without breaking, in that A. and B. is stayed and held of E. and F. and E. and F. of C. and D. and C. and D. holden of A and B. so that none of them can fall a sunder, the one from the other. Also that place where B.D.E. is holden or stayed together, and doth the like hold together as by trial of the same shall more manifestly appear. Also, the more and harder they be thrust together the longer they continued so hanging together. And some suppose that a like trial unto this, may be assayed and proved, either with three sticks made flat for the nonce, or with three knives being a like, if they be orderly used. How to make a colour like to gold in understanding this secret. AND to do this, take of Aloes Hepaticke, and of salt Niter, of each six ounces, those grind, and perfectly mixed together on a smooth Marble, or other hard stone: that being so laboured together, they can after be separated by no means, and after distill the same in a Limbeck of glass well luted about, that you may so draw out all the moist substance that will come And with this may you gild what you list, understanding how to draw this liquor. Also by a shorter way & lesser pain, may you do the like, although not so perfect as the other above said, which in deed is right marvelous. And now this is on this wise: First take of Aloes hepatic, three ounces, of Rosen six ounces and of oil of Lineséed well boiled, a pint and a half, these set over the fire in a pot, and mingle them well together, after strain the same liquor through a Linen cloth, putting it into a pot, which you must stop close, and so keep the same until you have need to gild any thing therewith. To make Silver like any metal which shall so continue a long time. FOR to do this, take half an ounce of Aquafortis, and a scruple of Quicksilver, and a little of the Tarter made of the white wine, and a little Salt: These put altogether in a Pot or earthen Pan, working and labouring the same together over hot embers, which so done, you may after with this composition make silver like any metal you list, and to continue so a long time. How to stick an Iron or Steel Bodkin, into the head of either Cock, Hen or Chicken. AOD to do this, writ first these words following, that is to say gibel, God, gabelle, in a Scroll, and bind the same about the Bill of the Cock, Hen, or Chicken, to colour this secret withal, which so done, then pierce the head of the Bird, just in the middle, as you can guess, with a very sharp pointed Bodkin, and after, set the Bird down, and you shall see the Bird so lustily run away from you, as if nothing were sticking into the head, if the Pullet be big, unto the wonder of such as shall see the same. And now the reason of this is, in that the head and brain of the Pullet, is divided into two parts in the bone, and the bone also doubled in the midst, so that the Bodkin may easily enter without danger, and of this the brain so pierced, the Pullet nevertheless liveth: which if the ignorant see, they will perhaps believe, and think that the words only doth the same which is nothing less. To make a Candle that will not go out until the whole substance be wasted. AND to do this, take the best Wax and the pure Brimstone, of each a like portion, which take and melt together, and after make a Candle thereof, which being lighted, set the same in a Candlestick to burn. And the same Candle so lighted, will not go out until the whole substance be spent. thus Cardanus writeth How to make Iron soft, a proper secret. AND to do this, take the juice of the Hemlock, and quench the Iron in it, being well heated three or four times, letting it there remain every time, until it be throughly cold. Also Cardane writeth, that if you take oil putting into it melted Lead seven times together, and after quench your Iron red hot into that Oil, for four or five times together, and it will so make the same soft to work. To make a Sword, Dagger, or Knife to cut Iron so easily as Led. OF this thing Hermes writeth, if a Sword, Dagger or Knife, being only Iron and fashioned, and being red hot, if the same be afterward quenched into the juice of the Radish, mixed with the liquor of the fresh Worms of the ground, or rather the water of Artely distilled, being before somewhat bruised: such a Sword Dagger or Knife, saith he shall after have such a strange edge, if the same red hot be quenched four or five times in it, that with the same you may cut Iron so easily as if it were Lead. Also he writeth that if Stéels' be often melted in the Furnace, and be purified, until the same be so white as Silver in a manner, and then after of the same fashion, graving Instruments with their edges and points, orderly like as to the art of graving belongeth, which instruments being red here, quenched after into the juice of radish and the distilled Water of the Worms of the earth, mixed together: Or else with the water of the Worms, drawn through a clean Linen cloth, so that there be so much of this water, as of the juice of the radish, and then those instruments quenched four or five times, in the above said liquor. And after will the edges and points of the instruments be so hard, that you may cut and grave in any stone and Iron, so easily as the same were Lead. How to keep weapons clean and fair for a long time. ANd to do this, take Barrowes grease common Oil, new wax, Ceruse, of each a like, these temper together very well over a soft fire, until they be thoroughly incorporated, and after anoint the burnished weapon with this ointment, and it shall so continue in the same brightness, In secula seculorum. And there cannot be a greater secret invented, for the keeping bright of weapons than this is, if these words be well