❧ A little dialogue off the Consolator comforting the Church in her afflictions, taken out off the 129. psalm. Composed in french by. M. Peter du Val. And translated into english by Robart Pownoll. Anno 1556. Mens. Junii. Comfort them that are feeble minded, lift up the weak, and be patiented towards all men. 1. Thessa. 5. Our Lord jesus Christ himself, and God our father (which hath loved us, and hath given everlasting consolation, and good hope through grace) comfort your hearts, & stablish you in all good saying and doing. 2. Thessalo. 2. ¶ Anno. 1556. Mens. Junii. 14. To the faithful. FOR as much as in all ages, the Lord God (and that by his secret & just judgement, and for certain causes expressed unto us in his holy Scriptures) hath always exposed and given over his people, to the raging rigour, & violent affliction off the wicked: so that worldly wisdom blinded, doth esteem the condition & state of the fayghtful most unfortunate. Being subject to so many myseres, contemned of men, destituted off riches, afflicted by poverty, assaulted off tyrrantes, banished out off their own countries, their goods confysked, some time imprisoned, oftentimes mordered, drowned, buried quick, headed, bornte, hanged, & extemed no more than the filthiness off the world, and the ofcowring off all things. And on the other side saying the wicked (given over to all ungodliness) prosper in felicity, abound in wealth, increase in riches, continue in health, lusty in body, mighty in power, having the world at their will, in shuche sort that their condition in respect off the other, is to be desired: so that this temptation doth not a little trouble the simple minded, who consider no thing but that which they see presently before their eyes. Wherefore to prevent shuche a mased bashfulness as now occupyethe the minds off a great many of simple well dyspoced people: and some what to elivate and stir up their declined spiretes. I have thought good to remedy the same by some little consolation: the which amongst the offices off charity doth not pocesse the last place, & ought never to be far distant from the feloshipe off the faithful. For as callamites and troubles shall never fail them this world: even so behooveth it them to haall ways in their hand, in their mouth, and in their heart, godly consolation and comfort, which at this present is most necessary unto the chyldryne off God, yff ever it were requisite: saying that tribulations do now abound with out measure more than in times passed. For in thesse's days whether so ever the faithful go, or torn themselves: either the fires are ready kindled to consume them, or the prisons & dongions are open to ressayve them, or else their houses & goods are sealed up by the feales off unjust justices to impoveryshe them, or else they fleinge hither & thither as poor slaves & vagabonds, destitute both off money & fryndds do suffer infinite miseres & povertyes, and are compelled to support a thousand opprobres & injures, as people forsaken & utterly unworthy off all goodness. With out omitting, that they are compassed about with an innumerable multitude off adversaries: amongst whom on the one side are thosse great and fearful giants with their rabble of grevous grasshoppers, to wit, the Pope, his Lardenales, Archebishopes, bishops, miters, Crosses, Croissyers', thoundering & roaring with their titeles, Sanctissimi, Colendissimi, Reverendissimi, Obseruandissimi: and about them are their Prothenotares archdeacon's, Chanones, Curates and priests, with an infinite number of monks & friars: all together animated & enflambed to war against the humble hearted, & fearing God. On the other side are armed the Caesar's invictissimi, the rings illustrissimi, the Princes fortissimi, with all their nobilitey: under whom the earth tremblethe, & the world quakethe. On the other side are the grave Presedentes, the prudent Counsellors, the facounde Advocates, and eloquent Lawyers, with their cruel bands: amongst whom, some do set up the gallows, some other do prepare the fagotes, other some have in their hands, Gyvers, Fetters, Manacles, and all other kind of tortures ready to put them in practysse. On the other side, are the worshupfull master Doctore, the reverend Bachelors, the venerable Rectors, the learned Regentes, the wysse Masters, and all shuche others, ready fornyshed with their weapons. What can prevail against so mighty an arm? Can thosse that take part with jesus Christ, which seem to be so feeble? saying that the most part off them are people poor off spirete, simple as doves, sheep affocision, with out riches, void off friends, extemed apostates, dyspyced craftsmen, handy labourers, unarmed, exposed to all dangers, condemned as unprofitable, expelled, whipped, banished scaffolded, wearied, travayled, nipped, dejected, imprisoned, stocked, fettered, and destituted off all defence, except off that tow edged sword, which is the word off God: Against whom, in the mean time, the adversaries do conventicle, consult conspire, conjure: do weapon themselves, battle themselves, fortify themselves, do imagen, enterprise, attempt, do sow abroad lying letters, sklanderous reports, untrue tales, imagining vain things, they thounder, they tempest, they roar, and attempt all possible means, to ruinated and destroy them: They on the other side, weeping, fasting, praying blyshing, dissembling their sorrow, covering their heavynes, sacreficing unto God their tears, abiding in this world no thing but blows, stripes, contumeles, torments, pains, griefs, molestations and miseries. Yff then shuche be not consolated and comforted by the holy scriptures, wherein only is all refuge, joy & delectation: how can they continue without loss of courage? What man off war is there be he never so valiant, whosse enemies seeming invisible, and saying himself suddenly enclosed with them, that is not forth with abashed & dismayed, unless he be boldened with a sure persuasion of notable & honourable victory? And contrarywysse what is he so feeble and faint hearted that saying before his eyes his victorious captain skyrmyshing with his enemies, breaking their array, beating down the mightiest, overtrowing the valienteste and, and leving the rest effeminated, discorraged, wearied, and all most discomfited, that will not pull up his stomach and boldly thrust himself into the battle, and specially having a sure promise off his captain to be crowned with triumph after the fight. And doth not this fruit off perseverance proceed from the pleasant tree off consolation? who all ways promiseth, a joyful issue after sorrow, calmness after tempest, light after darkness, sweetness after sowrnes, perpetual peace after a moment off unquietness, infinite glory after a little pain? The father off all mercy and God off all consolation, 2. Cor. 1. which comfort the us in all our tribulations, grant that we may be able to comfort them that are in any manner off trouble, with the same comfort where with we ourselves are comforted off him: and as the afflictions off Christ are plenteous in us, and in all that are his, that even so every one off us may be plenteous in consolation by Christ. For this cause then, as the most lest warryoure, I have willingly accommodated myself, to incorrage to the uttermost off my power my follow soldiers that now do sustain the weight and brunt off the battle. And as in a battle all are not appointed to fight & strike, but some to sound the trumpet, some the drum and some to play upon the phiffe, thereby to encorrage the soldiers: even so I can do no les, & all other that there unto are called with me, but to noise the phiffe, to use the pen, to play with my fingers upon the Davideicall harp, to sound the prophetical trumpet and to strike up the evangelical drum, thereby to animate and corrag to the battle the hearts off the worthy warryors and valiant soldiers off jesus Christ: exteminge on my part to have much profited, yff with the sound off this little phiffe, I may any thing comfort the faint hearted, animate the weak corraged, & strengthen thosse that by feebleness do either halt with the time, or stray a side, to th'end they may be restored unto their former vigor and boldness again: for even for them chiefly do I presently sound it: trusting to ressayve double joy there by, yff in any thing it may profit them: Knowing the most valiant and strongest soldiers, at the sundry noises off trompetes and drums sounded uplonge ago to have all ready wonderfully put their enemies to the foil: off whom, As off, Crammer, Latemer Ridlye, Hopꝑ, Bradforthe, Sanders, PhilPot, tailor, Farrer, Cardmaker, Rogers, with many other worthy warriors. some having travarsed the battle, by fire, by water, by sword & diverse other torments which they have suffered in passing thorough: have now prevailed over their enymes, & do were the triumphant crown off glory. The other as yet being in the greatest throng off the battle, do most valiantly and courageously sustain the violent assaults of thosse Elephants, Lions, Bears, Tigers, Boars, Wolves, Dogs, Bulls, and all other such cruel kind off beasts, in whosse assaults they are sufficiently animated to penetrate the breach of their adversaries. To th'end than that I do not rone at an uncertain thing, 1. Cor. 9 nor fight as one that beatethe the air? I have put my self into the array with the faithful Champions off jesus Christ, for to sound the alarum against his enymyes: And all though this my phiffe do make no great noise, for that it is but little: yet never the les he that will give attentyve ear unto the same (in mine opinion) shall find the same replete with sufficient harmony, and not ill agreeing with the trompetes, clarious and drums that hath been sounded all ready, all thought his tune be not so high. I am right well assured that it shall play no thing out off the tune off Gods word, which thing causeth me to judge that it shallbe the better hard. Besides that, the tow persons set forth in this dialogue are right worthy that we should give them audience: For the one is the Church or Congregation off Christ, and the other is the Consolator or the