A PROCLAMATION Anent Seminary Priests, Jesuits and Trafficking Papists. WILLIAM By the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, To Our Lovits Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as, notwithstanding the many good and laudable Laws made against Seminary Priests, Jesuits, and Trafficking Papists, Adversaries to the true Religion professed within this Realm, And particularly the Acts following, viz. Par. 7. K. J. 6. Cap. 105. That no Subjects nor Strangers, Adversaries to the said true Religion, remain within this Realm, unless they obey the Low, anent giving their Confession of Faith. Act Ja. 6. Par. 11. Cap. 24. That any Seminary Priest, when found within this Realm, incur the Pain of Death, and Escheat of Movables; and that the Resetters and Supplyers of such by the space of three Days and three Nights, tyne their Liferents. Act Ja. 6. Par. 12. Cap. 120. That the Resetting of Jesuits, Seminary Priests, and Trafficking Papists, against the King and the present Religion, infer the Crime and Pain of Treason, both against the Persons Reset, and their Resetters. Act Ja. 6. Par. 16. Cap. 18. That all Jesuits, Seminary Priests, Excommunicate and Trafficking Papists, common Enemies to all Christian Government, be apprehended and committed by all Magistrates, until they be put out of the Kingdom, or punished conform to the Acts of Parliament; and that none Reset them, under the Pains therein-exprest. Act Charl. 2. Par. 1. Sess. 1. Cap. 8. That all Jesuits, Priests, and Trafficking Papists remove forth of the Kingdom, under the Pain of Death: And Act Charl. 2. Par. 3. Cap. 6. Requiring all Judges and Officers, to put the Laws against Popery and Papists, to full and vigorous Execution; Yet nevertheless, several Popish Priests, Jesuits and Trafficking Papists, presume to Resort within, and Infest this Kingdom: Therefore We, with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to Command, and hereby strictly Command and Charge all Sheriffs, Lords of Regality, Stewarts and Bailies, and all their Deputs, and all Magistrates of burgh's, Justices of Peace, and other Officers of the Law whatsoever, to cause Search for, Seek and Apprehend, within their respective Bounds, all Jesuits, Priests and Trafficking Papists, that shall be found within the same; and that they immediately cause Transport them, when apprehended, under sure Guard from Sheriff to Sheriff, as use is, to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, where the Magistrates of Edinburgh, and Keepers of the said Tolbooth, are to receive and detain them Prisoners, until they be Punished, or Banished conform to the said Act, as Our Privy Council shall appoint. And further, We with Advice foresaid, Command and Charge the said Sheriffs, Magistrates, and other Officers of the Law, to take up the Names of all Resetters of Priests, Jesuits, and Trafficking Papists within their Bounds, with their Designations, and the Names of such Witnesses as can give Evidence against them: As also, that they take up the Names and Designations of all Popish Pedagogues, Schoolmasters and Mistresses within their Bounds, and Transmit the same to the Clerk of Our Privy Council with all Diligence: Certifying the said Sheriffs, Magistrates, and other Officers of the Law, that if they failyie in the Premises, and to give a Return of their Diligence to the Clerk of Our Privy Council, betwixt and the first Day of June next to come, they shall be Summoned to appear, and severely punished according to their Demerit, OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and we Charge you straight and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and to the remanent Mercat Crosses of the several Head burgh's within this Kingdom; and there in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Publication hereof, that none pretend Ignorance. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed. Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh, the fourth Day of March, and of Our Reign the ninth Year, 1698. Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT. Cls. Sti. Concilii. GOD Save the KING. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, Anne DOM. 1698.