understanded. ¶ How to make steel soft as passed, a proper secret. Do thus: Take the gall of an Ox, Man's Urine, Verges and the juice of the Nettle of each of these take a little quantity, and mix them very diligently together, then after quench the Steel red hot in this liquor, four or five times together, and it will after become so soft as passed: and this is a right proper and necessary secret, to be understanded of all such workmen as do any matters in Steel, as graving and such like, if these words be well marked. How to make Hens lay Eggs all the Winter through. TO do this, take the tops of the Nettles, when they begin to come unto Seed, and dry them: which so dried, give a little of the same with Bran and Hempséede mingled together, to your Hens, and they shall every day after lay you an Egg a piece. How to make thy Chamber appear full of Snakes and Adders. TO do this, kill a Snake, putting the same into a Pan with Wax and let it so long boil: until the same be through dry, and of that Wax make a Candle, lighting the same in the Chamber, and then after shall appear, as though there were a thousand creeping in thy Chamber. How to make letters appear of the colour of Gold, Copper, or Silver. AND to do this: take very clear Crystal, and work the same into marvelous fine powder, on a marble stone, & after mix the same powder with the white of an Egg, until this be so prepared to write with all: And after with this confection, writ what letters you will, letting the same dry: and after rub a gold King or any piece of Gold on the same letters, and all the letters shall appear like gold. And in the like sort may you make the Letters either appear like silver or copper. How to make any piece of Iron to appear like Gold. AND to do this take four pints of Raine water into which put ten drams of Roch Alum, and ten drams of ointment, of Roman Vitriol, and Salt Gem, of each one an ounce, and a scruple of Coperas: all these boil together, after put there into a quart of Vinegar, and of Tartarre, and common Salt finely beaten to powder of each three ounces, all these incorporate again over a soft fire very well, and after occupy the same: which maketh a colour like unto gold. How to have fresh Roses at all times of the year sundry ways taught. AND First if you will have fresh Roses at any time, so well as in the month of May, then gather the buds half open in a manner in the Evening, when as the Sun is set, and touch them not with thy hand in the gathering, but with a sharp knife properly gather them, after lay the Roses upon a board, letting them to lie abroad in a fair night, all the night through, and then after have in a readiness a new earthen pot well glazed within and without, into which put the former Roses before the Sun be up in the morning and stop close the mouth of that pot with clay, mixed with Horse dung, & flocks, all tempered well together before, whereby no air of the Roses may pass or breath forth. After set the same Pot into the ground, covering it in dry Sand, and let no moist place be near, or about the same And now on this wise may you have fresh Roses at any time of the year. Also take of the Rose buds in the spring time, when they begin first to open, & put those into a green Cane yet growing, cleaving the same by little and little, until you may handsomely put in those buds, and after tie that place with a thread, stopping the same about, that no air breath out, and after cover that piece of the Cane or Reed, so bound and stopped about under the Earth, bowing down the same stalk by little and little, that the same break not, and cover the same well with the earth, letting it there remain so long as you list, and when you be minded to have them forth, then cleave the Cane by little and little, that you spoil not the buds, and after set them in the Sun, or in lukewarm water, and they shall be open and fair in a short space, as in the midst of Pay. Also if you will make dry Roses to become fresh, then take a new glazed pot and wet the same within with Rose water, and after shalt that pot with the Roses very close, letting it so to stand, for five days, and they shall be fresh. How to make Beans and other seeds grow up in four hours. AND first, to make Beans grow up in an hours space, take the Beans and put them in hot oil, let them there remain for eleven days and after dry them. And when you will make the proof of them, than set the beans, and go to dinner, and by that time you rise again from the Table, and go to look on them, you shall find them grow up well a span high. And the like may you do with the Gourds. And now to make the Gourds grow up in the space of four hours, both with leaves and Flowers, take the feed of the Gourd, and let them lie in the blood of a sanguine young man, and let them there remain for fifteen days in a moist place and in a pot well stopped, and after take them forth, and let them be dried well in the Sun: and when you will sow or plant them, then take a dish full or two of good earth, and dry the same well, after wet the same with a little fresh water, and after have warm water pouring the same upon this earth until it become sufficient soft, and then plant your seeds in it, and within three or four hours after you shall have Gourds grown up with leans and with flowers. And the like may you do with the Melons, Citriones, and other green seeds. To make a Candle of Ice to burn like unto an other Candle. TO do this make a Candle of Brimstone, which with the Powder of a Coal smeared about, and after in the Winter time drown the same in water, but cover the head of it with a paper, and after hang the same at the mouth of some gutter which droppeth fast, whereby it may so be covered with