comfortor. I say notably the Church off Christ, the Congregation off the faithful where so ever they be, Elect to God eternal life: and not the judeicall synagogue, nor the Mahometical broude, nor all the papistical Rabble, nor yet none off the heretical sectaries: all the which have no part in this church, founded upon the doctrine off the Apostles and Prophets: The which Church is introduced in this dialogue, as sorrowful, morning, troubled, and discomforted, by cause off the oppressions, persecutions, calamities, afflictions and torments wherewith the wicked ungodly tyrants and persecutors do molest her: & that only by cause that she sustaynethe, defendeth, mayntaynethe & supportethe the quarrel off her God: off whom she fear the to be forsaken, abandoned and contemned, as some time it seemeth that she is, by cause of her sins. And therefore most aptly is there also introduced a Consolator for the other Collocutor, who according to his name doth consolate, comfort, and fortify her: alleging unto her many worthy sentences & notable places off the holy scriptures, which do assure her off the assistance & help off her God, off his good will, and divine providence towards her: promising a most short & perfit delyurance off her Cross, the revyne off her enymee, and a crown off in credible glory: where with finally she contentethe her self, and dependeth upon the same with great confidence. I doubt not that any will say, they are tow personages ill appropriated: for in mine opinion it is not possible to accommodate and copell together for this present time, tow persons more apt and proper. What thing is there in the world more afflicted, than the Church off Christ? And what thing is more worthy all consolation than she? Truly there is not one off all thosse that not themselves to be her friends, that doth comfort her: But rather thosse that wont to boast themselves to be her chief friends and familiars have utterly contemned and dispyced her. where are the goodly consolations that, that gentle gallant the Pope (who bostethe himself to be her head) with all his clergy, (who preach themselves to be her pillars) that they do minister unto her? Are not thesse's they that ffyrst off all cry out against her, and upon her, to the fire, to the fire? What support findeth she off the kings and prices of this world, that so much afflict her on every side (exsepte off a very few) who not withstanding aught to be her ●orses? But how should they comfort this so poor afflic Church, which they esteem as the cower off the world, when as by most cruel wars and bloody battles they do so miserably devour their own proper subjects? We must then search some other Consolator and comfortor, than thesse's before named. But in searching we shall not find the true Consolator any where else, but where as she is, to wit, prou. 30. in God only, who all ways doth consolate the humble and afflicted, in giving them eternal consolation by his word, the which is azure defence & buckler, unto all thosse that trust in the same: from thence then we must ressayve her. For which cause I have helped myself with the .129 psalm off David, which seemeth unto me very fit for the purpose. For in the same, the state off the Church, of her persecutions and afflictions, and off her perpersecutors, with the issue and end as well off her that is persecuted, as off her persecutors, is so fully dystrybed. that with myth a do there can be found any one place more fit for this purpose, all though that through out all the psalter this song be often repeated. And I would to God that all thosse that sing the psalms taking pleasure in the voice may in shuche sort taste the words and sense off the same, that they may ressayve as much consolation in their souls by the deep consideration thereof as they give melody to their ears by their voice, the which with out the sense is all together unprofitable. I will confess freely, that I have more searched in this Psalm, that which serveth to the purpose off the dialogue, to comfort the faithful and weak, than any exquysyte or subtle interpretation, that may be gathered and borrowed out off the books off shuche as have written upon the psalter. But me thinks that I here all ready some that say with nathanael? Can there come any good thing out off nazareth? To whom I will answer: Come and see. A little vessel sometime contaynethe good lyquoure. And it is not so much to be passed on, what the vessel is, nor whence it cometh, so the lyquoure be good that is drawn out off it. Finally, this little, being ressayved and accepted in good part, and that it doth engender some good appetite in the heart off thosse that with safe to taste the same: It shall occasion me to take pleasure to prepare some other dish no less delectable to the taste then this is: But the vomiting up off this, will cause me to cease from the rest, for it were but lost labour and expenses ill employed to prepare meat, and no man to have any appetite to eat it. And yet this much will I say, that he is very ill complexioned, and hath utterly lost his stomach and taste, that cannot digest & savour this little morsel off meat, saying that it is all together composed & prepared off heavenly confections, in the which chiefly consistethe the life off man, who lyvethe not by breed only, but by every word that prosedethe out off the mouth off God, off the which it is said that it is like the rain & snow which cometh down from heaven, and retornethe not thither again, Esa. 55. but watereth the eat the and maketh it fruitful & green, that it may give corn unto the sour, and breed unto him that eateth: Even so the word of God doth not return to him in vain, but doth accomplish his will, & prosper in the things where unto he sendeth it. Those them are to much simple, that following the houngrey fools, do employ their money in that which is no breed, & their labour about the thing that doth not satisfy and will not give ear unto the lord to eat the thing that is good, Sapi. 7. to th'end their soul may have pleasure in his plenteousness. The lord give us his wisdom, in the which is the spiret off understanding, which is holy, inter, plentiful, subtle, courtoys, discrete, quick, undefiled, plain, sweet, loving the thing that is good, sharp, which forbiddeth not to do well, gentle, kind, steadfast, sure, free, having all virtues, syrcomspecte in all things, which comprehendethe all spiretes off understanding, being pure & sharp. So be it. FINIS. ¶ A most comfortable dialogue between the Consolator/ and the Church. The Consolator. WHen as I do behold and consider the Church, the Spouce off jesus Christ, the Elect and chosen off God, by the malice off men, to be so evil handled, and unworthily entreated: bending under the cross, fatigated with stripes, buffited with blows, seasoned with sorrow, travelling in travail as a woman ready to be delivered: being moved with compassion, I desire earnestly to comonicate with her, and to comfort her to the utter most off my power: to th'end I may some what assuage her sorrow and induce her to a vertious and constant perseverance. The Church. Lament. 3. How long O God infinitely good, wilt thou abandon and leave me to the cruelty off intractable tyrants? Gene. 3. It seemeth properly, O my lord, that thou hast set me as a butt against thine arrow: Lament. 3 For I do most bitterly feal the sharp sting of the serpent against my hele: Not witstanding thou knowest right well the wrong that is done unto me, and how mine enemies do sharpy pursue me, and hount me out as a bird: Yea & that with out a cause. And yet all this while O eternal God thou dost dissimule and hold thy peace, and semeste that thou haste forgotten me. The Consolator. joy be with thee, grace, peace, & mercy from God the father & from the Lord jesus Christ, O thou best beloved amongst all other. The Church. What joy is that thou greatest me with all, that am assaulted with so many enemies? Tobi. 5. judg. 5. psal. 65. And yff I be so much beloved as thou sayest, where for then are all thesse's things happyned unto me? Where are all the marvayles off the lord that are expressed unto me in his holy scriptures? He hath with drawn his hand, psal. 89. his right arm is hid in his bosom. His wrathful displeasures are gone over me, & his ferefulnes hath oppressed me: They do daily compass me about like water, and they have enclosed me on every side. My Lovers and friends hath he put away from me, and shuche as are off mine acquaintance, psal. 90. are in darkness and hid out off my sight. Where are now his first mercies become, that he swore to perform unto me before, by his fayghte? The Consolator. In hearing the moan and complain thou shalt possible cause thosse that have not known thee, to be abashed & astonied. I do not as yet persayve the cause off thy lamentation: unless it be, by cause thou werest aged, which naturally lovethe rest: peraventure it grieveth the to endure pain. The Church. I do not deny but that I am old, & off a great Age, yea loving rest: But I am not as yet so feeble, neither hath strength so utterly forsaken me, but that (by the grace off my God) I purpose firmly to resist thosse strifes and battles that are erected against me. And whereas thou callest me aged, It ought not to abash the for that I moon myself: for as much as it is commonly said, every aged complaynethe his sorrow. And further more, it is no dishonour unto me to complain and cast forth my sobbing sights before my spouce, thereby to provoke him to incline to help me. The Consolator. Against whom? The Church. Dost thou make inquisition of a thing so apparent? dost thou not see how I am daily compassed about with most cruel beasts, as Lions, Bears, Tigers, Leopards, Wolves, Foxes, psal. 79. that seek no thing else but to devour me? They have given for meat unto the birds off the air, the dead bodies of my chyldrin: And the flesh off my holy ones unto the beasts off the land: they shed their blood like water: They are become an open shame unto their enymes, and a very scorn & derision unto them that are round about them: And yet thou askest, against whom? Behold