MEMENTO MORI depictions of skeleton, hourglass, and other emblems of Death AN ELEGY ON That Great Example of Heroic Valour The Right Honourable, Edward Earl of Sandwich. SHall Mercenary Pens Prostitute Verse, To Gild with Flatteries each Trivial Hearse? And strive in vain t' Imbalme some Silken Sot, Whose Name deserves, soon as his Corpse to Rot: Shall useless men, whom Age, or Surfeits Slay, Or just deserved Diseases sweep away, Have Gaudy Tombs, and Epitaphs, that rise In strange Impert'nent Plaudit's to the skies, And Noble SANDWICH thus submit to Fate Without a Muse, his FAME to Celebrate; Condoling in such Passionate Strains, till we In our own Tears, be drowned as well as HERALD He that in Honour's Field, his Country's Cause Did more, than Fancy can reach when it draws The Acts of Hero's, and will henceforth shame The brightest Glories of the Roman Name: Who stood the Shock of all the Mogan Fleet, And almost Single durst their numbers meet: 'Gainst whom he long maintained a doubtful fight, Dispatching Hundreds to Eternal Night; (Whose base Lives yet no Recompense afford, Their blood's so thick it Blots a Noble Sword;) Some Sunk to Rights, not able to abide The fierce salutes He gave them each Broadside: Others stood off, their Hulks and Tackle tore, And Decks o'erflowed with Brandy & with Gore. But Fate, that sometimes makes Virtue its slave, And takes delight for to oppress the Brave, Seeming at length with the Foe to Conspire, Spite of Resistance, set his Ship on Fire: Though he with Noble Resolution chose Either to bring her Off, or his Life lose: When thick as Atoms Cannon Bullets flew And all his men were killed, or else withdrew: When stoutest rocks, that Tempests did outbrave Trembled for fear, and ducked under a Wave: When certain ruin on all sides drew near, And Death in several Vizards did appear; The cruel Elements seeming at strife, Which of them first should rob him of his Life: Had you but seen how Vnconcerned he stood, Flames over's Head, his Feet dabbling in Blood; In what a fearless and composed Estate He braved the approach of the severest Fate; And did at last from Death to Death Retire Courting the Water, to avoid the Fire; You would confess, such Courage ne'er can be Enough bewailed in griefs Hydrography. And would you, Cruel Seas! destroy Him there Whom raging Fire, & Canonshot did spare? By this Black deed henceforward you'll become More odious for, than Mare Mortuum. Kind Dolphines' should methinks in Shoals appea● And on their Backs him above Water bear; Or some new Island in his Rescue peep, Rather than he should Perish in the Deep: Could not the Winds to Countermand his death with their whole Card of lungs, redeem his breath No! 'tis decreed, his Soul must leave her Clay, And took at parting a contrary way I'th' Flames, Elias-like, that up ascends, And to it every blessed Centre tends: Whilst Sea-nymphs ne'er Enamoured so before Dote on the Corpse, and waste it to the Shore: Knowing it ought, a Nobler Tomb to have, Than the Imposthumed Bubble of a Wave. FINIS. MEMENTO MORI depictions of skeleton, hourglass, and other emblems of Death London, Printed for Philip Brooksby.