half a finger thickness of Ice in the Morning, and after being lighted: it will then burn unto the wondering of such as shall see the same. Also take pure Ware and fine Brimstone purified, of each a like: mealt these together making thereof a Candle, and after take the powder of a coal finely beaten, & brimstone the like in powder, these sift through a Serse or linen cloth, & after heating the Candle, smear the Candle about so long, until it have (as it were) a thick crust round about the same, like unto the thickness of the back of a Knife: which after cover about the head of it with a paper, & then hang the same at the mouth of a Gutter, which droppeth fast, until the IIse cover it about a finger thick, then light the same, and it will burn like as it were all wax. To make flesh to seem to crawl full of Worms. AND to do this, take Harp strings, and cut them into very short pieces, which straw upon Meat, being taken hot out of the Pot, and those pieces will then move and stir like unto worms. How to make a light in the night time, that all things round about thy hall or parlour shall appear both black and green. TO do this, take the black juice or ink of the Fish named a Cuttle, and the like quantity of Verdygreace, these mix well together, putting the same into a Lamp, and dipping a wéecke in that liquor, then light the same, putting out the other lights in that room, and then shall all things round about that place, and the walls also being white, appear both black and green unto the marvel of such as shall see the same. How to make Roots to have what proper form you will on them. TO do this, take such green Roots which be big, like as be the Brionye roots, radish roots, and Rape or navew roots, and of any of these roots carve and cut as you list, and after put the same into the earth, letting it there so long remain, until the same carving be covered with a skin. And one such wise may you make the counterfeit Mandrakes in fashioning in the Briony root, as both Mathealus and Cardane do write, form of a man with a Pen knife, and setting the same root again into the earth, with the head of the root turned downward, and a little Barley put under it, which after will cleave and hang fast unto the head of the Root, and appear like unto hair growing out of the same. How to break a stone with the fist, of the thickness of ones hand. AND to do this, first raise the edge of a flat stone upright from a plain board, or rather from a big smooth stone in such force that it stand of itself without any under bearing or help, & after with thy fist smite hastily or quickly that part standing upright, which falling together flat on the plain board or stone: doth so break in so many pieces. And if the fist be swiftlier smitten, than the end of the stone toucheth the board in the falling then is that stroke in vain: and breaketh not the same at that time. And in the like manner may Tiles be easily broken with a small and easy stroke of the hand, for that through the weight of the stone in the falling and help of the quick stroke, it doth of this so lightly break even as it were down with the vehement stroke of a hammer. ¶ To make an herb to grow which shall have many savours and tastes. AND to do this: first take one seed of the Lettuce, one seed of Endive, one of Smallage, one of the Bassill, one of the Leek, & of the Parslie, all these put together in a hole in such sort, that one seed may touch an other: but this remember that you plant these together in the dung of an Horse or an Ox without any earth at all with them. And then after of these seeds shall grow up one proper herb, which will have so many savours and tastes, as there were seeds sown together. How to make sundry devices or Arms or such like: in a Rose, Carnation, or Flowers de luce or lily. TO do this take Salt ammoniac, and grind the same on a Marble Stone, with fine Vinegar, and a little Sugar candy, and keep the same in a narrow necked pot or glass and after take your Rose and dress the leaves, in fastening them with red wax: that they may so lie plain and even, which so done: then take a fine Pencil with the liquor drawing on the leaves, what proper matter or arms you list; & after let the same dry of itself, putting upon of the leaf gold: or the leaf silver: and after pressing it lightly or gently down with Bombasse, and that which sticketh not then fast, falleth off in the doing, and so your work will remain trim and fair. To write what you list on a Steel Dagger, or Knife. HOW to do this, take an ounce of Salt peter, and an ounce of green Coperesse, beat these grossly together, and after put the same into a strong Bottle of Glass, distilling a water of it, which water use on this wise: First, take yellow or red Wax, stretching the same upon your Dagger or Knife, so far as you will draw or write there upon unto the thickness of a Paper leaf and somewhat more, after draw or write therein what you list, drawing or writing unto the Steel, and then fill that hollow drawing or holes with the distilled water, which within a day and a night, will have eaten it sufficiently, and the like may you draw and do in any other piece of steel. How to break a new and big Rope, with the hands only. TO do this, take and fasten the one end of the Cord or Rope, either with a nail driven fast into it, or about a strong hook of Iron, & after wind the same three or four tims or oftener about thy hand, and the other ends of the Cord or Rope wind about by the top of the Palm between the forefinger and thumb, that the one part of the cord may reach unto the Nail, and the head or other end unto the bottom of the Palms, by which it must be again winded about and after that winded again once or