France, italy, Spain, Flanders, and now also England, and all other shuche country's, & thou shalt see their prisons full off my chylderin, the ashes off some fleeing in the air, the blood off others trodden under fotte, some trembling in their houses a biding an unjust justice, other some all sorrowful fleeing away, leave wife and childrin: some leving their goods, are as slaves in strange lands: other some in tears and sorrow do end their days in the high ways, void off all honest burial: And yet thou askest what I ail? Is not this a sufficient cause for me to morn and complain? The Consolator. It is so. But what more have they done unto thee? The Church. Text. They have vexed me, they have made a thousand assaults against me. The Consolator. This is not only then happyned off late unto thee: How long is it sins? The Church. Text. Even from my birth hitherto, even from the tender age off my youth. The Consolator. Thou art then very strong, saying thou hast been able so long time to resist the grevous assaults off so many enemies. The Church. psal. 18. They had long a gone spoiled and destroyed me, yff the lord God (who is my stony rock and my defence) had not preserved me. But in his protection I do remain invincible: Text. so that hither to mine enemies have not vanqueshed me, nor prevailed against me. The Consolator. Did they but only molest and torment thee? The Church. The Plowers ploughed upon my back, Text. and made long furrows: yea they did purpose to have bound me with their cords, and utterly to have undone me. The Consolator. And what happyned? who hindered them. The Church. But the Lord that is righteous hath hewn the snares of the ungodly in pieces. Text. The Consolator. Well then, be off good cheer, saying thou art under the shadow and safgarde off shuche a lord: for all those that hate the shallbe confounded and turned back. They shallbe even as the grass growing upon the howsse tops, which withereth a fore it be plucked up: Text. Wheroff the mower filleth not his hand, nor the glener his bosom: so that they which go by, say not so much as the lord prosper you: we wish you good luck in the name off the Lord The Church. Truly thou hast comforted me, and haste spoken to the contentation of my heart. The Consolator. isaiah. 61. Even therefore am I come, to comfort the. For the lord hath sent me to bring glad tidings unto the afflicted, to bind up the wounded hearts, to preach delyverance to the captyve, and to open the prison to them that are bound, to comfort them that are in heavynes, & that beauty might be given unto them in the stead off ashes, the oil off joy in the stead of lamentation, and pleasant raiment for a hevy mind. It is no reason then that to thee, being so desirous off the glory off God, I should deny that which only thou art worthy off. And so much the rather do I it willingly and gladly, for that I know, it shall torn to thy commodity. Wherefore then, as thowching the first part (O vertious Church) whereas thou complayneste that they have vexed and tormented the wroughtfullye? Art thou ignorant off this, that to have the grain off corn out off the ere, it must be first threshed, and then famned before it can be separated from the chaff? To make wine, behovethe it not first of all to gather the grape, and after to bring it to the press, to th'end the good wine may be separated from the husks? Doth it grieve the then, that God purposing to place the in his grayner, doth separate the from the chaff (prepared for the fire inextinguible) by a little threshing & beating? Art thou sorry, that being put into the new barrels of the lord, thou art not cast forth with the husks unto the hogs? Hebr. 12. I think well that this affliction which thou now sufferest, doth not seem unto the to be joyous, but grevous: but be assured that afterward it bringeth the quiet fruit off righteousness unto them that are exercised thereby. For truly the lord willbe the defence of all thine, early in the morning, isaiah. 33. 2. Cor. 4. and their health in the time of trouble: the which is but momentany and light, and yet it preparethe an exceeding and an eternal weight off glory for the faithful afflicted, Roma. 8. whosse afflictions in this life as I suppose are not worthy off the glory to come, Hebr. 11. which then shallbe showed upon them. Dost not thou remember that Moses being great, and elevated into honour, refused to be called the son off pharao's daughter. Choosing rather to suffer adversity with the people of God, then to enjoy the pleasures off sin for a season, exteming the rebuke off Christ greater riches than the treasures of egypt, having respect unto the reward? 2. Cor. 7. Did not thy son Paul say, that he was exceeding joyous in all his tribulations? Act. 5. And other thine apostles did they not in departing from the counsel rejoice that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for the name of jesus Christ? Phil. 1. Is it not also given to the fayghtful for Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his name sake, having a like fight? 2. Tim. 2. For it is a true saying, that thosse that are dead with Christ, shall also live with him, & thosse that suffer with him shall also reign with him. David so often times oppressed with tribulation, doth he not contynewally comfort himself in the confidence off the promises off God, as it appeareth in the 10.17.22, 25. psalms, as in diverse other? Even so then knowing that all things prosperous or adverse do work for the best unto them that love god: Rom. 8. Cease them thy lamentations and comfort thyself in him. The Church. Off good rygh I ought to love thee, & reverence thee, (O Consolator) in reputing myself happy to have met with thee, no thing doubting but that thy coming unto me is a singular gift off God. Wherefore persuading myself off thine accustomed clemency, I will devyce so much the more familiarly with thee: Let it not seem strange unto the then, that I do move unto the the same question that the holy prophet jeremy so much experimented with afflictions: jere 12. Psal 73. job. 21. Abac. 1. David so faightful & renowned a king: job the just, the invincyble rock of patience: & Abacuc the vertious, have done: all they not a little merueling to see the wicked abound in prosperity. And for my part I am not so much perplexed and sorrowful for all the outrages and injures that they do unto me in my members, as to see the holy name off my God blasphemed, blamed, & defamed. As also to hear that the Seducers, are called holy Doctors. People contagious, good Religious. The Apostates, Apostles. The wicked, vertious. The persecutors, zelators. The polluted, undefiled: And contrarywysse the peace makers are said to be heretics, & troublers off comen wealths: and good people are esteemed worse than dogs: But yet the thing that most troubleth my children: and ministereth matter off pride unto the ignorant, is, that the lord seemeth interely to resist against thosse that by all means seek to advance his glory: and on the other side is favourable unto thosse that do resist him with all their power: from the which thing only proceedeth that diverse do affirm, the evil to be good, and the good to be evil: light to be darkness, Esa. 5. and darkness to be light: sour to be sweet, and sweet to be sour. I could produce unto the sufficient examples hereof out off all ages past, yff we had not now in thesse's days some presently pressed before our eyes. What faithful man is there, that doth not sob and mourn when as he remembrethe that miserable realm eff England? Whosse eyes are so dried up, that doth not distyll plenty off tears, to be hold, A land so flourishing, A king so well instructed, Churches so well reform, to have had so sodden a fall, so speedy a ruin, and so hasty an overthrow? Was there ever tragedy more tyrryble, horror more horrible, and judgement more admerable? To behold the holy service off God and his divine word so tyrannously trodden under fotte, dysdaynfully disspiced, and contemptiously corrupted: and contrarywysse the servyle superstitious servyces off idols erected and avansed. What may the wicked seduced say at this present, or at ways (all though they speak not) what do they think? Do they not say, that either the word that was preached off late, was not the pure word off God, or else they think that God is weaker than the devil, saying that he doth not defend and mayntay-his word. Is not this an intolerable blasphemy and worthy to be lamented? where fore yff there be any exhortation in Christ, Phil. 2. yff there by any consolation off charity, I pray the power forth the same in me. The Consolator. I will not deprive the off that, for the which (as I said before) I was sent unto the. wherefore to satisfy unto thy first request, whereby thou wenteft about to prove the occasion of thy sorrow to be just, alleging for the same diverse testimonies worthy off credit which here tofore were produced off shuche as were perplexed as thou art now: The one purposing to dispute with God, and to talk in judgement with him. jere. 12. Psal. 73. job. 21. Abac. 1. The other saying that his fet were all most gone, & his treadynges had well nigh slipped. The third troubling himself said that fere had pocessed his flesh. And the fourth complaynethe to have cried violently, & yet not heard. Wherein it behoveth the to understand that not witstanding the fidelity, virtue, and piete of thesse's holy men, yet had they their human affections, off the which the scriptures hath not kept silence, to declare thereby that no thing is perfytt but one only God, who hath easily pardoned them that fault, wherein also they did not remain, as weary well declareth their godly sayings afterwards. Further more it may be said with out straying from the truth that shuche questions are as excessyve admirations off minds, transported and rapt into the judgement off God. considering that anon after, Abac. 1. one off them sayeth: O lord my God my holy one, thine eyes are clear, thou mayst not see evil, thou cannest not behold the thing that is wicked. The other doth he not say with a great confidence: jere. 12. But thou Lord to