A POEM DEDICATED TO THE Lasting Honour of the Pious and Reverend Divine Mr. RICHARD BAXTER. RICHARD BAXTER HATH GOD MADE A GLORIOUS LIGHT TO GUIDE OUR STEPS IN THIS APOSTATE NIGHT WITH GRACE., WITH GIFTS, WITH COURAGE HATH GOD BLESSED HIM TO CONDUCT THE CHURCH TO CANAAN 's REST. REgardless Age! could England's purblind Sense Imagine that Eternal Providence Createth wonders still, as formerly He wrought for Israel's sake, we All should Spy An ANGEL Brandishing a Gospel-Word, Resolving (by That only Powerful Sword,) Deliverance to the Churches to aford. Brought out we have been from Egyptian Yoke Although not freed from fear of Amalek's Stroke Xerxes (that Eastern Terror) did not fright The Grecians, as the Tall' Zanzummims Sight Enlarged our fear, had not Almighty Power Raised up A JOSHUA in This needful Hour. How Many tedious Year have We abode And wearied Steps in pathless Desert trod, Trav'lling from Stage to Stage, and Round About Hemmed in between the Mounts of Fear and Doubt? Great hath Our longing Expectation been Of keeping Jubilees, not Wandering (in Distrust,) so long, in Wilderness of Sin; Murmuring although Our Waters have been sweet And Loathing Manna, as not fit to eat. Drawn up we have been into Numerous Forms, Endless Contentions, whilst approaching Storms (Armed with the face of Vengeance) raise our fears Gather round Our Tents, and hollow in our ears. Loud Echoing Sounds (alas!) do scarce Awake Our Charmed Minds, or prompts us (yet) to make Religion our great Work: we only Crowd In New Opinions, under which we shrowded Our Hearts; Remaining still as Vain: as Proud: Vnchar●●able: Whisperers of Lies Selfish, and Covetous; under This Disguise, Lord! What a mighty Pother hath been raised In Babylon? The Church hath stood Amazed! Greedy in Expectation of some Bright Holy, (most Humble) Soul-Reviving Light, To chase Away these Shades of Winter Night. THese many Years, we all have gone a Round O'er Hills and Dales, (Led by uncertain Sound;) Giddy with knowledge we have long been made Unstable, since the Pulpit grew a Trade; Into the Dith, (like Lost-Sheep) have we Strayed; Defiled filthily hath our Fleece been, Each Broad-Sleeve of Our (Starched) Profession, in Opprobrious pickle! yet we Buffet all (Unchristianlike,) who but Lament our Fall Revile (yea Persecute) and Nicknames call. Such are but Bashan's Rams-Horns Battering down The Church, (not Jericho, or Triple-Crown.) Each conscientious Shepherd passing by Points at Our Engine of Divinity! Sighs much to see Our great Apostasy. In This Degenerate Age Religion stands Neglected [like Old Monuments] with hands Though Listed Up, yet broke: with battered face Half gone: (An Object rather of Disgrace;) Just like King David ' Men, with Beards half-shorn Stands True-Religion, made a Public Scorn, Apostate Age! how are We swerved from Pure Christianity? Upbraid not Rome Or think That only, the Apostate See, Since Many Antichrists with Us there be; They (Spiritual) Babel founded deep in blood, And We, Those Ruins; plaster up with Mud. [〈◊〉 Notions: Schism: and a blind Mill-horse Track:] e'er since a Crape-Profession clothed our back. Narrow but Plain, i● Canaan's blessed Road In which the Primitive Christians safely trod; Great talks of New-Light spread; And since our hope Hung down its head, We yearly Burn the Pope; [That Flame Lights well to See, how much we Grope.] Whilst Crowding in a sad confused Rout (In which true Piety is justled Out.) The Lord of Hosts (his Kingdom to increase) Hath sent us His Ambassador of Peace. Grace into him is poured, to Instruct Rash Zeal, and mired Steps for to Conduct A right, in Paths of Truth, Peace, Amity, Compassion: (Christianlike Conformity.) Erecting A HOLY TEMPLE, 1 Kin. 6.7. [Wherein dwells Wisdom, with Pure Religion which excels In Meekness] Paved with Love: [A shame to Those That Hammer forth, with loud (Canonical) Blows Hideous Shapes, which Harden (but not Mollify) Gazers on Their (Gorgonlike) Divinity!] Embroidered all Throughout with Saving Grace Flourishing the Banner of Triumphant Peace This Famous WORTHY stands, whose Gifts and Parts, (Shining in Lowliness,) steals all our Hearts. Wisdom, Experience, Conduct, Courage too Is found in Him, to Led us safely through This Howling Desert, where the Wolvish sound Hurries the Flock, and their soft ear doth wound; Confirming Faith and Patience; strengthening Love Opposing Errors, and Debates, which move Unruly Passions, and engender Strife, Rending Divisions, whilst Religious Life Abateth, and it's hidden (Vital part) Gives up the Ghost, as Stabbed at the Heart. England's Commissioner for Peace, is He Heavens Blessed Harbinger: Ordained to be A Sanctuary to the Church of God, That hath been Scourged with Plague, and Flaming Rod▪ Hath been Benighted, and in Wilderness, groveling a long time (as all must confess:) O'ercast with Egypt's Darkness, and in Wiles Devised by Satan (who mankind beguiles) Beleaguered Round; In such a Lab'rynth, where Leviathan's hoarse Sounds, Awake our fear. Eternal GOD! When Thy Church was Dejected Singled out for Slaughter, Thou didst then Protect it: Sending us such a Light as few expected; Dear God: Thy Praise shall never be neglected. HArk! (hark again) methinks we hear the sweet Inamouring Sound of His so glorious Feet, (Moving o'er Mountains) who Glad Tidings brings To Every Sinner, from the King of Kings. Of Universal Grace for All Mankind: (Conveyed To All, who are Resolved in mind;) Obliging to some Law, the Heathen World [Nigh lost, through wilful Unbelief, and hurled Down headlong into such a dismal Vale Un'wares) where Darkness did so much prevail, (Confusion also) [till This Glorious Light Thrust forth Its Conquering Rays, and scattered Night.] The Militant Church is Happy in This Guide Her footsteps to Direct that none may slide Establishing Her Knowledge: and Her Love; (Consormity so like to GOD above.) His Vital Substance few aright Descry Unseen It must be, [when Our Dazzled Eye Repels That Sunshine of Divinity! Comfort ourselves we do (for all) to think His Beams make Day, though Glittering through the Chink. 'Tis very strange that in a Crazed Shell Of bone and skin, such Sanctity doth dwell! Crowning Religion with such Conversation As makes Him a Great Blessing to Our Nation (Not'thstanding many Proud men's Emulation. All after Ages shall, of Him, Relate And Praises to JEHOVAH Consecrate, Nation shall unto Nation, This Great Act Sound forth, in hearts of Harmony, Compact; Recording evermore THY worthy Fame Eternising the Glory of the same; Saints All, with Angels also, shall Proclaim THY GREAT SALVATION! when we BAXTER name. 21. Dec. 1680 FINIS.