outline of tombstone including emblems of Death which surrounds text An ELEGY On the DEATH of that Eminent Minister of the Gospel, Mr. GEORGE COKAYN, Who exchanged this Mortal for an Immortal Life, the 21st of November, 1691. WHAT still more breaches! is Cokayn dead? Who was so desirous the Gospel should be spread. Who made it his constant study to promote, That he might gain Souls that were remote. And to build up those that were already called, That he might finish his Ministerial Work to all, Whose heart was still engaged in Pastoral Care. That he still the Flock of Christ might feed here, In which the Lord had made him Overseer: Studying with great pain upon his Bed with care, That he might still be brought on Sabbath in his Chair. Praying to God that he might still hold out, Till he had by his Providence found out One that Jehovah hath promised to send in need, His People with knowledge and understanding feed, The Lord was pleased to grant him his desire, That all his Church in one mind was entire In fixing their eye whom Providence found out in all, They fixed on Nesbit, and give him a Gospel-call, Which hath proved himself a Gospel-preacher to all. A Workman that needs not be ashamed to none, Preaching forth Free Grace in Christ to all that come. Following him who was his Patron, but now is high Above the reach of all his Enemy. Whereby his Soul doth reap the fruit of all, While we are still labouring in Sins Thrall In bondage where Satan would destroy us all. The very Elect if possibly he might But Christ have prayed that he might give them sight. Whereby he hath rescued them out of Satan's Gin, Wherein they were caught by Adam's Sin. But by Free Grace they were reprieved, And by the Imputed Righteousness of Christ relieved, And by that like precious Faith was found, Which was by our dear Pastor sound, That through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ, Grace and Peace should be multiplied to the highest. To all those that were looking high For the light of his Countenance to keep them by. And that it is a contrary strain in those Who are crying for any worldly good to oppose. Cokayn he would divide the Word aright, Preaching the Gospel with all his might. And that Christ would come as a Thief in Night To those that are found his Enemies in despite, They would be found naked, and their shame appear, When Conscience will be awakened with greater fear. Still he was harping on that strain, That Sinners might be brought to God by Christ again. He was always mindful of the Churches poor, And not unmindful to others in Distresses more. Constantly he was mindful of Church-Order, there According to what the Scriptures made appear, And not to keep that in his own Power alone, Which does belong to more than one. Which does rely in the whole Church, that those Which are Enemies to Gospel-Order might be opposed. And that all might agree, as Members not dead, Of that Mystical Body, whom Christ is the only Head. It is to be lamented in Elegy this day; That there be so many of those that hast away. The Lord grant those that stay behind, Do mind their Duty, as in the Word they find. Power in Heaven and Earth was given to Christ alone, That all the Father had given to him, might be brought home. We are but Strangers and Pilgrims here. Where no continuing City does appear; But we must seek for one that is to come;— And that it might be our constant care To walk amongst the Tombs while we are here; That Death might not be a surprise to none, That we might be hastening to our home. Endeavouring to mortify the deeds of the Body while here, That Sin which is the sting of Death might not appear; That by free Grace in Christ alone, I tell: By faith you may walk through the Valy Of the shadow of Death, and fear no ill. When this Mortal shall put on Immortality, We shall be blest to all Eternity; And enjoy that Region which is above, Where blessed Souls are still in love; Where there is no Strife, nor Envy found at all, But all with one accord ever agree shall, Singing the praises of God with hallelujah.— But you that stay behind in this lower Region still; Be not dejected, it is our heavenly Father's will: Who knows best what his Churches need, Who hath, and will send Pastors them to feed. According to his promise abideth faithful still, Tho our poor staggering Faith is apt to reel. He is the same yesterday, to day, for ever; To frustrate all those that do endeavour To oppose his Church which shall abide with him for ever. This Eminent Minister will be Interred on Friday the 27th of this Instant November, 1691. from Stocking-Weavers-Hall in Red-Cross-Street. LONDON: Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin near the Oxford-Arms-Inn, Warwick-Lane. 1691.