royal blazon or coat of arms PROCLAMATION. Prorogating the Diet, for in bringing and prescribing the Method of Stateing of the Accounts of Arrears due by the Forces to the Country. WILLIAM by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland Defender of the Faith; To Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as, by sundry former Proclamations Emitted by Us, with Advice of Our Privy Council, certain days were prefixed to Our Subjects, for bringing the the several Accounts Due by Our Forces within this Kingdom to them, Stated and verified in manner mentioned in the saids Proclamations: and We being resolved that none of Our good Subjects should be cut short, and desappointed of the Payment, of what is justly resting to them by any of Our Forces, by their not having given in their Accounts to the Clerks of Our Privy Council, before the days prefixed in the former Proclamations: Therefore We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to Prorogat the time for Verifying, and giving in of the said's Accounts to the Clerks of Our Privy Council, until the fifteenth day of March next to come, and do yet Allow, and Ordain the Landlords, and others, to whom there are any Accounts resting by Our Forces, before the first Day of February, One thousand six hundred Ninety one years; To repair to the Commissioners of Assessment, or any who of them, within the respective Shires where the said's Accounts are resting, and there State & Verify by writ, Oath or Witnesses, how many Soldiers were quartered on the saids Landlords, or other Persons Creditors, That they advanced of Meat, or Drink to the Soldiers themselves, or Forage to their Horses, or what they advanced of Meat,, Drink, Meal, or Malt to Our Garrisons: or what Sums of Money, either to Our Forces, or Garrisons for their Subsistance, preceding the said first Day of February, One thousand six hundred Ninety and one: And We with Advice foresaid, Ordain the said's Landlords, or other Persons Creditors, to give their Oaths, that no part of what they Claim as Due by Our Forces, is paid to them, and require them to instruct their Accounts fully and clearly before the saids Commissioners, by condescending particularly upon the time, when the Accounts Were furnished. and also upon the Company, or at least the Regiment, or Troop, to Whom the Soldiers, or Troopers did belong, and to insert all the Articles Due by every Regiment, in a Paragraph, or separate Account by itself though the same was upon the English Establishment, whose Arrears and Debts to the Country, are to be Stated in Accounts, differently from these upon the Scots Establishment; And We with Advice foresaid, require and Command all and sundry Our good Subjects, to whom any Debts are Due by Our Forces, and Garrisons, for the Causes above-written preceding the Day abovementioned, to transmit the same with the Verifications thereof, and report of the Commissioners of Supply thereupon, clearly and distinctly instructed, and Verified in manner above expressed, to the Clerks of Our Privy Council, betwixt and the said fifteenth Day of March next to come, to the Effect, that when ever the foresaids Accounts upon the Scots Establishment, hereby ordered to be brought in, shall be revised and approven, by the Lords of Our Privy Council, to whom We earnestly recommend, to dispatch the same with all Diligence possible: Then the Lords of Our Theasury are with all one convenience, to give precepts to the Shires, and burgh's and other Creditors in the saids Accounts, upon the Receiver of Our Crown-Rents, for Payment to them, of the respective Sums that shall be found Due by the Lords of Our Privy Council, in manner foresaid, out of the Lack Duty of the Pole-mony, appointed to be paid to him at Candlesmass and Whitsundy next, and Our said Receiver is to make punctual Payment of the said's precepts, after the foresaids' Terms, as he shall be ordered by the saids Lords of Our Treasury: and that the Debts of these upon the English Establishment being so Stated, and distinctly cleared, may be transmitted to Us; that We in Our Royal wisdom may order such course to be taken for satisfying the same; as We shall think just. our WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that Incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and remnant Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of the several Shires within this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Intimation hereof, And Ordains these presents to be Printed. Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh, the twenty second day of January, and of Our Reign the Sixth year, 1695. Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. eliot GOD Save King William. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM. 1695.