twice about. And this so done, then with a vehement pluck and force assay in the same part by which it is so over winded or run with the Cords for that the substance of the Cord or Rope which is under, doth defend, that the hand can take no harm by the hasty and strong pull, and take heed that the utter most fold of the Cord slide not in thy hand. And to conclude: this conceive, that in the mighty and hasty pluck together, the one fold of the Cord doth so cut the other in sunder, and then especially, when as that part shall be set soft which is between the hand and the nail and that both the hand be strong, and then pluck out right and quick. And now if you will conceive this order in the winding of the Cord about both the hands, you may so break the same with the only strength of the hands: yea such strong cords or Ropes, as will well hold a Bullock or Cow, unto the admiration or wondering of the lookers on. How to make white Flowers like as the Lily, white Rose and such like to be red. AND to do this, fill a Pint Pot of the best red Wine, unto the middle of it, and within the mouth of the Pot hang the white flowers so deep in, that they touch not the Wine after that cover the mouth of the pot very close, so that no air of the Wine breath out, and then let it stand for one whole day, and they will after became red of colour. And to make such Flowers that be naturally white, to become red, do this first take gross earth, drying the same very well in the Sun, that you may after bring the same into very fine powder, and after put the same earth into a Pot or half Tub, where you mind to plant your white Flowers to become red, and after they be so planted in the Earth, then let them not be watered at any time with any other water then this, which is made on this wise: Take water, putting therein certain quantity of Brasil finely cut, and boil the same unto a third part, which water after take, and being through cold, water by little and little the same earth, as both at morning and evening, and water it at no time with any other water then this, until you see that the same water first have taken effect. How to make a hollow Ring to dance by itself, a proper secret. AND to do this, take a Ring round about hollow, into which put Quicksilver, and stop the same fast that it run not forth. After heat the Ring somewhat in the fire, or let it lie near unto the fire and being hot, lay the same on a Table or stool, which by and by after will begin to dance of itself, until it be cold again. To make Glue to hold together so hard as a stone a proper secret. AND to do this take unsleikt Lime, and quench the same with Wine & beat the same into fine powder, mixing therewith, both Figs and Sivines grease, & after labour them well together for this as Plini writeth passeth the hardness of a stone. Also, take Greek Pitch, Rosin, and the powder of tile stones these mix together and when you will occupy of the same, then heat it over the fire, and work therewith: for when the same is cold, it holdeth them together so hard as any Nail. Also, take of Spuma ferri one pound of tile shards, two pound of unsleikt lime four pound, of Oil of linseed, so much as shall suffice to prepare and work them together, for this Glue is marvelous strong, which neither feareth nor yieldeth to water nor fire. To make an Apple move on the Table, a proper secret, HOw to do this, take an Apple and cut the same in the midst, and in the one half make a round hole, putting therein a black beetle, and so lay the same half on the Table, and it will then move. To make Roses and other Flowers that be red, to become white. AND to do this take Brimstone beating the same into fine powder which powder, burn on a new tylestone, holding such red flowers or Roses over the smoke of it, whiles it so burneth, and they will after become white, and on this wise you may make your Roses half white and half red, or one leaf white, and another red, by a cap of paper so cut for the nonce. How to write letters on the Eggshell that the same letters may appear within on the Egg. AND to do this, take a little quantity both of Galls and Allome, which work together with Vinegar, and after write with this liquor what you will on the shell. and that dried, lay then the Egg in Urine, or else anoint the Egg about with Ware, unto the thickness of a Paper or somewhat more, and with a fine bodkin write deep letters, that the holes may be open, and the letters apparent, into the which holes power of this liquor, and when the same is dried on the Egg, then seethe the Egg until it be hard, and after lay the same to soak in sharp Vinegar, through the which soaking the letters will so pass through the shell, that the letters may be seen on the Egg, after the shell is pulled off. How to make a Bottle or a narrow mouth pot full of water or milk not to spill or shed forth. TO do this: take the Bottle or narrow mouth Pot, and fill the same unto the brim, after cover the mouth with a Paper, and then turn the mouth downward on the mouth of an other Pot, and nothing shall shed forth, as by a trial in filling the one pot with milk, and the other may be seen. How to kill Fleas divers ways. ANd first, to gather all the Fleas of thy Chamber into one place, anoint a Staff with the grease of a Fox, or Headghogge, and lay the staff again, where you list in your chamber, and it shall so gather all the Fleas by it. Also fill a dish with goats blood, and set the same by the bed, & all the Fleas will come to it round about. And the like will they do by the blood of the Headghog. Also take the fat of a Goat, and anoint what you list therewith, and set the same under your bed, and all the Fleas will gather unto the same. Also