whom I am well known, thou hast seen me, and proved my heart? And David coming to himself doth he not say by and by after: Psal. 73. Yea I had all most said even as they, but Lo than I should have condemned the generation off the children off God, until I went into the sanctuary off the lord, than understood I the end off the wicked? job. 21. But job speaking more profoundly said: who can teach God any knowledge, in as much as he hath the highest power off all? For other wysse it is written: Esa. 45. Cursed be he that stryvethe against his maker, as the pot against the potter: saying that he is that great lord forming the light, and creating darkness, making peace, and creating adversity: Hath he not created the waster to destroy? job. 5. Is not he also the almighty, that maketh the wound, & layeth to the plaster? that hurteth and maketh whole again? job. 9 Who shall say unto him them, wherefore dost thou this or that, and be reputed innocent? And therefore the justice off his will is a sufficient contentation in this behalf: not witstanding the scriptures doth here & there declare certain causes. Wherefore then as to wching the wicked, I believe that thou art not offended with the goodness that God doth unto them. Math. 5. Causing his son to shine upon them, and sending them rain, Math. 20 as to the good: for other wysse that great father off how should might justly allege against thee, that which was said unto the murmuring labourers: Is it not lawful for me to do with mine own what I will? And, thine eye, is it evel by cause I am good: But I persayve very well that the chief cause why thou art offended, is, to behold the godly comtemned, dispyced, persecuted, oppressed, and God in them dishonoured: Thou haste all ready hard how that every man in this respect ought to captyvate his understanding, and to subdue himself unto the pleasure off God, as he hath also willed us to pray, That his will be done in earth as it is in heaven, being rich and plentiful in both. Psal. 115. For all the whole heavens are the lords, the earth hath he given unto the children off men: yea even to the wicked to th'end that there by they might be made inexcusable, job. 9 when as God shall reproach them off their ingratitude, and that there was no let in him why they should not be ressayved into the riches off the celestial kingdom: saying that he hath all ready so benignly alured them there unto by earthly goods and pleasures. Even so was it answered unto that wicked Dives being in torments in hell: Luc. 16. Son (said Abraham unto him in whosse bosom was Lazarus one off thy children) remember that thou ressayvedst felicyte in this life, and Lazarus ressayved pain, and now is he comforted, and thou art tormented. Even so then the wicked neither beleving nor scerching any thing else but things temporal: God doth give unto them some time, for some special respect, prosperity: wherein also shynethe forth the greatness off his mercy. And this truly may suffice to content thee: understanding that god reserving to thosse that are his, the celestial treasure and riches to come, he will not have them to muse & to be careful about the felicites and pleasures off this world: which compared to the things eternal are no thing but vanity and misery. And all be it that he hath some time given to some off his faithful servants abundance off riches, as to Abraham, Isaac, David, and others: yet hath he always mixed the same with many adversities & troubles, be cause he would with draw their hearts from things cadu●que and corruptible, to stablish the same on things perfytt and durable. But much more sins the coming off Christ, who knowing fully the will off his father hath more amply expressed as well by doctrine, as conversation that by many tribulations it behoveth us to enter into the kingdom off heaven. Act. 14. And he him self being set forth for a sign off contradiction, Luc. 2. Hebr. 12. for the joy that was set before him, abode the cross, dispiced the shame, and suffered shuche gain saying off sinners against him. It ought not then to grieve them that bear his name, to be are also his mark: neither ought the members to presume to pass by any other way than the head hath done. For the father hath set him forth for an example unto all that are his, and we must ask non other reason thereof, but that which the apostle. S. Paul gyvethe, to wit, that God hath made the wisdom off this world foolishness, 1. Cor. 1. in that it pleaseth him by the preaching off the cross (which the world reputeth foolishness) to save thosse that believe: 1. pet. 4. who ought not to be abashed when as they are proved, as in a furnace, in as much as they do comonycate in the afflictions off Christ. who not witstanding hath suffered for an other occasion and purpose, then do his faithful, as also his blood is off an other nature than is the blood of his martyrs: 1. pet. 3. For Christ hath suffered for the sins of all the world, the righteous for the unryghtouse, as he in whosse mouth there was found no guile: But thou most commonly in the person of thy children, psal. 32. thou suffreste for thy sins, the which never the les it pleaseth the lord to hide and cover, and through his inexplicable mercy not to impute them unto thee: But rather in thine afflictions maketh the confirmable unto the image of his son, Rom. 8. Hebr. 5 who hath learned obedience by the things that he hath suffered: whose blood also doth produce and bud forth better things, than the blood off thosse that are thine: For the blood of Christ doth bow and incline God to mercy, Hebr. 12. and publyshethe the glad tidings of peace. Where as the blood off thy children provoketh the justice of God, Gene. 4. Apoc. 6. and crieth for vengeance against thosse that shed the same, to whom commandment is given to rest a little, till such time as the number off their follow servants be accomplished: & their brethrens who must be slain, as they are. Whereby it appeareth that the number off the sanctified martyrs off Christ are not yet accomplished. 3. Reg. 19 Further more when as Helias did complain to be left alone, having the zeal off the lord: Answer was made unto him that in Israel there were yet reserved vij m. whosse knes were never bowed before Baal. Rom. 2. This is another cause also off the patience of God, that for the love off his children doth some time spare the wicked, whom he by his long continued patience and benyngnyte doth invitate and provoke to repentance. The Church. Thou haste greatly recreated and forty fy my spirete, with thy sweet sayings: so that thou hast all most dried up my tears: or at least wysse changed them: for whereas before I did bewail with sorrow off heart the afflictions off my children, thou dost now minister matter unto me to sorrow rather the impiety off mine adversaries, in hearing the say, that the terrible recompense off their wickedness is eternal death: & that the pains off my children is but momentany, abiding an infinite glory. But I pray the express unto me more abundantly by the testimonies off the holy scriptures this matter, according unto the good gift that god hath given thee, Hebr. 4. wherein only resteth all my joy and comfort: for thou dost allege no text unto me that doth not pierce even to the devyding a sunder off the soul and the spirete, and off the joints and mare. 1. Cor. 6. Wherefore I require the off the same remuneration, as off my child, and as I have opened my heart unto thee, even so enlarge me thine. The Consolator. It shallbe to me no small pleasure to induce the to yield thyself laudable in all things, as the servant off God, 2. Cor. 6. in my the tribulation, in afflictions, in necessities, in angueshes, in stripes, in imprisonmentes, in stryves, in labours, in patience, by the armour off righteousness off the right hand, and on the left hand, by honour and dishonour, by evil report & good report, in shuche sort that thy children being esteemed as dyssayvers, and yet found veritable, as deiing and yet living, as chastyned and yet not killed, as sorrowing and yet always merry, as poor and yet making many rich, as having no thing and yet pocessing all things. Col. 1. Yea it is also very expedient that they do accomplish that which is left behind off the passions of Christ in their flesh as long as they are in this world: bearing always every where in their bodies the mortification off the lord jesus, 2. Cor. 4 that the life off jesus Christ might appear in their bodies, 1. pet. 4. with out being ashamed, yff they be afflicted as christians: knowing that they do glorify God in that behalf: for at the apparing off the glory of Christ they shall rejoice with an inexplicable gladness. The which thing also jesus Christ doth very aptly declare by a proper similitude, joh. 16. A woman (sayeth he) when she travaylethe, hath sorrow, because her hour is come, but as soon as she is delivered off the child, she remembrethe no more the anguish, for the joy that a man is borne into the world, Even so he promiseth that after their sorrow he will see them again and their hearts shall rejoice, the which joy no man shall take from them, saying further more unto them, In the world ye shall have tribulation, but in me ye shall have peace, & in the end he doth encorrage them with this saying, that he hath overcome the world. To this purpose also serveth very well the parabole that is proposed unto Esdras, 4. Esd. 7.4. of a sumptious city set in a dangerous place, the entrance very narrow & ill to come to, for at the right hand there is fire, & a deep water at the left, and but one little straight path betwyrte them both, to wit, betwixt the water and the fire, so small that the path contaynethe but the breadth off one man: Yff this city were now given to an heir, and he never went through the perilous way how would he enjoy his inheritance? Even shuche is the portion off thy children. The which similitude jesus Christ confirmethe saying, Mat. 7. that the way is narrow that leadeth unto life, and few there be that enter there by. There is no doubt but that this narrow way, is the path of affliction: 1. pet, 4. as it is said that