Cupid's Trappan: Or, Up the green Forest. The Scorner Scorned, or Willow turned into Cornation. Described in the ranting resolution of a forsaken Maid. To a pleasant new Northern Tune, Now all in fashion. ONce did I love an a bonny bonny Bird, thinking that he had been my own; But he loved another far better than I, & he has taken his flight, & he's flown, brave boys and he has taken his flight and he's flown. Up the green Forest, & down the green Forest, like one much distressed in mind, I hooped and I hooped, and I fling up my Hood, but my bonny Bird I could not find, brave boys but my bonny Bird, etc. But she that hath gotten my bonny bonny Bird; would the Devil had had her for me, It was not a Crown, nor a Noble so round, that should have bought my bonny Bird from me, brave boys. that should have, etc. He set me upon his dissembling knee and looked me all in the face, He gave unto me and a Judas Kiss, but his heart was in another place, brave boys, but his heart was, etc. She that hath gotten my bonny bonny Bird, let her make as much of't as she can; For whether I have him, or I have him not, I will quaff with him now and than, brave boys I will quaff, etc. He told me he loved me far better than all the richest Temptations i'th' world, Then Treasure or Money, he called me his Honey; but now from his heart I am hurled, brave boys but now, etc. He could not endure to be out of my sight, he loved me like Silver or Gold; His blood was on fire with the flames of desire, but I find his hot love was soon cold, brave boys but I find, etc. His tongue was so tipped with Temptations that I could have suffered him (without control) To have done what he would & have humoured his blood, had the venture been body and soul, brave boys had the venture been, etc. And now he requites me with scorn and disdain, some other hath got him from me; But let her take heed, at the last how she speed, lest a third do prove better than she brave boys lest a third, etc. One Man for one Maid, the Creator hath made, he that hath more, hath more than his due; Sure two is to many, he'll never love any, for twenty Maids will be too few, brave boys. for twenty, etc. Those Virgins that take him, I think are stark mad, for he that proves false unto one That loved him like life will be false to his wife I have cause to be glad that he's gone, brave boys. I have cause, The Witchcraft of love, is enough to undo the hearts of poor credulous Creatures, My freedom to me, is far sweeter than he; for Freedom is softer than Fetters, brave boys. for Freedom is, etc. If he had continued he might'a had all, his Carriage and Wit was so brave; Although he had like to have given me a fall, yet the jewel of jewels I have, brave boys. yet the Jewel of, etc. Which still I will keep from such Gamesters as he, by such I will ne'er be betrayed; My Portion shall be, my Virginity, 'tis Dowry enough for a Maid, brave boys. 'tis Dowry, etc. I'll Swagger and Rant, & I'll ne'er think upon't, but bring Willow Garlands in fashion; Although for my part, my own merry heart shall turn Willow into Cornation, brave boys shall turn, etc. I vow to be jolly, brisk, bonny and free, and march under Chastities Banners; I'll sing, and I'll dance, and my spirits advance in spite of all Cupids Trappanners, brave boys in spite of, etc. When he comes disfigured, & crippled from War I'll jéere him, and laugh him to scorn; His wife too will scoff, when he comes lamely off and give him a Nightcap of Horn, brave boys. and give him, etc. All you that are Virgins, and live at your wills be wise and take warning by me; Near venture your hearts, to a tongue and good parts if the man have no fidelity, brave boys if the man, etc. It is better to live in a Virgin's degree, then marry a false hearted Mate; Their cunning shall ne'er, take me in their snare the Devil shall catch them for Kate. brave boys the Devil shall catch them for Kate. FINIS. London, Printed by E Crouch, for F. Goles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. With Allowance.