take lupines or flat Beans, & boil them in water with Woormwood, and that water sprinkle well about the Chamber, and all the Fleas shall avoid that chamber. Also take an Apple of Coliquintida, and infuse the same in water, and in that water boil Wormwood, which cast about the Chamber, killeth all the Fleas. And the like doth the peach leaves, or vervain, or Colyander boiled in water and so cast about. How to make a Pot of glass not to sink in the water, a proper secret. diagram of thin-necked glass vase or pot, with letters reversed TO do this, first fill a Glass Pot full of Water, or wine unto the brim, for other wise it sinketh down and is drowned in the setting of it in the water: the reason of which appeareth by this demonstration. Imagine that the pot be D. whose neck is A.B.C. that vacant part of it A.B. in that A.B. doth bear above water, through the air which is contained therein: and the weight of the glass A.B. draweth toward the Centere, and A.B.C. can not descend by strait line down, for that it shall labour in vain. And therefore the signifier D. boweth in that D. when as the wine is set in the water, it resisteth not, and therefore A.B. doth descend until it come unto the upper face of the water, but when A.B. shall be in the upper face of the water, the part E. is then drowned, in that it is the neither part, and all the neck of the pot. How to make a thin Glue, very profitable, a proper secret. ANd to do this, take the Glue made of fishes, beating the same strongly on an Anvil, until it be thin, which after laid to soak in water, until it become very soft and tender, which will be within five or fix hours, & then work it like paste to make small rolls thereof, which when it is like unto paste, stretch it or draw it out very thin, & when you will work with it, then put of the same into an earthen pot with a little fair water over hot embers, and skim the same very clean, and let it so seeth a little while, after work with the same keeping it still over the hot embers, until you have done with it, for so it fasteneth & bindeth the stronger. And in such sort that it fasteneth pieces of glass together. How to draw a Ring off being very hard thrust on, and the finger swelled. AND if either man or woman hath thrust a Ring, so hard on their finger, that he or she cannot draw the same off, through the swelling of the finger: then thread a Needle, and draw the same under the Ring, and wind the thread about the finger on the other side, and so of ten wind the thread about, and diligently consider that the whole joint and part of the finger, lying or being between the joint and the ring, be covered about with the thread, and that no part be seen of the skin, through the close covering of the thread, and even draw the Needle again under the Ring, and wind the thread like about on the other side, and that speedily whereby the King drawn & removed on the thread, by little and little may so pass over the joint and come of. But whilst you are in the doing of this, make no tarriance or delay, for that the finger doth so lightly swell, that without great pain the Ring cannot be drawn off. To make fruits as Apples, Pears, Quinces, and such like to have what proper form you will on them. AND to do this, counterfeit on a piece of wood, being in bigness to the fruit which you desire, what form you will? Or else cut Romain, or other fashion letters in it, (to express if you list) some proper words which so done, then make a mould with water and Chalk unto the thickness of thy little finger, the same part into the just half. And when this mould is dry which soon drieth, separate then the same from the wood with oil before. And when you have gotten off the mould from the wood, and parted it in two just halves, then take the same mould, and bind it most close unto the fruit, being grown unto his half bigness, and let it so continue until the fruit become unto his full bigness, and then take the mould away, and you shall see the trial of the former taught. How to cut a Glass, a proper secret. AND to do this, steep a thread in Oil and brimstone mixed together and compass the Glass with the thread in the place where you would have it parted, and after kindle & light the same and so often do thus, until the place be hot and after compass the same with a thread wet in cold water, & it will part so clean a sunder, as if the same had been cut with a sharp pointed Diamond. How to soften Crystal, to imprint what you list therein, a proper secret. AND to do this, take the blood of a Lamb, and the blood of a Wether, mixing these together, after take thy Crystal Stone, heating it in the fire burning hot, and then quench it in the blood, which after will become so soft as passed, then with a Copper print work therein what you list, and after set the same abroad in the air, and it will come again unto the former hardness. How to walk on the water a proper secret. a man in a loincloth with a staff walks on water FOR to do this, take two little Timbrels, and bind them under the souls of thy feet, and at a staves end fasten an other, and with these you may safely walk on the water, unto the wonder of all such as shall see the same: if so be you often exercise the same with a certain holdness and lightness of the body. ¶ To make a Candle to burn a proper secret. FOR to do this, first make a wéecke of Silk, and infuse the same in the Oil of Hemp séed, and when the wéecke shall be sufficiently soaked, role the same in Snow, until it be of the dignesse of a great Candle, whereby it may so be well wrought together, & after light the same, setting it in a stick, and it will give the like light as a Wax Candle. Also make a Candle of Purpen stone & wax