the just is scarcely saved by suffering: And the cause is, that Adam having once transgressed the constitutions off the lord, 4. Esd. 10 the entrance off the life to come was forth with made straight, weary, and painful. And all be it that the same be comone as well to the faithful as to the unbelievers: yet is it so, that the almighty God willing to declare his power towards his children doth cause them to come to their determined and most happy end, by things that are contrary: to wit, to sovereign felicity by great misery, to honour by dishonour, to blessing by cursing, to rest & quietness by travayll and pain, to joy and gladness by weeping and sorrow, to tranquillity and peace by troubles and afflictions, to a haven of rest by a stormy tempest, to life by death, to salvation by perils, to liberty by captyvyte, to light by darkness, to riches by poverty, to contentation by contempt, to amity by inimyte, to consolation by dyssolation, to saciete and fullness by hounger and neediness, to pleasure by displeasure, to a moderate coldness by an excessyve heat, to glory by infamy, to a happy state by an unfortunate means. Wherefore as thou hast now present eyperience off things adverse and troublesome, even so assure thyself off things happy & prosperous in time to come. The Church. The more that I hear thy sweet sayings and comfortable consolations so much the more do I ressayve contentation by the same. wherefore blessed be thou off the lord that haste so much comforted me. And saying thou dost so freely and largely comonycate thyself unto me, I am thereby so much the more boldened to disclose unto the all that lieth in my heart. Thou hardest me say even now, Text. that the wicked have assaulted me all the day long, even from my youth up, & have many times vexed me, but they could never as yet overcome me nor destroy me. But I now feal myself greatly debylytated and weakened, as well for that I am waxed decrepyte and aged, as for that my great age is not so prompt and apt to sustain shuche grevous blows and buffetes, as when I was young and strong. And yet not withstanding the more that I am feabled and and approaching towards mine end, so much the more do they lad me with stripes: so that I fear me in the end I shallbe constrained to yield up my weapon & armour, and to hold myself for vanqueshed. For even as I do decline to impotency and feebleness, so do mine enemies increase in force & strength: yea they have made all ready a wonderful breach in my fortress. Truth it is, that I have plenty off monytions: but if I throuh weakness cannot use them, nor defend myself with them, what shall they profit me? I was wont to have the greatest and myghtyeste on my side, but now god hath taken them away from me. There are a great number that in the begining did show themselves very stout and manly in my defence: The Fait hearted. But afterwards weighing the long contynewance off the battle, and the great danger off the same, they are now utterly dyscourraged, and are become very faint hearted and fearful. Other some are so given over to voluptiousnes, The Libertines. in the which they are so drowned that they seek no thing but to have peace with the enemy, to th'end they may wallow in their wealth, and remain in their filthy puddle off fleshly pleasure. The Inconstante Minded Othersome through an inconstant lightness have quite abandoned and forsaken me at my need, & have united themselves with mine enemies, to take part with them against me. Othersome are disperse here and there who do enforce themselves to the uttermost off their power not only to wage battle against me, The Anabaptists but also against the Papists mine adversares. The Davidiens. Othersome are as spies to spy out thosse that are most weak, to weary them: and to pursue the stronger, to trouble them. So that fynaly I see none remain on my side, 1. Cor. 4. but people condemned to death, shuche as are made agasing stock unto the world, to the angels and to men, people that are become fools for Christ's sake, and dyspiced unto this time, having hounger, thirst, and nakedness, being buffyted with fists, straying from place to place labouring and working with their own hands: who are revyled, and yet they bliss: who are persecuted, and yet thy suffer: who are evil spoken of, and yet they pray: yea they are made as it were the filthiness off the world, and the ofscouring of all things, even until this day. The Consolator. Truly thou art worthily compared unto the woman great with child, Apo. 12. who crieth in travel and suffereth great pain to be delivered: For the serpent doth most cruelly and continually fight aagaynste thosse of thy seed that keep the commandment off God: and have the testimony off jesus Christ, whom I doubt not but that thou lovest as a mother her dear children. But, 4. Esd. 5. Dani. 12. dost thou love them more than he that hath made than? Who by that means will clence purge and prove them: whether it be by sword, by fire, by captyvite, or by the spoil off their goods for a long season. But now I will answer particularly to all the complaints that thou haste made. Whereas thou allegeste that from thy youth up they have vexed thee: Lamen. 3. that ought not to trouble thee, saying that it is a good thing to take up the yoocke of the lord in youth, prou. 22. for so waxeth it the more easy in age, for the way that men are accustomed to travel in, in their youth, they do not loath nor refuse in their age. Wherefore content thyself with the contynewance of this yoocke, for the lord will not forsake the for ever. And me thinks that thine age us more to thine avantage then otherwysse: For the elder thou waxeste, the better ougheste thou to be exersyced in the war: and the better that thou knowest the cautel and subtlety of thine enemies, so much the easilier master though over come them, for the more experience that a man hath off fighting, so much the sooner doth he vanquish his adversary. Which thing ought not a little to encorrage thee, and to pull up a good heart, as one that hopeth shortly to finish the battle, subdue the enyme, and obtain full victory. Wherefore saying that this exercise off fighting is appointed unto the of the lord, 2. Tim. 2. is it not then thy part like a worthy champion valiantly to stryve unto the end, for no man that stryvethe for a mastery shallbe crowned, except he strive lawfully? They also that run in a race, run all, but one berethe away the price, namely he that perseverethe his curse unto the end. Math. 16.24. For it is written that he that persevereth unto th'end, shallbe saved. It behovethe the husband man first to employ his labour, before he taste off the fruits. Wherefore I think it not unmeet to put the in remembrance off the words off thy son Paul approaching towards his end: 2. Tim. 4 I am now ready (sayeth he) to be offered and put to death, the time off my departing, is at hand: I have fought a good fight, I have fulfilled my curse, I have kept the fayght, from hens forth there is laid up for me a crown off righteousness, which the lord (that is a righteous judge) shall give me at that day: not unto me only, but unto all them also that love his coming. Yea, but thou wareste very weak (as thou sayest) & thine enemies increase in strength? Psal. 34. Truly, the adversytes off the righteous are many, but the lord delyvereth him from them all. Psal. 35. Is it not he that supporteth thy quarrel against them that move war against thee? Do the he not take up the buckler and the spear & rise up into thy succour? doth he not bring forth the spear and stoup the way against them that pursue thee? doth not he confound & put to shame all thosse that seek after thy soul, & imagen evil against thee? Are not all they repulsed and put to foil that pretend mischief against thee? doth not the magnifecent lord love the peace off his servants? Seest thou not how that the wicked have drawn out their sword, and bend their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay shuche as be off right conversation: but their sword shall pierce their own heart, & their bow shallbe broken? Off thesse's things I will speak more amply here afterwards. Content thyself then (with out being discorraged through thine age) with the answer that was made to Paul, when as he prayed unto the lord that the angel of the lord might depart from him: my grace is sufficient for thee, 2. Cor. 12 for my strength is made perfit through weakness, sayeth the lord. Wherefore then with that holy apostle rejoice against thine adversaries in thine infirmities, to th'end that the strength off Christ thy spouce may dwell in thee: Take the like delectation that he did in infirmities, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecutions, in anguishes for Christ's sake: For when thou shallbe so weakened, then shalt thou be found strongest. Finally whereas thou dost bewayll the inconstant weakness and wicked ungodliness off them that have forsaken thee: Doth not jesus Christ say, Math. 15. that every plant that my father hath not planted shall be pluked up by the roots? joh. 15. doth he not also cut of from the true vine (which is Christ) every branch that bringeth not forth good fruit? isaiah. 6. Are they not that people that have their hearts hardyned, their eayres stopped, their eyes blinded, isaiah. 8. whom the lord hath thrown away? All though they assemble and conspire together, fear them not, isaiah. 1. neither be a feared of them: for it is a sinful people, a fellowship off great iniquity, a seed off ungracious children corrupting their ways, who have forsaken the lord (and not only thee) and have provoked the holy one off Israel unto anger, & are gone quite away from him. isaiah. 