C R HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms PROCLAMATION, Discharging the Importation of BRANDYWINE. Edinburgh, the thirteenth day of February, one thousand six hundred and sixty eight. CHARLES', By the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; To Macers, or Messengers at Arms, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting. Forasmuch, as by the frequent importation of Brandywine into this Kingdom, there arises great prejudice to the Heretors, whose Barley and Malt is consumed and employed upon brewing of Ale and Beer, and making of Aquavitie and other Strong-waters: As likewise, many Families are like to be deprived of their Livelyhoods, who live by the saids Manufacturies: And that by the sixth Act of the third Session of the last Parliament, the importation of all Strong-waters of all kinds and Aquavitie, is altogether discharged, without mentioning Brandywine, which for the reasons foresaids, ought likewise to be prohibited: And that by the twenty sixth Act of that Session of Parliament, Our Royal Prerogative in the order and disposal of Trade with Foreign Nations, and the laying of restraints and impositions upon Forreign imported Commodities, is asserted to belong to Us and Our Successors. Therefore, and for the good of that Our ancient Kingdom, We, with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, prohibit and discharge the importation of all Brandywine into any Port, Haven or Creek of this Our said Kingdom, or the Isles belonging thereto, after the respective times following; That is to say, That no Merchant or other person whatsoever, by any Order, Instructions, Cockets, Bills of Loadning or otherways, give warrant to loaden any Ship that is to go beyond Seas from any Port or Place of this Kingdom, with Brandywine, after the publication hereof; and that immediately they send their Orders and Instructions to their Correspondents and Factors in all places, where they have Ships to be loadned upon their account, that no Brandywine be put aboard any of the said's Ships, after the eighth day of March next; With certification, if they failyie, the whole quantity of Brandywine that shall be imported, contrair to this Our prohibition, shall be confiscate to Our use, without any abatement or composition whatsoever. And Ordains these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh, Peer and Shoar of Lieth, and other places needful, that none pretend ignorance. Pet. Wedderburne, Cl. S ti Concilii. EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1668.