together, about the which role Snow, and the Snow will burn until it be all wasted. Also take Snow, and mix therewith the powder of Camphire, and of the same make a Candle, and it will burn being lighted. How to draw many Candles the one after the other being laid a foot distance or more a sunder. FOR to do this, take Brimstone, Orpiment, and Oil, these labour together, and make thereof an Ointment, after take so many Candles as may well serve your Table, which lay on the Table a large foot a sunder, and all a roe, the one behind the other as long as you list to lay them, yea a hundred may you lay down on this wise a length, if you lay them strait, then take a long thread, and anoint the same in this ointment, which after lay a long on the Candles, and after drawing the foremost, all will follow by order. ¶ How to cut an Apple into many pieces without harming of the skin or paring. TO do this, take a most fine Needle with a small thread, and thrust the same by little and little under the paring, & thrust it in again right against the place, until you have so gone round about the outside of the Apple. And this also remember that you thrust the needle through the paring at strait corners one against the other of the Apple, and this so often do until you come again unto the first place where you began. And if so be you would divide the same in six or eight pieces, then draw the thread again by a like distance, always taking heed to divide the Apple under the skin and when you have thus done with the Apple, and the pieces yet covered with the skin, then draw out the ends of the thread, and you shall after divide the Apple within, without harming of the paring or skin into so many pieces as you list. And when you have thus drawn out, and taken the thread quite away, you may keep the apple so long as you think requisite. How to make a Cup of Glass being set in the fire not to burn. AND to do this, take what Cup or Pot of glass you list, and seethe the same in common Oil, by the space of five hours, and after take it forth, and it will be then made so strong that the said Cup of glass or pot, will endure the heat of the fire. How to make a Candle to be marveled at, a proper secret. a fireproofed glass vase or pot AND to do this, take four ounces of Salt Niter, six ounces of fine Frankincense, three ounces of brimstone, six ounces of Oil, and six ounces of the Milk of Cataputia, all these beat fine, and mix together, after take three ounces of Wax, and make then a Candle of altogether, in the end of which Candlestick, stick deep a Needle, and after set the same in a narrow mouth glass full of water, and you shall see after what the same will do. ¶ How to make Quicksilver, in a manner so hard as Silver. AND to do this, take the strongest Vinegar, and whites of Eggs well beaten together, and three ounces of quicksilver, unto one of the other these first still together in a Limbeck well luted, and in that distilled water put the quicksilver and it will be after so hard, that you may work it with the hammer. Also take quicksilver, and wash it in the distilled water of man's blood, and every time you wash the same let it dry, and in the end it will come to be so hard as silver. How to see many and divers strange signs in an Urinal. AND to see these, take a new and clean washed Urinal, into which power either clean water, or other running water, after take the white of an new laid Egg, and a little Saffron binding it in n clean linen cloth, after that, power a little of the water into a dish and put the cloth with the Saffron into it, so long until it have coloured it somewhat and being on this wise, then beat the white of the egg with this water seven or eight times with thy finger, and then power the same into the Urinal, and you shall after see in it Towers, Castles, Hills, and many other strange sights. How to catch Fowls without a Net. TO do this, take Arsenic, putting the same in water, and in that water boil wheat, or any other grain, and cast the same forth unto Fowls, and so many as eat thereof, will not be able afterward to fly away. And take the juice of Celidone, and infuse Wheat in the same, letting it there remain for three days, after give the same unto Fowls to eat, & such as eat thereof you may after take with the hand. Also take Wheat, putting it in wine Lées, and let the same remain there eight days, after that put it into the juice of Celandine and horehounds, to steep, which so done, then give of the same unto the Fowls to eat, and such as eat thereof, cannot fly away. How to make a loaf of bread new set upon the Table to leap off. TO do this, take a quill, filling the same with Quick Silver, and stopping it close, thrust the same after into a hot Loaf, new drawn out of the Oven, and the loaf will by and by dance on the Table. How to make an Egg fly about, a merry conclusion. AND to do this, take a Goose Egg, and after the opening and cleansing of it, take a Bat that flieth in the Evening, which put into the shell, than glue it fast about on the top, and the Bat will fly away with it, which perhaps will be thought of some to fly about in the air of itself. How to make Artificial fire divers ways: and that marvelous. AND first to make a flame of fire to pass suddenly out of the mouth of a pot full of water, take an Egg making an hole in the head, and draw out all the substance of the same, which so done, then fill the same with the powder of brimstone and unsleikt Lime mixed together, shutting the mouth with Wax, and then let if fall to the bottom of a quart pot full of Water, taking quickly your hand away, and suddenly will issue forth a flame out of the mouth of the Pot. And also if thou wilt spit fire out of thy mouth