30. Yea they are that rebellious people, whosse sons are mortherers, and whosse children will not hear the law off the lord. But what shallbe their end? The same prophet declareth it: Esa. 49. therefore shall they have mischief for their destruction, and fall like as a high wall that fallythe by cause off some rift or blast, whosse breaking cometh suddenly. But off thee, it is said: that thosse that shall build the up shall make haste, and thosse that would rewynate and destroy thee, shallbe expelled fare from the. As touching that People off England which thou lamentest so much, because off the great injure and sklanderous offence that they have committed against thee: Apoc. 13. Suppose, England to be one off the vij heads off that beast that rysse out off the see, which was (as it were) wounded to death, & his deadly wound was healed: which wound was made with that sword died in blood, which is the word off God, who hath now reproved and rejected them, wherein he hath declared his marvelous judgement But what wrounge hath he done to them, isaiah. 50. by giving them shuche a bill off divorcement, and by putting a way shuche a harlot? And who is the usurer to whom he hath sold them? Were they not sold for their inyquytes? And was not that wicked strumpet forsaken for her offences? When he came unto them: why would they not ressayve him? When he did call them: why did they not answer? But yet for all that, is his hand so shortened that he cannot help them? Or hath he not power to delyver them? Behold all the wicked amongst them shallbe like unto an old cloth, & the moth shall eat them up: Cannot the lord then restore them again, when it shall please him? And all though he will not do it: what art thou (O peacyble Church) that so much fereste mortal man, isaiah. 54. & the sons off men, who are like unto withered hay. For even as the lord did call the being as a young desolate sorrowful woman, and as a young wife that hath broken her wedlock, so all though for a little while he do forsake thee, yet with great mercifulness shall he take the up gain: and all though he being angry for a little season do hide his fate from thee, yet through an everlasting mercy will he have compassion on the. And hold this for a sure certainty that not withstanding the inconstant mutability of men, their vanity & corruption: 2. Tim. 2 yet the firm foundation of God abideth parmanant for ever, which hath this seal: the lord knoweth them that are his, & let every man that calleth upon the name of Christ depart from iniquity. And finally to conclude, as touching thosse that have withdrawn themselves from thee, of whom I spacke some what before, I will put the in remembrance of that which. 1. joh. 2. S. john said to the long ago. They went out from thee, but they were not of thee: for yff they had been of the number of thine, they would no doubt have continued with thee: but they are gone away, to th'end it might appear that they were none of thine: 1. Cor. 11. Amongst whom also it is necessary that there be sects, to th'end that thosse which are perfit, may be known. But way the end, I pray thee, of shuche offensive persons & sterers up of sects, Math. 13. Even as the tars (sayeth jesus Christ) are gathered & brent in the fire, so shall it be in the end off the world: the son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, & them which do iniquity, & shall cast them into a furnace of fire, & there shallbe weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Church. Truly all that is contained in the word of god is most certain & veritable: for all the words of God are pure & clean & a shield unto all them that put their trust there in, prou. 30. yea it is like unto a fire that consumeth all the assaults of Satan: jere. 23. and like unto a hammer that breaketh the hard stone. And therefore in hearing the speak it seemeth unto me that my grevous wounds are eased & couled with the most comfortable plaster of consolation: And by the power of the word of God I feal my self wonderfully fortified: for thereby, in fighting I am sustained, in trouble comforted, in dangers assured, in mornings rejoiced, & in temptations protected. Wherefore I will from hens forth more firmly put my trust in the lord, psal. 37. my delight shallbe all together in him, I will cast my care upon him, I will commit my way unto the lord, & put my whole trust in him: job. 13. And all though he will kill me, yet will I settel my hope in him: for I know he willbe my salvation. And yet for all that I am wonderfully invyroned with many grevous afflictions. namely the plowers have ploughed upon my back, Text. & have made long furrows: & have forged upon my back as yff they had beaten upon an anvil: in shuche sort that all thosse that pas by me, Lamen. 2. clap their hands at me, hissing, & wagging their heads: so that this complaint of Esdras may worthily be appropried unto me. 4. Esd. 10 Our sanctuary (which is the pure servyce off God) is now laid waste: Hebr. 13. Our altar (to wit Christ imolated) is broken down: our temple destroyed, & changed into a temple of idols: our singing of psalms (by desolute songs) is laid down: our thanks giving (by false invocation) is put to silence: our mirth (by sorrow) is vanished away: the light of our candlestick (which is the word off God) is quenched by ignorance: the ark of our covenant (by the corrupters of sacraments) is taken away: our holy things (by the filthiness of men's traditions) are defiled: the name that is called over us, is dishonoured: our children (for want of instruction) are put to shame: our ministers of the word, are brent: our seviours & elders are led into captivity: our vyrgens (by wicked vows) are defiled: our wifes (by baals priests) ravyshed: our righteous men, spoiled: our children (by naughty education) distroyet: our young men, compelled to serve strange gods: and our strong worthies have lost their strength, & are utterly fallen away from me by the subtle persuasions of popish prelate's: and that worst is, it seemeth that I am utterly forsaken, & destytuted of my honour, & that God hath delivered me into the hands of them that hate me. Yet nevertheless for all that I will not despair nor distrust in my god, but that he will perform in me all that he hath promised. Wherefore considering this my purposed intent founded upon the holy word of my God: do not hide from me (O Consolator) thosse talents that God hath given thee: Math. 23 but trafyque & employ them with me, hoping that thou shalt gain as many more, to th'end that the lord having found the a faithful servant in a little, he may constitute & stablish the over much & so enter into his rest. The Consolator. In all thesse's thy tribulations, which thou hast alleged, thou canst do no better than to stay thyself upon the goodness & mercy of thy God: 1. cor. 10. who is fayghtful & will not suffer the to be tempted above thy strength, but will in the mids of thy temptation make away, that thou mayst be able to bear it. The which thing thou haste all ready sufficiently experimented in that he hath all ways delivered the from so many enemies, as thou hast had sins the begining, being so strong and mighty, Eccle. 2. & from so many grevous assaults as they have made against thee: and therefore it was not written with out a cause, that he that will enter into the service of God, let him prepare his soul to temptation: For the hatred of the persecutors is neither, 2. Cor. 11. new, nor seldom: As Paul one of thy worthy warryours & valiant champions hath sufficiently experimented, in stripes above measure, in prison plenteously, in peril of death often, having ressayved of the jews fyve times xl stripes lacking one, being thrysse beaten with rods, oncestoned, thrysse suffered shipwreck on the see, whereon he was night & day, in journeying often, in perils of robbers, in perils of his own nation, in perils amongst the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the see, in perils amongst false brytherens, in labour & travel, in watching often, in hounger and thirst, in fasting often, in cold & nakedness: having thoroughly tasted that which the lord Christ promised him before, Act. 9 namely how grrat things it behoved him to suffer for his name's sake. Further more also were as thou sayest that the plowers have ploughed upon thy back: Text. thereby thou mayst understand that thy persecutors are called & compared to plowmen & labourers for as much as they do take pain to persecute thee, as do the the labourer to labour, & the ploughman to till the earth: which hath been ever sins the begining. Gene. 4. For Cain conspiring the death of his brother, was not his face altered & changed with displeasure? Pharaoh persecuting the people of Israel in what pain was he? Exo. 8 1. reg. 18. Saul afflycting David, & looking overtwharte upon him, after that he had killed the Philistian: was he not more troubled & vexed then David himself? 3 reg. 21, 22.28. In what travel & agony was Achab persecuting Nabot for his vineyard, the prophet Elias and Micheas? Dani. 3. In what affliction & agony was Nabucodonesor beholding the great constancy of the three young israelites? was he not all together replet with indignation so that the countenance of his face changed against them? 2. mac. 9 What happyned there unto that miserable Antiochus persecuting the jews, than the people off God, did he not finish his days with misery & dolor intolerable? Luc. 16. What inexplycable pain & trouble had thosse wicked scribes & Pharisees in pursewing that most innocent, jesus Christ? And thosse also that did persecute Stephen, Act. 7. did not their hearts cleve a sunder & gnashed on him with their teeth? Act. 14. Herode the murderer of james persecuting the in thine youth, was not his wickedness most grevously punished? Act. 16. Thosse also that impresoned Paul & Silas at Philippos, were they not more troubled & vexed than they that were imprisoned? Act 12.22.23. What travayll and trouble had the persecutors of Paul, as well in their process, as in their conspyraces against him? And to conclude, in thesse's days what pain & trouble have thine adversares, in all their attempts, enterpryces, spyinge, serchynges, chasynges hither and thither, commaundynges, prohybytynges, threatenings, excomuny catynges, and pursewynges? And there for, in respect of the pain that they do take, they are justly called plowmen or labourers: & for the fruit of their labour there abideth them no thing else but eternal damnation. In that also thou art ploughed & laboured thou hast some similitude