without pain, and to do thee no harm, take the powder of the willow stick, finely beaten and searced, with the which join a little new Silk, making it round up like unto a ball, into which put this powder, wrapping the Silk well about it, and after put it within with the powder a little fine Flax, and then properly stitch it up round about, which so done, then cut it open a little on the one side, putting a quick coal or a light Candle unto it, to set it on fire a little, then put it again into thy mouth, holding the same softly with thy teeth, and turning also the part cut inward in thy mouth, and when thou wilt spit fire out, then halde the ball strongly in thy mouth and blow, and the lookers on shall see then a great flame issue forth of thy mouth, and do there no harm at all. Also to make a fire fly up in the air. Take Tow, and wet the same in Aquavitae, and after put fire to it, and blow the same away, which after will fly up in the air and burn. How to know a natural precious stone from a counterfeit. AND to do this, rub the same on Lead, and if it change the colour than it is counterfeit, if it change not, than it is a natural Stone. Also, if the Stone have like unto a Bladder within than it is counterfeit. How to make a man to appear on a flame burning without any harm. TO do this, take Brimstone, Orpiment, and commun Oil, of these make an ointment, with the which anoint thy garment all about, & thy head and hands, and after light the same & it will burn all at once without harm. Also take juice of Adder's tongue, the juice of March Mallows, or other meadows, & the white of an Egg, these mix together, anointing therewith all about thy body, and then cast the fine powder of Brimston on the same, setting it over a fire, & it will strangely burn, and neither harm hands nor garment anointed therewith. How to make the Chamber as light by night as by day. AND to do this, take that part which shineth of the night worms, and bruise them well, which after set in hot Horse dung in a glass stopped, and let it there so stand for fifteen days, and after distill the same in a Limbeck of Glass with a soft fire, the which water so drawn, stop close in a narrow necked pot of crystal Glass, and hang the same in the entry of the house, and it will so give a very bright light. How to make two Dogs fight together a proper secret. AND to do this, take the Seclifset of the Wolf, and cast the same between two Dogs: and they shall so long fight together, as they lie there between them, and when you will have them to cease fight: then take them away. How to make a Bitch that she shall not desire to be covered with any Dog. TO do this, take Bees and prepare them orderly, which after give unto the Bitch with bread, or with meat, and she will not after suffer any Dog to touch her. To make a blown bladder to dance and skip from place to place. TO do this, put Quicksilver in a bladder, and lay the bladder in a hot plcae and it will after skip from place to place without handling. How to cast forth any worm or Snake entered within the body. TO do this, boil the herb Bassill, over a soft fire in Vinegar, which so boiled, give unto the patiented to drink: and it shall cast the same up forthwith. And if the same be a Snake entered within the body: than you may take writing Ink, and good Wine, mixing them together, which after drink, and it will cast up whatsoever evil be in the body. How to make a Hen to run away with great fear. ANd to do this, take the head of a Kite, and tie the same about a Hen's neck, and she shall never cease running here and there, until you have taken away the same from her neck, and when you will take the same from her neck, she will then move from you nothing at all. How to find a person drowned, that hath been sought for. TO do this, take a white loaf, and cast the same into the water, near the suspected place, and it will forthwith go directly over the dead body, and there still abide, by which you may well find the dead body. How to deal with Iron many ways right profitable. FIrst to make Iron as soft as passed, take Vitriol and Salt Niter, of each a like, beating these to powder, which after distill in a Limbeck of Glass, and in this water lay your small pieces of Iron, for a day and a night, which after coner in hot horsedung for fifteen days, and the same will become very soft like unto paste, and with the same Iron you may make seals or grave, or otherwise Imprint what you list on Iron so easily as into earth, & you may also beat and work the same Iron so easily as Lead. Also make a water of roche alum, as is above said, and in the same water quench your Iron seven times and it will make the Iron so easily break as glass, and to make powder thereof. Also quench the Iron in the dung of an Ox or Cow, tempered with honey oftentimes and it will become so soft, that you may work the same like Lead, with the hammer. Also, take salt ammoniac well beaten, & mix the same with unsleiked lime, and temper the same with cold Water, like unto a thick broth, and in this water temper the Iron and it shall after become white, fair, and very strong. Also take the juice of the herb named Palma Christi, and with the same anoint thy hands, and you may after hanele Iron fire hot without harm. And the like may you do with the juice of Hemlock. Also take red Arsenich, red Alum of each like: these grind into fine powder mixing the same with the juice of Sengréen, or Houseléeke, and the gall of a bull and anoint thy hands with the same: and you may after handle burning Iron, and anointing the feet: you may go on hot Grates of Iron or Coals: without any danger. To light a candle at the mouth of an Image painted on the wall. TAke and put