with the earth, the which as by ploughing & labouring it is purged & cleansed off all thorns, brambels & weeds, & afterwards bringeth forth good & pleasant fruit: even so by afflictions thou art excitated & better disposed to bring forth the fruit of godliness in patience. And as many times as thou art ploughed & harrowed by persecution & affliction, Math. 13. Luc. 8. Mat. 4. so many thorns & weeds are there taken away from the. For this seed which is the word of God can bring forth no fruit in thee: except first thesse's stony places be altered and digged up with the mattock of adversyte: the thorns that so much check the word of god turned up by the plough of persecution, & that hard high way laboured with the harrow off affliction: For otherwysse the good seed that that is sown therein willbe come utterly unprofitable & eaten up of ravens. But thou beyinge thoroughly tilled & laboured, art not altogether unlike thy spouce jesus Chrlste of whom it is said. That he hath trodden the vine press alone, Esa. 63. & there was no man to help him. furthermore thou mayst evydently persayde that thy persecutors thinking to do the great hurt, they do the much good: all though they beat upon thy back as upon an anvil, yet can they no more hurt the with their stripes, than the smite hurteth the anvil with his hamer. Text. I persayve also that the long lasting of thy persecution signified by the long furrows, doth not a little annoy the & seemeth unto the very tedious & long: But be of good cheer, & assure thyself that the end of all things approacheth & draweth nigh. 2. pet. 3. For this is the last time. But thou mayst not be ignorant of this, that a day with the lord is as a thousand year, & a thousand year as a day: the lord is not slack in his promise, as the persecutors exteme slackness: but is patient to wards all, in that he would have no man lost, but would have all men torn to repentance. And let this suffice thee, that thine enemies do no thing else, but hasten & prick the forward to the coming of the day of the lord: wherefore mark this sentence well which is written. Apoc. 22. The time is at hand, that he that doth evil, let him do evil still, & he which is filthy let him be filthy still: & he that is righteous, let him be more righteous, & he that is holy, let him be more holy: for behold I come shortly, & my reward with me, to recompense every man according to his deeds. Text. Hebr. 6. For the lord whose thou art, & whom thou servest, is just, he will not forget thy work & thy labour. Text. Hebr 13. josua. 1. He hath all ready cut in sunder the cords of the wicked. And hath said I will not forsake thee, neither will I abandon the. So that thou mayst surely say: the lord is my helper. psal. 118. Hebr. 10. I fear not what man can do unto me. Tarry a little while & he that shall come, will come & will not tarry, who cutting a sunder the cords off thy persecutors, will render unto them as they have done unto thee, & will reward them double according to their deeds. And into the same cup which they have filled unto thee, Apoc. 18. the lord will power in double: And look how much they gloried in themselves, & took pleasure to afflict thee, so much shall there be given unto them of torment & tears. And this is it that one of thy prophets speaking unto the in the name of God, sayeth: isaiah. 51. O thou miserable & drunken, but not with wine, hear this, thus sayeth the lord: thy lord and god, the defender of his people: Behold I have taken the slumbering cup out of thy hand, even the cup with the dregs off my wrath: & that from hens forth thou shalt never drink it more: but I will put it into their hands that trouble & vex the. So that it is apparent here by, that they have more occasion to weep & wail, than thou. The which thing consydedered of jesus Christ going unto his death, moved him to say unto the women of jerusalem that followed mourning after him. Luc. 23. O ye daughters of jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves & for your children: for if they have done this unto green wood, what shall there be done unto the dry? prou. 11. Behold sayeth the wise man: the just shallbe punished if he do wickedly in the earth, how much more than the ungodly & sinner? Where unto is to be refarred the saying of the lord by the mouth of his prophet. jere. 25. Yff I begyne to plague that city (sayeth the lord) where unto my name is given: think ye then that I will leave ye unpunished? Ye shall not go quite, job. 21. but will cause your tribulation to fall upon your own head. For truly the wicked is kept for the day off destruction, and the ungodly shallbe brought forth in the day of wrath. Thou sayest that they have ploughed & harrowed thee, well let them also prepare their scythes, for the harvest is ripe: joel. 3. let them come and get them down, for the winepress is full: Yea the winepress ronnethe over, for their wickedness is waxen great: What resteth now then, but that the angel of the lord mensioned in the Apocalypes, Apoc. 14 do thrust in his sharp syckell into the earth, & gather the clusters of the wines of the earth, for her grapes are ripe, & cast them into the great wine fat of the wrath of god: who bringeth marvelous things to pass, who forseethe the counsel of the wicked, Esa. 25. and stablisheth things certain. For it is he, that is the strength of the poor, & the succour of the needy in his trouble: A refuge against foul weather, & a shadow against the heat: It is he that suppressethe the noise of the wicked infideles, as the heat in a dry place, & bringeth low the branch of the mighty, as the heat in the shadow of the cloud: And the persecutors shallbe trodden down under him, jere. 49. & consumed to pieces, as straw in a dung hill. For behold they that men thought unmeet to drink of the cup, have tasted of it with the first, & shall the ungodly the think to escape free? No, for even as they have done to thee, so shall it be done to them again. isaiah. 63. Thou shalt be as the fire, & thy children as the flame, & thy persecutors shallbe as the straw. For the lord will tread them down in his wrath, & bathe them in their own blood in his displeasure: & beat down their strength upon the earth, & consume them in the fury of hid indignation. Deut. 33. But as for thee▪ thou art most happy (O Church) who is like unto thee? for thou art saved in the lord, which is the shield off thy help, & the sword off thy glory: thine enemies shall loss their strength to the ward, & thou shalt tread upon the highest of them, This is the justice of thy God, isaiah. 66. & the patience of saints, who in the end shall rejoice, when as the wicked shallbe confounded: Then thy children shall sing for joy of heart, and thy persecutors shall cry through sorrow off mind, & shall howl through dysquyetnes of spirete, & shall leave their name for execration unto the elect of god. The Church. Truly thou hast greatly comforted me, & haste spoken very lovyngly unto me: Ruth▪ 2. & hast sufficiently satisfied all my demands: not doubting but that through thesse's consolations off the scriptures which thou hast alleged, I shall from hens forth be greatly fortified in all my tribulations, when as the glory of God shall require the same: And saying that he is my helper, isaiah. 50. I am sure I shall not be confounded: & all though my face be hardened like a a flint stone in the fire, yet am I certain I shall not come to confusion: for he that will justify me, is at hand: who will them go to the law with me? Let mine adversary come forth now & pleat against me, for the lord shall hear my cause. Behold the lord standeth by me, what is he then that shall condemn me? isaiah. 51. I do not fere the curse of men: I am not afeared of their blasphemes and revelings: for moths shall eat them up like cloth, & worms shall devour them like wool. Yet would I fain have further instruction of the issue & final end of the ungodly mine adversares, all though thou haste partly all ready touched the same. For what? Shall they flourish any long contynewance before their flower fall? Shall their glory last for ever with out being thrown down? Shall they all ways have the upper hand? Shall they not one day be brought under? their cruelty, shall it not cease, so that they shall no more shed the blood of innocentes? When shall the impostumation of their corrupt hearts break a sunder? Shall not the dregs of their pride be shortly pressed out, so that the filthiness thereof may appear? Shall the flower of their vanity last long with out wythering & corruption? Is the time long before their grennes be dried up, to th'end they may be cast into the fire and bornte? The Consolator. job. 34. The ear provethe & deserveth the words: & the mouth tasteth the meat. I am glad that the lord hath given me a tongue, to express in time convenyent the word of consolation to her that is vexed & afflicted. Hebr. 11. I have all ready declared unto thee, how that thy children have been racked & beaten & would not be delivered: how that othersome were tried with skornynges & mockings, with bonds & impresonmentes: other were stoned, were hewn a sunder, were tempted, were slain with sword, walked up & down in shepskins & gotskins, being destitute, troubled & vexed, of whom the world was not worthy of: whosse enemies are also perished, as though they never had been. But thesse's are righteous men whosse righteousness shall never be forgotten, Eccl. 44. whosse children & glory shall never be forsaken, their bodeys are buried in peace, but their name lyvethe for ever, the people can talk of their wisdom, & the congregation can speak of their praise: for it was requisite that (with out any excusse) destruction should come upon thosse that used tyranny, Sapi. 16. whereby they might leave an example unto men as a memorial of their folly, & to show unto other, how their enymes were destroyed. Sapi. 17. For when the unrighteous think to have thy holy people in subjection, then shall they be bound with the bonds of darkness & long night, & cut in pieces: Sapi. 3. But the souls of the righteous are in the hands of God, & the pain of death shall not touch them: in the eyes of the unrighteous they shall seem to die, & their end to be very destruction: but they rest in peace, & all though they suffer pain before men, yet is their hope full off immortality: they are punished but in few things, never the less in many things shall they be well rewarded, Eccle 32. for God provethe them & findeth them meet for him self. As evil is all ways against good, & death against life, so is the ungodly against shuche as fere God, the sinner against the righteous, & the persecuter against the faithful: but in the end god will break the head off the enemies, who say, Text. there are none but we. Not witstanding for thy consolation it is said, that shuche as hate the shall be confounded & put to silence. psal 73. Esa. 29. And that not with out a cause, for they are set in slypry places & God will make them fall into destruction. For even as he that is hungry, dremethe that he eateth, but when he a wakethe his soul is empty, & as he that is thirsty dremethe that he drynkethe, but when he awakethe, he is faint, & his soul hath appetite: even so shall it be to the multitude off all thosse nations that fight against the. For thosse that do the hurt shallbe extermyned: psal. 37. & it shall come to pass shortly that the ungodly shall have no more place. They shall perish consuming as the fat of a lamb, & vanish away as she smoke. Tarry the lords leisure & thou shalt see the destruction of the wicked: who all though they have some time flourished as the green lawryell, yet so is it that they passing a little further shallbe no more found, for their last reward is destruction. For the lord will pluck them up as untimely grapes from the vine, job. 15. & shall let their flower fall as doth the olyve tree, yea they shallbe as chaff before the wind, & as dust that the horse wind blowethe away. The which thing is more amply expressed in those words which I resyted unto the before, to wit, Text. They shallbe as the gross that groweth upon the house tops, which withereth afore it be plucked up. Behold this is the end of the labour off the ungodly, & their wynynges, for all their long furrows, toil, & pain: for all that shall profit them no more than the gross that groweth upon the howsse top: yea, & they themselves shallbe cut down as have, & shall dry away as green gross. So happyned it unto Senacherib, Esa. 35. 4. reg. 19 persecuting the Church of of Israel in the days of Esaias & Ezechias, of whom thesse's words are spoken, as of all other thy persecutors: Shuche as is the seed of the wicked, shuche is their harvest. He that soweth in the flesh, Gala. 6. shall also of the flesh reap corruption: But of the & thine which sow in tears, it is said, that ye shall reap in joy. psal. 126. They went (sayeth the psalmist) on their way weeping, bearing forth their seed, butt doubtless they shall come again with joy & bring their sheaves with them. But it shall hap contrarywysse unto the wicked, for they sow in joy, but they shall reap in tears: Text. for of their seed the mower filleth not his hand, nor the glener his bosom. job. 24. And why? For they spoil the sucking fatherless child, & take the pledge from the poor, so that they let him go naked with out clothing, & have taken away the sheave of the houngrye: is it any mervell then yff their sheave be with out fruit? saying that they have violated & taken away the sheave of others? Eccle. 8. The preacher noteth one goodly sentence, By cause (sayeth he) that evil works are not forth with ponyshed in the workers, therefore the heart of man giveth himself unto wickedness: for all though an evil person offend an houndreth times, & god defer, gyvinge him long life: yet am I sure that it shall go well with them that fere God, by cause they have him before their eyes: as for the ungodly it shall not be well with him, neither shall he prolong his days? but even as a shadow so shall he be that feareth not God. To conclude all the labour of the wicked & ungodly tendeth to no thing else, Eccle. 10. but to afflict themselves: in as much as the sheave of their labour doth not fill their hand. And if the mowers do find no thing that is valuable, psal. 1. the gleayners need not to go after them, to hope to gather any goodness. For how can there be found any good thing, when as they are as chaff, which the wind bloweth away? Their vain attempts are well expressed of the prophet, whereas he sayeth: Esa. 17. They shallbe chased away like as dry straw upon the mountains before the wind, & like as a thing that turneth before the storm: at even behold there is trouble, & or ever it be morning behold it is gone. And this is it that john baptist meant, Math. 3. when he said, that god hath his fan in his hand, & will purge his flower, & gather his wheat into his barn, but will borne the chaff with unquenchable fire. For the wicked shallbe beaten as small as dust before the wind, psa. 18. & shallbe cast forth as the dirt in the streets: And their hope shall melt away as the winter, Sapi. 18. & roune away as a swift water stream in the ryver. By thesse's & shuche other similitudes the scriptures doth declare unto thee, that the enterprises of the wicked are vain & nigh to confusion, 2. thesse's. 2. to th'end that all thosse might be damned that believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unryghtousnes. Psa, 37. Yea they are fallen & cannot rise up again: so that they which go by, say not so much as the lord prosper you, Text. we wish you good luck in the name of the lord. Who are the gore by, but the living? What good can they say of that, werof there cometh no goodness? Who will praise that, that god hath dispraised▪ what good luck shall any man wish unto a thing that is so wicked? what shall our blyssinge prevayl in that thing, that god hath cursed? who will rejoice in the fact of a murderer? who will congratulate a man that sheddeth blood, which thing requireth vengeance & no blessing? who will allow a tyrrant, but only shuche as thirst the blood of innocentes? An objection. Math. 5. Rom. 12. what then? Is it for nought that Christ hath said, bliss them that curse you, do good them that hat you? And doth not one of his apostles say as much? Speke well of them that persecute you, bliss them, but curse not? likewise another sayeth: 1. pet. 3. Render not evil for evil, nor malediction for malediction, but contrary wysse bliss, knowing that you are there unto called, namely to pocesse the heritage of blessing. Or else? The faightful are not they the by goers, & passers by thosse wicked workmen, of whom we spack even now. How then agreeth this doctrine of jesus Christ & his apostles with the doctrine of the psalmist & the prophets before recited, the one forbidding us to bliss the ungodly, & the other commanding to bliss thee? An Answer. We maij pray for the conversion of the tirrant jf● it do not evidently appear that he is the reprobat of God For whom we are forbid to pray. 1 joh. 5. Truly jesus Christ nor yet his apostles do comande no thing against the doctrine of the prophets: for God hath all ways willed, & yet willeth, that all thosse that are his, do bliss, love & pray for their persecutors. But it is another thing to pray for the persecutors: and for the persecution. What godly man is there that would pray for the good success of any wickedness? we must pray for the tyrrant, & not for his tyrramnye, but rather for his conversion. And this is it that the prophet ment when he said. Lord have I not hated them, that have hated thee? & am not I grieved with thosse that rysse up against thee? yea, psal. 139. I have hated them with a perfytt hatred, even as though they were mine enemies. But this hatred how vehement so ever it be, yet doth it not hinder the faightfull to do good unto the ungodly, as long as it shall please the lord to permyent them, succoring them, in that thing which they have of god, to wit, in the body for, saying that god doth not as yet with draw from them his benevolence: who so ever will resemble him, must not also withdraw his. But in that thing wherein they are like unto Satan, namely in their life & naughty manners, in their enterprises & iniquities, they must be abhorred & detested as a pestilence, with out wishing well unto them by any means. There resteth them no thing else unto thosse that shed the blood of innocentes but malediction, execration, & cursing, as it hath been sufficiently declared unto the here before. Wherein thou mayst comfort & confirm thyself in patience, in abiding the coming of thy spouce, who will come shortly, and will not tarry. ¶ The Church. ¶ I have diligently noted all thy words, which seem unto me more sweeter than honey. 2. Cor. 4. The lord my god who hath commanded the light to shine out off darkness, knowing things that are not, as if they were: which hath shined in our hearts to th'end we may ressayve the light of the knowledge of his glory in the face of jesus Christ: according to his great mercy & infinite bounty replenyshe me, with all strength, constancy, courage & patience in my tribulations: gyving me an invyncible heart interely to abhere & cleve unto him: to settel & stay myself in his promises: to fere & reverence his threatenings, & to advance the kingdom and glory of his son. And further that it will please him to publish & manifest his gospel every where, & his god will towards all people, so that the darkness off ignorancy may be universally expelled, by the coming of his brightness: and that all ignorant persecutors may be reduced to the right way of salvation, ceasing 〈…〉 ●…re tyrramnye & persecution. 〈…〉 I do undoubtedly believe, con●… 〈…〉 ●…lege that the lord god 〈…〉 the castle, the strē●… 〈…〉 thosse that p●… 〈…〉 who is Go●… 〈…〉 strong but 〈…〉 weighed 〈…〉 me, 〈…〉 he 〈…〉 sla●… 〈…〉 me 〈…〉 ●…re 〈…〉 pl●… 〈…〉 for we are his, whether it be in life or death. Only we beseech him that he will not leave us, nor forsake us, but that we may perfitly serve him, to the fortherance of his glory, & the exaultation of the kingdom of his son jesus Christ, who liveth with him & the holy ghost in eternal felicity: to whom be praise for ever and ever. So be it. FINIS.