Brimstone, to the mouth of the Image, and take a burning Candle and blow it out. And or the wéecke be out, set it to the Images mouth, and it will burn. And so ye may do against a glass. To take Fish by night. TAke a lantern of glass, and put a burning Candle in it, and set the lantern on the water, and the Fishes will come to light. Or else take Nettles and houseléek, and make juice of them, and put it in a pond, and all the fishes will gather there and if your hands be anointed therewith, ye may take them. To make that no Dog bark at you. TAke an herb called Serpentine, and they shall not bark at you. To make Birds come to your Culuer house. CAst Barley steeped in Honey, where they do feed, and they will gather to your Culuerhouse. To put an Apple in a Viol. Hung the Viol on the twig of an apple Tree, and put a young Apple in the mouth of the Viol, and it will grow therein. And so ye may do with Grapes or other fruit. To put an Egg in a Viol. Steep the Egg two days, and two nights in Vinegar, and then role it on a table softly, and it will stretch as wax, and then may you put it in the Viol or draw it through a Ring. To make folk seem black. PUT Oil Olive in a Lamp, and put thereto fine powder of ground Glass and light it, and all that be above it, will séme black as Egyptians. To prove if a maiden be clean. BVrne Motherwoort, and let her take the smoke at her nose, and if she be corrupt she shall piss, or else not. Otherwise take grey Nettles while they be green, and let her piss on them, if she be no maiden, they will whither forth, or else not. To know if a sick person shall die or not. TAke grey Netttles while they be green and put them in the patient's Urine: and if they remain green, he shall live, and if they wither not. To make Salt water fresh. TAke Clay, and put it into a bag and strain it through till it be clear, and it will be fresh. To kindle fire at the Sun. TAke a very bright Basin, and put a new looking Glass therein, and set the Basin in the hottest of the Sun, and lay about it very dry Tow small chopped, and the tow will take fire with heat of the Sun. To see by night as by day. ANoint your eyes with the blood of a Bat. To make flesh cleave in the pot. TAke Dwall or Night shade, & stamp it well, and put it in the pot with meat, and the meat will cleave together. To take Birds. Put Barley in the juice of Rue, and Viner, and cast it there as the Birds do haunt or come, and as soon as they have eaten it, they can not fly, and then ye may take them. To make silk worms. TAke the brain of a Calf, and put it in a pit of Mader, and let it lie three weeks, and they will breed of the brain and ye may feed them with Mulberries. To take away hairs. Anoint the rough place with the blood of a Bat, after that it is shaven: and hair shall never grow there. To fat Hens or Capons. MAke a deep pit in the earth, and make therein a Bed of dung, and a bed of nettles, and do so till it be full and there keep your Pullen, till the herbs begin to grow, and then let them out, and within a short while, they will be very fat. That one shall not be drunk. Drink the juice of yarrow fasting, and ye shall not be drunk for no drink And if ye were drunk, it will sober you: or else eat the marrow of Pork fasting, and ye shall not be drunk. To make a good bait for fish at all seasons of the year. TAke Wheat flower, and Tallow of a new slain Sheep, and the gleire of an Egg, and beat them altogether, and bait them all therewith. To make an Egg go up to a Spear end. EMpty the Egg at a little hole, and fill it full of may dew, and stop the hole close with a little Wax and Parchment glued, that the dew go not out. Then stick a spear in the earth in the heat of the Sun, and lay the Egg by the Spear, and it will mount to the top thereof by the heateof the Sun. To make Fish or Flesh seem raw. TAke the blood of a Wat, or of a Kid, and dry it, and keep it from the the air than cast it on fish or flesh that is hot, and it will seem raw. To make Pottage to run out of the Pot. TAke and cast Soap in the Pot, and it will run over. To kill Hens or Ducks. CAst to them the seed of Henbane, & they will fall down as they were dead. To make coals to burn a great while. MAke powder of S. john's wort, and when the Coals are wasted, and the fire near out, cast it thereon and let it lie. That a man shall not be weary of going. Drink the juice of Mugwoorte, and bear the herb about him, with the herb Pedilion and crowfoot. Ad capiendum Pisces. REcipe luce Mulage vel scolares tortas collectum circa medium Maij. Quando Luna sit plena distemperata cum ingro sape & serva in Olla terreo, & quando vis occupare, unge manus tuas & lava illa in aqua vel loco ubi sunt Pisces. To make Yarn and Linen Cloth white. TAke a Herring barrel, and fill it nigh full of good Ale dregs, and stop at fast, but ye must have a good dish full of parched beans, and put them in a linen bag, and very hot put them to the dregs, till they be cool, and shut it fast the space of a quarter of an hour. Then take two pound of Alum, ground to subtle powder, and cast it therein, and let it lie four days naturally well closed, then wash your Yarn. To make that a Horse may not go through a street. TAke the guts of a Wolf, & lay them overthwart the Street, and cover them with earth or Sand, and he will not go that way, as long as the guts do lie there Probatum est. To know if a woman be with a man child, or not. TAke a dish, and put water in it, & then let her milk her breast into the water, and if it be a man child, it will fleet, and if it be a woman Child, it will sink. To ease thy feet for going. TAke Plantine and stamp it well, and anoint your feet with the juice thereof, and it will do away the grief.